private void removeDuplicateCommands(MinecraftServer server) { if (server.getCommandManager() instanceof CommandHandler) { try { Set<String> commandNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> toRemoveNames = new HashSet<String>(); CommandHandler cmdMng = (CommandHandler) server.getCommandManager(); for (Object cmdObj : cmdMng.commandSet) { ICommand cmd = (ICommand) cmdObj; if (!commandNames.add(cmd.getCommandName())) { OutputHandler.debug("Duplicate command found! Name:" + cmd.getCommandName()); toRemoveNames.add(cmd.getCommandName()); } } Set toRemove = new HashSet(); for (Object cmdObj : cmdMng.commandSet) { ICommand cmd = (ICommand) cmdObj; if (toRemoveNames.contains(cmd.getCommandName())) { Class<?> cmdClass = cmd.getClass(); if (!cmdClass.getPackage().getName().contains("ForgeEssentials")) { OutputHandler.debug( "Removing command '" + cmd.getCommandName() + "' from class: " + cmdClass.getName()); toRemove.add(cmd.getCommandName()); } } } cmdMng.commandSet.removeAll(toRemove); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** @return 1 if successfully executed, 0 if wrong usage, it doesn't exist or it was canceled. */ @Override public int executeCommand(ICommandSender sender, String message) { message = message.trim(); if (message.startsWith("/")) { message = message.substring(1); } String[] temp = message.split(" "); String[] args = new String[temp.length - 1]; String commandName = temp[0]; System.arraycopy(temp, 1, args, 0, args.length); ICommand icommand = (ICommand) getCommands().get(commandName); try { if (icommand == null) { return 0; } if (icommand.canCommandSenderUseCommand(sender)) { CommandEvent event = new CommandEvent(icommand, sender, args); if ( { if (event.exception != null) { throw event.exception; } return 0; } icommand.processCommand(sender, args); return 1; } else { sender.func_145747_a(format(RED, "commands.generic.permission")); } } catch (WrongUsageException wue) { sender.func_145747_a( format( RED, "commands.generic.usage", format(RED, wue.getMessage(), wue.getErrorOjbects()))); } catch (CommandException ce) { sender.func_145747_a(format(RED, ce.getMessage(), ce.getErrorOjbects())); } catch (Throwable t) { sender.func_145747_a(format(RED, "commands.generic.exception")); t.printStackTrace(); } return 0; }
@Override public List getPossibleCommands(ICommandSender sender) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = super.getCommands().keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object next =; if (true) { ICommand icommand = (ICommand) super.getCommands().get(next); if (FML.isModLoaded("fihgu's Permission Mod") && sender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { Player player = new Player(sender.getCommandSenderName()); fihgu.permission.element.PermissionOwner owner = new fihgu.permission.element.PermissionOwner(player); if (owner.canUse(new TryCommandEvent(sender, icommand.getCommandName()))) if (!arraylist.contains(icommand)) arraylist.add(icommand); } else if (icommand.canCommandSenderUseCommand(sender)) { arraylist.add(icommand); } } } return arraylist; }
@Override public int executeCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String par2Str) { par2Str = par2Str.trim(); if (par2Str.startsWith("/")) { par2Str = par2Str.substring(1); } String[] astring = par2Str.split(" "); String s1 = astring[0]; // astring = dropFirstString(astring); String[] var1 = new String[astring.length - 1]; for (int var2 = 1; var2 < astring.length; ++var2) { var1[var2 - 1] = astring[var2]; } astring = var1; ///////////////////////////////////// ICommand icommand = (ICommand) super.getCommands().get(s1); // int i = this.getUsernameIndex(icommand, astring); int i; if (icommand == null) { i = -1; } else { for (int temp = 0; temp < astring.length; ++temp) { if (icommand.isUsernameIndex(astring, temp) && PlayerSelector.matchesMultiplePlayers(astring[temp])) { i = temp; } } i = -1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// int j = 0; try { if (icommand == null) { throw new CommandNotFoundException(); } if (! TryCommandEvent(par1ICommandSender, par2Str)) && (icommand.canCommandSenderUseCommand(par1ICommandSender) || FML.isModLoaded("fihgu's Permission Mod"))) { CommandEvent event = new CommandEvent(icommand, par1ICommandSender, astring); if ( { if (event.exception != null) { throw event.exception; } return 1; } if (i > -1) { EntityPlayerMP[] aentityplayermp = PlayerSelector.matchPlayers(par1ICommandSender, astring[i]); String s2 = astring[i]; EntityPlayerMP[] aentityplayermp1 = aentityplayermp; int k = aentityplayermp.length; for (int l = 0; l < k; ++l) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = aentityplayermp1[l]; astring[i] = entityplayermp.getEntityName(); try { icommand.processCommand(par1ICommandSender, astring); ++j; } catch (CommandException commandexception) { par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer( EnumChatFormatting.RED + par1ICommandSender.translateString( commandexception.getMessage(), commandexception.getErrorOjbects())); } } astring[i] = s2; } else { icommand.processCommand(par1ICommandSender, astring); ++j; } } else { if (!FML.isModLoaded("fihgu's Permission Mod")) par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer( "" + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "You do not have permission to use this command."); } } catch (WrongUsageException wrongusageexception) { par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer( EnumChatFormatting.RED + par1ICommandSender.translateString( "commands.generic.usage", new Object[] { par1ICommandSender.translateString( wrongusageexception.getMessage(), wrongusageexception.getErrorOjbects()) })); } catch (CommandException commandexception1) { par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer( EnumChatFormatting.RED + par1ICommandSender.translateString( commandexception1.getMessage(), commandexception1.getErrorOjbects())); } catch (Throwable throwable) { par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer( EnumChatFormatting.RED + par1ICommandSender.translateString("commands.generic.exception", new Object[0])); throwable.printStackTrace(); } return j; }