public static ItemStack getForestryItem(String name, int quantity) { try { ItemStack item = forestry.api.core.ItemInterface.getItem(name); if (item != null) { item.stackSize = quantity; return item; } } catch (Exception e) { } MuseLogger.logError("Failed to get Forestry item " + name); return null; }
public static ItemStack getThermexItem(String name, int quantity) { try { ItemStack item = thermalexpansion.api.item.ItemRegistry.getItem(name, quantity); if (item != null) { return item; } } catch (Exception e) { } // thermalexpansion.api.item.ItemRegistry.printItemNames(); MuseLogger.logError("Failed to get Thermal Expansion item " + name); return null; }
private void addShapedRecipe(ItemStack result, boolean mirror, String[] layout, String[] inputs) { Object[] recipe = new Object[1 + layout.length + inputs.length * 2]; recipe[0] = new Boolean(mirror); int i = 1; for (String line : layout) { recipe[i] = line; i++; } for (String line : inputs) { String[] p = line.split("="); if (p.length > 2) { MuseLogger.logError("Too many = signs at line " + line); } if (p[0].length() > 1) { MuseLogger.logError("More than one charspec at line " + line); } recipe[i] = p[0].charAt(0); recipe[i + 1] = parseItem(p[1]); i += 2; } GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(result, recipe)); }
public static ItemStack getMFFSItem(String name, int quantity) { try { Object obj = Class.forName("mods.mffs.common.ModularForceFieldSystem") .getField("MFFSitemFieldTeleporter") .get(null); ItemStack stack = new ItemStack((Item) obj, quantity); return stack; } catch (Exception e) { } MuseLogger.logError("Failed to get MFFS item " + name); return null; }
public static ItemStack getIC2Item(String name) { try { if (Ic2Items == null) Ic2Items = Class.forName("ic2.core.Ic2Items"); Object ret = Ic2Items.getField(name).get(null); if (ret instanceof ItemStack) { return ((ItemStack) ret).copy(); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { MuseLogger.logError("IC2 API: Call getItem failed for " + name); return null; } }
private Object parseItem(String itemIdentifier) { String[] p = itemIdentifier.split("\\."); String determinant = p[0].trim().toLowerCase(); if (p.length < 2) { MuseLogger.logError( "Insufficiently defined item: " + itemIdentifier + " ; syntax is or"); return null; } String identifier = p[1]; int meta = p.length > 2 ? parseInt(p[2]) : 0; if (meta == -1) { MuseLogger.logError("Invalid meta spec. Use decimal digits only please!"); return null; } if (determinant.equals("blockid")) { int blockID = parseInt(identifier); if (blockID < 0 || blockID > 4096) { MuseLogger.logError("Invalid block ID. Please use a decimal number between 0 and 4096."); return null; } Block block = Block.blocksList[blockID]; if (block == null) { MuseLogger.logError("Nothing registered at item ID " + blockID); return null; } return new ItemStack(block, meta, 1); } else if (determinant.equals("itemid")) { int itemID = parseInt(identifier); if (itemID < 0 || itemID > 32768) { MuseLogger.logError("Invalid item ID. Please use a decimal number between 0 and 32768."); return null; } Item item = Item.itemsList[itemID]; if (item == null) { MuseLogger.logError("Nothing registered at item ID " + itemID); return null; } return new ItemStack(item, meta, 1); } else if (determinant.equals("oredict")) { return identifier; } else if (determinant.equals("teitem")) { } else if (determinant.equals("blocksearch")) { // return doBlockSearch(identifier); } else if (determinant.equals("itemsearch")) { // return doItemSearch(identifier); } return null; }
public static void addRecipes() { // Recipe ItemStack iron = new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron); ItemStack circuit = ItemComponent.wiring; ItemStack goldNugget = new ItemStack(Item.goldNugget); ItemStack ingotGold = new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold); ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(; ItemStack wool = new ItemStack(Block.cloth); ItemStack string = new ItemStack(; ItemStack paper = new ItemStack(Item.paper); ItemStack glass = new ItemStack(; ItemStack glassPane = new ItemStack(Block.thinGlass); ItemStack glowstone = new ItemStack(Item.lightStoneDust); ItemStack emerald = new ItemStack(Item.emerald); ItemStack diamond = new ItemStack(Item.diamond); ItemStack lapis = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 4); ItemStack rosered = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 1); ItemStack cactusgreen = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 2); ItemStack enderPearl = new ItemStack(Item.enderPearl); ItemStack stone = new ItemStack(Block.stone); if (ModCompatability.vanillaRecipesEnabled()) { GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.basicPlating, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', iron); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.advancedPlating, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'I', diamond); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.controlCircuit, true, "WCI", "RGC", "IRW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'C', cactusgreen, 'I', ingotGold, 'G', glowstone, 'R', redstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe(copyAndResize(iron, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(diamond, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.advancedPlating)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.laserHologram, "YTG", "TWT", "BTR", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'T', glass, 'Y', glowstone, 'G', cactusgreen, 'B', lapis, 'R', rosered); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.tinkerTable), "ILI", "LEL", "ILI", 'I', iron, 'L', lapis, 'E', emerald); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorHead), "III", "C C", 'I', iron, 'C', circuit); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorTorso), "I I", "CIC", "III", 'I', iron, 'C', circuit); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorLegs), "III", "C C", "I I", 'I', iron, 'C', circuit); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorFeet), "C C", "I I", 'I', iron, 'C', circuit); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerTool), " C ", "CI ", " IC", 'I', iron, 'C', circuit); GameRegistry.addRecipe( copyAndResize(ItemComponent.wiring, 8), "GRG", 'G', goldNugget, 'R', redstone); GameRegistry.addRecipe(ItemComponent.parachute, "WWW", "S S", 'W', wool, 'S', string); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, "WPI", "W W", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', iron, 'P', new ItemStack(Item.paper), 'L', lapis); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.mvcapacitor, "GPL", "W W", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'G', goldNugget, 'P', new ItemStack(Item.paper), 'L', lapis)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, "EPG", "W W", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'E', enderPearl, 'P', glass, 'G', glowstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.solenoid, "WIW", "WIW", "WIW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', iron); GameRegistry.addRecipe(ItemComponent.gliderWing, " II", "II ", "I ", 'I', iron); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.servoMotor, " W ", "EIE", 'I', iron, 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, true, "SES", "ESE", "SES", 'S', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'E', enderPearl)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( ItemComponent.ionThruster, " FE", "IG ", "IFE", 'I', iron, 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'G', glowstone, 'F', ItemComponent.fieldEmitter); } if (ModCompatability.UERecipesEnabled() && ModCompatability.isBasicComponentsLoaded()) { String basicCircuit = "basicCircuit"; String advancedCircuit = "advancedCircuit"; String eliteCircuit = "eliteCircuit"; ItemStack lapisBlock = new ItemStack(Block.blockLapis); try { ItemStack steelIngot = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotSteel").get(0); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(steelIngot, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); } catch (Exception e) { MuseLogger.logError("Unable to load steel plate"); } GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.controlCircuit, true, "WC ", "RGC", " RW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'C', basicCircuit, 'G', glowstone, 'R', redstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.laserHologram, true, "YTG", "TWT", "BTR", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'T', glass, 'Y', glowstone, 'G', cactusgreen, 'B', lapis, 'R', rosered)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.basicPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', "ingotSteel")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.advancedPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', "basicCircuit", 'I', diamond)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(diamond, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.advancedPlating)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.tinkerTable), true, "ILI", "LEL", "ILI", 'I', "plateSteel", 'L', lapisBlock, 'E', emerald)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorHead), true, "III", "C C", 'I', "plateSteel", 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorTorso), true, "I I", "CIC", "III", 'I', "plateSteel", 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorLegs), true, "III", "C C", "I I", 'I', "plateSteel", 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorFeet), true, "C C", "I I", 'I', "plateSteel", 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerTool), true, " C ", "CI ", " IC", 'I', "plateSteel", 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(ItemComponent.wiring, 4), true, "GWG", 'G', goldNugget, 'W', "copperWire")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe(ItemComponent.parachute, true, "WWW", "S S", 'W', wool, 'S', string)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'B', "battery")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.mvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'B', "advancedBattery")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'B', "eliteBattery")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.solenoid, true, "WIW", "WIW", "WIW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', iron)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.gliderWing, true, " SI", "SI ", "S ", 'I', iron, 'S', "plateSteel")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.servoMotor, true, " C ", "EIE", 'I', iron, 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'C', "basicCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, true, "SES", "ECE", "SES", 'S', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'E', enderPearl, 'C', "advancedCircuit")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.ionThruster, true, " FE", "CG ", "IFE", 'I', "plateSteel", 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'G', glowstone, 'C', "advancedCircuit", 'F', ItemComponent.fieldEmitter)); } if (ModCompatability.IC2RecipesEnabled() && ModCompatability.isIndustrialCraftLoaded()) { circuit = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("electronicCircuit"); ItemStack advCircuit = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("advancedCircuit"); goldNugget = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("goldCableItem"); String refIron = "ingotRefinedIron"; String tin = "ingotTin"; String copper = "ingotCopper"; ItemStack reBattery = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("reBattery"); ItemStack fullBattery = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("chargedReBattery"); ItemStack energyCrystal = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("energyCrystal"); ItemStack lapotronCrystal = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("lapotronCrystal"); ItemStack iridiumOre = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("iridiumOre"); ItemStack carbonPlate = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("carbonPlate"); ItemStack machine = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("machine"); ItemStack advMachine = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("advancedMachine"); ItemStack gen = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("generator"); try { ItemStack refinedIron = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotRefinedIron").get(0); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(refinedIron, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); } catch (Exception e) { MuseLogger.logError("Unable to load Refined Iron"); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(iron, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); } GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.controlCircuit, true, "WC ", "RGC", " RW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'C', circuit, 'G', glowstone, 'R', redstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(diamond, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.advancedPlating)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.laserHologram, true, "YTG", "TWT", "BTR", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'T', glass, 'Y', glowstone, 'G', cactusgreen, 'B', lapis, 'R', rosered)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.basicPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', circuit, 'I', "ingotRefinedIron")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.advancedPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', advCircuit, 'I', diamond)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.tinkerTable), true, "E", "C", "M", 'E', emerald, 'C', circuit.copy(), 'M', machine)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorHead), true, "III", "C C", 'I', refIron, 'C', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorTorso), true, "I I", "CIC", "III", 'I', refIron, 'C', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorLegs), true, "III", "C C", "I I", 'I', refIron, 'C', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorFeet), true, "C C", "I I", 'I', refIron, 'C', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerTool), true, " C ", "CI ", " IC", 'I', refIron, 'C', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(ItemComponent.wiring, 2), true, "GRG", 'G', goldNugget.copy(), 'R', redstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe(ItemComponent.parachute, true, "WWW", "S S", 'W', wool, 'S', string)); Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring.copy(), 'B', reBattery); Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring.copy(), 'B', fullBattery); Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.mvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring.copy(), 'B', energyCrystal); Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, "WBW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring.copy(), 'B', lapotronCrystal); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.solenoid, true, " W ", "WIW", " W ", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', machine)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.gliderWing, true, " CC", "CCI", "C ", 'C', carbonPlate.copy(), 'I', ItemComponent.solenoid)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.servoMotor, true, " W ", "EME", 'M', machine.copy(), 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'W', circuit.copy())); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, true, "SES", "ECE", "SES", 'S', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'E', enderPearl, 'C', advCircuit)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.ionThruster, true, " FE", "MG ", "CFE", 'I', iron, 'E', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'F', ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, 'G', glowstone, 'C', advCircuit.copy(), 'M', advMachine.copy())); } if (ModCompatability.GregTechRecipesEnabled() && ModCompatability.isIndustrialCraftLoaded() && ModCompatability.isGregTechLoaded()) { // This means Gregtech is installed, and GregoriusT in his infinite // wisdom has registered literally everything in the universe with // the ore dictionary, so we can just use strings here :D ...once we // decide what to put. String computerMonitor = "craftingMonitorTier02"; String basicCircuit = "basicCircuit"; String advancedCircuit = "advancedCircuit"; String dataStorageCircuit = "craftingCircuitTier05"; String energyFlowCircuit = "craftingCircuitTier07"; String machineParts = "craftingMachineParts"; String advancedMachine = "craftingRawMachineTier02"; String nitrogen = "molecule_1n"; String refinedIron = "ingotRefinedIron"; ItemStack neutronReflector = ModCompatability.getGregtechItem(40, 1, 0); String advancedHeatVent = "item.reactorVentDiamond"; ItemStack carbonPlate = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("carbonPlate"); ItemStack uninsulatedCopper = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("copperCableItem"); ItemStack luminator = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("luminator"); ItemStack reinforcedGlass = ModCompatability.getIC2Item("reinforcedGlass"); try { ItemStack titanium = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotSteel").get(0); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(titanium, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); } catch (Exception e) { MuseLogger.logError("Unable to load ingotSteel"); } try { ItemStack iridium = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotTitanium").get(0); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(iridium, 5), true, "P", 'P', ItemComponent.advancedPlating)); } catch (Exception e) { MuseLogger.logError("Unable to load ingotTitanium"); } GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.controlCircuit, true, "WCI", "RGC", "IRW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'C', "advancedCircuit", 'G', energyFlowCircuit, 'R', dataStorageCircuit, 'I', "ingotElectrum")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.laserHologram, true, "LLL", "RGB", "LLL", 'L', luminator, 'R', "gemRuby", 'G', "gemGreenSapphire", 'B', "gemSapphire")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.basicPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', basicCircuit, 'I', "ingotSteel")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.advancedPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', "circuitTier04", 'I', "ingotTitanium")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.tinkerTable), true, "CVC", "IEI", "IMI", 'C', advancedCircuit, 'E', emerald, 'V', computerMonitor, 'I', refinedIron, 'M', advancedMachine)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorHead), true, "ACA", "MVM", 'A', "ingotAluminium", 'C', dataStorageCircuit, 'M', machineParts, 'V', computerMonitor)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorTorso), true, "AMA", "ACA", "AAA", 'A', "ingotAluminium", 'C', dataStorageCircuit, 'M', machineParts)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorLegs), true, "MCM", "A A", "A A", 'A', "ingotAluminium", 'C', dataStorageCircuit, 'M', machineParts)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorFeet), true, "M M", "ACA", 'A', "ingotAluminium", 'C', dataStorageCircuit, 'M', machineParts)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerTool), true, "A A", "AMA", " C ", 'A', "ingotAluminium", 'C', dataStorageCircuit, 'M', machineParts)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(ItemComponent.wiring, 2), true, "CCC", "SSS", "CCC", 'C', uninsulatedCopper, 'S', "ingotSilver")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.parachute, true, "WWW", "S S", "CNC", 'W', wool, 'S', string, 'C', carbonPlate, 'N', nitrogen)); Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, "IWI", "IBI", "IBI", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', "ingotSteel", 'B', "crafting100kEUStore"); // Lithium battery Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.mvcapacitor, "IWI", "IBI", "IBI", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', "ingotTitanium", 'B', "crafting1kkEUStore"); // Lapotron crystal Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe( ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, "IWI", "IBI", "IBI", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'I', "ingotChrome", 'B', "crafting10kkEUStore"); // Lapotronic EnergyOrb GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.solenoid, true, "WSW", "WSW", "WSW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'S', "ingotSteel")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.gliderWing, true, " MC", "MPI", "M ", 'P', carbonPlate, 'M', "plateMagnalium", 'I', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'C', advancedCircuit)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.servoMotor, true, "IBI", "CSC", "IBI", 'I', "ingotSteel", 'B', "ingotBrass", 'C', advancedCircuit, 'S', ItemComponent.solenoid)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, true, "ISI", "CUC", "ISI", 'I', "ingotTungstenSteel", 'S', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'U', energyFlowCircuit, 'C', "craftingSuperconductor")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.ionThruster, true, "ISI", "FCF", "N N", 'I', "plateAlloyIridium", 'S', "craftingSuperconductor", 'N', neutronReflector, 'C', ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, 'F', ItemComponent.fieldEmitter)); } if (ModCompatability.ThermalExpansionRecipesEnabled() && ModCompatability.isThermalExpansionLoaded()) { ItemStack pneumaticServo = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("pneumaticServo", 1); ItemStack machineFrame = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("machineFrame", 1); ItemStack powerCoilGold = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("powerCoilGold", 1); ItemStack powerCoilSilver = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("powerCoilSilver", 1); ItemStack powerCoilElectrum = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("powerCoilElectrum", 1); ItemStack gearCopper = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("gearCopper", 1); ItemStack gearTin = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("gearTin", 1); ItemStack gearInvar = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("gearInvar", 1); ItemStack compressedSawdust = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("hardenedGlass", 1); ItemStack energyFrameFull = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("energyCellFrameFull", 1); ItemStack conduitEnergy = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("energyConduitEmpty", 1); ItemStack teleportFrameFull = ModCompatability.getThermexItem("tesseractFrameFull", 1); // IC2ItemTest hardenedGlass = // ModCompatability.getThermexItem("blockGlass", 1); // Unmake the armor platings // try { // IC2ItemTest titanium = // OreDictionary.getOres("ingotTitanium").get(0); // GameRegistry.addRecipe(new // ShapedOreRecipe(copyAndResize(titanium, 5), true, // "P", 'P', ItemComponent.basicPlating)); // } catch (Exception e) { // MuseLogger.logError("Unable to load Titanium"); // } GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.controlCircuit, true, "EGW", "RWG", "WRE", 'E', "ingotElectrum", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'G', glowstone, 'R', redstone)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.laserHologram, true, "RGB", " H ", "WLW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'L', powerCoilGold, 'H', glass, 'R', rosered, 'G', cactusgreen, 'B', lapis)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.basicPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', gearTin, 'I', iron)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.advancedPlating, true, "II", "CI", "II", 'C', gearInvar, 'I', diamond)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.tinkerTable), true, " E ", "IMI", " R ", 'R', powerCoilSilver, 'M', machineFrame, 'E', emerald, 'I', "ingotElectrum")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorHead), true, "III", "W W", 'I', iron, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorTorso), true, "I I", "WIW", "III", 'I', iron, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorLegs), true, "III", "W W", "I I", 'I', iron, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerArmorFeet), true, "W W", "I I", 'I', iron, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( new ItemStack(ModularPowersuits.powerTool), true, " I ", "IEI", " W ", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'E', "ingotElectrum", 'I', iron)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( copyAndResize(ItemComponent.wiring, 8), true, "CCC", "SSS", "CCC", 'C', "ingotCopper", 'S', "ingotSilver")); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.parachute, true, "WWW", "S S", " O ", 'W', wool, 'S', string, 'O', pneumaticServo)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.lvcapacitor, false, "CPT", "W W", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'C', "ingotSilver", 'T', "ingotGold", 'P', new ItemStack(Item.paper))); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.mvcapacitor, "WRW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'R', conduitEnergy)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.hvcapacitor, "WRW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'R', energyFrameFull)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.solenoid, true, "WSW", "WSW", "WSW", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'S', iron)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.gliderWing, true, " GG", "GGI", "G ", 'G', compressedSawdust, 'I', ItemComponent.solenoid)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.servoMotor, true, " O ", "WSW", " O ", 'O', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'S', pneumaticServo, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.fieldEmitter, true, " W ", "OUO", " W ", 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'O', ItemComponent.solenoid, 'U', teleportFrameFull)); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapedOreRecipe( ItemComponent.ionThruster, true, " FI", "IG ", "WFI", 'I', "ingotInvar", 'G', glowstone, 'W', ItemComponent.wiring, 'F', ItemComponent.fieldEmitter)); } }