Пример #1
   * Indicates that the security is time-outed, is not supported by the other end.
   * @param evt Details about the event that caused this message.
  public void securityTimeout(CallPeerSecurityTimeoutEvent evt) {

    // fail peer, call
    if (evt.getSource() instanceof AbstractCallPeer) {
      try {
        CallPeer peer = (CallPeer) evt.getSource();
        OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> telephony =

            "Encryption Required!");
      } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(getClass()).error("Failed to hangup peer", ex);
Пример #2
 * The <tt>StatusSubMenu</tt> provides a menu which allow to select the status for each of the
 * protocol providers registered when the menu appears
 * @author Nicolas Chamouard
public class StatusSubMenu extends JMenu {
  /** A reference of <tt>Systray</tt> */
  private SystrayServiceJdicImpl parentSystray;

  /** Contains all accounts and corresponding menus. */
  private Hashtable accountSelectors = new Hashtable();

  private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StatusSubMenu.class);

   * Creates an instance of <tt>StatusSubMenu</tt>.
   * @param tray a reference of the parent <tt>Systray</tt>
  public StatusSubMenu(SystrayServiceJdicImpl tray) {

    parentSystray = tray;


    /* makes the menu look better */
    this.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(28, 24));


   * Adds the account corresponding to the given protocol provider to this menu.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider corresponding to the account to add
  private void addAccount(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    OperationSetPresence presence =
        (OperationSetPresence) protocolProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class);

    if (presence == null) {
      StatusSimpleSelector simpleSelector =
          new StatusSimpleSelector(parentSystray, protocolProvider);

      this.accountSelectors.put(protocolProvider.getAccountID(), simpleSelector);
    } else {
      StatusSelector statusSelector = new StatusSelector(parentSystray, protocolProvider, presence);

      this.accountSelectors.put(protocolProvider.getAccountID(), statusSelector);

      presence.addProviderPresenceStatusListener(new SystrayProviderPresenceStatusListener());

   * Removes the account corresponding to the given protocol provider from this menu.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider corresponding to the account to remove.
  private void removeAccount(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    Component c = (Component) this.accountSelectors.get(protocolProvider.getAccountID());


   * We fill the protocolProviderTable with all running protocol providers at the start of the
   * bundle.
  private void init() {
    SystrayActivator.bundleContext.addServiceListener(new ProtocolProviderServiceListener());

    ServiceReference[] protocolProviderRefs = null;
    try {
      protocolProviderRefs =
              ProtocolProviderService.class.getName(), null);
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
      // this shouldn't happen since we're providing no parameter string
      // but let's log just in case.
      logger.error("Error while retrieving service refs", ex);

    // in case we found any
    if (protocolProviderRefs != null) {

      for (int i = 0; i < protocolProviderRefs.length; i++) {
        ProtocolProviderService provider =

        boolean isHidden =
            provider.getAccountID().getAccountProperties().get("HIDDEN_PROTOCOL") != null;

        if (!isHidden) this.addAccount(provider);

   * Listens for <tt>ServiceEvent</tt>s indicating that a <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt> has been
   * registered and completes the account status menu.
  private class ProtocolProviderServiceListener implements ServiceListener {
     * When a service is registered or unregistered, we update the provider tables and add/remove
     * listeners (if it supports BasicInstantMessenging implementation)
     * @param event ServiceEvent
    public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event) {
      // if the event is caused by a bundle being stopped, we don't want to
      // know
      if (event.getServiceReference().getBundle().getState() == Bundle.STOPPING) {

      Object service = SystrayActivator.bundleContext.getService(event.getServiceReference());

      if (!(service instanceof ProtocolProviderService)) return;

      ProtocolProviderService provider = (ProtocolProviderService) service;

      if (event.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) addAccount(provider);

      if (event.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING) removeAccount(provider);

   * Listens for all providerStatusChanged and providerStatusMessageChanged events in order to
   * refresh the account status panel, when a status is changed.
  private class SystrayProviderPresenceStatusListener implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener {
    /** Fired when an account has changed its status. We update the icon in the menu. */
    public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
      ProtocolProviderService pps = evt.getProvider();

      StatusSelector selectorBox = (StatusSelector) accountSelectors.get(pps.getAccountID());

      if (selectorBox == null) return;


    public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {}
 * Tests whether accaounts are uninstalled properly. It is important that tests from this class be
 * called last since they will install the accounts that have been used to test the implementations.
 * Apart from uninstallation tests the class also contains tests that remove and reinstall the
 * protocol provider bundle in order to verify that accounts are persistent.
 * @author Emil Ivov
public class TestAccountUninstallation extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestAccountUninstallation.class);

  private SipSlickFixture fixture = new SipSlickFixture();

   * Constructs a test instance
   * @param name The name of the test.
  public TestAccountUninstallation(String name) {

   * JUnit setup method.
   * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong.
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

   * JUnit teardown method.
   * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong.
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

   * Returns a suite containing tests in this class in the order that we'd like them executed.
   * @return a Test suite containing tests in this class in the order that we'd like them executed.
  public static Test suite() {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

    suite.addTest(new TestAccountUninstallation("testProviderUnregister"));
    suite.addTest(new TestAccountUninstallation("testInstallationPersistency"));
    suite.addTest(new TestAccountUninstallation("testUninstallAccount"));

    return suite;

   * Unregisters both providers and verifies whether they have changed state accordingly.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if unregister fails with an error.
  public void testProviderUnregister() throws OperationFailedException {
    // make sure providers are still registered
    assertEquals(fixture.provider1.getRegistrationState(), RegistrationState.REGISTERED);
    assertEquals(fixture.provider2.getRegistrationState(), RegistrationState.REGISTERED);

    UnregistrationEventCollector collector1 = new UnregistrationEventCollector();
    UnregistrationEventCollector collector2 = new UnregistrationEventCollector();


    // unregister both providers


        "Provider did not distribute unregister events", 2 <= collector1.collectedNewStates.size());
        "Provider did not distribute unregister events", 2 <= collector2.collectedNewStates.size());

    // make sure both providers are now unregistered.
        "Provider state after calling unregister().",
        "Provider state after calling unregister().",

   * Stops and removes the tested bundle, verifies that it has unregistered its provider, then
   * reloads and restarts the bundle and verifies that the protocol provider is reRegistered in the
   * bundle context.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception if an exception occurs during testing.
  public void testInstallationPersistency() throws Exception {
    Bundle providerBundle = fixture.findProtocolProviderBundle(fixture.provider1);

    // set the global providerBundle reference that we will be using
    // in the last series of tests (Account uninstallation persistency)
    SipSlickFixture.providerBundle = providerBundle;

    assertNotNull("Couldn't find a bundle for the tested provider", providerBundle);


        "Couldn't stop the protocol provider bundle. State was " + providerBundle.getState(),
        Bundle.ACTIVE != providerBundle.getState() && Bundle.STOPPING != providerBundle.getState());


        "Couldn't stop the protocol provider bundle.",

    // verify that the provider is no longer available
    ServiceReference[] sipProviderRefs = null;
    try {
      sipProviderRefs =
                  + "("
                  + ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL
                  + "="
                  + ProtocolNames.SIP
                  + ")"
                  + "("
                  + ProtocolProviderFactory.USER_ID
                  + "="
                  + fixture.userID1
                  + ")"
                  + ")");
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
      fail("We apparently got our filter wrong: " + ex.getMessage());

    // make sure we didn't see a service
        "A Protocol Provider Service was still regged as an osgi service "
            + "for SIP URI:"
            + fixture.userID1
            + "After it was explicitly uninstalled",
        sipProviderRefs == null || sipProviderRefs.length == 0);

    // verify that the provider factory knows that we have uninstalled the
    // provider.
        "The SIP provider factory kept a reference to the provider we just "
            + "uninstalled (uri="
            + fixture.userID1
            + ")",
            && fixture.providerFactory.getProviderForAccount(fixture.provider1.getAccountID())
                == null);

    // Now reinstall the bundle
    providerBundle = fixture.bc.installBundle(providerBundle.getLocation());

    // set the global providerBundle reference that we will be using
    // in the last series of tests (Account uninstallation persistency)
    SipSlickFixture.providerBundle = providerBundle;

        "Couldn't re-install protocol provider bundle.",

        fixture.bc, providerBundle, ProtocolNames.SIP);
        "Couldn't re-start protocol provider bundle.", Bundle.ACTIVE, providerBundle.getState());

    // Make sure that the provider is there again.
    // verify that the provider is no longer available
    try {
      sipProviderRefs =
                  + "("
                  + ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL
                  + "="
                  + ProtocolNames.SIP
                  + ")"
                  + "("
                  + ProtocolProviderFactory.USER_ID
                  + "="
                  + fixture.userID1
                  + ")"
                  + ")");
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
      fail("We apparently got our filter wrong " + ex.getMessage());

    // make sure we didn't see a service
        "A Protocol Provider Service was not restored after being"
            + "reinstalled. SIP URI:"
            + fixture.userID1,
        sipProviderRefs != null && sipProviderRefs.length > 0);

    ServiceReference[] sipFactoryRefs = null;
    try {
      sipFactoryRefs =
              "(" + ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL + "=" + ProtocolNames.SIP + ")");
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
      fail("We apparently got our filter wrong " + ex.getMessage());

    // we're the ones who've reinstalled the factory so it's our
    // responsibility to update the fixture.
    fixture.providerFactory = (ProtocolProviderFactory) fixture.bc.getService(sipFactoryRefs[0]);
    fixture.provider1 = (ProtocolProviderService) fixture.bc.getService(sipProviderRefs[0]);

    // verify that the provider is also restored in the provider factory
    // itself
        "The SIP provider did not restore its own reference to the provider "
            + "that we just reinstalled (URI="
            + fixture.userID1
            + ")",
            && fixture.providerFactory.getProviderForAccount(fixture.provider1.getAccountID())
                != null);

  /** Uinstalls our test account and makes sure it really has been removed. */
  public void testUninstallAccount() {
        "No installed accounts found", fixture.providerFactory.getRegisteredAccounts().isEmpty());

        "Found no provider corresponding to URI " + fixture.userID1,

        "Failed to remove a provider corresponding to URI " + fixture.userID1,
        "Failed to remove a provider corresponding to URI " + fixture.userID1,

    // make sure no providers have remained installed.
    ServiceReference[] sipProviderRefs = null;
    try {
      sipProviderRefs =
              "(" + ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL + "=" + ProtocolNames.SIP + ")");
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) {
      fail("We apparently got our filter wrong " + ex.getMessage());

    // make sure we didn't see a service
        "A Protocol Provider Service was still regged as an osgi "
            + "service for SIP URI:"
            + fixture.userID1
            + "After it was explicitly uninstalled",
        sipProviderRefs == null || sipProviderRefs.length == 0);

    // verify that the provider factory knows that we have uninstalled the
    // provider.
        "The SIP provider factory kept a reference to the provider we just "
            + "uninstalled (uri="
            + fixture.userID1
            + ")",
            && fixture.providerFactory.getProviderForAccount(fixture.provider1.getAccountID())
                == null);

   * A class that would plugin as a registration listener to a protocol provider and simply record
   * all events that it sees and notifyAll() if it sees an event that notifies us of a completed
   * registration.
  public class UnregistrationEventCollector implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
    public List<RegistrationState> collectedNewStates = new LinkedList<RegistrationState>();

     * The method would simply register all received events so that they could be available for
     * later inspection by the unit tests. In the case where a registraiton event notifying us of a
     * completed registration is seen, the method would call notifyAll().
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a RegistrationStateChangeEvent: " + evt);


      if (evt.getNewState().equals(RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED)) {
        logger.debug("We're registered and will notify those who wait");
        synchronized (this) {

     * Blocks until an event notifying us of the awaited state change is received or until waitFor
     * miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      logger.trace("Waiting for a RegistrationStateChangeEvent");

      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedNewStates.contains(RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED)) {
          logger.trace("Event already received. " + collectedNewStates);

        try {

          if (collectedNewStates.size() > 0)
            logger.trace("Received a RegistrationStateChangeEvent.");
          else logger.trace("No RegistrationStateChangeEvent received for " + waitFor + "ms.");

        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a " + "RegistrationStateChangeEvent", ex);
Пример #4
 * The contactlist panel not only contains the contact list but it has the role of a message
 * dispatcher. It process all sent and received messages as well as all typing notifications. Here
 * are managed all contact list mouse events.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Hristo Terezov
public class ContactListPane extends SIPCommScrollPane
    implements MessageListener,
        PluginComponentListener {
  /** Serial version UID. */
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

  private final MainFrame mainFrame;

  private TreeContactList contactList;

  private final TypingTimer typingTimer = new TypingTimer();

  private CommonRightButtonMenu commonRightButtonMenu;

  private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ContactListPane.class);

  private final ChatWindowManager chatWindowManager;

   * Creates the contactlist scroll panel defining the parent frame.
   * @param mainFrame The parent frame.
  public ContactListPane(MainFrame mainFrame) {
    this.mainFrame = mainFrame;

    this.chatWindowManager = GuiActivator.getUIService().getChatWindowManager();


    this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 0, 0, 0, Color.GRAY));


   * Initializes the contact list.
   * @param contactListService The MetaContactListService which will be used for a contact list data
   *     model.
  public void initList(MetaContactListService contactListService) {
    this.contactList = new TreeContactList(mainFrame);
    // We should first set the contact list to the GuiActivator, so that
    // anybody could get it from there.

    // By default we set the current filter to be the presence filter.

    TransparentPanel transparentPanel = new TransparentPanel(new BorderLayout());

    transparentPanel.add(contactList, BorderLayout.NORTH);


    transparentPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
    this.contactList.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));

        new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) {
              commonRightButtonMenu = new CommonRightButtonMenu(mainFrame);


                  e.getX() + mainFrame.getX() + 5, e.getY() + mainFrame.getY() + 105);


   * Returns the contact list.
   * @return the contact list
  public TreeContactList getContactList() {
    return this.contactList;

   * Implements the ContactListListener.contactSelected method.
   * @param evt the <tt>ContactListEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void contactClicked(ContactListEvent evt) {
    // We're interested only in two click events.
    if (evt.getClickCount() < 2) return;

    UIContact descriptor = evt.getSourceContact();

    // We're currently only interested in MetaContacts.
    if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact) {
      MetaContact metaContact = (MetaContact) descriptor.getDescriptor();

      // Searching for the right proto contact to use as default for the
      // chat conversation.
      Contact defaultContact =

      // do nothing
      if (defaultContact == null) {
        defaultContact = metaContact.getDefaultContact(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class);

        if (defaultContact == null) return;

      ProtocolProviderService defaultProvider = defaultContact.getProtocolProvider();

      OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging defaultIM =

      ProtocolProviderService protoContactProvider;
      OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging protoContactIM;

      boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported =
          defaultIM != null && !defaultIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported();

      if (defaultContact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() < 1
          && (!isOfflineMessagingSupported || !defaultProvider.isRegistered())) {
        Iterator<Contact> protoContacts = metaContact.getContacts();

        while (protoContacts.hasNext()) {
          Contact contact = protoContacts.next();

          protoContactProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider();

          protoContactIM =

          if (protoContactIM != null
              && protoContactIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported()
              && protoContactProvider.isRegistered()) {
            defaultContact = contact;

      ContactEventHandler contactHandler =

      contactHandler.contactClicked(defaultContact, evt.getClickCount());
    } else if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof SourceContact) {
      SourceContact contact = (SourceContact) descriptor.getDescriptor();

      List<ContactDetail> imDetails =
      List<ContactDetail> mucDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class);

      if (imDetails != null && imDetails.size() > 0) {
        ProtocolProviderService pps =

            .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), pps);
      } else if (mucDetails != null && mucDetails.size() > 0) {
        ChatRoomWrapper room =

        if (room == null) {
          // lets check by id
          ProtocolProviderService pps =

          room =
                  .findChatRoomWrapperFromChatRoomID(contact.getContactAddress(), pps);

          if (room == null) {
                    new ArrayList<String>(),

        if (room != null) GuiActivator.getMUCService().openChatRoom(room);
      } else {
        List<ContactDetail> smsDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class);

        if (smsDetails != null && smsDetails.size() > 0) {
              .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), true);

   * Implements the ContactListListener.groupSelected method.
   * @param evt the <tt>ContactListEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void groupClicked(ContactListEvent evt) {}

  /** We're not interested in group selection events here. */
  public void groupSelected(ContactListEvent evt) {}

  /** We're not interested in contact selection events here. */
  public void contactSelected(ContactListEvent evt) {}

   * When a message is received determines whether to open a new chat window or chat window tab, or
   * to indicate that a message is received from a contact which already has an open chat. When the
   * chat is found checks if in mode "Auto popup enabled" and if this is the case shows the message
   * in the appropriate chat panel.
   * @param evt the event containing details on the received message
  public void messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("MESSAGE RECEIVED from contact: " + evt.getSourceContact().getAddress());

    Contact protocolContact = evt.getSourceContact();
    ContactResource contactResource = evt.getContactResource();
    Message message = evt.getSourceMessage();
    int eventType = evt.getEventType();
    MetaContact metaContact =

    if (metaContact != null) {
    } else {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace("MetaContact not found for protocol contact: " + protocolContact + ".");

   * When a message is received determines whether to open a new chat window or chat window tab, or
   * to indicate that a message is received from a contact which already has an open chat. When the
   * chat is found checks if in mode "Auto popup enabled" and if this is the case shows the message
   * in the appropriate chat panel.
   * @param protocolContact the source contact of the event
   * @param contactResource the resource from which the contact is writing
   * @param metaContact the metacontact containing <tt>protocolContact</tt>
   * @param message the message to deliver
   * @param eventType the event type
   * @param timestamp the timestamp of the event
   * @param correctedMessageUID the identifier of the corrected message
   * @param isPrivateMessaging if <tt>true</tt> the message is received from private messaging
   *     contact.
   * @param privateContactRoom the chat room associated with the private messaging contact.
  private void messageReceived(
      final Contact protocolContact,
      final ContactResource contactResource,
      final MetaContact metaContact,
      final Message message,
      final int eventType,
      final Date timestamp,
      final String correctedMessageUID,
      final boolean isPrivateMessaging,
      final ChatRoom privateContactRoom) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    // Obtain the corresponding chat panel.
    final ChatPanel chatPanel =
            metaContact, protocolContact, contactResource, message.getMessageUID());

    // Show an envelope on the sender contact in the contact list and
    // in the systray.
    if (!chatPanel.isChatFocused()) contactList.setActiveContact(metaContact, true);

    // Distinguish the message type, depending on the type of event that
    // we have received.
    String messageType = null;

    if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {
      messageType = Chat.INCOMING_MESSAGE;
    } else if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.SYSTEM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {
      messageType = Chat.SYSTEM_MESSAGE;
    } else if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.SMS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {
      messageType = Chat.SMS_MESSAGE;

    String contactAddress =
        (contactResource != null)
            ? protocolContact.getAddress() + " (" + contactResource.getResourceName() + ")"
            : protocolContact.getAddress();


    String resourceName = (contactResource != null) ? contactResource.getResourceName() : null;

    if (isPrivateMessaging) {
      chatWindowManager.openPrivateChatForChatRoomMember(privateContactRoom, protocolContact);
    } else {
      chatWindowManager.openChat(chatPanel, false);

    ChatTransport chatTransport =
        chatPanel.getChatSession().findChatTransportForDescriptor(protocolContact, resourceName);

    chatPanel.setSelectedChatTransport(chatTransport, true);

   * When a sent message is delivered shows it in the chat conversation panel.
   * @param evt the event containing details on the message delivery
  public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    Contact contact = evt.getDestinationContact();
    MetaContact metaContact =

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("MESSAGE DELIVERED to contact: " + contact.getAddress());

    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, false);

    if (chatPanel != null) {
      Message msg = evt.getSourceMessage();
      ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider();

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            "MESSAGE DELIVERED: process message to chat for contact: "
                + contact.getAddress()
                + " MESSAGE: "
                + msg.getContent());


      if (evt.isSmsMessage() && !ConfigurationUtils.isSmsNotifyTextDisabled()) {
            new Date(),

   * Shows a warning message to the user when message delivery has failed.
   * @param evt the event containing details on the message delivery failure
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {

    String errorMsg = null;

    Message sourceMessage = (Message) evt.getSource();

    Contact sourceContact = evt.getDestinationContact();

    MetaContact metaContact =

    if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
      errorMsg =
                  new String[] {sourceContact.getDisplayName()});
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE) {
      errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_NOT_DELIVERED");
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED) {
      errorMsg =
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR) {
      errorMsg =
    } else {
      errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_DELIVERY_ERROR");

    String reason = evt.getReason();
    if (reason != null)
      errorMsg +=
          " "
              + GuiActivator.getResources()
                  .getI18NString("service.gui.ERROR_WAS", new String[] {reason});

    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, sourceContact);

        new Date(),

    chatPanel.addErrorMessage(metaContact.getDisplayName(), errorMsg);

    chatWindowManager.openChat(chatPanel, false);

   * Informs the user what is the typing state of his chat contacts.
   * @param evt the event containing details on the typing notification
  public void typingNotificationReceived(TypingNotificationEvent evt) {
    if (typingTimer.isRunning()) typingTimer.stop();

    String notificationMsg = "";

    MetaContact metaContact =
    String contactName = metaContact.getDisplayName() + " ";

    if (contactName.equals("")) {
      contactName = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.UNKNOWN") + " ";

    int typingState = evt.getTypingState();

    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, false);

    if (typingState == OperationSetTypingNotifications.STATE_TYPING) {
      notificationMsg =
              .getI18NString("service.gui.CONTACT_TYPING", new String[] {contactName});

      // Proactive typing notification
      if (!chatWindowManager.isChatOpenedFor(metaContact)) {

      if (chatPanel != null) chatPanel.addTypingNotification(notificationMsg);

    } else if (typingState == OperationSetTypingNotifications.STATE_PAUSED) {
      notificationMsg =
              .getI18NString("service.gui.CONTACT_PAUSED_TYPING", new String[] {contactName});

      if (chatPanel != null) chatPanel.addTypingNotification(notificationMsg);

    } else {
      if (chatPanel != null) chatPanel.removeTypingNotification();

   * Called to indicate that sending typing notification has failed.
   * @param evt a <tt>TypingNotificationEvent</tt> containing the sender of the notification and its
   *     type.
  public void typingNotificationDeliveryFailed(TypingNotificationEvent evt) {
    if (typingTimer.isRunning()) typingTimer.stop();

    String notificationMsg = "";

    MetaContact metaContact =
    String contactName = metaContact.getDisplayName();

    if (contactName.equals("")) {
      contactName = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.UNKNOWN") + " ";

    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, false);

    notificationMsg =
            .getI18NString("service.gui.CONTACT_TYPING_SEND_FAILED", new String[] {contactName});

    // Proactive typing notification
    if (!chatWindowManager.isChatOpenedFor(metaContact)) {

    if (chatPanel != null) chatPanel.addErrorSendingTypingNotification(notificationMsg);


   * When a request has been received we show it to the user through the chat session renderer.
   * @param event <tt>FileTransferRequestEvent</tt>
   * @see FileTransferListener#fileTransferRequestReceived(FileTransferRequestEvent)
  public void fileTransferRequestReceived(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    IncomingFileTransferRequest request = event.getRequest();

    Contact sourceContact = request.getSender();

    MetaContact metaContact =

    final ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, sourceContact);

        event.getFileTransferOperationSet(), request, event.getTimestamp());

    ChatTransport chatTransport =
        chatPanel.getChatSession().findChatTransportForDescriptor(sourceContact, null);

    chatPanel.setSelectedChatTransport(chatTransport, true);

    // Opens the chat panel with the new message in the UI thread.
    chatWindowManager.openChat(chatPanel, false);

   * Nothing to do here, because we already know when a file transfer is created.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferCreatedEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void fileTransferCreated(FileTransferCreatedEvent event) {}

   * Called when a new <tt>IncomingFileTransferRequest</tt> has been rejected. Nothing to do here,
   * because we are the one who rejects the request.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferRequestEvent</tt> containing the received request which was
   *     rejected.
  public void fileTransferRequestRejected(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {}

   * Called when an <tt>IncomingFileTransferRequest</tt> has been canceled from the contact who sent
   * it.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferRequestEvent</tt> containing the request which was canceled.
  public void fileTransferRequestCanceled(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {}

   * Returns the right button menu of the contact list.
   * @return the right button menu of the contact list
  public CommonRightButtonMenu getCommonRightButtonMenu() {
    return commonRightButtonMenu;

   * The TypingTimer is started after a PAUSED typing notification is received. It waits 5 seconds
   * and if no other typing event occurs removes the PAUSED message from the chat status panel.
  private class TypingTimer extends Timer {
    /** Serial version UID. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    private MetaContact metaContact;

    public TypingTimer() {
      // Set delay
      super(5 * 1000, null);

      this.addActionListener(new TimerActionListener());

    private class TimerActionListener implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, false);

        if (chatPanel != null) chatPanel.removeTypingNotification();

    private void setMetaContact(MetaContact metaContact) {
      this.metaContact = metaContact;

  private void initPluginComponents() {
    // Search for plugin components registered through the OSGI bundle
    // context.
    ServiceReference[] serRefs = null;

    String osgiFilter =
        "(" + Container.CONTAINER_ID + "=" + Container.CONTAINER_CONTACT_LIST.getID() + ")";

    try {
      serRefs =
              PluginComponentFactory.class.getName(), osgiFilter);
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException exc) {
      logger.error("Could not obtain plugin reference.", exc);

    if (serRefs != null) {
      for (ServiceReference serRef : serRefs) {
        PluginComponentFactory factory =
            (PluginComponentFactory) GuiActivator.bundleContext.getService(serRef);
        PluginComponent component = factory.getPluginComponentInstance(this);

        Object selectedValue = getContactList().getSelectedValue();

        if (selectedValue instanceof MetaContact) {
          component.setCurrentContact((MetaContact) selectedValue);
        } else if (selectedValue instanceof MetaContactGroup) {
          component.setCurrentContactGroup((MetaContactGroup) selectedValue);

        String pluginConstraints = factory.getConstraints();
        Object constraints;

        if (pluginConstraints != null)
          constraints = UIServiceImpl.getBorderLayoutConstraintsFromContainer(pluginConstraints);
        else constraints = BorderLayout.SOUTH;

        this.add((Component) component.getComponent(), constraints);



   * Adds the plugin component given by <tt>event</tt> to this panel if it's its container.
   * @param event the <tt>PluginComponentEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void pluginComponentAdded(PluginComponentEvent event) {
    PluginComponentFactory factory = event.getPluginComponentFactory();

    // If the container id doesn't correspond to the id of the plugin
    // container we're not interested.
    if (!factory.getContainer().equals(Container.CONTAINER_CONTACT_LIST)) return;

    Object constraints =

    if (constraints == null) constraints = BorderLayout.SOUTH;

    PluginComponent pluginComponent = factory.getPluginComponentInstance(this);
    this.add((Component) pluginComponent.getComponent(), constraints);

    Object selectedValue = getContactList().getSelectedValue();

    if (selectedValue instanceof MetaContact) {
      pluginComponent.setCurrentContact((MetaContact) selectedValue);
    } else if (selectedValue instanceof MetaContactGroup) {
      pluginComponent.setCurrentContactGroup((MetaContactGroup) selectedValue);


   * Removes the plugin component given by <tt>event</tt> if previously added in this panel.
   * @param event the <tt>PluginComponentEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void pluginComponentRemoved(PluginComponentEvent event) {
    PluginComponentFactory factory = event.getPluginComponentFactory();

    // If the container id doesn't correspond to the id of the plugin
    // container we're not interested.
    if (!factory.getContainer().equals(Container.CONTAINER_CONTACT_LIST)) return;

    this.remove((Component) factory.getPluginComponentInstance(this).getComponent());
Пример #5
 * The <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> is the panel containing data for a call peer in a given call.
 * It contains information like call peer name, photo, call duration, etc.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Sebastien Vincent
 * @author Adam Netocny
public class OneToOneCallPeerPanel extends TransparentPanel
    implements SwingCallPeerRenderer, PropertyChangeListener, Skinnable {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> class and its instances for
   * logging output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OneToOneCallPeerPanel.class);

  /** Serial version UID. */
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

  /** The <tt>CallPeer</tt>, which is rendered in this panel. */
  private final CallPeer callPeer;

  /** The <tt>Call</tt>, which is rendered in this panel. */
  private final Call call;

   * The <tt>CallPeerAdapter</tt> which implements common <tt>CallPeer</tt>-related listeners on
   * behalf of this instance.
  private final CallPeerAdapter callPeerAdapter;

  /** The renderer of the call. */
  private final SwingCallRenderer callRenderer;

  /** The component showing the status of the underlying call peer. */
  private final JLabel callStatusLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The center component. */
  private final VideoContainer center;

   * The AWT <tt>Component</tt> which implements a button which allows closing/hiding the visual
   * <tt>Component</tt> which depicts the video streaming from the local peer/user to the remote
   * peer(s).
  private Component closeLocalVisualComponentButton;

   * A listener to desktop sharing granted/revoked events and to mouse and keyboard interaction with
   * the remote video displaying the remote desktop.
  private final DesktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener desktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener;

   * The indicator which determines whether {@link #dispose()} has already been invoked on this
   * instance. If <tt>true</tt>, this instance is considered non-functional and is to be left to the
   * garbage collector.
  private boolean disposed = false;

  /** The DTMF label. */
  private final JLabel dtmfLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The component responsible for displaying an error message. */
  private JTextComponent errorMessageComponent;

  /** The label showing whether the call is on or off hold. */
  private final JLabel holdStatusLabel = new JLabel();

  /** Sound local level label. */
  private InputVolumeControlButton localLevel;

   * The <tt>Component</tt> which {@link #updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread()} last added to
   * {@link #center} as the visual <tt>Component</tt> displaying the video streaming from the local
   * peer/user to the remote peer(s).
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: It is not to be used for any other purposes because it may not represent the
   * current state of the model of this view.
  private Component localVideo;

  /** The label showing whether the voice has been set to mute. */
  private final JLabel muteStatusLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The <tt>Icon</tt> which represents the avatar of the associated call peer. */
  private ImageIcon peerImage;

  /** The name of the peer. */
  private String peerName;

  /** The label containing the user photo. */
  private final JLabel photoLabel;

  /** Sound remote level label. */
  private Component remoteLevel;

   * The <tt>Component</tt> which {@link #updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread()} last added to
   * {@link #center} as the visual <tt>Component</tt> displaying the video streaming from the remote
   * peer(s) to the local peer/user.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: It is not to be used for any other purposes because it may not represent the
   * current state of the model of this view.
  private Component remoteVideo;

  /** Current id for security image. */
  private ImageID securityImageID = ImageLoader.SECURE_BUTTON_OFF;

  /** The panel containing security related components. */
  private SecurityPanel<?> securityPanel;

  /** The security status of the peer */
  private final SecurityStatusLabel securityStatusLabel = new SecurityStatusLabel();

  /** The status bar component. */
  private final Component statusBar;

  /** The facility which aids this instance in the dealing with the video-related information. */
  private final UIVideoHandler2 uiVideoHandler;

   * The <tt>Observer</tt> which listens to changes in the video-related information detected and
   * reported by {@link #uiVideoHandler}.
  private final Observer uiVideoHandlerObserver =
      new Observer() {
        public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {

   * The <tt>Runnable</tt> which is scheduled by {@link #updateViewFromModel()} for execution in the
   * AWT event dispatching thread in order to invoke {@link
   * #updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread()}.
  private final Runnable updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread =
      new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
           * We receive events/notifications from various threads and we
           * respond to them in the AWT event dispatching thread. It is
           * possible to first schedule an event to be brought to the AWT
           * event dispatching thread, then to have #dispose() invoked on
           * this instance and, finally, to receive the scheduled event in
           * the AWT event dispatching thread. In such a case, this
           * disposed instance should not respond to the event.
          if (!disposed) updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread();

   * Creates a <tt>CallPeerPanel</tt> for the given call peer.
   * @param callRenderer the renderer of the call
   * @param callPeer the <tt>CallPeer</tt> represented in this panel
   * @param uiVideoHandler the facility which is to aid the new instance in the dealing with the
   *     video-related information
  public OneToOneCallPeerPanel(
      SwingCallRenderer callRenderer, CallPeer callPeer, UIVideoHandler2 uiVideoHandler) {
    this.callRenderer = callRenderer;
    this.callPeer = callPeer;
    // we need to obtain call as soon as possible
    // cause if it fails too quickly we may fail to show it
    this.call = callPeer.getCall();
    this.uiVideoHandler = uiVideoHandler;

    peerName = CallManager.getPeerDisplayName(callPeer);
    securityPanel = SecurityPanel.create(this, callPeer, null);

    photoLabel = new JLabel(getPhotoLabelIcon());
    center = createCenter();
    statusBar = createStatusBar();


    /* Lay out the main Components of the UI. */
    setLayout(new GridBagLayout());

    GridBagConstraints cnstrnts = new GridBagConstraints();

    if (center != null) {
      cnstrnts.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
      cnstrnts.gridx = 0;
      cnstrnts.gridy = 1;
      cnstrnts.weightx = 1;
      cnstrnts.weighty = 1;
      add(center, cnstrnts);
    if (statusBar != null) {
      cnstrnts.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
      cnstrnts.gridx = 0;
      cnstrnts.gridy = 3;
      cnstrnts.weightx = 0;
      cnstrnts.weighty = 0;
      cnstrnts.insets = new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0);
      add(statusBar, cnstrnts);


     * Add the listeners which will be notified about changes in the model
     * and which will update this view.
    callPeerAdapter = new CallPeerAdapter(callPeer, this);

     * This view adapts to whether it is displayed in full-screen or
     * windowed mode.
    if (callRenderer instanceof Component) {
      ((Component) callRenderer).addPropertyChangeListener(CallContainer.PROP_FULL_SCREEN, this);

    OperationSetDesktopSharingClient desktopSharingClient =
    if (desktopSharingClient != null) {
      desktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener =
          new DesktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener(callPeer, desktopSharingClient);
    } else desktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener = null;


   * Creates the <tt>Component</tt> hierarchy of the central area of this <tt>CallPeerPanel</tt>
   * which displays the photo of the <tt>CallPeer</tt> or the video if any.
  private VideoContainer createCenter() {
    photoLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(90, 90));

    return createVideoContainer(photoLabel);

  /** Creates sound level related components. */
  private void createSoundLevelIndicators() {
    TransparentPanel localLevelPanel = new TransparentPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 0));
    TransparentPanel remoteLevelPanel = new TransparentPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 0));

    localLevel =
        new InputVolumeControlButton(
            call, ImageLoader.MICROPHONE, ImageLoader.MUTE_BUTTON, false, false);
    remoteLevel =
        new OutputVolumeControlButton(call.getConference(), ImageLoader.HEADPHONE, false, false)

    final SoundLevelIndicator localLevelIndicator =
        new SoundLevelIndicator(SoundLevelChangeEvent.MIN_LEVEL, SoundLevelChangeEvent.MAX_LEVEL);
    final SoundLevelIndicator remoteLevelIndicator =
        new SoundLevelIndicator(SoundLevelChangeEvent.MIN_LEVEL, SoundLevelChangeEvent.MAX_LEVEL);

    localLevelPanel.add(localLevel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    localLevelPanel.add(localLevelIndicator, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    remoteLevelPanel.add(remoteLevel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    remoteLevelPanel.add(remoteLevelIndicator, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
    constraints.gridx = 0;
    constraints.gridy = 5;
    constraints.weightx = 0;
    constraints.weighty = 0;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(10, 0, 0, 0);

    add(localLevelPanel, constraints);

    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
    constraints.gridx = 0;
    constraints.gridy = 6;
    constraints.weightx = 0;
    constraints.weighty = 0;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 0, 10, 0);

    add(remoteLevelPanel, constraints);

    if (!GuiActivator.getConfigurationService()
            "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.call." + "DISABLE_SOUND_LEVEL_INDICATORS",
            false)) {
          new SoundLevelListener() {
            public void soundLevelChanged(Object source, int level) {
       * By the time the UI gets to be initialized, the callPeer may have
       * been removed from its Call. As far as the UI is concerned, the
       * callPeer will never have a Call again and there will be no audio
       * levels to display anyway so there is no point in throwing a
       * NullPointerException here.
      if (call != null) {
            new SoundLevelListener() {
              public void soundLevelChanged(Object source, int level) {

   * Creates the <tt>Component</tt> hierarchy of the area of status-related information such as
   * <tt>CallPeer</tt> display name, call duration, security status.
   * @return the root of the <tt>Component</tt> hierarchy of the area of status-related information
   *     such as <tt>CallPeer</tt> display name, call duration, security status
  private Component createStatusBar() {
    // stateLabel

    PeerStatusPanel statusPanel = new PeerStatusPanel(new GridBagLayout());

    GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();

    constraints.gridx = 0;
    constraints.gridy = 0;
    statusPanel.add(securityStatusLabel, constraints);

    statusPanel.add(holdStatusLabel, constraints);

    statusPanel.add(muteStatusLabel, constraints);

    callStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 3, 2, 12));
    statusPanel.add(callStatusLabel, constraints);

    constraints.weightx = 1f;
    statusPanel.add(dtmfLabel, constraints);

    return statusPanel;

   * Creates a new AWT <tt>Container</tt> which can display a single <tt>Component</tt> at a time
   * (supposedly, one which represents video) and, in the absence of such a <tt>Component</tt>,
   * displays a predefined default <tt>Component</tt> (in accord with the previous supposition, one
   * which is the default when there is no video). The returned <tt>Container</tt> will track the
   * <tt>Components</tt>s added to and removed from it in order to make sure that
   * <tt>noVideoContainer</tt> is displayed as described.
   * @param noVideoComponent the predefined default <tt>Component</tt> to be displayed in the
   *     returned <tt>Container</tt> when there is no other <tt>Component</tt> in it
   * @return a new <tt>Container</tt> which can display a single <tt>Component</tt> at a time and,
   *     in the absence of such a <tt>Component</tt>, displays <tt>noVideoComponent</tt>
  private VideoContainer createVideoContainer(Component noVideoComponent) {
    Container oldParent = noVideoComponent.getParent();

    if (oldParent != null) oldParent.remove(noVideoComponent);

    return new VideoContainer(noVideoComponent, false);

   * Releases the resources acquired by this instance which require explicit disposal (e.g. any
   * listeners added to the depicted <tt>CallPeer</tt>. Invoked by <tt>OneToOneCallPanel</tt> when
   * it determines that this <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> is no longer necessary.
  public void dispose() {
    disposed = true;


    if (callRenderer instanceof Component) {
      ((Component) callRenderer).removePropertyChangeListener(CallContainer.PROP_FULL_SCREEN, this);

   * Returns the parent <tt>CallPanel</tt> containing this renderer.
   * @return the parent <tt>CallPanel</tt> containing this renderer
  public CallPanel getCallPanel() {
    return callRenderer.getCallContainer();

   * Returns the parent call renderer.
   * @return the parent call renderer
  public CallRenderer getCallRenderer() {
    return callRenderer;

   * Returns the component associated with this renderer.
   * @return the component associated with this renderer
  public Component getComponent() {
    return this;

   * Returns the name of the peer, contained in this panel.
   * @return the name of the peer, contained in this panel
  public String getPeerName() {
    return peerName;

   * Gets the <tt>Icon</tt> to be displayed in {@link #photoLabel}.
   * @return the <tt>Icon</tt> to be displayed in {@link #photoLabel}
  private ImageIcon getPhotoLabelIcon() {
    return (peerImage == null)
        ? new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO))
        : peerImage;

  /** Initializes the security settings for this call peer. */
  private void initSecuritySettings() {
    CallPeerSecurityStatusEvent securityEvent = callPeer.getCurrentSecuritySettings();

    if (securityEvent instanceof CallPeerSecurityOnEvent)
      securityOn((CallPeerSecurityOnEvent) securityEvent);

  /** Initializes the security status label, shown in the call status bar. */
  private void initSecurityStatusLabel() {
    securityStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 5, 2, 5));

        new MouseAdapter() {
          /** Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component. */
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            // Only show the security details if the security is on.
            SrtpControl ctrl = securityPanel.getSecurityControl();
            if (ctrl instanceof ZrtpControl && ctrl.getSecureCommunicationStatus()) {

   * Determines whether the visual <tt>Component</tt> depicting the video streaming from the local
   * peer/user to the remote peer(s) is currently visible.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the visual <tt>Component</tt> depicting the video streaming from the
   *     local peer/user to the remote peer(s) is currently visible; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean isLocalVideoVisible() {
    return uiVideoHandler.isLocalVideoVisible();

  /** Reloads all icons. */
  public void loadSkin() {
    if (localLevel != null)
      localLevel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.MICROPHONE)));

    if (remoteLevel != null && remoteLevel instanceof Skinnable)
      ((Skinnable) remoteLevel).loadSkin();

    if (muteStatusLabel.getIcon() != null)
      muteStatusLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.MUTE_STATUS_ICON)));

    if (holdStatusLabel.getIcon() != null)
      holdStatusLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.HOLD_STATUS_ICON)));

    securityStatusLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(securityImageID)));

    if (peerImage == null) {
      photoLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO)));

   * Prints the given DTMG character through this <tt>CallPeerRenderer</tt>.
   * @param dtmfChar the DTMF char to print
  public void printDTMFTone(char dtmfChar) {
    dtmfLabel.setText(dtmfLabel.getText() + dtmfChar);
    if (dtmfLabel.getBorder() == null)
      dtmfLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 1, 2, 5));

   * Notifies this instance about a change in the value of a property of a source which of interest
   * to this instance. For example, <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> updates its user
   * interface-related properties upon changes in the value of the {@link
   * CallContainer#PROP_FULL_SCREEN} property of its associated {@link #callRenderer}.
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which identifies the source, the name of the property
   *     and the old and new values
  public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    if (CallContainer.PROP_FULL_SCREEN.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) updateViewFromModel();

   * Re-dispatches glass pane mouse events only in case they occur on the security panel.
   * @param glassPane the glass pane
   * @param e the mouse event in question
  private void redispatchMouseEvent(Component glassPane, MouseEvent e) {
    Point glassPanePoint = e.getPoint();

    Point securityPanelPoint =
        SwingUtilities.convertPoint(glassPane, glassPanePoint, securityPanel);

    Component component;
    Point componentPoint;

    if (securityPanelPoint.y > 0) {
      component = securityPanel;
      componentPoint = securityPanelPoint;
    } else {
      Container contentPane =

      Point containerPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(glassPane, glassPanePoint, contentPane);

      component =
          SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(contentPane, containerPoint.x, containerPoint.y);

      componentPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(contentPane, glassPanePoint, component);

    if (component != null)
          new MouseEvent(


   * The handler for the security event received. The security event for starting establish a secure
   * connection.
   * @param evt the security started event received
  public void securityNegotiationStarted(CallPeerSecurityNegotiationStartedEvent evt) {
    if (Boolean.parseBoolean(
        GuiActivator.getResources().getSettingsString("impl.gui.PARANOIA_UI"))) {
      SrtpControl srtpControl = null;
      if (callPeer instanceof MediaAwareCallPeer) srtpControl = evt.getSecurityController();

      securityPanel = new ParanoiaTimerSecurityPanel<SrtpControl>(srtpControl);


   * Indicates that the security has gone off.
   * @param evt the <tt>CallPeerSecurityOffEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void securityOff(final CallPeerSecurityOffEvent evt) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    if (evt.getSessionType() == CallPeerSecurityOffEvent.AUDIO_SESSION) {
      if (securityStatusLabel.getBorder() == null)
        securityStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 5, 2, 3));


   * Indicates that the security is turned on.
   * <p>Sets the secured status icon to the status panel and initializes/updates the corresponding
   * security details.
   * @param evt Details about the event that caused this message.
  public void securityOn(final CallPeerSecurityOnEvent evt) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    // If the securityOn is called without a specific event, we'll just set
    // the security label status to on.
    if (evt == null) {

    SrtpControl srtpControl = evt.getSecurityController();

    if (!srtpControl.requiresSecureSignalingTransport()
        || callPeer.getProtocolProvider().isSignalingTransportSecure()) {
      if (srtpControl instanceof ZrtpControl) {

        if (!((ZrtpControl) srtpControl).isSecurityVerified())
        else securityStatusLabel.setSecurityOn();
      } else securityStatusLabel.setSecurityOn();

    // if we have some other panel, using other control
    if (!srtpControl.getClass().isInstance(securityPanel.getSecurityControl())
        || (securityPanel instanceof ParanoiaTimerSecurityPanel)) {

      securityPanel = SecurityPanel.create(this, callPeer, srtpControl);

      if (srtpControl instanceof ZrtpControl)
        ((ZrtpSecurityPanel) securityPanel).setSecurityStatusLabel(securityStatusLabel);


    boolean isSecurityLowPriority =

    // Display ZRTP panel in case SAS was not verified or a AOR mismtach
    // was detected during creation of ZrtpSecurityPanel.
    // Don't show panel if user does not care about security at all.
    if (srtpControl instanceof ZrtpControl
        && !isSecurityLowPriority
        && (!((ZrtpControl) srtpControl).isSecurityVerified()
            || ((ZrtpSecurityPanel) securityPanel).isZidAorMismatch())) {


  /** Indicates that the security status is pending confirmation. */
  public void securityPending() {

   * Indicates that the security is timeouted, is not supported by the other end.
   * @param evt Details about the event that caused this message.
  public void securityTimeout(final CallPeerSecurityTimeoutEvent evt) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    if (securityPanel != null) securityPanel.securityTimeout(evt);

   * Sets the reason of a call failure if one occurs. The renderer should display this reason to the
   * user.
   * @param reason the reason to display
  public void setErrorReason(final String reason) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    if (errorMessageComponent == null) {
      errorMessageComponent = new JTextPane();

      JTextPane textPane = (JTextPane) errorMessageComponent;

      StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();

      MutableAttributeSet standard = new SimpleAttributeSet();
      StyleConstants.setAlignment(standard, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
      StyleConstants.setFontFamily(standard, textPane.getFont().getFamily());
      StyleConstants.setFontSize(standard, 12);
      doc.setParagraphAttributes(0, 0, standard, true);

      GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
      constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
      constraints.gridx = 0;
      constraints.gridy = 4;
      constraints.weightx = 1;
      constraints.weighty = 0;
      constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0);

      add(errorMessageComponent, constraints);


    if (isVisible()) errorMessageComponent.repaint();

   * Shows/hides the visual <tt>Component</tt> depicting the video streaming from the local
   * peer/user to the remote peer(s).
   * @param visible <tt>true</tt> to show the visual <tt>Component</tt> depicting the video
   *     streaming from the local peer/user to the remote peer(s); <tt>false</tt>, otherwise
  public void setLocalVideoVisible(boolean visible) {

   * Sets the mute status icon to the status panel.
   * @param isMute indicates if the call with this peer is muted
  public void setMute(final boolean isMute) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    if (isMute) {
      muteStatusLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.MUTE_STATUS_ICON)));
      muteStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 3, 2, 3));
    } else {
      muteStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));

    // Update input volume control button state to reflect the current
    // mute status.
    if (localLevel.isSelected() != isMute) localLevel.setSelected(isMute);


   * Sets the "on hold" property value.
   * @param isOnHold indicates if the call with this peer is put on hold
  public void setOnHold(final boolean isOnHold) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    if (isOnHold) {
      holdStatusLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.HOLD_STATUS_ICON)));
      holdStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 3, 2, 3));
    } else {
      holdStatusLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));


   * Set the image of the peer
   * @param image new image
  public void setPeerImage(byte[] image) {
    // If the image is still null we try to obtain it from one of the
    // available contact sources.
    if (image == null || image.length <= 0) {
      GuiActivator.getContactList().setSourceContactImage(peerName, photoLabel, 100, 100);
    } else {
      peerImage = ImageUtils.getScaledRoundedIcon(image, 100, 100);
      if (peerImage == null) peerImage = getPhotoLabelIcon();

      if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
      } else {

   * Sets the name of the peer.
   * @param name the name of the peer
  public void setPeerName(final String name) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    peerName = name;

    ((OneToOneCallPanel) callRenderer).setPeerName(name);

   * Sets the state of the contained call peer by specifying the state name.
   * @param oldState the previous state of the peer
   * @param newState the new state of the peer
   * @param stateString the state of the contained call peer
  public void setPeerState(
      final CallPeerState oldState, final CallPeerState newState, final String stateString) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              setPeerState(oldState, newState, stateString);


    if (newState == CallPeerState.CONNECTED
        && !CallPeerState.isOnHold(oldState)
        && !securityStatusLabel.isSecurityStatusSet()) {

   * Shows/hides the security panel.
   * @param isVisible <tt>true</tt> to show the security panel, <tt>false</tt> to hide it
  public void setSecurityPanelVisible(final boolean isVisible) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    final JFrame callFrame = callRenderer.getCallContainer().getCallWindow().getFrame();

    final JPanel glassPane = (JPanel) callFrame.getGlassPane();

    if (!isVisible) {
      // Need to hide the security panel explicitly in order to keep the
      // fade effect.
    } else {
          new MouseListener() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
              redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e);

            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
              redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e);

            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
              redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e);

            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
              redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e);

            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
              redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e);

      Point securityLabelPoint = securityStatusLabel.getLocation();

      Point newPoint =

      securityPanel.setBeginPoint(new Point((int) newPoint.getX() + 15, 0));
      securityPanel.setBounds(0, (int) newPoint.getY() - 5, this.getWidth(), 130);

      // Need to show the security panel explicitly in order to keep the
      // fade effect.

          new ComponentAdapter() {
            /** Invoked when the component's size changes. */
            public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
              if (glassPane.isVisible()) {

   * Updates this view i.e. <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> so that it depicts the current state of
   * its model i.e. <tt>callPeer</tt>.
  private void updateViewFromModel() {
     * We receive events/notifications from various threads and we respond
     * to them in the AWT event dispatching thread. It is possible to first
     * schedule an event to be brought to the AWT event dispatching thread,
     * then to have #dispose() invoked on this instance and, finally, to
     * receive the scheduled event in the AWT event dispatching thread. In
     * such a case, this disposed instance should not respond to the event
     * because it may, for example, steal a visual Components depicting
     * video (which cannot belong to more than one parent at a time) from
     * another non-disposed OneToOneCallPeerPanel.
    if (!disposed) {
      if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread();
      else {

   * Updates this view i.e. <tt>OneToOneCallPeerPanel</tt> so that it depicts the current state of
   * its model i.e. <tt>callPeer</tt>. The update is performed in the AWT event dispatching thread.
  private void updateViewFromModelInEventDispatchThread() {
     * We receive events/notifications from various threads and we respond
     * to them in the AWT event dispatching thread. It is possible to first
     * schedule an event to be brought to the AWT event dispatching thread,
     * then to have #dispose() invoked on this instance and, finally, to
     * receive the scheduled event in the AWT event dispatching thread. In
     * such a case, this disposed instance should not respond to the event
     * because it may, for example, steal a visual Components depicting
     * video (which cannot belong to more than one parent at a time) from
     * another non-disposed OneToOneCallPeerPanel.
    if (disposed) return;

     * Update the display of visual <tt>Component</tt>s depicting video
     * streaming between the local peer/user and the remote peer(s).

    OperationSetVideoTelephony videoTelephony =
    Component remoteVideo = null;
    Component localVideo = null;

    if (videoTelephony != null) {
      List<Component> remoteVideos = videoTelephony.getVisualComponents(callPeer);

      if ((remoteVideos != null) && !remoteVideos.isEmpty()) {
         * TODO OneToOneCallPeerPanel displays a one-to-one conversation
         * between the local peer/user and a specific remote peer. If
         * the remote peer is the focus of a telephony conference of its
         * own, it may be sending multiple videos to the local peer.
         * Switching to a user interface which displays multiple videos
         * is the responsibility of whoever decided that this
         * OneToOneCallPeerPanel is to be used to depict the current
         * state of the CallConference associated with the CallPeer
         * depicted by this instance. If that switching decides that
         * this instance is to continue being the user interface, then
         * we should probably pick up the remote video which is
         * generated by the remote peer and not one of its
         * ConferenceMembers.
        remoteVideo = remoteVideos.get(0);

      if (uiVideoHandler.isLocalVideoVisible()) {
        try {
          localVideo = videoTelephony.getLocalVisualComponent(callPeer);
        } catch (OperationFailedException ofe) {
           * Well, we cannot do much about the exception. We'll just
           * not display the local video.
          logger.warn("Failed to retrieve local video to be displayed.", ofe);

       * Determine whether there is actually a change in the local and
       * remote videos which requires an update.
      boolean localVideoChanged =
          ((localVideo != this.localVideo)
              || ((localVideo != null) && !UIVideoHandler2.isAncestor(center, localVideo)));
      boolean remoteVideoChanged =
          ((remoteVideo != this.remoteVideo)
              || ((remoteVideo != null) && !UIVideoHandler2.isAncestor(center, remoteVideo)));

      // If the remote video has changed, maybe the CallPanel can display
      // the LO/SD/HD button.
      if (remoteVideoChanged) {
        // Updates video component which may listen the mouse and key
        // events.
        if (desktopSharingMouseAndKeyboardListener != null) {

        CallPanel callPanel = callRenderer.getCallContainer();
        // The remote video has been added, then tries to display the
        // LO/SD/HD button.
        if (remoteVideo != null) {
        // The remote video has been removed, then hide the LO/SD/HD
        // button if it is currently displayed.
        else {

      if (localVideoChanged || remoteVideoChanged) {
         * VideoContainer and JAWTRenderer cannot handle random
         * additions of Components. Removing the localVideo when the
         * user has requests its hiding though, should work without
         * removing all Components from the VideoCotainer and adding
         * them again.
        if (localVideoChanged && !remoteVideoChanged && (localVideo == null)) {
          if (this.localVideo != null) {
            this.localVideo = null;

            if (closeLocalVisualComponentButton != null)
        } else {
          this.localVideo = null;
          this.remoteVideo = null;

           * AWT does not make a guarantee about the Z order even
           * within an operating system i.e. the order of adding the
           * Components to their Container does not mean that they
           * will be determinedly painted in that or reverse order.
           * Anyway, there appears to be an expectation among the
           * developers less acquainted with AWT that AWT paints the
           * Components of a Container in an order that is the reverse
           * of the order of their adding. In order to satisfy that
           * expectation and thus give at least some idea to the
           * developers reading the code bellow, do add the Components
           * according to that expectation.

          if (localVideo != null) {
            if (closeLocalVisualComponentButton == null) {
              closeLocalVisualComponentButton = new CloseLocalVisualComponentButton(uiVideoHandler);
            center.add(closeLocalVisualComponentButton, VideoLayout.CLOSE_LOCAL_BUTTON, -1);

            center.add(localVideo, VideoLayout.LOCAL, -1);
            this.localVideo = localVideo;

          if (remoteVideo != null) {
            center.add(remoteVideo, VideoLayout.CENTER_REMOTE, -1);
            this.remoteVideo = remoteVideo;

  /** The <tt>TransparentPanel</tt> that will display the peer status. */
  private static class PeerStatusPanel extends TransparentPanel {
     * Silence the serial warning. Though there isn't a plan to serialize the instances of the
     * class, there're no fields so the default serialization routine will work.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

     * Constructs a new <tt>PeerStatusPanel</tt>.
     * @param layout the <tt>LayoutManager</tt> to use
    public PeerStatusPanel(LayoutManager layout) {

    /** @{inheritDoc} */
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

      g = g.create();

      try {

        g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), 10, 10);
      } finally {
 * Performs testing on protocol provider methods.
 * @todo add more detailed docs once the tests are written.
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Valentin Martinet
public class TestProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger =

  private JabberSlickFixture fixture = new JabberSlickFixture();

  /** An event adapter that would collec registation state change events */
  public RegistrationEventCollector regEvtCollector1 = new RegistrationEventCollector();

  /** An event adapter that would collec registation state change events */
  public RegistrationEventCollector regEvtCollector2 = new RegistrationEventCollector();

  /** An event adapter that would collec registation state change events */
  public RegistrationEventCollector regEvtCollector3 = new RegistrationEventCollector();

   * Creates a test encapsulator for the method with the specified name.
   * @param name the name of the method this test should run.
  public TestProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl(String name) {

   * Initializes the fixture.
   * @throws Exception if super.setUp() throws one.
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

   * Tears the fixture down.
   * @throws Exception if fixture.tearDown() fails.
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

   * Makes sure that the instance of the Jabber protocol provider that we're going to use for
   * testing is properly initialized and registered with a Jabber registrar. This MUST be called
   * before any other online testing of the Jabber provider so that we won't have to reregister for
   * every single test.
   * <p>The method also verifies that a registration event is fired upon succesful registration and
   * collected by our event collector.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if provider.register() fails.
  public void testRegister() throws OperationFailedException {
    // add an event collector that will collect all events during the
    // registration and allow us to later inspect them and make sure
    // they were properly dispatched.

    // register our three providers
        new SecurityAuthorityImpl(
                        + ProtocolProviderFactory.PASSWORD)
        new SecurityAuthorityImpl(
                        + ProtocolProviderFactory.PASSWORD)
        new SecurityAuthorityImpl(
                        + ProtocolProviderFactory.PASSWORD)

    // give it enough time to register. We won't really have to wait all this
    // time since the registration event collector would notify us the moment
    // we get signed on.
    logger.debug("Waiting for registration to complete ...");


    // make sure that the registration process trigerred the corresponding
    // events.
        "No events were dispatched during the registration process.",
        regEvtCollector1.collectedNewStates.size() > 0);

        "No registration event notifying of registration was dispatched. "
            + "All events were: "
            + regEvtCollector1.collectedNewStates,

    // now the same for provider 2
        "No events were dispatched during the registration process " + "of provider2.",
        regEvtCollector2.collectedNewStates.size() > 0);

        "No registration event notifying of registration was dispatched. "
            + "All events were: "
            + regEvtCollector2.collectedNewStates,

    // now the same for provider 3
        "No events were dispatched during the registration process " + "of provider3.",
        regEvtCollector3.collectedNewStates.size() > 0);

        "No registration event notifying of registration was dispatched. "
            + "All events were: "
            + regEvtCollector3.collectedNewStates,


   * Verifies that all operation sets have the type they are declarded to have.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception if a class indicated in one of the keys could not be forName()ed.
  public void testOperationSetTypes() throws Exception {
    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets =

    // make sure that keys (which are supposed to be class names) correspond
    // what the class of the values recorded against them.
    for (Map.Entry<String, OperationSet> entry : supportedOperationSets.entrySet()) {
      String setName = entry.getKey();
      Object opSet = entry.getValue();

          opSet + " was not an instance of " + setName + " as declared",

   * A class that would plugin as a registration listener to a protocol provider and simply record
   * all events that it sees and notifyAll() if it sees an event that notifies us of a completed
   * registration.
  public class RegistrationEventCollector implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
    public List<RegistrationState> collectedNewStates = new LinkedList<RegistrationState>();

     * The method would simply register all received events so that they could be available for
     * later inspection by the unit tests. In the case where a registration event notifying us of a
     * completed registration is seen, the method would call notifyAll().
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a RegistrationStateChangeEvent: " + evt);


      if (evt.getNewState().equals(RegistrationState.REGISTERED)) {
        logger.debug("We're registered and will notify those who wait");
        synchronized (this) {

     * Blocks until an event notifying us of the awaited state change is received or until waitFor
     * miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      logger.trace("Waiting for a RegistrationStateChangeEvent ");

      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedNewStates.contains(RegistrationState.REGISTERED)) {
          logger.trace("Event already received. " + collectedNewStates);

        try {

          if (collectedNewStates.size() > 0)
            logger.trace("Received a RegistrationStateChangeEvent.");
          else logger.trace("No RegistrationStateChangeEvent received for " + waitFor + "ms.");

        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a " + "RegistrationStateChangeEvent", ex);
Пример #7
 * The <tt>CallManager</tt> is the one that handles calls. It contains also the "Call" and "Hangup"
 * buttons panel. Here are handles incoming and outgoing calls from and to the call operation set.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
public class CallManager extends JPanel
    implements ActionListener, CallListener, ListSelectionListener, ChangeListener {
  private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CallManager.class.getName());

  private CallComboBox phoneNumberCombo;

  private JPanel comboPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

  private JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 10, 0));

  private JLabel callViaLabel = new JLabel(Messages.getI18NString("callVia").getText() + " ");

  private JPanel callViaPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT, 0, 4));

  private AccountSelectorBox accountSelectorBox;

  private SIPCommButton callButton =
      new SIPCommButton(

  private SIPCommButton hangupButton =
      new SIPCommButton(

  private SIPCommButton minimizeButton =
      new SIPCommButton(

  private SIPCommButton restoreButton =
      new SIPCommButton(

  private JPanel minimizeButtonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));

  private MainFrame mainFrame;

  private Hashtable activeCalls = new Hashtable();

  private boolean isCallMetaContact;

  private Hashtable removeCallTimers = new Hashtable();

  private ProtocolProviderService selectedCallProvider;

   * Creates an instance of <tt>CallManager</tt>.
   * @param mainFrame The main application window.
  public CallManager(MainFrame mainFrame) {
    super(new BorderLayout());

    this.mainFrame = mainFrame;

    this.phoneNumberCombo = new CallComboBox(this);

    this.accountSelectorBox = new AccountSelectorBox(this);

    this.buttonsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 0, 0, 0));

    this.comboPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 5, 0, 5));


  /** Initializes and constructs this panel. */
  private void init() {


    this.comboPanel.add(phoneNumberCombo, BorderLayout.CENTER);


        Messages.getI18NString("hideCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H");
        Messages.getI18NString("showCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H");





    this.add(minimizeButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


   * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> generated when user presses one of the buttons in this panel.
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    JButton button = (JButton) evt.getSource();
    String buttonName = button.getName();

    if (buttonName.equals("call")) {
      Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab();

      // call button is pressed over an already open call panel
      if (selectedPanel != null
          && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel
          && ((CallPanel) selectedPanel).getCall().getCallState()
              == CallState.CALL_INITIALIZATION) {


        CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel;

        Iterator participantPanels = callPanel.getParticipantsPanels();

        while (participantPanels.hasNext()) {
          CallParticipantPanel panel = (CallParticipantPanel) participantPanels.next();


        Call call = callPanel.getCall();

      // call button is pressed over the call list
      else if (selectedPanel != null
          && selectedPanel instanceof CallListPanel
          && ((CallListPanel) selectedPanel).getCallList().getSelectedIndex() != -1) {

        CallListPanel callListPanel = (CallListPanel) selectedPanel;

        GuiCallParticipantRecord callRecord =
            (GuiCallParticipantRecord) callListPanel.getCallList().getSelectedValue();

        String stringContact = callRecord.getParticipantName();

      // call button is pressed over the contact list
      else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof ContactListPanel) {
        // call button is pressed when a meta contact is selected
        if (isCallMetaContact) {
          Object[] selectedContacts =

          Vector telephonyContacts = new Vector();

          for (int i = 0; i < selectedContacts.length; i++) {

            Object o = selectedContacts[i];

            if (o instanceof MetaContact) {

              Contact contact =
                  ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);

              if (contact != null) telephonyContacts.add(contact);
              else {
                new ErrorDialog(
                                new String[] {((MetaContact) o).getDisplayName()})

          if (telephonyContacts.size() > 0) createCall(telephonyContacts);

        } else if (!phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) {

          // if no contact is selected checks if the user has chosen
          // or has
          // writen something in the phone combo box

          String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString();

      } else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof DialPanel) {
        String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString();
    } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("hangup")) {
      Component selectedPanel = this.mainFrame.getSelectedTab();

      if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) {


        CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel;

        Call call = callPanel.getCall();

        if (removeCallTimers.containsKey(callPanel)) {
          ((Timer) removeCallTimers.get(callPanel)).stop();


        if (call != null) {
          ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider();

          OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps);

          Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants();

          while (participants.hasNext()) {
            try {
              // now we hang up the first call participant in the
              // call
              telephony.hangupCallParticipant((CallParticipant) participants.next());
            } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
              logger.error("Hang up was not successful: " + e);
    } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("minimize")) {
      JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem =

      if (!hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(true);

    } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("restore")) {

      JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem =

      if (hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(false);


  /** Hides the panel containing call and hangup buttons. */
  public void setCallPanelVisible(boolean isVisible) {
    if (isVisible) {
      this.add(comboPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
      this.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    } else {


      if (mainFrame.isVisible())

    if (ConfigurationManager.isCallPanelShown() != isVisible)


   * Adds the given call account to the list of call via accounts.
   * @param pps the protocol provider service corresponding to the account
  public void addCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) {
    if (accountSelectorBox.getAccountsNumber() > 0) {
      this.comboPanel.add(callViaPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

   * Removes the account corresponding to the given protocol provider from the call via selector
   * box.
   * @param pps the protocol provider service to remove
  public void removeCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) {

    if (accountSelectorBox.getAccountsNumber() < 2) {

   * Returns TRUE if the account corresponding to the given protocol provider is already contained
   * in the call via selector box, otherwise returns FALSE.
   * @param pps the protocol provider service for the account
   * @return TRUE if the account corresponding to the given protocol provider is already contained
   *     in the call via selector box, otherwise returns FALSE
  public boolean containsCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) {
    return accountSelectorBox.containsAccount(pps);

   * Updates the call via account status.
   * @param pps the protocol provider service for the account
  public void updateCallAccountStatus(ProtocolProviderService pps) {

   * Returns the account selector box.
   * @return the account selector box.
  public AccountSelectorBox getAccountSelectorBox() {
    return accountSelectorBox;

   * Sets the protocol provider to use for a call.
   * @param provider the protocol provider to use for a call.
  public void setCallProvider(ProtocolProviderService provider) {
    this.selectedCallProvider = provider;

   * Implements CallListener.incomingCallReceived. When a call is received creates a call panel and
   * adds it to the main tabbed pane and plays the ring phone sound to the user.
  public void incomingCallReceived(CallEvent event) {
    Call sourceCall = event.getSourceCall();

    CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, sourceCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.INCOMING_CALL);


    if (mainFrame.getState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED) mainFrame.setState(JFrame.NORMAL);

    if (!mainFrame.isVisible()) mainFrame.setVisible(true);



        "Incoming call recived from: " + sourceCall.getCallParticipants().next());

    activeCalls.put(sourceCall, callPanel);


   * Implements CallListener.callEnded. Stops sounds that are playing at the moment if there're any.
   * Removes the call panel and disables the hangup button.
  public void callEnded(CallEvent event) {
    Call sourceCall = event.getSourceCall();


    if (activeCalls.get(sourceCall) != null) {
      CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) activeCalls.get(sourceCall);


  public void outgoingCallCreated(CallEvent event) {}

   * Removes the given call panel tab.
   * @param callPanel the CallPanel to remove
  public void removeCallPanelWait(CallPanel callPanel) {
    Timer timer = new Timer(5000, new RemoveCallPanelListener(callPanel));

    this.removeCallTimers.put(callPanel, timer);


   * Removes the given call panel tab.
   * @param callPanel the CallPanel to remove
  private void removeCallPanel(CallPanel callPanel) {
    if (callPanel.getCall() != null && activeCalls.contains(callPanel.getCall())) {


  /** Removes the given CallPanel from the main tabbed pane. */
  private class RemoveCallPanelListener implements ActionListener {
    private CallPanel callPanel;

    public RemoveCallPanelListener(CallPanel callPanel) {
      this.callPanel = callPanel;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

   * Implements ListSelectionListener.valueChanged. Enables or disables call and hangup buttons
   * depending on the selection in the contactlist.
  public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
    Object o = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValue();

    if ((e.getFirstIndex() != -1 || e.getLastIndex() != -1) && (o instanceof MetaContact)) {

      // Switch automatically to the appropriate pps in account selector
      // box and enable callButton if telephony is supported.
      Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);

      if (contact != null) {

        if (contact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered())
      } else {
    } else if (phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) {

   * Implements ChangeListener.stateChanged. Enables the hangup button if ones selects a tab in the
   * main tabbed pane that contains a call panel.
  public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {

    Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab();
    if (selectedPanel == null || !(selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel)) {
      Iterator callPanels = activeCalls.values().iterator();

      while (callPanels.hasNext()) {
        CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) callPanels.next();


  /** Updates call and hangup buttons' states aa */
  private void updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel() {
    Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab();
    if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) {
    } else {

   * Returns the call button.
   * @return the call button
  public SIPCommButton getCallButton() {
    return callButton;

   * Returns the hangup button.
   * @return the hangup button
  public SIPCommButton getHangupButton() {
    return hangupButton;

   * Returns the main application frame. Meant to be used from the contained components that do not
   * have direct access to the MainFrame.
   * @return the main application frame
  public MainFrame getMainFrame() {
    return mainFrame;

   * Returns the combo box, where user enters the phone number to call to.
   * @return the combo box, where user enters the phone number to call to.
  public JComboBox getCallComboBox() {
    return phoneNumberCombo;

   * Answers the given call.
   * @param call the call to answer
  public void answerCall(Call call) {
    new AnswerCallThread(call).start();

   * Returns TRUE if this call is a call to an internal meta contact from the contact list,
   * otherwise returns FALSE.
   * @return TRUE if this call is a call to an internal meta contact from the contact list,
   *     otherwise returns FALSE
  public boolean isCallMetaContact() {
    return isCallMetaContact;

   * Sets the isCallMetaContact variable to TRUE or FALSE. This defines if this call is a call to a
   * given meta contact selected from the contact list or a call to an external contact or phone
   * number.
   * @param isCallMetaContact TRUE to define this call as a call to an internal meta contact and
   *     FALSE to define it as a call to an external contact or phone number.
  public void setCallMetaContact(boolean isCallMetaContact) {
    this.isCallMetaContact = isCallMetaContact;

   * Creates a call to the contact represented by the given string.
   * @param contact the contact to call to
  public void createCall(String contact) {
    CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contact);


    new CreateCallThread(contact, callPanel).start();

   * Creates a call to the given list of contacts.
   * @param contacts the list of contacts to call to
  public void createCall(Vector contacts) {
    CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contacts);


    new CreateCallThread(contacts, callPanel).start();

  /** Creates a call from a given Contact or a given String. */
  private class CreateCallThread extends Thread {
    Vector contacts;

    CallPanel callPanel;

    String stringContact;

    OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony;

    public CreateCallThread(String contact, CallPanel callPanel) {
      this.stringContact = contact;
      this.callPanel = callPanel;

      if (selectedCallProvider != null)
        telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(selectedCallProvider);

    public CreateCallThread(Vector contacts, CallPanel callPanel) {
      this.contacts = contacts;
      this.callPanel = callPanel;

      if (selectedCallProvider != null)
        telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(selectedCallProvider);

    public void run() {
      if (telephony == null) return;

      Call createdCall = null;

      if (contacts != null) {
        Contact contact = (Contact) contacts.get(0);

        // NOTE: The multi user call is not yet implemented!
        // We just get the first contact and create a call for him.
        try {
          createdCall = telephony.createCall(contact);
        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
          logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e);



        // If the call is successfully created we set the created
        // Call instance to the already existing CallPanel and we
        // add this call to the active calls.
        if (createdCall != null) {
          callPanel.setCall(createdCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.OUTGOING_CALL);

          activeCalls.put(createdCall, callPanel);
      } else {
        try {
          createdCall = telephony.createCall(stringContact);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
          logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e);


        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
          logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e);



        // If the call is successfully created we set the created
        // Call instance to the already existing CallPanel and we
        // add this call to the active calls.
        if (createdCall != null) {
          callPanel.setCall(createdCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.OUTGOING_CALL);

          activeCalls.put(createdCall, callPanel);

  /** Answers all call participants in the given call. */
  private class AnswerCallThread extends Thread {
    private Call call;

    public AnswerCallThread(Call call) {
      this.call = call;

    public void run() {
      ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider();

      Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants();

      while (participants.hasNext()) {
        CallParticipant participant = (CallParticipant) participants.next();

        OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps);

        try {
        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
              "Could not answer to : " + participant + " caused by the following exception: " + e);
Пример #8
 * Handles OPTIONS requests by replying with an OK response containing methods that we support.
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class ClientCapabilities extends MethodProcessorAdapter {

   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>ClientCapabilities</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClientCapabilities.class);

  /** The protocol provider that created us. */
  private final ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl provider;

  /** Registration listener instance. */
  private final RegistrationListener registrationListener;

  /** The timer that runs the keep-alive task */
  private Timer keepAliveTimer = null;

  /** The next long to use as a cseq header value. */
  private long nextCSeqValue = 1;

   * Creates a new instance of this class using the specified parent <tt>protocolProvider</tt>.
   * @param protocolProvider a reference to the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt> instance
   *     that created us.
  public ClientCapabilities(ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl protocolProvider) {
    this.provider = protocolProvider;

    provider.registerMethodProcessor(Request.OPTIONS, this);

    registrationListener = new RegistrationListener();

   * Receives options requests and replies with an OK response containing methods that we support.
   * @param requestEvent the incoming options request.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if request has been successfully processed, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
  public boolean processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    Response optionsOK = null;
    try {
      optionsOK =
          provider.getMessageFactory().createResponse(Response.OK, requestEvent.getRequest());

      // add to the allows header all methods that we support
      for (String method : provider.getSupportedMethods()) {
        // don't support REGISTERs
        if (!method.equals(Request.REGISTER))

      Iterable<String> knownEventsList = provider.getKnownEventsList();

      synchronized (knownEventsList) {
        for (String event : knownEventsList)
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
      // What else could we do apart from logging?
      logger.warn("Failed to create an incoming OPTIONS request", ex);
      return false;

    try {
    } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) {
      // this means that we received an OPTIONS request outside the scope
      // of a transaction which could mean that someone is simply sending
      // us b****hit to keep a NAT connection alive, so let's not get too
      // excited.
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
        logger.info("Failed to respond to an incoming " + "transactionless OPTIONS request");
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exception was:", ex);
      return false;
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
      // What else could we do apart from logging?
      logger.warn("Failed to send an incoming OPTIONS request", ex);
      return false;
    } catch (SipException ex) {
      // What else could we do apart from logging?
      logger.warn("Failed to send an incoming OPTIONS request", ex);
      return false;

    return true;

   * Returns the next long to use as a cseq header value.
   * @return the next long to use as a cseq header value.
  private long getNextCSeqValue() {
    return nextCSeqValue++;

  /** Fire event that connection has failed and we had to unregister the protocol provider. */
  private void disconnect() {
    // don't alert the user if we're already off
    if (provider.getRegistrationState().equals(RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED)) {

            "A timeout occurred while trying to connect to the server.");

  /** Frees allocated resources. */
  void shutdown() {

  /** The task would continuously send OPTIONs request that we use as a keep alive method. */
  private class OptionsKeepAliveTask extends TimerTask {
    public void run() {
      try {

        // From
        FromHeader fromHeader = null;
        try {
          // this keep alive task only makes sense in case we have
          // a registrar so we deliberately use our AOR and do not
          // use the getOurSipAddress() method.
          fromHeader =
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
          // this should never happen so let's just log and bail.
          logger.error("Failed to generate a from header for " + "our register request.", ex);

        // Call ID Header
        CallIdHeader callIdHeader = provider.getDefaultJainSipProvider().getNewCallId();

        // CSeq Header
        CSeqHeader cSeqHeader = null;
        try {
          cSeqHeader =
              provider.getHeaderFactory().createCSeqHeader(getNextCSeqValue(), Request.OPTIONS);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
          // Should never happen
          logger.error("Corrupt Sip Stack", ex);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
          // Should never happen
          logger.error("The application is corrupt", ex);

        // To Header
        ToHeader toHeader = null;
        try {
          // this request isn't really going anywhere so we put our
          // own address in the To Header.
          toHeader = provider.getHeaderFactory().createToHeader(fromHeader.getAddress(), null);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
          logger.error("Could not create a To header for address:" + fromHeader.getAddress(), ex);

        // MaxForwardsHeader
        MaxForwardsHeader maxForwardsHeader = provider.getMaxForwardsHeader();
        // Request
        Request request = null;
        try {
          // create a host-only uri for the request uri header.
          String domain = ((SipURI) toHeader.getAddress().getURI()).getHost();

          // request URI
          SipURI requestURI = provider.getAddressFactory().createSipURI(null, domain);

          // Via Headers
          ArrayList<ViaHeader> viaHeaders = provider.getLocalViaHeaders(requestURI);

          request =

          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Created OPTIONS request " + request);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
          logger.error("Could not create an OPTIONS request!", ex);

        Iterator<String> supportedMethods = provider.getSupportedMethods().iterator();

        // add to the allows header all methods that we support
        while (supportedMethods.hasNext()) {
          String method = supportedMethods.next();

          // don't support REGISTERs
          if (method.equals(Request.REGISTER)) continue;


        Iterator<String> events = provider.getKnownEventsList().iterator();

        synchronized (provider.getKnownEventsList()) {
          while (events.hasNext()) {
            String event = events.next();


        // Transaction
        ClientTransaction optionsTrans = null;
        try {
          optionsTrans = provider.getDefaultJainSipProvider().getNewClientTransaction(request);
        } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) {
          logger.error("Could not create options transaction!\n", ex);
        try {
          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("sent request= " + request);
        } catch (SipException ex) {
          logger.error("Could not send out the options request!", ex);

          if (ex.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
            // IOException problem with network

      } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Cannot send OPTIONS keep alive", ex);

  /** Class implements CRLF keep alive method. */
  private class CRLfKeepAliveTask extends TimerTask {

    public void run() {
      ProxyConnection connection = provider.getConnection();
      if (connection == null) {
        logger.error("No connection found to send CRLF keep alive" + " with " + provider);

      ListeningPoint lp = provider.getListeningPoint(connection.getTransport());

      if (!(lp instanceof ListeningPointExt)) {
        logger.error("ListeningPoint is not ListeningPointExt" + "(or is null)");

      InetSocketAddress address = connection.getAddress();
      try {
        ((ListeningPointExt) lp)
            .sendHeartbeat(address.getAddress().getHostAddress(), address.getPort());
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error while sending a heartbeat", e);

  private class RegistrationListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
     * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever a change in the
     * registration state of the corresponding provider had occurred. The method is particularly
     * interested in events stating that the SIP provider has unregistered so that it would fire
     * status change events for all contacts in our buddy list.
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERING
          || evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED
          || evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
          || evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.CONNECTION_FAILED) {
        // stop any task associated with the timer
        if (keepAliveTimer != null) {
          keepAliveTimer = null;
      } else if (evt.getNewState().equals(RegistrationState.REGISTERED)) {
        String keepAliveMethod =

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Keep alive method " + keepAliveMethod);
        // options is default keep-alive, if property is missing
        // then options is used
        if (keepAliveMethod != null
            && !(keepAliveMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("options")
                || keepAliveMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("crlf"))) return;

        int keepAliveInterval =
                .getAccountPropertyInt(ProtocolProviderFactory.KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL, -1);

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Keep alive interval is " + keepAliveInterval);
        if (keepAliveInterval > 0 && !provider.getRegistrarConnection().isRegistrarless()) {
          if (keepAliveTimer == null) keepAliveTimer = new Timer();

          TimerTask keepAliveTask;
          // CRLF is used by default on Android
          if ((OSUtils.IS_ANDROID && keepAliveMethod == null)
              || "crlf".equalsIgnoreCase(keepAliveMethod)) {
            keepAliveTask = new CRLfKeepAliveTask();
          } else {
            // OPTIONS
            keepAliveTask = new OptionsKeepAliveTask();

          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Scheduling keep alives: " + keepAliveTask);

          keepAliveTimer.schedule(keepAliveTask, 0, keepAliveInterval * 1000);
 * Performs testing of the basic instant messaging operation set. Tests include going over basic
 * functionality such as sending a message from the tested implementation and asserting reception by
 * the tester agent and vice versa.
 * @author Emil Ivov
public class TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger =

  private GibberishSlickFixture fixture = new GibberishSlickFixture();

  private OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging opSetBasicIM1 = null;
  private OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging opSetBasicIM2 = null;

  private OperationSetPresence opSetPresence1 = null;
  private OperationSetPresence opSetPresence2 = null;

  public TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging(String name) {

   * Get a reference to the basic IM operation set.
   * @throws Exception if this is not a good day.
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets1 =

    if (supportedOperationSets1 == null || supportedOperationSets1.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    opSetBasicIM1 =

    if (opSetBasicIM1 == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("No implementation for basic IM was found");

    // we also need the presence op set in order to retrieve contacts.
    opSetPresence1 =
        (OperationSetPresence) supportedOperationSets1.get(OperationSetPresence.class.getName());

    // if the op set is null show that we're not happy.
    if (opSetPresence1 == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least one of the PresenceOperationSets");

    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets2 =

    if (supportedOperationSets2 == null || supportedOperationSets2.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    opSetBasicIM2 =

    if (opSetBasicIM2 == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("No implementation for basic IM was found");

    opSetPresence2 =
        (OperationSetPresence) supportedOperationSets2.get(OperationSetPresence.class.getName());

    // if the op set is null show that we're not happy.
    if (opSetPresence2 == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least one of the PresenceOperationSets");

  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {


   * Creates a test suite containing tests of this class in a specific order. We'll first execute
   * tests beginning with the "test" prefix and then go to ordered tests.We first execture tests for
   * receiving messagese, so that a volatile contact is created for the sender. we'll then be able
   * to retrieve this volatile contact and send them a message on our turn. We need to do things
   * this way as the contact corresponding to the tester agent has been removed in the previous test
   * and we no longer have it in our contact list.
   * @return Test a testsuite containing all tests to execute.
  public static Test suite() {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging("prepareContactList"));


    // the following 2 need to be run in the specified order.
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging("firstTestReceiveMessage"));
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging("thenTestSendMessage"));

    return suite;

   * Create the list to be sure that contacts exchanging messages exists in each other lists
   * @throws Exception
  public void prepareContactList() throws Exception {

    Object o = new Object();
    synchronized (o) {

    try {
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
      // the contact already exist its OK

    try {
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex1) {
      // the contact already exist its OK

    synchronized (o) {

   * Send an instant message from the tested operation set and assert reception by the tester agent.
  public void firstTestReceiveMessage() {
    String body = "This is an IM coming from the tester agent" + " on " + new Date().toString();

    ImEventCollector evtCollector = new ImEventCollector();

    // add a msg listener and register to the op set and send an instant
    // msg from the tester agent.

    Contact testerAgentContact = opSetPresence2.findContactByID(fixture.userID1);

    logger.debug("Will send message " + body + " to: " + testerAgentContact);

    opSetBasicIM2.sendInstantMessage(testerAgentContact, opSetBasicIM2.createMessage(body));



    // assert reception of a message event
        "No events delivered upon a received message", evtCollector.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

    // assert event instance of Message Received Evt
        "Received evt was not an instance of " + MessageReceivedEvent.class.getName(),
        evtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0) instanceof MessageReceivedEvent);

    // assert source contact == testAgent.uin
    MessageReceivedEvent evt = (MessageReceivedEvent) evtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
    assertEquals("message sender ", evt.getSourceContact().getAddress(), fixture.userID2);

    // assert messageBody == body
    assertEquals("message body", body, evt.getSourceMessage().getContent());

   * Send an instant message from the tester agent and assert reception by the tested implementation
  public void thenTestSendMessage() {
        "Printing Server Stored list to see if message fails are contacts in each other lists");
    ContactGroup rootGroup1 =
        ((OperationSetPersistentPresence) opSetPresence1).getServerStoredContactListRoot();

    logger.debug("=========== Server Stored Contact List 1 =================");

            + rootGroup1.getGroupName()
            + " rootGroup.childContacts="
            + rootGroup1.countContacts()
            + "rootGroup.childGroups="
            + rootGroup1.countSubgroups()
            + "Printing rootGroupContents=\n"
            + rootGroup1.toString());

    ContactGroup rootGroup2 =
        ((OperationSetPersistentPresence) opSetPresence2).getServerStoredContactListRoot();

    logger.debug("=========== Server Stored Contact List 2 =================");

            + rootGroup2.getGroupName()
            + " rootGroup.childContacts="
            + rootGroup2.countContacts()
            + "rootGroup.childGroups="
            + rootGroup2.countSubgroups()
            + "Printing rootGroupContents=\n"
            + rootGroup2.toString());

    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();

    // create the message
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg = opSetBasicIM1.createMessage(body);

    // register a listener in the op set
    ImEventCollector imEvtCollector1 = new ImEventCollector();

    // register a listener in the tester agent
    ImEventCollector imEvtCollector2 = new ImEventCollector();

    Contact testerAgentContact = opSetPresence1.findContactByID(fixture.userID2);

    opSetBasicIM1.sendInstantMessage(testerAgentContact, msg);



    // verify that the message delivered event was dispatched
        "No events delivered when sending a message", imEvtCollector1.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

        "Received evt was not an instance of " + MessageDeliveredEvent.class.getName(),
        imEvtCollector1.collectedEvents.get(0) instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent);

    MessageDeliveredEvent evt = (MessageDeliveredEvent) imEvtCollector1.collectedEvents.get(0);
    assertEquals("message destination ", evt.getDestinationContact().getAddress(), fixture.userID2);

    assertSame("source message", msg, evt.getSourceMessage());

    // verify that the message has successfully arived at the destination
        "No messages received by the tester agent", imEvtCollector2.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

        "Message was unable to deliver !",
        imEvtCollector2.collectedEvents.get(0) instanceof MessageDeliveryFailedEvent);

    String receivedBody =
        ((MessageReceivedEvent) imEvtCollector2.collectedEvents.get(0))

    assertEquals("received message body", msg.getContent(), receivedBody);

  /** Creates an Message through the simple createMessage() method and inspects its parameters. */
  public void testCreateMessage1() {
    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg = opSetBasicIM1.createMessage(body);

    assertEquals("message body", body, msg.getContent());
    assertTrue("message body bytes", Arrays.equals(body.getBytes(), msg.getRawData()));
    assertEquals("message length", body.length(), msg.getSize());
        "message content type",

        "message encoding",

    assertNotNull("message uid", msg.getMessageUID());

    // a further test on message uid.
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg2 = opSetBasicIM1.createMessage(body);
    assertFalse("message uid", msg.getMessageUID().equals(msg2.getMessageUID()));

  /** Creates an Message through the advance createMessage() method and inspects its parameters. */
  public void testCreateMessage2() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();
    String contentType = "text/html";
    String encoding = "UTF-16";
    String subject = "test message";
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg =
        opSetBasicIM1.createMessage(body, contentType, encoding, subject);
    byte[] bodyBytes = body.getBytes(encoding);

    assertEquals("message body", body, msg.getContent());
    assertTrue("message body bytes", Arrays.equals(bodyBytes, msg.getRawData()));
    assertEquals("message length", bodyBytes.length, msg.getSize());
    assertEquals("message content type", contentType, msg.getContentType());
    assertEquals("message encoding", encoding, msg.getEncoding());
    assertNotNull("message uid", msg.getMessageUID());

    // a further test on message uid.
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg2 = opSetBasicIM1.createMessage(body);
    assertFalse("message uid", msg.getMessageUID().equals(msg2.getMessageUID()));

  /** Collects instant messaging events. */
  private class ImEventCollector implements MessageListener {
    private List<EventObject> collectedEvents = new LinkedList<EventObject>();
     * Called when a new incoming <tt>Message</tt> has been received.
     * @param evt the <tt>MessageReceivedEvent</tt> containing the newly received message, its
     *     sender and other details.
    public void messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageReceivedEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Called to indicated that delivery of a message sent earlier has failed. Reason code and
     * phrase are contained by the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt>
     * @param evt the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt> containing the ID of the message whose delivery
     *     has failed.
    public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageDeliveryFailedEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Called when the underlying implementation has received an indication that a message, sent
     * earlier has been successfully received by the destination.
     * @param evt the MessageDeliveredEvent containing the id of the message that has caused the
     *     event.
    public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageDeliveredEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) return;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a message evt", ex);
 * The <tt>AndroidLoginRenderer</tt> is the Android renderer for login events.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class AndroidLoginRenderer implements LoginRenderer {
  /** The logger */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AndroidLoginRenderer.class);

  /** The <tt>CallListener</tt>. */
  private CallListener androidCallListener;

  /** The android implementation of the provider presence listener. */
  private final ProviderPresenceStatusListener androidPresenceListener =
      new UIProviderPresenceStatusListener();

  /** The security authority used by this login renderer. */
  private final SecurityAuthority securityAuthority;

  /** Authorization handler instance. */
  private final AuthorizationHandlerImpl authorizationHandler;

  /** Cached global status value */
  private PresenceStatus globalStatus;

  /** List of global status listeners. */
  private EventListenerList<PresenceStatus> globalStatusListeners =
      new EventListenerList<PresenceStatus>();

  /** Caches avatar image to track the changes */
  private byte[] localAvatarRaw;

  /** Local avatar drawable */
  private Drawable localAvatar;

  /** Caches local status to track the changes */
  private byte[] localStatusRaw;

  /** Local status drawable */
  private Drawable localStatusDrawable;

   * Creates an instance of <tt>AndroidLoginRenderer</tt> by specifying the current
   * <tt>Context</tt>.
   * @param defaultSecurityAuthority the security authority that will be used by this login renderer
  public AndroidLoginRenderer(SecurityAuthority defaultSecurityAuthority) {
    androidCallListener = new AndroidCallListener();

    securityAuthority = defaultSecurityAuthority;

    authorizationHandler = new AuthorizationHandlerImpl();

   * Adds the user interface related to the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we add the user interface
  public void addProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> telOpSet =

    if (telOpSet != null) {

    OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet =

    if (presenceOpSet != null) {

   * Removes the user interface related to the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider to remove
  public void removeProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> telOpSet =

    if (telOpSet != null) {

    OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet =

    if (presenceOpSet != null) {

    // Removes all chat session for unregistered provider

   * Starts the connecting user interface for the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we add the connecting user interface
  public void startConnectingUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {}

   * Stops the connecting user interface for the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we remove the connecting user interface
  public void stopConnectingUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {}

   * Indicates that the given protocol provider has been connected at the given time.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt> corresponding to the connected
   *     account
   * @param date the date/time at which the account has connected
  public void protocolProviderConnected(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, long date) {

    OperationSetPresence presence = AccountStatusUtils.getProtocolPresenceOpSet(protocolProvider);

    if (presence != null) {


   * Indicates that a protocol provider connection has failed.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, which connection failed
   * @param loginManagerCallback the <tt>LoginManager</tt> implementation, which is managing the
   *     process
  public void protocolProviderConnectionFailed(
      final ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, final LoginManager loginManagerCallback) {
    AccountID accountID = protocolProvider.getAccountID();

        new DialogActivity.DialogListener() {
          public boolean onConfirmClicked(DialogActivity dialog) {
            return true;

          public void onDialogCancelled(DialogActivity dialog) {}

   * Returns the <tt>SecurityAuthority</tt> implementation related to this login renderer.
   * @param protocolProvider the specific <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, for which we're
   *     obtaining a security authority
   * @return the <tt>SecurityAuthority</tt> implementation related to this login renderer
  public SecurityAuthority getSecurityAuthorityImpl(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    return securityAuthority;

  /** Updates Jitsi icon notification to reflect current global status. */
  public void updateJitsiIconNotification() {
    String status;
    if (getGlobalStatus().isOnline()) {
      // At least one provider is online
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_ONLINE);
    } else {
      // There are no active providers so we consider to be in
      // the offline state
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_OFFLINE);

    int notificationID = OSGiService.getGeneralNotificationId();
    if (notificationID == -1) {
          "Not displaying status notification because"
              + " there's no global notification icon available.");


   * Adds global status listener.
   * @param l the listener to be add.
  public void addGlobalStatusListener(EventListener<PresenceStatus> l) {

   * Removes global status listener.
   * @param l the listener to remove.
  public void removeGlobalStatusListener(EventListener<PresenceStatus> l) {

   * Returns current global status.
   * @return current global status.
  public PresenceStatus getGlobalStatus() {
    if (globalStatus == null) {
      GlobalStatusService gss = AndroidGUIActivator.getGlobalStatusService();

      globalStatus = gss != null ? gss.getGlobalPresenceStatus() : GlobalStatusEnum.OFFLINE;
    return globalStatus;

  /** AuthorizationHandler instance used by this login renderer. */
  public AuthorizationHandlerImpl getAuthorizationHandler() {
    return authorizationHandler;

   * Listens for all providerStatusChanged and providerStatusMessageChanged events in order to
   * refresh the account status panel, when a status is changed.
  private class UIProviderPresenceStatusListener implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener {
    public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {

    public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {}

   * Indicates if the given <tt>protocolProvider</tt> related user interface is already rendered.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, which related user interface
   *     we're looking for
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the given <tt>protocolProvider</tt> related user interface is already
   *     rendered
  public boolean containsProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    return false;

  /** Updates the global status by picking the most connected protocol provider status. */
  private void updateGlobalStatus() {
    // Only if the GUI is active (bundle context will be null on shutdown)
    if (AndroidGUIActivator.bundleContext != null) {
      // Invalidate local status image
      localStatusRaw = null;
      // Invalidate global status
      globalStatus = null;


   * Returns the local user avatar drawable.
   * @return the local user avatar drawable.
  public Drawable getLocalAvatarDrawable() {
    GlobalDisplayDetailsService displayDetailsService =

    byte[] avatarImage = displayDetailsService.getGlobalDisplayAvatar();
    // Re-create drawable only if avatar has changed
    if (avatarImage != localAvatarRaw) {
      localAvatarRaw = avatarImage;
      localAvatar = AndroidImageUtil.roundedDrawableFromBytes(avatarImage);
    return localAvatar;

   * Returns the local user status drawable.
   * @return the local user status drawable
  public synchronized Drawable getLocalStatusDrawable() {
    byte[] statusImage = StatusUtil.getContactStatusIcon(getGlobalStatus());
    if (statusImage != localStatusRaw) {
      localStatusRaw = statusImage;
      localStatusDrawable =
          localStatusRaw != null ? AndroidImageUtil.drawableFromBytes(statusImage) : null;
    return localStatusDrawable;
 * Represents a default implementation of {@link OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo} in order to
 * make it easier for implementers to provide complete solutions while focusing on
 * implementation-specific details.
 * @author Damian Minkov
public abstract class AbstractOperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo
    implements OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>AbstractOperationSetPersistentPresence</tt> class and its
   * instances for logging output.
  private static final Logger logger =

  /** A list of listeners registered for <tt>ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener</tt>s. */
  private final List<ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener> serverStoredDetailsListeners =
      new ArrayList<ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener>();

   * Registers a ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener with this operation set so that it gets
   * notifications of details change.
   * @param listener the <tt>ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener</tt> to register.
  public void addServerStoredDetailsChangeListener(ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener listener) {
    synchronized (serverStoredDetailsListeners) {
      if (!serverStoredDetailsListeners.contains(listener))

   * Unregisters <tt>listener</tt> so that it won't receive any further notifications upon details
   * change.
   * @param listener the <tt>ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener</tt> to unregister.
  public void removeServerStoredDetailsChangeListener(ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener listener) {
    synchronized (serverStoredDetailsListeners) {

   * Notify all listeners of the corresponding account detail change event.
   * @param source the protocol provider service source
   * @param eventID the int ID of the event to dispatch
   * @param oldValue the value that the changed property had before the change occurred.
   * @param newValue the value that the changed property currently has (after the change has
   *     occurred).
  public void fireServerStoredDetailsChangeEvent(
      ProtocolProviderService source, int eventID, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
    ServerStoredDetailsChangeEvent evt =
        new ServerStoredDetailsChangeEvent(source, eventID, oldValue, newValue);

    Collection<ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener> listeners;
    synchronized (serverStoredDetailsListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener>(serverStoredDetailsListeners);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          "Dispatching a Contact Property Change Event to"
              + listeners.size()
              + " listeners. Evt="
              + evt);

    for (ServerStoredDetailsChangeListener listener : listeners)
Пример #12
 * The single chat implementation of the <tt>ChatTransport</tt> interface that provides abstraction
 * to protocol provider access.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
public class MetaContactChatTransport implements ChatTransport, ContactPresenceStatusListener {
  /** The logger. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetaContactChatTransport.class);

  /** The parent <tt>ChatSession</tt>, where this transport is available. */
  private final MetaContactChatSession parentChatSession;

  /** The associated protocol <tt>Contact</tt>. */
  private final Contact contact;

  /** The resource associated with this contact. */
  private ContactResource contactResource;

  /** The protocol presence operation set associated with this transport. */
  private final OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet;

  /** The thumbnail default width. */
  private static final int THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 64;

  /** The thumbnail default height. */
  private static final int THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 64;

  /** Indicates if only the resource name should be displayed. */
  private boolean isDisplayResourceOnly = false;

   * Creates an instance of <tt>MetaContactChatTransport</tt> by specifying the parent
   * <tt>chatSession</tt> and the <tt>contact</tt> associated with the transport.
   * @param chatSession the parent <tt>ChatSession</tt>
   * @param contact the <tt>Contact</tt> associated with this transport
  public MetaContactChatTransport(MetaContactChatSession chatSession, Contact contact) {
    this(chatSession, contact, null, false);

   * Creates an instance of <tt>MetaContactChatTransport</tt> by specifying the parent
   * <tt>chatSession</tt> and the <tt>contact</tt> associated with the transport.
   * @param chatSession the parent <tt>ChatSession</tt>
   * @param contact the <tt>Contact</tt> associated with this transport
   * @param contactResource the <tt>ContactResource</tt> associated with the contact
   * @param isDisplayResourceOnly indicates if only the resource name should be displayed
  public MetaContactChatTransport(
      MetaContactChatSession chatSession,
      Contact contact,
      ContactResource contactResource,
      boolean isDisplayResourceOnly) {
    this.parentChatSession = chatSession;
    this.contact = contact;
    this.contactResource = contactResource;
    this.isDisplayResourceOnly = isDisplayResourceOnly;

    presenceOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class);

    if (presenceOpSet != null) presenceOpSet.addContactPresenceStatusListener(this);

    // checking this can be slow so make
    // sure its out of our way
    new Thread(
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {

   * If sending im is supported check it for supporting html messages if a font is set. As it can be
   * slow make sure its not on our way
  private void checkImCaps() {
    if (ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontFamily() != null
        && ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontSize() > 0) {
      OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

      if (imOpSet != null)
        imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, contact);

   * Returns the contact associated with this transport.
   * @return the contact associated with this transport
  public Contact getContact() {
    return contact;

   * Returns the contact address corresponding to this chat transport.
   * @return The contact address corresponding to this chat transport.
  public String getName() {
    return contact.getAddress();

   * Returns the display name corresponding to this chat transport.
   * @return The display name corresponding to this chat transport.
  public String getDisplayName() {
    return contact.getDisplayName();

   * Returns the resource name of this chat transport. This is for example the name of the user
   * agent from which the contact is logged.
   * @return The display name of this chat transport resource.
  public String getResourceName() {
    if (contactResource != null) return contactResource.getResourceName();

    return null;

  public boolean isDisplayResourceOnly() {
    return isDisplayResourceOnly;

   * Returns the presence status of this transport.
   * @return the presence status of this transport.
  public PresenceStatus getStatus() {
    if (contactResource != null) return contactResource.getPresenceStatus();
    else return contact.getPresenceStatus();

   * Returns the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, corresponding to this chat transport.
   * @return the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, corresponding to this chat transport.
  public ProtocolProviderService getProtocolProvider() {
    return contact.getProtocolProvider();

   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports instant messaging, otherwise returns
   * <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports instant messaging, otherwise returns
   *     <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsInstantMessage() {
    // First try to ask the capabilities operation set if such is
    // available.
    OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet =

    if (capOpSet != null) {
      if (capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class) != null) {
        return true;
    } else if (contact
        != null) return true;

    return false;

   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false
   * otherwise.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false
   *     otherwise.
  public boolean allowsMessageCorrections() {
    OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet =

    if (capOpSet != null) {
      return capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetMessageCorrection.class) != null;
    } else {
      return contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetMessageCorrection.class)
          != null;

   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns
   * <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns
   *     <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsSmsMessage() {
    // First try to ask the capabilities operation set if such is
    // available.
    OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet =

    if (capOpSet != null) {
      if (capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetSmsMessaging.class) != null) {
        return true;
    } else if (contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class)
        != null) return true;

    return false;

   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise
   * returns <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise
   *     returns <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsTypingNotifications() {
    Object tnOpSet =

    if (tnOpSet != null) return true;
    else return false;

   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns
   * <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns
   *     <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsFileTransfer() {
    Object ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class);

    if (ftOpSet != null) return true;
    else return false;

   * Sends the given instant message through this chat transport, by specifying the mime type (html
   * or plain text).
   * @param message The message to send.
   * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain.
   * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted
  public void sendInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return;

    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

    Message msg;
    if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)
        && imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {
      msg =
              message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", "");
    } else {
      msg = imOpSet.createMessage(message);

    if (contactResource != null) imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, contactResource, msg);
    else imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, ContactResource.BASE_RESOURCE, msg);

   * Sends <tt>message</tt> as a message correction through this transport, specifying the mime type
   * (html or plain text) and the id of the message to replace.
   * @param message The message to send.
   * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain.
   * @param correctedMessageUID The ID of the message being corrected by this message.
  public void correctInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType, String correctedMessageUID) {
    if (!allowsMessageCorrections()) {

    OperationSetMessageCorrection mcOpSet =

    Message msg;
    if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)
        && mcOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {
      msg =
              message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", "");
    } else {
      msg = mcOpSet.createMessage(message);

    mcOpSet.correctMessage(contact, contactResource, msg, correctedMessageUID);

   * Determines whether this chat transport supports the supplied content type
   * @param contentType the type we want to check
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the chat transport supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType) {
    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

    if (imOpSet != null) return imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(contentType);
    else return false;

   * Sends the given sms message trough this chat transport.
   * @param phoneNumber phone number of the destination
   * @param messageText The message to send.
   * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted
  public void sendSmsMessage(String phoneNumber, String messageText) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    SMSManager.sendSMS(contact.getProtocolProvider(), phoneNumber, messageText);

   * Whether a dialog need to be opened so the user can enter the destination number.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if dialog needs to be open.
  public boolean askForSMSNumber() {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return false;

    OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet =

    return smsOpSet.askForNumber(contact);

   * Sends the given sms message trough this chat transport.
   * @param message the message to send
   * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted
  public void sendSmsMessage(String message) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    SMSManager.sendSMS(contact, message);

   * Sends a typing notification state.
   * @param typingState the typing notification state to send
   * @return the result of this operation. One of the TYPING_NOTIFICATION_XXX constants defined in
   *     this class
  public int sendTypingNotification(int typingState) {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsTypingNotifications()) return -1;

    ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider();
    OperationSetTypingNotifications tnOperationSet =

    // if protocol is not registered or contact is offline don't
    // try to send typing notifications
    if (protocolProvider.isRegistered()
        && contact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() >= PresenceStatus.ONLINE_THRESHOLD) {
      try {
        tnOperationSet.sendTypingNotification(contact, typingState);

      } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Failed to send typing notifications.", ex);



   * Sends the given file through this chat transport file transfer operation set.
   * @param file the file to send
   * @return the <tt>FileTransfer</tt> object charged to transfer the file
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public FileTransfer sendFile(File file) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsFileTransfer()) return null;

    OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet =

    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      // Create a thumbnailed file if possible.
      OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory tfOpSet =

      if (tfOpSet != null) {
        byte[] thumbnail = getFileThumbnail(file);

        if (thumbnail != null && thumbnail.length > 0) {
          file =
                  file, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "image/png", thumbnail);
    return ftOpSet.sendFile(contact, file);

   * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes.
   * @return the file length that is supported.
  public long getMaximumFileLength() {
    OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet =

    return ftOpSet.getMaximumFileLength();

  public void inviteChatContact(String contactAddress, String reason) {}

   * Returns the parent session of this chat transport. A <tt>ChatSession</tt> could contain more
   * than one transports.
   * @return the parent session of this chat transport
  public ChatSession getParentChatSession() {
    return parentChatSession;

   * Adds an SMS message listener to this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to add.
  public void addSmsMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet =


   * Adds an instant message listener to this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to add.
  public void addInstantMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return;

    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =


   * Removes the given sms message listener from this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to remove.
  public void removeSmsMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet =


   * Removes the instant message listener from this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to remove.
  public void removeInstantMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return;

    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =


   * Indicates that a contact has changed its status.
   * @param evt The presence event containing information about the contact status change.
  public void contactPresenceStatusChanged(ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getSourceContact().equals(contact)
        && !evt.getOldStatus().equals(evt.getNewStatus())
        && contactResource == null) // If the contact source is set then the
    // status will be updated from the
    // MetaContactChatSession.

  /** Updates the status of this contact with the new given status. */
  private void updateContactStatus() {
    // Update the status of the given contact in the "send via" selector
    // box.

  /** Removes all previously added listeners. */
  public void dispose() {
    if (presenceOpSet != null) presenceOpSet.removeContactPresenceStatusListener(this);

   * Returns the descriptor of this chat transport.
   * @return the descriptor of this chat transport
  public Object getDescriptor() {
    return contact;

   * Sets the icon for the given file.
   * @param file the file to set an icon for
   * @return the byte array containing the thumbnail
  private byte[] getFileThumbnail(File file) {
    byte[] bytes = null;
    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      try {
        ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(file.toURI().toURL());
        int width = image.getIconWidth();
        int height = image.getIconHeight();

        if (width > THUMBNAIL_WIDTH) width = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
        if (height > THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;

        bytes = ImageUtils.getScaledInstanceInBytes(image.getImage(), width, height);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Could not locate image.", e);
    return bytes;
 * Whiteboard session manager.
 * @author Julien Waechter
public class WhiteboardSessionManager implements WhiteboardObjectListener {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WhiteboardSessionManager.class);

  /** A protocol provider map. */
  private Map protocolProviderTable = new LinkedHashMap();

  /** The default start WhiteboardSession. */
  private WhiteboardSession wbTmpSession;

  /** List active WhitboarFrame started. */
  private Vector wbFrames = new Vector();

  /** List active WhitboarSession started. */
  private Vector wbSessions;

  private OperationSetWhiteboarding opSetWb;

  public WhiteboardSessionManager() {
    if (WhiteboardActivator.getWhiteboardOperationSets() == null) return;

    Iterator opSets = WhiteboardActivator.getWhiteboardOperationSets().iterator();

    while (opSets.hasNext()) {
      OperationSetWhiteboarding whiteboardOpSet = (OperationSetWhiteboarding) opSets.next();

      whiteboardOpSet.addInvitationListener(new InvitationListener());
      whiteboardOpSet.addPresenceListener(new PresenceListener());

   * Initialize (a new) Whiteboard with contact
   * @param contact Contact used to init whiteboard
  public void initWhiteboard(final Contact contact) {
    opSetWb =

    if (opSetWb == null) {
      logger.info("Contact does not support whiteboarding");

    WhiteboardFrame wbf = getWhiteboardFrame(contact);
    if (wbf != null) {

    new Thread() {
      public void run() {
        try {
          WhiteboardSession wbSession =
              opSetWb.createWhiteboardSession(contact.getDisplayName(), null);

          WhiteboardFrame wbFrame = new WhiteboardFrame(WhiteboardSessionManager.this, wbSession);




        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
          logger.error("Creating a whiteboard session failed.", e);
        } catch (OperationNotSupportedException e) {
          logger.error("Do not support create of whiteboard session", e);

   * Construct (with WhiteboardSession) and send a WhiteboardObject to a contact.
   * @param wbSession the white-board session, to which the object would be send
   * @param ws WhiteboardShape to convert and send
   * @param c contact
   * @return WhiteboardObject sent
  public WhiteboardObject sendWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardSession wbSession, WhiteboardShape ws)
      throws OperationFailedException {
    Vector supportedWBO = new Vector(Arrays.asList(wbSession.getSupportedWhiteboardObjects()));

    if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectPath) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectPath.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectPath obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectPath) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectPath.NAME);
      obj.setPoints(((WhiteboardObjectPath) ws).getPoints());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectPolyLine) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectPolyLine.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectPolyLine obj =
      obj.setPoints(((WhiteboardObjectPolyLine) ws).getPoints());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectPolygon) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectPolygon.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectPolygon obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectPolygon) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectPolygon.NAME);
      obj.setPoints(((WhiteboardObjectPolygon) ws).getPoints());
      obj.setBackgroundColor(((WhiteboardObjectPolygon) ws).getBackgroundColor());
      obj.setFill(((WhiteboardObjectPolygon) ws).isFill());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectLine) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectLine.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectLine obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectLine) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectLine.NAME);
      obj.setWhiteboardPointStart(((WhiteboardObjectLine) ws).getWhiteboardPointStart());
      obj.setWhiteboardPointEnd(((WhiteboardObjectLine) ws).getWhiteboardPointEnd());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectRect) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectRect.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectRect obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectRect) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectRect.NAME);
      obj.setFill(((WhiteboardObjectRect) ws).isFill());
      obj.setHeight(((WhiteboardObjectRect) ws).getHeight());
      obj.setWhiteboardPoint(((WhiteboardObjectRect) ws).getWhiteboardPoint());
      obj.setWidth((((WhiteboardObjectRect) ws)).getWidth());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectCircle) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectCircle.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectCircle obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectCircle) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectCircle.NAME);
      obj.setFill(((WhiteboardObjectCircle) ws).isFill());
      obj.setRadius(((WhiteboardObjectCircle) ws).getRadius());
      obj.setWhiteboardPoint(((WhiteboardObjectCircle) ws).getWhiteboardPoint());
      obj.setBackgroundColor((((WhiteboardObjectCircle) ws)).getBackgroundColor());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectText) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectText.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectText obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectText) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectText.NAME);
      obj.setFontName(((WhiteboardObjectText) ws).getFontName());
      obj.setFontSize(((WhiteboardObjectText) ws).getFontSize());
      obj.setText(((WhiteboardObjectText) ws).getText());
      obj.setWhiteboardPoint(((WhiteboardObjectText) ws).getWhiteboardPoint());
      return obj;
    } else if (ws instanceof WhiteboardObjectImage) {
      if (!supportedWBO.contains(WhiteboardObjectImage.NAME)) return null;
      WhiteboardObjectImage obj =
          (WhiteboardObjectImage) wbSession.createWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardObjectImage.NAME);
      obj.setBackgroundImage(((WhiteboardObjectImage) ws).getBackgroundImage());
      obj.setHeight(((WhiteboardObjectImage) ws).getHeight());
      obj.setWhiteboardPoint(((WhiteboardObjectImage) ws).getWhiteboardPoint());
      obj.setWidth(((WhiteboardObjectImage) ws).getWidth());

      return obj;

    return null;

   * Moves a <tt>WhiteboardShape</tt> from from one point to another on the board.
   * @param wbSession the white-board session, to which the moved object belongs
   * @param ws the shape to move
  public void moveWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardSession wbSession, WhiteboardShape ws) {
    try {
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {

   * Deletes a <tt>WhiteboardShape</tt> from the white-board.
   * @param wbSession the white-board session, to which the object belongs
   * @param ws the shape to delete
  public void deleteWhiteboardObject(WhiteboardSession wbSession, WhiteboardShape ws) {
    try {
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {

   * Called when a modified <tt>WhiteboardObject</tt> has been received.
   * @param evt the <tt>WhiteboardObjectReceivedEvent</tt> containing the modified whiteboardObject,
   *     its sender and other details.
  public void whiteboardObjecModified(WhiteboardObjectModifiedEvent evt) {
    WhiteboardFrame wbf = getWhiteboardFrame(evt.getSourceWhiteboardSession());

    if (wbf == null) return;
    WhiteboardObject wbo = evt.getSourceWhiteboardObject();

   * Called when a new incoming <tt>WhiteboardObject</tt> has been received.
   * @param evt the <tt>WhiteboardObjectReceivedEvent</tt> containing the newly received
   *     WhiteboardObject, its sender and other details.
  public void whiteboardObjectReceived(WhiteboardObjectReceivedEvent evt) {
     * There are 2 cases when a message is received:
     * - an existing session
     * - or a new session
    WhiteboardFrame wbFrame = getWhiteboardFrame(evt.getSourceWhiteboardSession());

    if (wbFrame == null) {
      logger.debug("New WBParticipant" + evt.getSourceContact().getDisplayName());

      wbFrame = new WhiteboardFrame(this, evt.getSourceWhiteboardSession());


    WhiteboardObject wbObject = evt.getSourceWhiteboardObject();

   * Called when the underlying implementation has received an indication that a WhiteboardObject,
   * sent earlier has been successfully received by the destination.
   * @param evt the WhiteboardObjectDeliveredEvent containing the id of the WhiteboardObject that
   *     has caused the event.
  public void whiteboardObjectDelivered(WhiteboardObjectDeliveredEvent evt) {
        "WBObjectDeliveredEvent: The following object: "
            + evt.getSourceWhiteboardObject()
            + " has been delivered to "
            + evt.getDestinationContact().getDisplayName());

   * Called to indicate that delivery of a WhiteboardObject sent earlier has failed. Reason code and
   * phrase are contained by the <tt>WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent</tt>
   * @param evt the <tt>WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent</tt> containing the ID of the
   *     WhiteboardObject whose delivery has failed.
  public void whiteboardObjectDeliveryFailed(WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {
    String errorMessage = null;

    if (evt.getErrorCode() == WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE) {
      errorMessage = "Network failure.";
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode()
        == WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
      errorMessage = "Offline messages aren't supported.";
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent.PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED) {
      errorMessage = "Protocol provider is not registered.";
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR) {
      errorMessage = "An internal error occured.";
    } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == WhiteboardObjectDeliveryFailedEvent.UNKNOWN_ERROR) {
      errorMessage = "An unknown error occured.";

    String debugErrorMessage =
        "WBObjectDeliveryFailedEvent: The following object: "
            + evt.getSourceWhiteboardObject()
            + " has NOT been delivered to "
            + evt.getDestinationContact().getDisplayName()
            + " because of the following error: "
            + errorMessage;


        .showMessagePopupDialog(errorMessage, "Error", PopupDialog.ERROR_MESSAGE);

   * Returns the WhiteboardFrame associated with the Contact.
   * @param c contact
   * @return WhiteboardFrame with the Contact or null (if nothing found)
  private WhiteboardFrame getWhiteboardFrame(WhiteboardSession session) {
    WhiteboardFrame whiteboardFrame = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < wbFrames.size(); i++) {
      whiteboardFrame = (WhiteboardFrame) wbFrames.get(i);

      if (whiteboardFrame.getWhiteboardSession().equals(session)) return whiteboardFrame;
    return null;

   * Returns the WhiteboardFrame associated with the Contact.
   * @param c contact
   * @return WhiteboardFrame with the Contact or null (if nothing found)
  private WhiteboardFrame getWhiteboardFrame(Contact contact) {
    WhiteboardFrame whiteboardFrame = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < wbFrames.size(); i++) {
      whiteboardFrame = (WhiteboardFrame) wbFrames.get(i);

      if (whiteboardFrame.getContact() != null && whiteboardFrame.getContact().equals(contact))
        return whiteboardFrame;
    return null;

   * Called when a deleted <tt>WhiteboardObject</tt> has been received.
   * @param evt the <tt>WhiteboardObjectDeletedEvent</tt> containing the identification of the
   *     deleted WhiteboardObject, its sender and other details.
  public void whiteboardObjectDeleted(WhiteboardObjectDeletedEvent evt) {
    WhiteboardFrame wbf = getWhiteboardFrame(evt.getSourceWhiteboardSession());

    if (wbf == null) {

    String id = evt.getId();

   * Listens for <tt>WhiteboardInvitationReceivedEvent</tt>s and shows a dialog to the user, where
   * she could accept, reject or ignore an incoming invitation.
  private class InvitationListener implements WhiteboardInvitationListener {
    public void invitationReceived(WhiteboardInvitationReceivedEvent evt) {
      OperationSetWhiteboarding whiteboardOpSet = evt.getSourceOperationSet();

      InvitationReceivedDialog dialog =
          new InvitationReceivedDialog(
              WhiteboardSessionManager.this, whiteboardOpSet, evt.getInvitation());


          Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width / 2 - dialog.getWidth() / 2,
          Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height / 2 - dialog.getHeight() / 2);


   * Called to accept an incoming invitation. Adds the invitation chat room to the list of chat
   * rooms and joins it.
   * @param invitation the invitation to accept.
  public void acceptInvitation(WhiteboardInvitation invitation) {
    WhiteboardSession whiteboard = invitation.getTargetWhiteboard();

    byte[] password = invitation.getWhiteboardPassword();

    try {
      if (password == null) whiteboard.join();
      else whiteboard.join(password);
    } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
                  "failedToJoinWhiteboard", new String[] {whiteboard.getWhiteboardID()}),

      logger.error("Failed to join whiteboard: " + whiteboard.getWhiteboardID(), e);

   * Rejects the given invitation with the specified reason.
   * @param whiteboardOpSet the operation set to use for rejecting the invitation
   * @param invitation the invitation to reject
   * @param reason the reason for the rejection
  public void rejectInvitation(
      OperationSetWhiteboarding whiteboardOpSet, WhiteboardInvitation invitation, String reason) {
    whiteboardOpSet.rejectInvitation(invitation, reason);

  /** Listens for presence events. */
  private class PresenceListener implements WhiteboardSessionPresenceListener {
     * Implements the <tt>WhiteboardSessionPresenceListener .whiteboardSessionPresenceChanged</tt>
     * method.
    public void whiteboardSessionPresenceChanged(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent evt) {
      WhiteboardSession whiteboardSession = evt.getWhiteboardSession();

      if (evt.getEventType().equals(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_JOINED)) {

        WhiteboardFrame frame = getWhiteboardFrame(evt.getWhiteboardSession());

        if (frame == null) {
          frame = new WhiteboardFrame(WhiteboardSessionManager.this, whiteboardSession);

      } else if (evt.getEventType()
          .equals(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_JOIN_FAILED)) {
                        new String[] {whiteboardSession.getWhiteboardID()})
                    + evt.getReason(),
      } else if (evt.getEventType().equals(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_LEFT)) {
        WhiteboardFrame frame = getWhiteboardFrame(whiteboardSession);

        if (frame == null) return;

      } else if (evt.getEventType()
          .equals(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_KICKED)) {

      } else if (evt.getEventType()
          .equals(WhiteboardSessionPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_DROPPED)) {


   * Removes a white board frame.
   * @param frame the frame to remove
  public void removeWhiteboardWindow(WhiteboardFrame frame) {
    synchronized (wbFrames) {
Пример #14
 * This class is the <tt>SipListener</tt> for all JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt>s. It is in charge of
 * dispatching the received messages to the suitable <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt>s
 * registered with <tt>addSipListener</tt>. It also contains the JAIN-SIP pieces which are common
 * between all <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt>s (namely 1 <tt>SipStack</tt>, 2
 * <tt>SipProvider</tt>s, 3 <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s).
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Lubomir Marinov
 * @author Alan Kelly
 * @author Sebastien Mazy
public class SipStackSharing implements SipListener, NetworkConfigurationChangeListener {
   * We set a custom parameter in the contact address for registrar accounts, so as to ease
   * dispatching of incoming requests in case several accounts have the same username in their
   * contact address, eg: sip:[email protected]:5060;transport=udp;registering_acc=example_com
  public static final String CONTACT_ADDRESS_CUSTOM_PARAM_NAME = "registering_acc";

  /** Logger for this class. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SipStackSharing.class);

  /** Our SIP stack (provided by JAIN-SIP). */
  private final SipStack stack;

  /** The JAIN-SIP provider that we use for clear UDP/TCP. */
  private SipProvider clearJainSipProvider = null;
  /** The JAIN-SIP provider that we use for TLS. */
  private SipProvider secureJainSipProvider = null;

   * The candidate recipients to choose from when dispatching messages received from one the
   * JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt>-s. for thread safety issues reasons, better iterate on a copy of
   * that set using <tt>getSipListeners()</tt>.
  private final Set<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> listeners =
      new HashSet<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>();

  /** The property indicating the preferred UDP and TCP port to bind to for clear communications. */
  private static final String PREFERRED_CLEAR_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME =

  /** The property indicating the preferred TLS (TCP) port to bind to for secure communications. */
  private static final String PREFERRED_SECURE_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME =

   * Constructor for this class. Creates the JAIN-SIP stack.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if creating the stack fails.
  SipStackSharing() throws OperationFailedException {
    // init of the stack
    try {
      SipFactory sipFactory = SipFactory.getInstance();

      Properties sipStackProperties = new SipStackProperties();

      // Create SipStack object
      this.stack = sipFactory.createSipStack(sipStackProperties);
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Created stack: " + this.stack);

      // set our custom address resolver managing SRV records
      AddressResolverImpl addressResolver = new AddressResolverImpl();
      ((SIPTransactionStack) this.stack).setAddressResolver(addressResolver);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      logger.fatal("Failed to get SIP Factory.", ex);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "Failed to get SIP Factory", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex);

   * Adds this <tt>listener</tt> as a candidate recipient for the dispatching of new messages
   * received from the JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt>s.
   * @param listener a new possible target for the dispatching process.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if creating one of the underlying <tt>SipProvider</tt>s fails
   *     for whatever reason.
  public void addSipListener(ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl listener)
      throws OperationFailedException {
    synchronized (this.listeners) {
      if (this.listeners.size() == 0) startListening();
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(this.listeners.size() + " listeners now");

   * This <tt>listener</tt> will no longer be a candidate recipient for the dispatching of new
   * messages received from the JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt>s.
   * @param listener possible target to remove for the dispatching process.
  public void removeSipListener(ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl listener) {
    synchronized (this.listeners) {

      int listenerCount = listeners.size();
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(listenerCount + " listeners left");
      if (listenerCount == 0) stopListening();

   * Returns a copy of the <tt>listeners</tt> (= candidate recipients) set.
   * @return a copy of the <tt>listeners</tt> set.
  private Set<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> getSipListeners() {
    synchronized (this.listeners) {
      return new HashSet<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>(this.listeners);

   * Returns the JAIN-SIP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt> associated to the given transport string.
   * @param transport a string like "UDP", "TCP" or "TLS".
   * @return the LP associated to the given transport.
  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // jain-sip legacy code
  public ListeningPoint getLP(String transport) {
    ListeningPoint lp;
    Iterator<ListeningPoint> it = this.stack.getListeningPoints();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      lp = it.next();
      // FIXME: JAIN-SIP stack is not consistent with case
      // (reported upstream)
      if (lp.getTransport().toLowerCase().equals(transport.toLowerCase())) return lp;

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid transport: " + transport);

   * Put the stack in a state where it can receive data on three UDP/TCP ports (2 for clear
   * communication, 1 for TLS). That is to say create the related JAIN-SIP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s
   * and <tt>SipProvider</tt>s.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if creating one of the underlying <tt>SipProvider</tt>s fails
   *     for whatever reason.
  private void startListening() throws OperationFailedException {
    try {
      int bindRetriesValue = getBindRetriesValue();

      this.createProvider(this.getPreferredClearPort(), bindRetriesValue, false);
      this.createProvider(this.getPreferredSecurePort(), bindRetriesValue, true);
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("started listening");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "An unexpected error happened while creating the" + "SipProviders and ListeningPoints.");
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error hapenned" + "while initializing the SIP stack",

   * Attach JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> and <tt>ListeningPoint</tt> to the stack either for clear
   * communications or TLS. Clear UDP and TCP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s are not handled separately as
   * the former is a fallback for the latter (depending on the size of the data transmitted). Both
   * <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s must be bound to the same address and port in order for the related
   * <tt>SipProvider</tt> to be created. If a UDP or TCP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt> cannot bind, retry
   * for both on another port.
   * @param preferredPort which port to try first to bind.
   * @param retries how many times should we try to find a free port to bind
   * @param secure whether to create the TLS SipProvider. or the clear UDP/TCP one.
   * @throws TransportNotSupportedException in case we try to create a provider for a transport not
   *     currently supported by jain-sip
   * @throws InvalidArgumentException if we try binding to an illegal port (which we won't)
   * @throws ObjectInUseException if another <tt>SipProvider</tt> is already associated with this
   *     <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>.
   * @throws TransportAlreadySupportedException if there is already a ListeningPoint associated to
   *     this <tt>SipProvider</tt> with the same transport of the <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>.
   * @throws TooManyListenersException if we try to add a new <tt>SipListener</tt> with a
   *     <tt>SipProvider</tt> when one was already registered.
  private void createProvider(int preferredPort, int retries, boolean secure)
      throws TransportNotSupportedException, InvalidArgumentException, ObjectInUseException,
          TransportAlreadySupportedException, TooManyListenersException {
    String context = (secure ? "TLS: " : "clear UDP/TCP: ");

    if (retries < 0) {
      // very unlikely to happen with the default 50 retries
      logger.error(context + "couldn't find free ports to listen on.");

    ListeningPoint tlsLP = null;
    ListeningPoint udpLP = null;
    ListeningPoint tcpLP = null;

    try {
      if (secure) {
        tlsLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.TLS);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("TLS secure ListeningPoint has been created.");

        this.secureJainSipProvider = this.stack.createSipProvider(tlsLP);
      } else {
        udpLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.UDP);
        tcpLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.TCP);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("UDP and TCP clear ListeningPoints have " + "been created.");

        this.clearJainSipProvider = this.stack.createSipProvider(udpLP);

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(context + "SipProvider has been created.");
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
      // makes sure we didn't leave an open listener
      // as both UDP and TCP listener have to bind to the same port
      if (tlsLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(tlsLP);
      if (udpLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(udpLP);
      if (tcpLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(tcpLP);

      // FIXME: "Address already in use" is not working
      // as ex.getMessage() displays in the locale language in SC
      // (getMessage() is always supposed to be English though)
      // this should be a temporary workaround
      // if (ex.getMessage().indexOf("Address already in use") != -1)
      // another software is probably using the port
      if (ex.getCause() instanceof java.io.IOException) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Port " + preferredPort + " seems in use for either TCP or UDP.");

        // tries again on a new random port
        int currentlyTriedPort = NetworkUtils.getRandomPortNumber();
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Retrying bind on port " + currentlyTriedPort);
        this.createProvider(currentlyTriedPort, retries - 1, secure);
      } else throw ex;

   * Put the JAIN-SIP stack in a state where it cannot receive any data and frees the network ports
   * used. That is to say remove JAIN-SIP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s and <tt>SipProvider</tt>s.
  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // jain-sip legacy code
  private void stopListening() {
    try {
      this.secureJainSipProvider = null;
      this.clearJainSipProvider = null;

      Iterator<ListeningPoint> it = this.stack.getListeningPoints();
      Vector<ListeningPoint> lpointsToRemove = new Vector<ListeningPoint>();
      while (it.hasNext()) {

      it = lpointsToRemove.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("stopped listening");
    } catch (ObjectInUseException ex) {
      logger.fatal("Failed to stop listening", ex);

   * Returns the JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> in charge of this <tt>transport</tt>.
   * @param transport a <tt>String</tt> like "TCP", "UDP" or "TLS"
   * @return the corresponding <tt>SipProvider</tt>
  public SipProvider getJainSipProvider(String transport) {
    SipProvider sp = null;
    if (transport.equalsIgnoreCase(ListeningPoint.UDP)
        || transport.equalsIgnoreCase(ListeningPoint.TCP)) sp = this.clearJainSipProvider;
    else if (transport.equalsIgnoreCase(ListeningPoint.TLS)) sp = this.secureJainSipProvider;

    if (sp == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid transport");
    return sp;

   * Fetches the preferred UDP and TCP port for clear communications in the user preferences or
   * search is default value set in settings or fallback on a default value.
   * @return the preferred network port for clear communications.
  private int getPreferredClearPort() {

    int preferredPort =
        SipActivator.getConfigurationService().getInt(PREFERRED_CLEAR_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, -1);

    if (preferredPort <= 1) {
      // check for default value
      preferredPort =

    if (preferredPort <= 1) return ListeningPoint.PORT_5060;
    else return preferredPort;

   * Fetches the preferred TLS (TCP) port for secure communications in the user preferences or
   * search is default value set in settings or fallback on a default value.
   * @return the preferred network port for secure communications.
  private int getPreferredSecurePort() {
    int preferredPort =
        SipActivator.getConfigurationService().getInt(PREFERRED_SECURE_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, -1);

    if (preferredPort <= 1) {
      // check for default value
      preferredPort =

    if (preferredPort <= 1) return ListeningPoint.PORT_5061;
    else return preferredPort;

   * Fetches the number of times to retry when the binding of a JAIN-SIP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>
   * fails. Looks in the user preferences or fallbacks on a default value.
   * @return the number of times to retry a failed bind.
  private int getBindRetriesValue() {
    return SipActivator.getConfigurationService()

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processDialogTerminated(DialogTerminatedEvent event) {
    try {
      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl recipient =
                  event.getDialog(), SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE);
      if (recipient == null) {
            "Dialog wasn't marked, please report this to " + "*****@*****.**");
      } else {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("service was found with dialog data");
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processIOException(IOExceptionEvent event) {
    try {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(event);

      // impossible to dispatch, log here
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("@todo implement processIOException()");
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent event) {
    try {
      Request request = event.getRequest();
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("received request: " + request.getMethod());

       * Create the transaction if it doesn't exist yet. If it is a
       * dialog-creating request, the dialog will also be automatically
       * created by the stack.
      if (event.getServerTransaction() == null) {
        try {
          // apply some hacks if needed on incoming request
          // to be compliant with some servers/clients
          // if needed stop further processing.
          if (applyNonConformanceHacks(event)) return;

          SipProvider source = (SipProvider) event.getSource();
          ServerTransaction transaction = source.getNewServerTransaction(request);

           * Update the event, otherwise getServerTransaction() and
           * getDialog() will still return their previous value.
          event = new RequestEvent(source, transaction, transaction.getDialog(), request);
        } catch (SipException ex) {
              "couldn't create transaction, please report "
                  + "this to [email protected]",

      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl service = getServiceData(event.getServerTransaction());
      if (service != null) {
      } else {
        service = findTargetFor(request);
        if (service == null) {
          logger.error("couldn't find a ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl " + "to dispatch to");
          if (event.getServerTransaction() != null) event.getServerTransaction().terminate();
        } else {

           * Mark the dialog for the dispatching of later in-dialog
           * requests. If there is no dialog, we need to mark the
           * request to dispatch a possible timeout when sending the
           * response.
          Object container = event.getDialog();
          if (container == null) container = request;
          SipApplicationData.setApplicationData(container, SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE, service);

    } catch (Throwable exc) {

       * Any exception thrown within our code should be caught here so
       * that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
       * it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

      // Unfortunately, death can hardly be ignored.
      if (exc instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) exc;

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processResponse(ResponseEvent event) {
    try {
      // we don't have to accept the transaction since we
      // created the request
      ClientTransaction transaction = event.getClientTransaction();
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            "received response: "
                + event.getResponse().getStatusCode()
                + " "
                + event.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());

      if (transaction == null) {
        logger.warn("Transaction is null, probably already expired!");

      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl service = getServiceData(transaction);
      if (service != null) {
        // Mark the dialog for the dispatching of later in-dialog
        // responses. If there is no dialog then the initial request
        // sure is marked otherwise we won't have found the service with
        // getServiceData(). The request has to be marked in case we
        // receive one more response in an out-of-dialog transaction.
        if (event.getDialog() != null) {
              event.getDialog(), SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE, service);
      } else {
            "We received a response which "
                + "wasn't marked, please report this to "
                + "*****@*****.**");
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processTimeout(TimeoutEvent event) {
    try {
      Transaction transaction;
      if (event.isServerTransaction()) {
        transaction = event.getServerTransaction();
      } else {
        transaction = event.getClientTransaction();

      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl recipient = getServiceData(transaction);
      if (recipient == null) {
            "We received a timeout which wasn't "
                + "marked, please report this to "
                + "*****@*****.**");
      } else {
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processTransactionTerminated(TransactionTerminatedEvent event) {
    try {
      Transaction transaction;
      if (event.isServerTransaction()) transaction = event.getServerTransaction();
      else transaction = event.getClientTransaction();

      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl recipient = getServiceData(transaction);

      if (recipient == null) {
            "We received a transaction terminated which wasn't"
                + " marked, please report this to"
                + " [email protected]");
      } else {
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

   * Find the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt> (one of our "candidate recipient" listeners)
   * which this <tt>request</tt> should be dispatched to. The strategy is to look first at the
   * request URI, and then at the To field to find a matching candidate for dispatching. Note that
   * this method takes a <tt>Request</tt> as param, and not a <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>, because
   * sometimes <tt>RequestEvent</tt>s have no associated <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>.
   * @param request the <tt>Request</tt> to find a recipient for.
   * @return a suitable <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt>.
  private ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl findTargetFor(Request request) {
    if (request == null) {
      logger.error("request shouldn't be null.");
      return null;

    List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> currentListenersCopy =
        new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>(this.getSipListeners());

    // Let's first narrow down candidate choice by comparing
    // addresses and ports (no point in delivering to a provider with a
    // non matching IP address  since they will reject it anyway).
    filterByAddress(currentListenersCopy, request);

    if (currentListenersCopy.size() == 0) {
      logger.error("no listeners");
      return null;

    URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

    if (requestURI.isSipURI()) {
      String requestUser = ((SipURI) requestURI).getUser();

      List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> candidates =
          new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>();

      // check if the Request-URI username is
      // one of ours usernames
      for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl listener : currentListenersCopy) {
        String ourUserID = listener.getAccountID().getUserID();
        // logger.trace(ourUserID + " *** " + requestUser);
        if (ourUserID.equals(requestUser)) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("suitable candidate found: " + listener.getAccountID());

      // the perfect match
      // every other case is approximation
      if (candidates.size() == 1) {
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl perfectMatch = candidates.get(0);

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Will dispatch to \"" + perfectMatch.getAccountID() + "\"");
        return perfectMatch;

      // more than one account match
      if (candidates.size() > 1) {
        // check if a custom param exists in the contact
        // address (set for registrar accounts)
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          String hostValue =
              ((SipURI) requestURI).getParameter(SipStackSharing.CONTACT_ADDRESS_CUSTOM_PARAM_NAME);
          if (hostValue == null) continue;
          if (hostValue.equals(candidate.getContactAddressCustomParamValue())) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "\" the custom param was set");
            return candidate;

        // Past this point, our guess is not reliable. We try to find
        // the "least worst" match based on parameters like the To field

        // check if the To header field host part
        // matches any of our SIP hosts
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          URI fromURI = ((FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (fromURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          SipURI ourURI = (SipURI) candidate.getOurSipAddress((SipURI) fromURI).getURI();
          String ourHost = ourURI.getHost();

          URI toURI = ((ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (toURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          String toHost = ((SipURI) toURI).getHost();

          // logger.trace(toHost + "***" + ourHost);
          if (toHost.equals(ourHost)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "host in the To: is the same as in our AOR");
            return candidate;

        // fallback on the first candidate
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = candidates.iterator().next();
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because there is ambiguity on the username from"
                + " the Request-URI");
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
        return target;

      // fallback on any account
      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = currentListenersCopy.iterator().next();
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because the username in the Request-URI "
                + "is unknown or empty");
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
      return target;
    } else {
      logger.error("Request-URI is not a SIP URI, dropping");
    return null;

   * Removes from the specified list of candidates providers connected to a registrar that does not
   * match the IP address that we are receiving a request from.
   * @param candidates the list of providers we've like to filter.
   * @param request the request that we are currently dispatching
  private void filterByAddress(List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> candidates, Request request) {
    Iterator<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> iterPP = candidates.iterator();
    while (iterPP.hasNext()) {
      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate = iterPP.next();

      if (candidate.getRegistrarConnection() == null) {
        // RegistrarLess connections are ok

      if (!candidate.getRegistrarConnection().isRegistrarless()
          && !candidate.getRegistrarConnection().isRequestFromSameConnection(request)) {

   * Retrieves and returns that ProtocolProviderService that this transaction belongs to, or
   * <tt>null</tt> if we couldn't associate it with a provider based on neither the request nor the
   * transaction itself.
   * @param transaction the transaction that we'd like to determine a provider for.
   * @return a reference to the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt> that <tt>transaction</tt>
   *     was associated with or <tt>null</tt> if we couldn't determine which one it is.
  private ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl getServiceData(Transaction transaction) {
    ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl service =
                transaction.getRequest(), SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE);

    if (service != null) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("service was found in request data");
      return service;

    service =
                transaction.getDialog(), SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE);
    if (service != null) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("service was found in dialog data");

    return service;

   * Logs exceptions that have occurred in the application while processing events originating from
   * the stack.
   * @param eventClass the class of the jain-sip event that we were handling when the exception was
   *     thrown.
   * @param exc the exception that we need to log.
  private void logApplicationException(Class<DialogTerminatedEvent> eventClass, Throwable exc) {
    String message = "An error occurred while processing event of type: " + eventClass.getName();

    logger.error(message, exc);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(message, exc);

   * Safely returns the transaction from the event if already exists. If not a new transaction is
   * created.
   * @param event the request event
   * @return the server transaction
   * @throws javax.sip.TransactionAlreadyExistsException if transaction exists
   * @throws javax.sip.TransactionUnavailableException if unavailable
  public static ServerTransaction getOrCreateServerTransaction(RequestEvent event)
      throws TransactionAlreadyExistsException, TransactionUnavailableException {
    ServerTransaction serverTransaction = event.getServerTransaction();

    if (serverTransaction == null) {
      SipProvider jainSipProvider = (SipProvider) event.getSource();

      serverTransaction = jainSipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(event.getRequest());
    return serverTransaction;

   * Returns a local address to use with the specified TCP destination. The method forces the
   * JAIN-SIP stack to create s and binds (if necessary) and return a socket connected to the
   * specified destination address and port and then return its local address.
   * @param dst the destination address that the socket would need to connect to.
   * @param dstPort the port number that the connection would be established with.
   * @param localAddress the address that we would like to bind on (null for the "any" address).
   * @param transport the transport that will be used TCP ot TLS
   * @return the SocketAddress that this handler would use when connecting to the specified
   *     destination address and port.
   * @throws IOException if we fail binding the local socket
  public java.net.InetSocketAddress getLocalAddressForDestination(
      java.net.InetAddress dst, int dstPort, java.net.InetAddress localAddress, String transport)
      throws IOException {
    if (ListeningPoint.TLS.equalsIgnoreCase(transport))
      return (java.net.InetSocketAddress)
          (((SipStackImpl) this.stack).getLocalAddressForTlsDst(dst, dstPort, localAddress));
      return (java.net.InetSocketAddress)
          (((SipStackImpl) this.stack).getLocalAddressForTcpDst(dst, dstPort, localAddress, 0));

   * Place to put some hacks if needed on incoming requests.
   * @param event the incoming request event.
   * @return status <code>true</code> if we don't need to process this message, just discard it and
   *     <code>false</code> otherwise.
  private boolean applyNonConformanceHacks(RequestEvent event) {
    Request request = event.getRequest();
    try {
       * Max-Forwards is required, yet there are UAs which do not
       * place it. SipProvider#getNewServerTransaction(Request)
       * will throw an exception in the case of a missing
       * Max-Forwards header and this method will eventually just
       * log it thus ignoring the whole event.
      if (request.getHeader(MaxForwardsHeader.NAME) == null) {
        // it appears that some buggy providers do send requests
        // with no Max-Forwards headers, as we are at application level
        // and we know there will be no endless loops
        // there is no problem of adding headers and process normally
        // this messages
        MaxForwardsHeader maxForwards =
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      logger.warn("Cannot apply incoming request modification!", ex);

    try {
      // using asterisk voice mail initial notify for messages
      // is ok, but on the fly received messages their notify comes
      // without subscription-state, so we add it in order to be able to
      // process message.
      if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)
          && request.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME) != null
          && ((EventHeader) request.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME))
          && request.getHeader(SubscriptionStateHeader.NAME) == null) {
            new HeaderFactoryImpl().createSubscriptionStateHeader(SubscriptionStateHeader.ACTIVE));
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      logger.warn("Cannot apply incoming request modification!", ex);

    try {
      // receiving notify message without subscription state
      // used for keep-alive pings, they have done their job
      // and are no more need. Skip processing them to avoid
      // filling logs with unneeded exceptions.
      if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)
          && request.getHeader(SubscriptionStateHeader.NAME) == null) {
        return true;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      logger.warn("Cannot apply incoming request modification!", ex);

    return false;

  /** List of currently waiting timers that will monitor the protocol provider */
  Map<String, TimerTask> resetListeningPointsTimers = new HashMap<String, TimerTask>();

   * Listens for network changes and if we have a down interface and we have a tcp/tls provider
   * which is staying for 20 seconds in unregistering state, it cannot unregister cause its using
   * the old address which is currently down, and we must recreate its listening points so it can
   * further reconnect.
   * @param event the change event.
  public void configurationChanged(ChangeEvent event) {
    if (event.isInitial()) return;

    if (event.getType() == ChangeEvent.ADDRESS_DOWN) {
      for (final ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl pp : listeners) {
        if (pp.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport() != null
            && (pp.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport().equals(ListeningPoint.TCP)
                || pp.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport().equals(ListeningPoint.TLS))) {
          ResetListeningPoint reseter;
          synchronized (resetListeningPointsTimers) {
            // we do this only once for transport
            if (resetListeningPointsTimers.containsKey(pp.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport()))

            reseter = new ResetListeningPoint(pp);
            resetListeningPointsTimers.put(pp.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport(), reseter);

   * If a tcp(tls) provider stays unregistering for a long time after connection changed most
   * probably it won't get registered after unregistering fails, cause underlying listening point
   * are conncted to wrong interfaces. So we will replace them.
  private class ResetListeningPoint extends TimerTask implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
    /** The time we wait before checking is the provider still unregistering. */
    private static final int TIME_FOR_PP_TO_UNREGISTER = 20000;

    /** The protocol provider we are checking. */
    private final ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl protocolProvider;

     * Constructs this task.
     * @param pp
    ResetListeningPoint(ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl pp) {
      this.protocolProvider = pp;

     * Notified when registration state changed for a provider.
     * @param evt
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERING) {
        new Timer().schedule(this, TIME_FOR_PP_TO_UNREGISTER);
      } else {

    /** The real task work, replace listening point. */
    public void run() {
      // if the provider is still unregistering it most probably won't
      // successes until we re-init the LP
      if (protocolProvider.getRegistrationState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERING) {
        String transport = protocolProvider.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport();

        ListeningPoint old = getLP(transport);

        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          logger.warn("Error replacing ListeningPoint for " + transport, t);

        try {
          ListeningPoint tcpLP =
                      ? getPreferredClearPort()
                      : getPreferredSecurePort(),
        } catch (Throwable t) {
              "Error replacing ListeningPoint for "
                  + protocolProvider.getRegistrarConnection().getTransport(),

 * Tests ICQ implementations of a Presence Operation Set. Tests in this class verify functionality
 * such as: Changing local (our own) status and corresponding event dispatching; Querying status of
 * contacts, Subscribing for presence notifications upong status changes of specific contacts.
 * <p>Using a custom suite() method, we make sure that apart from standard test methods (those with
 * a <tt>test</tt> prefix) we also execute those that we want run in a specific order like for
 * example - postTestSubscribe() and postTestUnsubscribe().
 * <p>
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Damian Minkov
public class TestOperationSetPresence extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestOperationSetPresence.class);

  private IcqSlickFixture fixture = new IcqSlickFixture();
  private OperationSetPresence operationSetPresence = null;
  private String statusMessageRoot = new String("Our status is now: ");

  // be sure its only one
  private static AuthEventCollector authEventCollector = new AuthEventCollector();

  public TestOperationSetPresence(String name) {

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets = fixture.provider.getSupportedOperationSets();

    if (supportedOperationSets == null || supportedOperationSets.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this ICQ implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    operationSetPresence =
        (OperationSetPresence) supportedOperationSets.get(OperationSetPresence.class.getName());

    // if the op set is null then the implementation doesn't offer a presence
    // operation set which is unacceptable for icq.
    if (operationSetPresence == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the ICQ service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least the one of the Presence "
              + "Operation Sets");

  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {


   * Creates a test suite containing all tests of this class followed by test methods that we want
   * executed in a specified order.
   * @return Test
  public static Test suite() {
    // return an (almost) empty suite if we're running in offline mode.
    if (IcqSlickFixture.onlineTestingDisabled) {
      TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
      // the only test around here that we could run without net
      // connectivity
      suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("testSupportedStatusSetForCompleteness"));
      return suite;

    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestOperationSetPresence.class);

    // the following 2 need to be run in the specified order.
    // (postTestUnsubscribe() needs the subscription created from
    // postTestSubscribe() )
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("postTestSubscribe"));
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("postTestUnsubscribe"));

    // execute this test after postTestSubscribe
    // to be sure that AuthorizationHandler is installed
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("postTestReceiveAuthorizatinonRequest"));

    return suite;

  /** Verifies that all necessary ICQ test states are supported by the implementation. */
  public void testSupportedStatusSetForCompleteness() {
    // first create a local list containing the presence status instances
    // supported by the underlying implementation.
    Iterator<PresenceStatus> supportedStatusSetIter = operationSetPresence.getSupportedStatusSet();

    List<PresenceStatus> supportedStatusSet = new LinkedList<PresenceStatus>();
    while (supportedStatusSetIter.hasNext()) {

    // create a copy of the MUST status set and remove any matching status
    // that is also present in the supported set.
    List<?> requiredStatusSetCopy = (List<?>) IcqStatusEnum.icqStatusSet.clone();


    // if we have anything left then the implementation is wrong.
    int unsupported = requiredStatusSetCopy.size();
        "There are " + unsupported + " statuses as follows:" + requiredStatusSetCopy,
        unsupported == 0);

   * Verify that changing state to AWAY works as supposed to and that it generates the corresponding
   * event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToAway() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to NOT_AVAILABLE works as supposed to and that it generates the
   * corresponding event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToNotAvailable() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to DND works as supposed to and that it generates the corresponding
   * event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToDnd() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to INVISIBLE works as supposed to and that it generates the
   * corresponding event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToInvisible() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to OCCUPIED works as supposed to and that it generates the
   * corresponding event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToOccupied() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to FREE_FOR_CHAT works as supposed to and that it generates the
   * corresponding event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToFreeForChat() throws Exception {

   * Verify that changing state to ONLINE works as supposed to and that it generates the
   * corresponding event.
   * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set is switching to the new
   *     state.
  public void testChangingStateToOnline() throws Exception {
    // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("net.kano").setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.FINEST);
    // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("net.kano").setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING);

   * Used by methods testing state transiotions
   * @param newStatus the IcqStatusEnum field corresponding to the status that we'd like the
   *     opeation set to enter.
   * @throws Exception in case changing the state causes an exception
  public void subtestStateTransition(IcqStatusEnum newStatus) throws Exception {
    logger.trace(" --=== beginning state transition test ===--");

    PresenceStatus oldStatus = operationSetPresence.getPresenceStatus();
    String oldStatusMessage = operationSetPresence.getCurrentStatusMessage();
    String newStatusMessage = statusMessageRoot + newStatus;

        "old status is=" + oldStatus.getStatusName() + " new status=" + newStatus.getStatusName());

    // First register a listener to make sure that all corresponding
    // events have been generated.
    PresenceStatusEventCollector statusEventCollector = new PresenceStatusEventCollector();

    // change the status
    operationSetPresence.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, newStatusMessage);

    // test event notification.

    // sometimes we don't get response from the server for the
    // changed status. we will query it once again.
    // and wait for the response
    if (statusEventCollector.collectedPresEvents.size() == 0) {
      logger.trace("Will query again status as we haven't received one");


        "Events dispatched during an event transition.",
        "A status changed event contained wrong old status.",
        ((ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent) statusEventCollector.collectedPresEvents.get(0))
        "A status changed event contained wrong new status.",
        ((ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent) statusEventCollector.collectedPresEvents.get(0))

    // verify that the operation set itself is aware of the status change
        "opSet.getPresenceStatus() did not return properly.",

    IcqStatusEnum actualStatus =
        "The underlying implementation did not switch to the " + "requested presence status.",

    // check whether the server returned the status message that we've set.
        "No status message events.", 1, statusEventCollector.collectedStatMsgEvents.size());
        "A status message event contained wrong old value.",
        ((PropertyChangeEvent) statusEventCollector.collectedStatMsgEvents.get(0)).getOldValue());
        "A status message event contained wrong new value.",
        ((PropertyChangeEvent) statusEventCollector.collectedStatMsgEvents.get(0)).getNewValue());

    // verify that the operation set itself is aware of the new status msg.
        "opSet.getCurrentStatusMessage() did not return properly.",

    logger.trace(" --=== finished test ===--");
    // make it sleep a bit cause the aol server gets mad otherwise.

   * The AIM server doesn't like it if we change states too often and we use this method to slow
   * things down.
  private void pauseBetweenStateChanges() {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
      logger.debug("Pausing between state changes was interrupted", ex);
   * Verifies that querying status works fine. The ICQ tester agent would change status and the
   * operation set would have to return the right status after every change.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception if one of the transitions fails
  public void testQueryContactStatus() throws Exception {
    // --- AWAY ---
    logger.debug("Will Query an AWAY contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_AWAY, IcqStatusEnum.AWAY);


    // --- NA ---
    logger.debug("Will Query an NA contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_NA, IcqStatusEnum.NOT_AVAILABLE);


    // --- DND ---
    logger.debug("Will Query a DND contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_DND, IcqStatusEnum.DO_NOT_DISTURB);


    // --- FFC ---
    logger.debug("Will Query a Free For Chat contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_FFC, IcqStatusEnum.FREE_FOR_CHAT);


    // --- INVISIBLE ---
    logger.debug("Will Query an Invisible contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_INVISIBLE, IcqStatusEnum.INVISIBLE);


    // --- Occupied ---
    logger.debug("Will Query an Occupied contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_OCCUPIED, IcqStatusEnum.OCCUPIED);


    // --- Online ---
    logger.debug("Will Query an Online contact.");
    subtestQueryContactStatus(IcqTesterAgent.ICQ_ONLINE_MASK, IcqStatusEnum.ONLINE);


   * Used by functions testing the queryContactStatus method of the presence operation set.
   * @param taStatusLong the icq status as specified by FullUserInfo, that the tester agent should
   *     switch to.
   * @param expectedReturn the PresenceStatus that the presence operation set should see the tester
   *     agent in once it has switched to taStatusLong.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception if querying the status causes some exception.
  public void subtestQueryContactStatus(long taStatusLong, PresenceStatus expectedReturn)
      throws Exception {
    if (!fixture.testerAgent.enterStatus(taStatusLong)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Tester UserAgent Failed to switch to the " + expectedReturn.getStatusName() + " state.");

    PresenceStatus actualReturn =
        "Querying a " + expectedReturn.getStatusName() + " state did not return as expected",

   * The method would add a subscription for a contact, wait for a subscription event confirming the
   * subscription, then change the status of the newly added contact (which is actually the
   * IcqTesterAgent) and make sure that the corresponding notification events have been generated.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception if an exception occurs during testing.
  public void postTestSubscribe() throws Exception {
    logger.debug("Testing Subscription and Subscription Event Dispatch.");

    // First create a subscription and verify that it really gets created.
    SubscriptionEventCollector subEvtCollector = new SubscriptionEventCollector();

    logger.trace("set Auth Handler");

    synchronized (authEventCollector) {
      authEventCollector.authorizationRequestReason = "Please deny my request!";
      fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().responseReasonStr =
          "First authorization I will Deny!!!";
      fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().ACCEPT = false;

      // this one collects event that the buddy has been added
      // to the list as awaiting
      SubscriptionEventCollector moveEvtCollector = new SubscriptionEventCollector();

      logger.debug("Waiting for authorization error and authorization response...");
          "Error adding buddy not recieved or the buddy("
              + fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN()
              + ") doesn't require authorization",

          "Agent haven't received any reason for authorization",
          "Error sent request reason is not as the received one",

          "authEventCollector.isAuthorizationResponseReceived "
              + authEventCollector.isAuthorizationResponseReceived);

      assertTrue("Response not received!", authEventCollector.isAuthorizationResponseReceived);

      boolean isAcceptedAuthReuest =
          "Response is not as the sent one",
          "We didn't receive any reason! ", authEventCollector.authorizationResponseString);

          "The sent response reason is not as the received one",

      // here we must wait for server to move the awaiting buddy
      // to the first specified  group
      synchronized (moveEvtCollector) {
        // don't want any more events

      Contact c = operationSetPresence.findContactByID(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN());
      logger.debug("I will remove " + c + " from group : " + c.getParentContactGroup());

      UnsubscribeWait unsubscribeEvtCollector = new UnsubscribeWait();

      synchronized (unsubscribeEvtCollector) {
        logger.debug("Waiting to be removed...");

        logger.debug("Received unsubscribed ok or we lost patients!");

        // don't want any more events

      // so we haven't asserted so everithing is fine lets try to be authorized
      authEventCollector.authorizationRequestReason = "Please accept my request!";
      fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().responseReasonStr =
          "Second authorization I will Accept!!!";
      fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().ACCEPT = true;

      // clear some things
      authEventCollector.isAuthorizationRequestSent = false;
      authEventCollector.isAuthorizationResponseReceived = false;
      authEventCollector.authorizationResponseString = null;

          "I will add buddy does it exists ?  "
              + (operationSetPresence.findContactByID(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN()) != null));
      // add the listener beacuse now our authorization will be accepted
      // and so the buddy will be finally added to the list
      // subscribe again so we can trigger again the authorization procedure

          "Waiting ... Subscribe must fail and the authorization process "
              + "to be trigered again so waiting for auth response ...");

          "Error adding buddy not recieved or the buddy("
              + fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN()
              + ") doesn't require authorization",

          "Agent haven't received any reason for authorization",

      // not working for now
          "Error sent request reason",

      // wait for authorization process to be finnished
      // the modification of buddy (server will inform us
      // that he removed - awaiting authorization flag)
      Object obj = new Object();
      synchronized (obj) {
        logger.debug("wait for authorization process to be finnished");
        logger.debug("Stop waiting!");

      // don't want any more events

    // after adding awaitingAuthorization group here are catched 3 events
    // 1 - creating unresolved contact
    // 2 - move of the contact to awaitingAuthorization group
    // 3 - move of the contact from awaitingAuthorization group to original group
        "Subscription event dispatching failed.", subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

    EventObject evt = null;

    Iterator<EventObject> events = subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.iterator();
    while (events.hasNext()) {
      EventObject elem = events.next();
      if (elem instanceof SubscriptionEvent) {
        if (((SubscriptionEvent) elem).getEventID() == SubscriptionEvent.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATED)
          evt = (SubscriptionEvent) elem;

    Object source = null;
    Contact srcContact = null;
    ProtocolProviderService srcProvider = null;

    // the event can be SubscriptionEvent and the new added one
    // SubscriptionMovedEvent

    if (evt instanceof SubscriptionEvent) {
      SubscriptionEvent subEvt = (SubscriptionEvent) evt;

      source = subEvt.getSource();
      srcContact = subEvt.getSourceContact();
      srcProvider = subEvt.getSourceProvider();

        "SubscriptionEvent Source:",
        ((Contact) source).getAddress());
        "SubscriptionEvent Source Contact:",
    assertSame("SubscriptionEvent Source Provider:", fixture.provider, srcProvider);


    // make the user agent tester change its states and make sure we are
    // notified
    logger.debug("Testing presence notifications.");
    IcqStatusEnum testerAgentOldStatus = fixture.testerAgent.getPresneceStatus();
    IcqStatusEnum testerAgentNewStatus = IcqStatusEnum.FREE_FOR_CHAT;
    long testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_FFC;

    // in case we are by any chance already in a FREE_FOR_CHAT status, we'll
    // be changing to something else
    if (testerAgentOldStatus.equals(testerAgentNewStatus)) {
      testerAgentNewStatus = IcqStatusEnum.DO_NOT_DISTURB;
      testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_DND;

    // now do the actual status notification testing
    ContactPresenceEventCollector contactPresEvtCollector =
        new ContactPresenceEventCollector(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN(), testerAgentNewStatus);

    synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector) {
      if (!fixture.testerAgent.enterStatus(testerAgentNewStatusLong)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Tester UserAgent Failed to switch to the "
                + testerAgentNewStatus.getStatusName()
                + " state.");
      // we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.

    if (contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size() == 0) {
          "PROBLEM. Authorisation process doesn't have finnished "
              + "Server doesn't report us for changing authorization flag! Will try to authorize once again");


      Object obj = new Object();
      synchronized (obj) {
        logger.debug("wait for authorization process to be finnished for second time");
        logger.debug("Stop waiting!");

      testerAgentOldStatus = fixture.testerAgent.getPresneceStatus();
      testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_FFC;

      // in case we are by any chance already in a FREE_FOR_CHAT status, we'll
      // be changing to something else
      if (testerAgentOldStatus.equals(testerAgentNewStatus)) {
        testerAgentNewStatus = IcqStatusEnum.OCCUPIED;
        testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_OCCUPIED;

      contactPresEvtCollector =
          new ContactPresenceEventCollector(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN(), testerAgentNewStatus);

      synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector) {
        if (!fixture.testerAgent.enterStatus(testerAgentNewStatusLong)) {
          throw new RuntimeException(
              "Tester UserAgent Failed to switch to the "
                  + testerAgentNewStatus.getStatusName()
                  + " state.");
        // we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.

        "Presence Notif. event dispatching failed.",
    ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent presEvt =
        (ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent) contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);

        "Presence Notif. event  Source:",
        ((Contact) presEvt.getSource()).getAddress());
        "Presence Notif. event  Source Contact:",
        "Presence Notif. event  Source Provider:", fixture.provider, presEvt.getSourceProvider());

    PresenceStatus reportedNewStatus = presEvt.getNewStatus();
    PresenceStatus reportedOldStatus = presEvt.getOldStatus();

    assertEquals("Reported new PresenceStatus: ", testerAgentNewStatus, reportedNewStatus);

    // don't require equality between the reported old PresenceStatus and
    // the actual presence status of the tester agent because a first
    // notification is not supposed to have the old status as it really was.
    assertNotNull("Reported old PresenceStatus: ", reportedOldStatus);

    /** @todo tester agent changes status message we see the new message */
    /** @todo we should see the alias of the tester agent. */
    Object obj = new Object();
    synchronized (obj) {
      logger.debug("wait a moment. give time to server");

   * We unsubscribe from presence notification deliveries concerning IcqTesterAgent's presence
   * status and verify that we receive the subscription removed event. We then make the tester agent
   * change status and make sure that no notifications are delivered.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception in case unsubscribing fails.
  public void postTestUnsubscribe() throws Exception {
    logger.debug("Testing Unsubscribe and unsubscription event dispatch.");

    // First create a subscription and verify that it really gets created.
    SubscriptionEventCollector subEvtCollector = new SubscriptionEventCollector();

    Contact icqTesterAgentContact =

        "Failed to find an existing subscription for the tester agent", icqTesterAgentContact);

    synchronized (subEvtCollector) {
      // don't want any more events

        "Subscription event dispatching failed.", 1, subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size());
    SubscriptionEvent subEvt = (SubscriptionEvent) subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);

    assertEquals("SubscriptionEvent Source:", icqTesterAgentContact, subEvt.getSource());

        "SubscriptionEvent Source Contact:", icqTesterAgentContact, subEvt.getSourceContact());

    assertSame("SubscriptionEvent Source Provider:", fixture.provider, subEvt.getSourceProvider());


    // make the user agent tester change its states and make sure we don't
    // get notifications as we're now unsubscribed.
    logger.debug("Testing (lack of) presence notifications.");
    IcqStatusEnum testerAgentOldStatus = fixture.testerAgent.getPresneceStatus();
    IcqStatusEnum testerAgentNewStatus = IcqStatusEnum.FREE_FOR_CHAT;
    long testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_FFC;

    // in case we are by any chance already in a FREE_FOR_CHAT status, we'll
    // be changing to something else
    if (testerAgentOldStatus.equals(testerAgentNewStatus)) {
      testerAgentNewStatus = IcqStatusEnum.DO_NOT_DISTURB;
      testerAgentNewStatusLong = FullUserInfo.ICQSTATUS_DND;

    // now do the actual status notification testing
    ContactPresenceEventCollector contactPresEvtCollector =
        new ContactPresenceEventCollector(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN(), null);

    synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector) {
      if (!fixture.testerAgent.enterStatus(testerAgentNewStatusLong)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Tester UserAgent Failed to switch to the "
                + testerAgentNewStatus.getStatusName()
                + " state.");
      // we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.

        "Presence Notifications were received after unsubscibing.",

   * An event collector that would collect all events generated by a provider after a status change.
   * The collector would also do a notidyAll every time it receives an event.
  private class PresenceStatusEventCollector implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener {
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedPresEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedStatMsgEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();

    public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedPresEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

    public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected stat.msg. evt(" + collectedPresEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor milliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of milliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before
     *     simply bailing out.
    public void waitForPresEvent(long waitFor) {
      logger.trace("Waiting for a change in provider status.");
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedPresEvents.size() > 0) {
          logger.trace("Change already received. " + collectedPresEvents);

        try {
          if (collectedPresEvents.size() > 0) logger.trace("Received a change in provider status.");
          else logger.trace("No change received for " + waitFor + "ms.");
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a provider evt", ex);

     * Blocks until at least one status message event is received or until waitFor milliseconds pass
     * (whichever happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of milliseconds that we should be waiting for a status message
     *     event before simply bailing out.
    public void waitForStatMsgEvent(long waitFor) {
      logger.trace("Waiting for a provider status message event.");
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedStatMsgEvents.size() > 0) {
          logger.trace("Stat msg. evt already received. " + collectedStatMsgEvents);

        try {
          if (collectedStatMsgEvents.size() > 0) logger.trace("Received a prov. stat. msg. evt.");
          else logger.trace("No prov. stat msg. received for " + waitFor + "ms.");
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a status msg evt", ex);

  /** The class would listen for and store received subscription modification events. */
  private class SubscriptionEventCollector implements SubscriptionListener {
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor milliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of milliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before
     *     simply bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) return;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionCreated(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionMoved(SubscriptionMovedEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionFailed(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subscription and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionResolved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

   * The class would listen for and store received events caused by changes in contact presence
   * states.
  private class ContactPresenceEventCollector implements ContactPresenceStatusListener {
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
    private String trackedScreenName = null;
    private IcqStatusEnum status = null;

    ContactPresenceEventCollector(String screenname, IcqStatusEnum wantedStatus) {
      this.trackedScreenName = screenname;
      this.status = wantedStatus;

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor milliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of milliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before
     *     simply bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) return;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

     * Stores the received status change event and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void contactPresenceStatusChanged(ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        // if the user has specified event details and the received
        // event does not match - then ignore it.
        if (this.trackedScreenName != null
            && !evt.getSourceContact().getAddress().equals(trackedScreenName)) return;
        if (status != null && status != evt.getNewStatus()) return;

        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

   * Authorization handler for the implementation tests
   * <p>1. when authorization request is received we answer with the already set Authorization
   * response, but before that wait some time as a normal user
   * <p>2. When authorization request is required for adding buddy the request is made with already
   * set authorization reason
   * <p>3. When authorization replay is received - we store that it is received and the reason that
   * was received
  private static class AuthEventCollector implements AuthorizationHandler {
    boolean isAuthorizationRequestSent = false;
    String authorizationRequestReason = null;

    boolean isAuthorizationResponseReceived = false;
    AuthorizationResponse response = null;
    String authorizationResponseString = null;

    // receiving auth request
    AuthorizationResponse responseToRequest = null;
    boolean isAuthorizationRequestReceived = false;

    public AuthorizationResponse processAuthorisationRequest(
        AuthorizationRequest req, Contact sourceContact) {
      logger.debug("Processing in " + this);
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.trace("processAuthorisationRequest " + req + " " + sourceContact);

        isAuthorizationRequestReceived = true;
        authorizationRequestReason = req.getReason();


        // will wait as a normal user
        Object lock = new Object();
        synchronized (lock) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception ex) {

        return responseToRequest;

    public AuthorizationRequest createAuthorizationRequest(Contact contact) {
      logger.trace("createAuthorizationRequest " + contact);

      AuthorizationRequest authReq = new AuthorizationRequest();

      isAuthorizationRequestSent = true;

      return authReq;

    public void processAuthorizationResponse(
        AuthorizationResponse response, Contact sourceContact) {
      synchronized (this) {
        isAuthorizationResponseReceived = true;
        this.response = response;
        authorizationResponseString = response.getReason();

            "processAuthorizationResponse '"
                + authorizationResponseString
                + "' "
                + response.getResponseCode()
                + " "
                + sourceContact);


    public void waitForAuthResponse(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (isAuthorizationResponseReceived) return;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

    public void waitForAuthRequest(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (isAuthorizationRequestReceived) return;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

   * Used to wait till buddy is removed from our contact list. Used in the authorization process
   * tests
  private static class UnsubscribeWait extends SubscriptionAdapter {
    public void waitForUnsubscribre(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

    public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Got subscriptionRemoved " + evt);

  /** Tests for receiving authorization requests */
  public void postTestReceiveAuthorizatinonRequest() {
    logger.debug("Testing receive of authorization request!");

    // set first response isAccepted and responseString
    // the first authorization process is negative
    // the agent try to add us to his contact list and ask us for
    // authorization but we deny him
    String firstRequestResponse = "First Request will be denied!!!";
    authEventCollector.responseToRequest =
        new AuthorizationResponse(AuthorizationResponse.REJECT, firstRequestResponse);
    logger.debug("authEventCollector " + authEventCollector);
    authEventCollector.isAuthorizationRequestReceived = false;
    authEventCollector.authorizationRequestReason = null;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().requestReasonStr = "Deny my first request!";
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().isErrorAddingReceived = false;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().responseReasonStr = null;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().isRequestAccepted = false;

    // be sure buddy is not already in the list

    // wait agent to receive error and to request us for our authorization

    // check have we received authorization request?
        "Error adding buddy not recieved or the buddy("
            + fixture.ourUserID
            + ") doesn't require authorization 1",

        "We haven't received any authorization request ",

        "We haven't received any reason for authorization",

        "Error sent request reason is not as the received one",

    // wait agent to receive our response
    Object lock = new Object();
    synchronized (lock) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception ex) {

    // check is correct - the received response from the agent
        "Agent haven't received any reason from authorization reply",

        "Received auth response from agent is not as the sent one",

    boolean isAcceptedAuthReuest =
        "Agent received Response is not as the sent one",

    // delete us from his list
    // be sure buddy is not already in the list

    // set second response isAccepted and responseString
    // the second test is the same as first, but this time we accept
    // the request and check that everything is OK.
    String secondRequestResponse = "Second Request will be accepted!!!";
    authEventCollector.responseToRequest =
        new AuthorizationResponse(AuthorizationResponse.ACCEPT, secondRequestResponse);
    authEventCollector.isAuthorizationRequestReceived = false;
    authEventCollector.authorizationRequestReason = null;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().requestReasonStr = "Accept my second request!";
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().isErrorAddingReceived = false;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().responseReasonStr = null;
    fixture.testerAgent.getAuthCmdFactory().isRequestAccepted = false;

    // add us to his list again

    // wait agent to receive error and to request us for our authorization

    // check have we received authorization request?
        "Error adding buddy not recieved or the buddy("
            + fixture.ourUserID
            + ") doesn't require authorization 2",

        "We haven't received any authorization request ",

        "We haven't received any reason for authorization",

        "Error sent request reason is not as the received one",
    // wait agent to receive our response
    synchronized (lock) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
    // check is correct the received response from the agent
        "Agent haven't received any reason from authorization reply",

        "Received auth response from agent is not as the sent one",

    isAcceptedAuthReuest =
        "Agent received Response is not as the sent one",
 * A straightforward implementation of the basic instant messaging operation set.
 * @author Benoit Pradelle
public class OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingSipImpl
    extends AbstractOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging {
  /** Our class logger. */
  private static final Logger logger =

  /** A list of processors registered for incoming sip messages. */
  private final List<SipMessageProcessor> messageProcessors = new Vector<SipMessageProcessor>();

  /** The provider that created us. */
  private final ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl sipProvider;

   * A reference to the persistent presence operation set that we use to match incoming messages to
   * <tt>Contact</tt>s and vice versa.
  private OperationSetPresenceSipImpl opSetPersPresence = null;

  /** Hashtable containing the CSeq of each discussion */
  private long seqN = hashCode();

  /** Hashtable containing the message sent */
  private final Map<String, Message> sentMsg = new Hashtable<String, Message>(3);

  /** It can be implemented in some servers. */
  private final boolean offlineMessageSupported;

  /** Gives access to presence states for the Sip protocol. */
  private final SipStatusEnum sipStatusEnum;

   * Creates an instance of this operation set.
   * @param provider a ref to the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceImpl</tt> that created us and that
   *     we'll use for retrieving the underlying aim connection.
  OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingSipImpl(ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl provider) {
    this.sipProvider = provider;

    provider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener(new RegistrationStateListener());

    offlineMessageSupported =
        provider.getAccountID().getAccountPropertyBoolean("OFFLINE_MSG_SUPPORTED", false);

        Request.MESSAGE, new BasicInstantMessagingMethodProcessor());

    this.sipStatusEnum = sipProvider.getSipStatusEnum();

   * Registers a SipMessageProcessor with this operation set so that it gets notifications of
   * successful message delivery, failure or reception of incoming messages..
   * @param processor the <tt>SipMessageProcessor</tt> to register.
  void addMessageProcessor(SipMessageProcessor processor) {
    synchronized (this.messageProcessors) {
      if (!this.messageProcessors.contains(processor)) {

   * Unregisters <tt>processor</tt> so that it won't receive any further notifications upon
   * successful message delivery, failure or reception of incoming messages..
   * @param processor the <tt>SipMessageProcessor</tt> to unregister.
  void removeMessageProcessor(SipMessageProcessor processor) {
    synchronized (this.messageProcessors) {

  public Message createMessage(
      String content, String contentType, String encoding, String subject) {
    return new MessageSipImpl(content, contentType, encoding, subject);

   * Determines whether the protocol provider (or the protocol itself) support sending and receiving
   * offline messages. Most often this method would return true for protocols that support offline
   * messages and false for those that don't. It is however possible for a protocol to support these
   * messages and yet have a particular account that does not (i.e. feature not enabled on the
   * protocol server). In cases like this it is possible for this method to return true even when
   * offline messaging is not supported, and then have the sendMessage method throw an
   * OperationFailedException with code - OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the protocol supports offline messages and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported() {
    return offlineMessageSupported;

   * Determines whether the protocol supports the supplied content type
   * @param contentType the type we want to check
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the protocol supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType) {
    if (contentType.equals(DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE) || contentType.equals(HTML_MIME_TYPE)) return true;
    else return false;

   * Sends the <tt>message</tt> to the destination indicated by the <tt>to</tt> contact.
   * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to
   * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>to</tt> is not an instance of ContactImpl.
  public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, Message message)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (!(to instanceof ContactSipImpl))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified contact is not a Sip contact." + to);


    // offline message
    if (to.getPresenceStatus().equals(sipStatusEnum.getStatus(SipStatusEnum.OFFLINE))
        && !offlineMessageSupported) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("trying to send a message to an offline contact");
          message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED);

    // create the message
    Request mes;
    try {
      mes = createMessageRequest(to, message);
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
      logger.error("Failed to create the message.", ex);

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);

    try {
      sendMessageRequest(mes, to, message);
    } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) {
          "Failed to create messageTransaction.\n"
              + "This is most probably a network connection error.",

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE);
    } catch (SipException ex) {
      logger.error("Failed to send the message.", ex);

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);

   * Sends <tt>messageRequest</tt> to the specified destination and logs <tt>messageContent</tt> for
   * later use.
   * @param messageRequest the <tt>SipRequest</tt> that we are about to send.
   * @param to the Contact that we are sending <tt>messageRequest</tt> to.
   * @param messageContent the SC <tt>Message</tt> that was used to create the <tt>Request</tt> .
   * @throws TransactionUnavailableException if we fail creating the transaction required to send
   *     <tt>messageRequest</tt>.
   * @throws SipException if we fail sending <tt>messageRequest</tt>.
  void sendMessageRequest(Request messageRequest, Contact to, Message messageContent)
      throws TransactionUnavailableException, SipException {
    // Transaction
    ClientTransaction messageTransaction;
    SipProvider jainSipProvider = this.sipProvider.getDefaultJainSipProvider();

    messageTransaction = jainSipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(messageRequest);

    // send the message

    // we register the reference to this message to retrieve it when
    // we'll receive the response message
    String key = ((CallIdHeader) messageRequest.getHeader(CallIdHeader.NAME)).getCallId();

    this.sentMsg.put(key, messageContent);

   * Construct a <tt>Request</tt> represent a new message.
   * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to
   * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send.
   * @return a Message Request destined to the contact
   * @throws OperationFailedException if an error occurred during the creation of the request
  Request createMessageRequest(Contact to, Message message) throws OperationFailedException {
    Address toAddress = null;
    try {
      toAddress = sipProvider.parseAddressString(to.getAddress());
    } catch (ParseException exc) {
      // Shouldn't happen
      logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the address", exc);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the address",

    // Call ID
    CallIdHeader callIdHeader = this.sipProvider.getDefaultJainSipProvider().getNewCallId();

    // CSeq
    CSeqHeader cSeqHeader = null;

    try {
      // protect seqN
      synchronized (this) {
        cSeqHeader = this.sipProvider.getHeaderFactory().createCSeqHeader(seqN++, Request.MESSAGE);
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
      // Shouldn't happen
      logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", ex);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder",
    } catch (ParseException exc) {
      // shouldn't happen
      logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", exc);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder",

    // FromHeader and ToHeader
    String localTag = SipMessageFactory.generateLocalTag();
    FromHeader fromHeader = null;
    ToHeader toHeader = null;
    try {
      // FromHeader
      fromHeader =
              .createFromHeader(sipProvider.getOurSipAddress(toAddress), localTag);

      // ToHeader
      toHeader = this.sipProvider.getHeaderFactory().createToHeader(toAddress, null);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
      // these two should never happen.
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the FromHeader or ToHeader", ex);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the FromHeader or ToHeader",

    // ViaHeaders
    ArrayList<ViaHeader> viaHeaders = this.sipProvider.getLocalViaHeaders(toAddress);

    // MaxForwards
    MaxForwardsHeader maxForwards = this.sipProvider.getMaxForwardsHeader();

    // Content params
    ContentTypeHeader contTypeHeader;
    ContentLengthHeader contLengthHeader;
    try {
      contTypeHeader =
              .createContentTypeHeader(getType(message), getSubType(message));

      if (!DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING.equalsIgnoreCase(message.getEncoding()))
        contTypeHeader.setParameter("charset", message.getEncoding());

      contLengthHeader =
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
      // these two should never happen.
      logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content headers", ex);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content headers",
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException exc) {
      // these two should never happen.
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content length header", exc);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content length header",

    Request req;
    try {
      req =
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
      // shouldn't happen
      logger.error("Failed to create message Request!", ex);
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "Failed to create message Request!", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex);


    return req;

   * Parses the content type of a message and return the type
   * @param msg the Message to scan
   * @return the type of the message
  private String getType(Message msg) {
    String type = msg.getContentType();

    return type.substring(0, type.indexOf('/'));

   * Parses the content type of a message and return the subtype
   * @param msg the Message to scan
   * @return the subtype of the message
  private String getSubType(Message msg) {
    String subtype = msg.getContentType();

    return subtype.substring(subtype.indexOf('/') + 1);

   * Utility method throwing an exception if the stack is not properly initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
  private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (this.sipProvider == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be non-null and signed on the "
              + "service before being able to communicate.");
    if (!this.sipProvider.isRegistered())
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be signed on the service before " + "being able to communicate.");

  /** Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to */
  private class RegistrationStateListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
     * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever a change in the
     * registration state of the corresponding provider had occurred.
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "The provider changed state from: " + evt.getOldState() + " to: " + evt.getNewState());

      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) {
        opSetPersPresence =

  /** Class for listening incoming packets. */
  private class BasicInstantMessagingMethodProcessor extends MethodProcessorAdapter {
    public boolean processTimeout(TimeoutEvent timeoutEvent) {
      synchronized (messageProcessors) {
        for (SipMessageProcessor listener : messageProcessors)
          if (!listener.processTimeout(timeoutEvent, sentMsg)) return true;

      // this is normaly handled by the SIP stack
      logger.error("Timeout event thrown : " + timeoutEvent.toString());

      if (timeoutEvent.isServerTransaction()) {
        logger.warn("The sender has probably not received our OK");
        return false;

      Request req = timeoutEvent.getClientTransaction().getRequest();

      // get the content
      String content = null;
      try {
        content = new String(req.getRawContent(), getCharset(req));
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
        logger.warn("failed to convert the message charset", ex);
        content = new String(req.getRawContent());

      // to who this request has been sent ?
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) req.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader == null) {
        logger.error("received a request without a to header");
        return false;

      Contact to = opSetPersPresence.resolveContactID(toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

      Message failedMessage = null;

      if (to == null) {
            "timeout on a message sent to an unknown contact : "
                + toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

        // we don't know what message it concerns, so create a new
        // one
        failedMessage = createMessage(content);
      } else {
        // try to retrieve the original message
        String key = ((CallIdHeader) req.getHeader(CallIdHeader.NAME)).getCallId();
        failedMessage = sentMsg.get(key);

        if (failedMessage == null) {
          // should never happen
          logger.error("Couldn't find the sent message.");

          // we don't know what the message is so create a new one
          // based on the content of the failed request.
          failedMessage = createMessage(content);

      // error for delivering the message
          // we don't know what message it concerns
          failedMessage, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);
      return true;

     * Process a request from a distant contact
     * @param requestEvent the <tt>RequestEvent</tt> containing the newly received request.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified event has been handled by this processor and shouldn't
     *     be offered to other processors registered for the same method; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise
    public boolean processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
      synchronized (messageProcessors) {
        for (SipMessageProcessor listener : messageProcessors)
          if (!listener.processMessage(requestEvent)) return true;

      // get the content
      String content = null;
      Request req = requestEvent.getRequest();
      try {

        content = new String(req.getRawContent(), getCharset(req));
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("failed to convert the message charset");
        content = new String(requestEvent.getRequest().getRawContent());

      // who sent this request ?
      FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) requestEvent.getRequest().getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);

      if (fromHeader == null) {
        logger.error("received a request without a from header");
        return false;

      Contact from =

      ContentTypeHeader ctheader = (ContentTypeHeader) req.getHeader(ContentTypeHeader.NAME);

      String ctype = null;
      String cencoding = null;

      if (ctheader == null) {
        ctype = DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE;
      } else {
        ctype = ctheader.getContentType() + "/" + ctheader.getContentSubType();
        cencoding = ctheader.getParameter("charset");

      if (cencoding == null) cencoding = DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING;

      Message newMessage = createMessage(content, ctype, cencoding, null);

      if (from == null) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
              "received a message from an unknown contact: "
                  + fromHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());
        // create the volatile contact
        from = opSetPersPresence.createVolatileContact(fromHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

      // answer ok
      try {
        Response ok =
            sipProvider.getMessageFactory().createResponse(Response.OK, requestEvent.getRequest());
      } catch (ParseException exc) {
        logger.error("failed to build the response", exc);
      } catch (SipException exc) {
        logger.error("failed to send the response : " + exc.getMessage(), exc);
      } catch (InvalidArgumentException exc) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Invalid argument for createResponse : " + exc.getMessage(), exc);

      // fire an event
      MessageReceivedEvent msgReceivedEvt =
          new MessageReceivedEvent(newMessage, from, System.currentTimeMillis());

      return true;

     * Process a response from a distant contact.
     * @param responseEvent the <tt>ResponseEvent</tt> containing the newly received SIP response.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified event has been handled by this processor and shouldn't
     *     be offered to other processors registered for the same method; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise
    public boolean processResponse(ResponseEvent responseEvent) {
      synchronized (messageProcessors) {
        for (SipMessageProcessor listener : messageProcessors)
          if (!listener.processResponse(responseEvent, sentMsg)) return true;

      Request req = responseEvent.getClientTransaction().getRequest();
      int status = responseEvent.getResponse().getStatusCode();
      // content of the response
      String content = null;

      try {
        content = new String(req.getRawContent(), getCharset(req));
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exc) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("failed to convert the message charset", exc);
        content = new String(req.getRawContent());

      // to who did we send the original message ?
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) req.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader == null) {
        // should never happen
        logger.error("send a request without a to header");
        return false;

      Contact to = opSetPersPresence.resolveContactID(toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

      if (to == null) {
            "Error received a response from an unknown contact : "
                + toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString()
                + " : "
                + responseEvent.getResponse().getStatusCode()
                + " "
                + responseEvent.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());

        // error for delivering the message
            // we don't know what message it concerns
            createMessage(content), to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);
        return false;

      // we retrieve the original message
      String key = ((CallIdHeader) req.getHeader(CallIdHeader.NAME)).getCallId();

      Message newMessage = sentMsg.get(key);

      if (newMessage == null) {
        // should never happen
        logger.error("Couldn't find the message sent");

        // error for delivering the message
            // we don't know what message it is
            createMessage(content), to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);
        return true;

      // status 401/407 = proxy authentification
      if (status >= 400 && status != 401 && status != 407) {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
                  + " "
                  + responseEvent.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());

        // error for delivering the message
        MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt =
            new MessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
                    + " "
                    + responseEvent.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());
      } else if (status == 401 || status == 407) {
        // proxy ask for authentification
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
              "proxy asks authentication : "
                  + responseEvent.getResponse().getStatusCode()
                  + " "
                  + responseEvent.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());

        ClientTransaction clientTransaction = responseEvent.getClientTransaction();
        SipProvider sourceProvider = (SipProvider) responseEvent.getSource();

        try {
              clientTransaction, responseEvent.getResponse(), sourceProvider);
        } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
          logger.error("can't solve the challenge", ex);

          // error for delivering the message
          MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt =
              new MessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
      } else if (status >= 200) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
              "Ack received from the network : "
                  + responseEvent.getResponse().getStatusCode()
                  + " "
                  + responseEvent.getResponse().getReasonPhrase());

        // we delivered the message
        MessageDeliveredEvent msgDeliveredEvt =
            new MessageDeliveredEvent(newMessage, to, System.currentTimeMillis());


        // we don't need this message anymore

      return true;

     * Try to find a charset in a MESSAGE request for the text content. If no charset is defined,
     * the default charset for text messages is returned.
     * @param req the MESSAGE request in which to look for a charset
     * @return defined charset in the request or DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING if no charset is specified
    private String getCharset(Request req) {
      String charset = null;
      Header contentTypeHeader = req.getHeader(ContentTypeHeader.NAME);
      if (contentTypeHeader instanceof ContentTypeHeader)
        charset = ((ContentTypeHeader) contentTypeHeader).getParameter("charset");
      if (charset == null) charset = DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING;
      return charset;

     * Attempts to re-generate the corresponding request with the proper credentials.
     * @param clientTransaction the corresponding transaction
     * @param response the challenge
     * @param jainSipProvider the provider that received the challenge
     * @throws OperationFailedException if processing the authentication challenge fails.
    private void processAuthenticationChallenge(
        ClientTransaction clientTransaction, Response response, SipProvider jainSipProvider)
        throws OperationFailedException {
      try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Authenticating a message request.");

        ClientTransaction retryTran = null;

        // we synch here to protect seqN increment
        synchronized (this) {
          retryTran =
                  .handleChallenge(response, clientTransaction, jainSipProvider, seqN++);

        if (retryTran == null) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("No password supplied or error occured!");

      } catch (Exception exc) {
        logger.error("We failed to authenticate a message request.", exc);

        throw new OperationFailedException(
            "Failed to authenticate" + "a message request",
Пример #17
 * Mock {@link ChatRoom} implementation.
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class MockMultiUserChat extends AbstractChatRoom implements ChatRoom2 {
  /** The logger */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MockMultiUserChat.class);

  private final String roomName;

  private final ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider;

  private volatile boolean isJoined;

  private final List<ChatRoomMember> members = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ChatRoomMember>();

  private ChatRoomMember me;

   * Listeners that will be notified of changes in member status in the room such as member joined,
   * left or being kicked or dropped.
  private final Vector<ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener> memberListeners =
      new Vector<ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener>();

  private final Vector<ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener> localUserRoleListeners =
      new Vector<ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener>();

  private final Vector<ChatRoomMemberRoleListener> memberRoleListeners =
      new Vector<ChatRoomMemberRoleListener>();

  public MockMultiUserChat(String roomName, ProtocolProviderService protocolProviderService) {
    this.roomName = roomName;
    this.protocolProvider = protocolProviderService;

  public String getName() {
    return roomName;

  public String getIdentifier() {
    return null;

  public void join() throws OperationFailedException {

  public void join(byte[] password) throws OperationFailedException {

  public void joinAs(String nickname) throws OperationFailedException {
    joinAs(nickname, null);

  private String createAddressForName(String nickname) {
    return roomName + "/" + nickname;

  public void joinAs(String nickname, byte[] password) throws OperationFailedException {
    if (isJoined) throw new OperationFailedException("Alread joined the room", 0);

    isJoined = true;

    MockRoomMember member = new MockRoomMember(createAddressForName(nickname), this);

    // FIXME: for mock purposes we are always the owner on join()
    boolean isOwner = true; // = members.size() == 0;

    synchronized (members) {

      me = member;

      fireMemberPresenceEvent(me, me, ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent.MEMBER_JOINED, null);

    ChatRoomMemberRole oldRole = me.getRole();
    if (isOwner) {

    fireLocalUserRoleEvent(me, oldRole, true);

  public MockRoomMember mockOwnerJoin(String name) {
    MockRoomMember member = new MockRoomMember(name, this);



    return member;

  public MockRoomMember mockJoin(String nickname) {
    return mockJoin(createMockRoomMember(nickname));

  public MockRoomMember createMockRoomMember(String nickname) {
    return new MockRoomMember(createAddressForName(nickname), this);

  public MockRoomMember mockJoin(MockRoomMember member) {
    synchronized (members) {

          member, member, ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent.MEMBER_JOINED, null);

      return member;

  public void mockLeave(String memberName) {
    for (ChatRoomMember member : members) {
      if (member.getName().equals(memberName)) {
        mockLeave((MockRoomMember) member);

  private void mockLeave(MockRoomMember member) {
    synchronized (members) {
      if (!members.remove(member)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Member is not in the room " + member);

      fireMemberPresenceEvent(member, member, ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent.MEMBER_LEFT, null);

  public boolean isJoined() {
    return isJoined;

  public void leave() {
    if (!isJoined) return;

    isJoined = false;

    synchronized (members) {

      fireMemberPresenceEvent(me, me, ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent.MEMBER_LEFT, null);

    me = null;

  public String getSubject() {
    return null;

  public void setSubject(String subject) throws OperationFailedException {}

  public String getUserNickname() {
    return null;

  public ChatRoomMemberRole getUserRole() {
    return null;

  public void setLocalUserRole(ChatRoomMemberRole role) throws OperationFailedException {}

  public void setUserNickname(String nickname) throws OperationFailedException {}

  public void addMemberPresenceListener(ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener listener) {
    synchronized (memberListeners) {

  public void removeMemberPresenceListener(ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener listener) {
    synchronized (memberListeners) {

  public void addLocalUserRoleListener(ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener listener) {

  public void removelocalUserRoleListener(ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener listener) {

  public void addMemberRoleListener(ChatRoomMemberRoleListener listener) {

  public void removeMemberRoleListener(ChatRoomMemberRoleListener listener) {

  public void addPropertyChangeListener(ChatRoomPropertyChangeListener listener) {}

  public void removePropertyChangeListener(ChatRoomPropertyChangeListener listener) {}

  public void addMemberPropertyChangeListener(ChatRoomMemberPropertyChangeListener listener) {}

  public void removeMemberPropertyChangeListener(ChatRoomMemberPropertyChangeListener listener) {}

  public void invite(String userAddress, String reason) {}

  public List<ChatRoomMember> getMembers() {
    return members;

  public int getMembersCount() {
    return members.size();

  public void addMessageListener(ChatRoomMessageListener listener) {}

  public void removeMessageListener(ChatRoomMessageListener listener) {}

  public Message createMessage(
      byte[] content, String contentType, String contentEncoding, String subject) {
    return null;

  public Message createMessage(String messageText) {
    return null;

  public void sendMessage(Message message) throws OperationFailedException {}

  public ProtocolProviderService getParentProvider() {
    return protocolProvider;

  public Iterator<ChatRoomMember> getBanList() throws OperationFailedException {
    return null;

  public void banParticipant(ChatRoomMember chatRoomMember, String reason)
      throws OperationFailedException {}

  public void kickParticipant(ChatRoomMember chatRoomMember, String reason)
      throws OperationFailedException {}

  public ChatRoomConfigurationForm getConfigurationForm() throws OperationFailedException {
    return null;

  public boolean isSystem() {
    return false;

  public boolean isPersistent() {
    return false;

  public Contact getPrivateContactByNickname(String name) {
    return null;

  public void grantAdmin(String address) {}

  public void grantMembership(String address) {}

  public void grantModerator(String nickname) {
    MockRoomMember member = findMember(nickname);
    if (member == null) {
      logger.error("Member not found for nickname: " + nickname);

    if (ChatRoomMemberRole.MODERATOR.compareTo(member.getRole()) >= 0) {
      // No action required

    ChatRoomMemberRole oldRole = member.getRole();


    fireMemberRoleEvent(member, oldRole);

  private MockRoomMember findMember(String nickname) {
    for (ChatRoomMember member : members) {
      if (nickname.equals(member.getName())) return (MockRoomMember) member;
    return null;

  public void grantOwnership(String address) {}

  public void grantVoice(String nickname) {}

  public void revokeAdmin(String address) {}

  public void revokeMembership(String address) {}

  public void revokeModerator(String nickname) {}

  public void revokeOwnership(String address) {}

  public void revokeVoice(String nickname) {}

  public ConferenceDescription publishConference(ConferenceDescription cd, String name) {
    return null;

  public void updatePrivateContactPresenceStatus(String nickname) {}

  public void updatePrivateContactPresenceStatus(Contact contact) {}

  public boolean destroy(String reason, String alternateAddress) {
    return false;

  public List<String> getMembersWhiteList() {
    return null;

  public void setMembersWhiteList(List<String> members) {}

   * Creates the corresponding ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent and notifies all
   * <tt>ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener</tt>s that a ChatRoomMember has joined or left this
   * <tt>ChatRoom</tt>.
   * @param member the <tt>ChatRoomMember</tt> that changed its presence status
   * @param actor the <tt>ChatRoomMember</tt> that participated as an actor in this event
   * @param eventID the identifier of the event
   * @param eventReason the reason of this event
  private void fireMemberPresenceEvent(
      ChatRoomMember member, ChatRoomMember actor, String eventID, String eventReason) {
    ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent evt =
        new ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent(this, member, actor, eventID, eventReason);

    Iterable<ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener> listeners;
    synchronized (memberListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener>(memberListeners);

    for (ChatRoomMemberPresenceListener listener : listeners) listener.memberPresenceChanged(evt);

  private void fireLocalUserRoleEvent(
      ChatRoomMember member, ChatRoomMemberRole oldRole, boolean isInitial) {
    ChatRoomLocalUserRoleChangeEvent evt =
        new ChatRoomLocalUserRoleChangeEvent(this, oldRole, member.getRole(), isInitial);

    Iterable<ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener> listeners;
    synchronized (localUserRoleListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener>(localUserRoleListeners);

    for (ChatRoomLocalUserRoleListener listener : listeners) listener.localUserRoleChanged(evt);

  private void fireMemberRoleEvent(ChatRoomMember member, ChatRoomMemberRole oldRole) {
    ChatRoomMemberRoleChangeEvent evt =
        new ChatRoomMemberRoleChangeEvent(this, member, oldRole, member.getRole());

    Iterable<ChatRoomMemberRoleListener> listeners;
    synchronized (memberRoleListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<ChatRoomMemberRoleListener>(memberRoleListeners);

    for (ChatRoomMemberRoleListener listener : listeners) listener.memberRoleChanged(evt);

  public String toString() {
    return "MockMUC@" + hashCode() + "[" + this.roomName + ", " + protocolProvider + "]";

  public XmppChatMember findChatMember(String mucJid) {
    String nick = MucUtil.extractNickname(mucJid);

    return findMember(nick);
 * A straightforward implementation of the basic instant messaging operation set.
 * @author Damian Minkov
 * @author Matthieu Helleringer
 * @author Alain Knaebel
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Hristo Terezov
public class OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingJabberImpl
    extends AbstractOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging implements OperationSetMessageCorrection {
  /** Our class logger */
  private static final Logger logger =

  /** The maximum number of unread threads that we'd be notifying the user of. */
  private static final String PNAME_MAX_GMAIL_THREADS_PER_NOTIFICATION =
      "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber." + "MAX_GMAIL_THREADS_PER_NOTIFICATION";

   * A table mapping contact addresses to full jids that can be used to target a specific resource
   * (rather than sending a message to all logged instances of a user).
  private Map<String, StoredThreadID> jids = new Hashtable<String, StoredThreadID>();

  /** The most recent full JID used for the contact address. */
  private Map<String, String> recentJIDForAddress = new Hashtable<String, String>();
   * The smackMessageListener instance listens for incoming messages. Keep a reference of it so if
   * anything goes wrong we don't add two different instances.
  private SmackMessageListener smackMessageListener = null;

   * Contains the complete jid of a specific user and the time that it was last used so that we
   * could remove it after a certain point.
  public static class StoredThreadID {
    /** The time that we last sent or received a message from this jid */
    long lastUpdatedTime;

    /** The last chat used, this way we will reuse the thread-id */
    String threadID;

  /** A prefix helps to make sure that thread ID's are unique across mutliple instances. */
  private static String prefix = StringUtils.randomString(5);

   * Keeps track of the current increment, which is appended to the prefix to forum a unique thread
   * ID.
  private static long id = 0;

   * The number of milliseconds that we preserve threads with no traffic before considering them
   * dead.
  private static final long JID_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 min.

   * Indicates the time of the last Mailbox report that we received from Google (if this is a Google
   * server we are talking to). Should be included in all following mailbox queries
  private long lastReceivedMailboxResultTime = -1;

  /** The provider that created us. */
  private final ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl jabberProvider;

   * A reference to the persistent presence operation set that we use to match incoming messages to
   * <tt>Contact</tt>s and vice versa.
  private OperationSetPersistentPresenceJabberImpl opSetPersPresence = null;

  /** The opening BODY HTML TAG: &ltbody&gt */
  private static final String OPEN_BODY_TAG = "<body>";

  /** The closing BODY HTML TAG: &ltbody&gt */
  private static final String CLOSE_BODY_TAG = "</body>";

  /** The html namespace used as feature XHTMLManager.namespace */
  private static final String HTML_NAMESPACE = "http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im";

  /** List of filters to be used to filter which messages to handle current Operation Set. */
  private List<PacketFilter> packetFilters = new ArrayList<PacketFilter>();

  /** Whether carbon is enabled or not. */
  private boolean isCarbonEnabled = false;

   * Creates an instance of this operation set.
   * @param provider a reference to the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceImpl</tt> that created us and
   *     that we'll use for retrieving the underlying aim connection.
  OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingJabberImpl(ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl provider) {
    this.jabberProvider = provider;

    packetFilters.add(new GroupMessagePacketFilter());
    packetFilters.add(new PacketTypeFilter(org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message.class));

    provider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener(new RegistrationStateListener());

    ProviderManager man = ProviderManager.getInstance();
    MessageCorrectionExtensionProvider extProvider = new MessageCorrectionExtensionProvider();
        MessageCorrectionExtension.ELEMENT_NAME, MessageCorrectionExtension.NAMESPACE, extProvider);

   * Create a Message instance with the specified UID, content type and a default encoding. This
   * method can be useful when message correction is required. One can construct the corrected
   * message to have the same UID as the message before correction.
   * @param messageText the string content of the message.
   * @param contentType the MIME-type for <tt>content</tt>
   * @param messageUID the unique identifier of this message.
   * @return Message the newly created message
  public Message createMessageWithUID(String messageText, String contentType, String messageUID) {
    return new MessageJabberImpl(messageText, contentType, DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING, null, messageUID);

   * Create a Message instance for sending arbitrary MIME-encoding content.
   * @param content content value
   * @param contentType the MIME-type for <tt>content</tt>
   * @return the newly created message.
  public Message createMessage(String content, String contentType) {
    return createMessage(content, contentType, DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING, null);

   * Create a Message instance for sending arbitrary MIME-encoding content.
   * @param content content value
   * @param contentType the MIME-type for <tt>content</tt>
   * @param subject the Subject of the message that we'd like to create.
   * @param encoding the enconding of the message that we will be sending.
   * @return the newly created message.
  public Message createMessage(
      String content, String contentType, String encoding, String subject) {
    return new MessageJabberImpl(content, contentType, encoding, subject);

  Message createMessage(String content, String contentType, String messageUID) {
    return new MessageJabberImpl(content, contentType, DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING, null, messageUID);

   * Determines wheter the protocol provider (or the protocol itself) support sending and receiving
   * offline messages. Most often this method would return true for protocols that support offline
   * messages and false for those that don't. It is however possible for a protocol to support these
   * messages and yet have a particular account that does not (i.e. feature not enabled on the
   * protocol server). In cases like this it is possible for this method to return true even when
   * offline messaging is not supported, and then have the sendMessage method throw an
   * OperationFailedException with code - OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the protocol supports offline messages and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported() {
    return true;

   * Determines wheter the protocol supports the supplied content type
   * @param contentType the type we want to check
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the protocol supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType) {
    return (contentType.equals(DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE) || contentType.equals(HTML_MIME_TYPE));

   * Determines whether the protocol supports the supplied content type for the given contact.
   * @param contentType the type we want to check
   * @param contact contact which is checked for supported contentType
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the contact supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType, Contact contact) {
    // by default we support default mime type, for other mimetypes
    // method must be overriden
    if (contentType.equals(DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE)) return true;
    else if (contentType.equals(HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {
      String toJID = recentJIDForAddress.get(contact.getAddress());

      if (toJID == null) toJID = contact.getAddress();

      return jabberProvider.isFeatureListSupported(toJID, HTML_NAMESPACE);

    return false;

   * Remove from our <tt>jids</tt> map all entries that have not seen any activity (i.e. neither
   * outgoing nor incoming messags) for more than JID_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT. Note that this method is
   * not synchronous and that it is only meant for use by the {@link #getThreadIDForAddress(String)}
   * and {@link #putJidForAddress(String, String)}
  private void purgeOldJids() {
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, StoredThreadID>> entries = jids.entrySet().iterator();

    while (entries.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry<String, StoredThreadID> entry = entries.next();
      StoredThreadID target = entry.getValue();

      if (currentTime - target.lastUpdatedTime > JID_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) entries.remove();

   * Returns the last jid that the party with the specified <tt>address</tt> contacted us from or
   * <tt>null</tt>(or bare jid) if we don't have a jid for the specified <tt>address</tt> yet. The
   * method would also purge all entries that haven't seen any activity (i.e. no one has tried to
   * get or remap it) for a delay longer than <tt>JID_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT</tt>.
   * @param jid the <tt>jid</tt> that we'd like to obtain a threadID for.
   * @return the last jid that the party with the specified <tt>address</tt> contacted us from or
   *     <tt>null</tt> if we don't have a jid for the specified <tt>address</tt> yet.
  String getThreadIDForAddress(String jid) {
    synchronized (jids) {
      StoredThreadID ta = jids.get(jid);

      if (ta == null) return null;

      ta.lastUpdatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      return ta.threadID;

   * Maps the specified <tt>address</tt> to <tt>jid</tt>. The point of this method is to allow us to
   * send all messages destined to the contact with the specified <tt>address</tt> to the
   * <tt>jid</tt> that they last contacted us from.
   * @param threadID the threadID of conversation.
   * @param jid the jid (i.e. address/resource) that the contact with the specified <tt>address</tt>
   *     last contacted us from.
  private void putJidForAddress(String jid, String threadID) {
    synchronized (jids) {

      StoredThreadID ta = jids.get(jid);

      if (ta == null) {
        ta = new StoredThreadID();
        jids.put(jid, ta);

      recentJIDForAddress.put(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(jid), jid);

      ta.lastUpdatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      ta.threadID = threadID;

   * Helper function used to send a message to a contact, with the given extensions attached.
   * @param to The contact to send the message to.
   * @param toResource The resource to send the message to or null if no resource has been specified
   * @param message The message to send.
   * @param extensions The XMPP extensions that should be attached to the message before sending.
   * @return The MessageDeliveryEvent that resulted after attempting to send this message, so the
   *     calling function can modify it if needed.
  private MessageDeliveredEvent sendMessage(
      Contact to, ContactResource toResource, Message message, PacketExtension[] extensions) {
    if (!(to instanceof ContactJabberImpl))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified contact is not a Jabber contact." + to);


    org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message msg = new org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message();

    String toJID = null;

    if (toResource != null) {
      if (toResource.equals(ContactResource.BASE_RESOURCE)) {
        toJID = to.getAddress();
      } else toJID = ((ContactResourceJabberImpl) toResource).getFullJid();

    if (toJID == null) {
      toJID = to.getAddress();


    for (PacketExtension ext : extensions) {

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Will send a message to:" + toJID + " chat.jid=" + toJID);

    MessageDeliveredEvent msgDeliveryPendingEvt =
        new MessageDeliveredEvent(message, to, toResource);

    MessageDeliveredEvent[] transformedEvents =

    if (transformedEvents == null || transformedEvents.length == 0) return null;

    for (MessageDeliveredEvent event : transformedEvents) {
      String content = event.getSourceMessage().getContent();

      if (message.getContentType().equals(HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {

        // Check if the other user supports XHTML messages
        // make sure we use our discovery manager as it caches calls
        if (jabberProvider.isFeatureListSupported(toJID, HTML_NAMESPACE)) {
          // Add the XHTML text to the message
          XHTMLManager.addBody(msg, OPEN_BODY_TAG + content + CLOSE_BODY_TAG);
      } else {
        // this is plain text so keep it as it is.

      // msg.addExtension(new Version());

      if (event.isMessageEncrypted() && isCarbonEnabled) {
        msg.addExtension(new CarbonPacketExtension.PrivateExtension());

      MessageEventManager.addNotificationsRequests(msg, true, false, false, true);

      String threadID = getThreadIDForAddress(toJID);
      if (threadID == null) threadID = nextThreadID();



      putJidForAddress(toJID, threadID);

    return new MessageDeliveredEvent(message, to, toResource);

   * Sends the <tt>message</tt> to the destination indicated by the <tt>to</tt> contact.
   * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to
   * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>to</tt> is not an instance of ContactImpl.
  public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, Message message)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    sendInstantMessage(to, null, message);

   * Sends the <tt>message</tt> to the destination indicated by the <tt>to</tt>. Provides a default
   * implementation of this method.
   * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to
   * @param toResource the resource to which the message should be send
   * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying ICQ stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>to</tt> is not an instance belonging to the
   *     underlying implementation.
  public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, ContactResource toResource, Message message)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    MessageDeliveredEvent msgDelivered =
        sendMessage(to, toResource, message, new PacketExtension[0]);


   * Replaces the message with ID <tt>correctedMessageUID</tt> sent to the contact <tt>to</tt> with
   * the message <tt>message</tt>
   * @param to The contact to send the message to.
   * @param message The new message.
   * @param correctedMessageUID The ID of the message being replaced.
  public void correctMessage(
      Contact to, ContactResource resource, Message message, String correctedMessageUID) {
    PacketExtension[] exts = new PacketExtension[1];
    exts[0] = new MessageCorrectionExtension(correctedMessageUID);
    MessageDeliveredEvent msgDelivered = sendMessage(to, resource, message, exts);

   * Utility method throwing an exception if the stack is not properly initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
  private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (opSetPersPresence == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be signed on the service before" + " being able to communicate.");
    } else opSetPersPresence.assertConnected();

  /** Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to */
  private class RegistrationStateListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
     * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever a change in the
     * registration state of the corresponding provider had occurred.
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "The provider changed state from: " + evt.getOldState() + " to: " + evt.getNewState());

      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERING) {
        opSetPersPresence =

        if (smackMessageListener == null) {
          smackMessageListener = new SmackMessageListener();
        } else {
          // make sure this listener is not already installed in this
          // connection

                new AndFilter(packetFilters.toArray(new PacketFilter[packetFilters.size()])));
      } else if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) {
        new Thread(
                new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
      } else if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED
          || evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.CONNECTION_FAILED
          || evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
        if (jabberProvider.getConnection() != null) {
          if (smackMessageListener != null)

        smackMessageListener = null;

  /** Initialize additional services, like gmail notifications and message carbons. */
  private void initAdditionalServices() {
    // subscribe for Google (Gmail or Google Apps) notifications
    // for new mail messages.
    boolean enableGmailNotifications =
            .getAccountPropertyBoolean("GMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED", false);

    if (enableGmailNotifications) subscribeForGmailNotifications();

    boolean enableCarbon =
            && !jabberProvider
                .getAccountPropertyBoolean(ProtocolProviderFactory.IS_CARBON_DISABLED, false);
    if (enableCarbon) {
    } else {
      isCarbonEnabled = false;

   * Sends enable or disable carbon packet to the server.
   * @param enable if <tt>true</tt> sends enable packet otherwise sends disable packet.
  private void enableDisableCarbon(final boolean enable) {
    IQ iq =
        new IQ() {

          public String getChildElementXML() {
            return "<" + (enable ? "enable" : "disable") + " xmlns='urn:xmpp:carbons:2' />";

    Packet response = null;
    try {
      PacketCollector packetCollector =
              .createPacketCollector(new PacketIDFilter(iq.getPacketID()));
      response = packetCollector.nextResult(SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout());

    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Failed to enable carbon.", e);

    isCarbonEnabled = false;

    if (response == null) {
      logger.error("Failed to enable carbon. No response is received.");
    } else if (response.getError() != null) {
      logger.error("Failed to enable carbon: " + response.getError());
    } else if (!(response instanceof IQ) || !((IQ) response).getType().equals(IQ.Type.RESULT)) {
      logger.error("Failed to enable carbon. The response is not correct.");
    } else {
      isCarbonEnabled = true;

   * Checks whether the carbon is supported by the server or not.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if carbon is supported by the server and <tt>false</tt> if not.
  private boolean isCarbonSupported() {
    try {
      return jabberProvider
    } catch (XMPPException e) {
      logger.warn("Failed to retrieve carbon support." + e.getMessage());
    return false;

  /** The listener that we use in order to handle incoming messages. */
  private class SmackMessageListener implements PacketListener {
     * Handles incoming messages and dispatches whatever events are necessary.
     * @param packet the packet that we need to handle (if it is a message).
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
      if (!(packet instanceof org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message)) return;

      org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message msg = (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) packet;

      boolean isForwardedSentMessage = false;
      if (msg.getBody() == null) {

        CarbonPacketExtension carbonExt =
            (CarbonPacketExtension) msg.getExtension(CarbonPacketExtension.NAMESPACE);
        if (carbonExt == null) return;

        isForwardedSentMessage =
            (carbonExt.getElementName() == CarbonPacketExtension.SENT_ELEMENT_NAME);
        List<ForwardedPacketExtension> extensions =
        if (extensions.isEmpty()) return;
        ForwardedPacketExtension forwardedExt = extensions.get(0);
        msg = forwardedExt.getMessage();
        if (msg == null || msg.getBody() == null) return;

      Object multiChatExtension = msg.getExtension("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user");

      // its not for us
      if (multiChatExtension != null) return;

      String userFullId = isForwardedSentMessage ? msg.getTo() : msg.getFrom();

      String userBareID = StringUtils.parseBareAddress(userFullId);

      boolean isPrivateMessaging = false;
      ChatRoom privateContactRoom = null;
      OperationSetMultiUserChatJabberImpl mucOpSet =
      if (mucOpSet != null) privateContactRoom = mucOpSet.getChatRoom(userBareID);

      if (privateContactRoom != null) {
        isPrivateMessaging = true;

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Received from " + userBareID + " the message " + msg.toXML());

      Message newMessage = createMessage(msg.getBody(), DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE, msg.getPacketID());

      // check if the message is available in xhtml
      PacketExtension ext = msg.getExtension("http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im");

      if (ext != null) {
        XHTMLExtension xhtmlExt = (XHTMLExtension) ext;

        // parse all bodies
        Iterator<String> bodies = xhtmlExt.getBodies();
        StringBuffer messageBuff = new StringBuffer();
        while (bodies.hasNext()) {
          String body = bodies.next();

        if (messageBuff.length() > 0) {
          // we remove body tags around message cause their
          // end body tag is breaking
          // the visualization as html in the UI
          String receivedMessage =
                  // removes body start tag
                  .replaceAll("\\<[bB][oO][dD][yY].*?>", "")
                  // removes body end tag
                  .replaceAll("\\</[bB][oO][dD][yY].*?>", "");

          // for some reason &apos; is not rendered correctly
          // from our ui, lets use its equivalent. Other
          // similar chars(< > & ") seem ok.
          receivedMessage = receivedMessage.replaceAll("&apos;", "&#39;");

          newMessage = createMessage(receivedMessage, HTML_MIME_TYPE, msg.getPacketID());

      PacketExtension correctionExtension = msg.getExtension(MessageCorrectionExtension.NAMESPACE);
      String correctedMessageUID = null;
      if (correctionExtension != null) {
        correctedMessageUID =
            ((MessageCorrectionExtension) correctionExtension).getCorrectedMessageUID();

      Contact sourceContact =
          opSetPersPresence.findContactByID((isPrivateMessaging ? userFullId : userBareID));
      if (msg.getType() == org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message.Type.error) {
        // error which is multichat and we don't know about the contact
        // is a muc message error which is missing muc extension
        // and is coming from the room, when we try to send message to
        // room which was deleted or offline on the server
        if (isPrivateMessaging && sourceContact == null) {
          if (privateContactRoom != null) {
            XMPPError error = packet.getError();
            int errorResultCode = ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent.UNKNOWN_ERROR;

            if (error != null && error.getCode() == 403) {
              errorResultCode = ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent.FORBIDDEN;

            String errorReason = error.getMessage();

            ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt =
                new ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
                    privateContactRoom, null, errorResultCode, errorReason, new Date(), newMessage);
            ((ChatRoomJabberImpl) privateContactRoom).fireMessageEvent(evt);


        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Message error received from " + userBareID);

        int errorResultCode = MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        if (packet.getError() != null) {
          int errorCode = packet.getError().getCode();

          if (errorCode == 503) {
            org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.MessageEvent msgEvent =
                    packet.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:event");
            if (msgEvent != null && msgEvent.isOffline()) {
              errorResultCode = MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        if (sourceContact == null) {
          sourceContact = opSetPersPresence.createVolatileContact(userFullId, isPrivateMessaging);

        MessageDeliveryFailedEvent ev =
            new MessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
                newMessage, sourceContact, correctedMessageUID, errorResultCode);

        // ev = messageDeliveryFailedTransform(ev);

        if (ev != null) fireMessageEvent(ev);
      putJidForAddress(userFullId, msg.getThread());

      // In the second condition we filter all group chat messages,
      // because they are managed by the multi user chat operation set.
      if (sourceContact == null) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("received a message from an unknown contact: " + userBareID);
        // create the volatile contact
        sourceContact = opSetPersPresence.createVolatileContact(userFullId, isPrivateMessaging);

      Date timestamp = new Date();
      // Check for XEP-0091 timestamp (deprecated)
      PacketExtension delay = msg.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:delay");
      if (delay != null && delay instanceof DelayInformation) {
        timestamp = ((DelayInformation) delay).getStamp();
      // check for XEP-0203 timestamp
      delay = msg.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay");
      if (delay != null && delay instanceof DelayInfo) {
        timestamp = ((DelayInfo) delay).getStamp();

      ContactResource resource = ((ContactJabberImpl) sourceContact).getResourceFromJid(userFullId);

      EventObject msgEvt = null;
      if (!isForwardedSentMessage)
        msgEvt =
            new MessageReceivedEvent(
      else msgEvt = new MessageDeliveredEvent(newMessage, sourceContact, timestamp);
      // msgReceivedEvt = messageReceivedTransform(msgReceivedEvt);
      if (msgEvt != null) fireMessageEvent(msgEvt);

  /** A filter that prevents this operation set from handling multi user chat messages. */
  private static class GroupMessagePacketFilter implements PacketFilter {
     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>packet</tt> is a <tt>Message</tt> and false otherwise.
     * @param packet the packet that we need to check.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if <tt>packet</tt> is a <tt>Message</tt> and false otherwise.
    public boolean accept(Packet packet) {
      if (!(packet instanceof org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message)) return false;

      org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message msg = (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) packet;

      return !msg.getType().equals(org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message.Type.groupchat);

   * Subscribes this provider as interested in receiving notifications for new mail messages from
   * Google mail services such as Gmail or Google Apps.
  private void subscribeForGmailNotifications() {
    // first check support for the notification service
    String accountIDService = jabberProvider.getAccountID().getService();
    boolean notificationsAreSupported =
        jabberProvider.isFeatureSupported(accountIDService, NewMailNotificationIQ.NAMESPACE);

    if (!notificationsAreSupported) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                + " does not seem to provide a Gmail notification "
                + " service so we won't be trying to subscribe for it");

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
              + " seems to provide a Gmail notification "
              + " service so we will try to subscribe for it");

    ProviderManager providerManager = ProviderManager.getInstance();

        MailboxIQ.ELEMENT_NAME, MailboxIQ.NAMESPACE, new MailboxIQProvider());
        new NewMailNotificationProvider());

    Connection connection = jabberProvider.getConnection();

    connection.addPacketListener(new MailboxIQListener(), new PacketTypeFilter(MailboxIQ.class));
        new NewMailNotificationListener(), new PacketTypeFilter(NewMailNotificationIQ.class));

    if (opSetPersPresence.getCurrentStatusMessage().equals(JabberStatusEnum.OFFLINE)) return;

    // create a query with -1 values for newer-than-tid and
    // newer-than-time attributes
    MailboxQueryIQ mailboxQuery = new MailboxQueryIQ();

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          "sending mailNotification for acc: "
              + jabberProvider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID());

   * Creates an html description of the specified mailbox.
   * @param mailboxIQ the mailboxIQ that we are to describe.
   * @return an html description of <tt>mailboxIQ</tt>
  private String createMailboxDescription(MailboxIQ mailboxIQ) {
    int threadCount = mailboxIQ.getThreadCount();

    String resourceHeaderKey =
        threadCount > 1 ? "service.gui.NEW_GMAIL_MANY_HEADER" : "service.gui.NEW_GMAIL_HEADER";

    String resourceFooterKey =
        threadCount > 1 ? "service.gui.NEW_GMAIL_MANY_FOOTER" : "service.gui.NEW_GMAIL_FOOTER";

    // FIXME Escape HTML!
    String newMailHeader =
                new String[] {
                  jabberProvider.getAccountID().getService(), // {0} - service name
                  mailboxIQ.getUrl(), // {1} - inbox URI
                  Integer.toString(threadCount) // {2} - thread count

    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(newMailHeader);

    // we now start an html table for the threads.
    message.append("<table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 ");
    message.append("border=0 bgcolor=#e8eef7>");

    Iterator<MailThreadInfo> threads = mailboxIQ.threads();

    String maxThreadsStr =

    int maxThreads = 5;

    try {
      if (maxThreadsStr != null) maxThreads = Integer.parseInt(maxThreadsStr);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Failed to parse max threads count: " + maxThreads + ". Going for default.");

    // print a maximum of MAX_THREADS
    for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads && threads.hasNext(); i++) {

    if (threadCount > maxThreads) {
      String messageFooter =
                  new String[] {
                    mailboxIQ.getUrl(), // {0} - inbox URI
                    Integer.toString(threadCount - maxThreads) // {1} - thread count

    return message.toString();

  public String getRecentJIDForAddress(String address) {
    return recentJIDForAddress.get(address);

  /** Receives incoming MailNotification Packets */
  private class MailboxIQListener implements PacketListener {
     * Handles incoming <tt>MailboxIQ</tt> packets.
     * @param packet the IQ that we need to handle in case it is a <tt>MailboxIQ</tt>.
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
      if (packet != null && !(packet instanceof MailboxIQ)) return;

      MailboxIQ mailboxIQ = (MailboxIQ) packet;

      if (mailboxIQ.getTotalMatched() < 1) return;

      // Get a reference to a dummy volatile contact
      Contact sourceContact =

      if (sourceContact == null)
        sourceContact =

      lastReceivedMailboxResultTime = mailboxIQ.getResultTime();

      String newMail = createMailboxDescription(mailboxIQ);

      Message newMailMessage =
          new MessageJabberImpl(newMail, HTML_MIME_TYPE, DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING, null);

      MessageReceivedEvent msgReceivedEvt =
          new MessageReceivedEvent(
              new Date(),


  /** Receives incoming NewMailNotification Packets. */
  private class NewMailNotificationListener implements PacketListener {
     * Handles incoming <tt>NewMailNotificationIQ</tt> packets.
     * @param packet the IQ that we need to handle in case it is a <tt>NewMailNotificationIQ</tt>.
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
      if (packet != null && !(packet instanceof NewMailNotificationIQ)) return;

      // check whether we are still enabled.
      boolean enableGmailNotifications =
              .getAccountPropertyBoolean("GMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED", false);

      if (!enableGmailNotifications) return;

      if (opSetPersPresence.getCurrentStatusMessage().equals(JabberStatusEnum.OFFLINE)) return;

      MailboxQueryIQ mailboxQueryIQ = new MailboxQueryIQ();

      if (lastReceivedMailboxResultTime != -1)

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            "send mailNotification for acc: " + jabberProvider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID());


   * Returns the inactivity timeout in milliseconds.
   * @return The inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Or -1 if undefined
  public long getInactivityTimeout() {

   * Adds additional filters for incoming messages. To be able to skip some messages.
   * @param filter to add
  public void addMessageFilters(PacketFilter filter) {

   * Returns the next unique thread id. Each thread id made up of a short alphanumeric prefix along
   * with a unique numeric value.
   * @return the next thread id.
  public static synchronized String nextThreadID() {
    return prefix + Long.toString(id++);
Пример #19
 * The source contact service. The will show most recent messages.
 * @author Damian Minkov
public class MessageSourceService extends MetaContactListAdapter
    implements ContactSourceService,
        AdHocChatRoomMessageListener {
  /** The logger for this class. */
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MessageSourceService.class);

  /** The display name of this contact source. */
  private final String MESSAGE_HISTORY_NAME;

  /** The type of the source service, the place to be shown in the ui. */
  private int sourceServiceType = CONTACT_LIST_TYPE;

   * Whether to show recent messages in history or in contactlist. By default we show it in
   * contactlist.
  private static final String IN_HISTORY_PROPERTY =

  /** Property to control number of recent messages. */
  private static final String NUMBER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP =

  /** Property to control version of recent messages. */
  private static final String VER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP =

  /** Property to control messages type. Can query for message sub type. */
  private static final String IS_MESSAGE_SUBTYPE_SMS_PROP =

   * The number of recent messages to store in the history, but will retrieve just
   * <tt>numberOfMessages</tt>
  private static final int NUMBER_OF_MSGS_IN_HISTORY = 100;

  /** Number of messages to show. */
  private int numberOfMessages = 10;

  /** The structure to save recent messages list. */
  private static final String[] STRUCTURE_NAMES =
      new String[] {"provider", "contact", "timestamp", "ver"};

  /** The current version of recent messages. When changed the recent messages are recreated. */
  private static String RECENT_MSGS_VER = "2";

  /** The structure. */
  private static final HistoryRecordStructure recordStructure =
      new HistoryRecordStructure(STRUCTURE_NAMES);

  /** Recent messages history ID. */
  private static final HistoryID historyID =
      HistoryID.createFromRawID(new String[] {"recent_messages"});

  /** The cache for recent messages. */
  private History history = null;

  /** List of recent messages. */
  private final List<ComparableEvtObj> recentMessages = new LinkedList<ComparableEvtObj>();

  /** Date of the oldest shown message. */
  private Date oldestRecentMessage = null;

  /** The last query created. */
  private MessageSourceContactQuery recentQuery = null;

  /** The message subtype if any. */
  private boolean isSMSEnabled = false;

  /** Message history service that has created us. */
  private MessageHistoryServiceImpl messageHistoryService;

  /** Constructs MessageSourceService. */
  MessageSourceService(MessageHistoryServiceImpl messageHistoryService) {
    this.messageHistoryService = messageHistoryService;

    ConfigurationService conf = MessageHistoryActivator.getConfigurationService();

    if (conf.getBoolean(IN_HISTORY_PROPERTY, false)) {
      sourceServiceType = HISTORY_TYPE;


    numberOfMessages = conf.getInt(NUMBER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP, numberOfMessages);

    isSMSEnabled = conf.getBoolean(IS_MESSAGE_SUBTYPE_SMS_PROP, isSMSEnabled);



   * Returns the display name of this contact source.
   * @return the display name of this contact source
  public String getDisplayName() {

   * Returns default type to indicate that this contact source can be queried by default filters.
   * @return the type of this contact source
  public int getType() {
    return sourceServiceType;

   * Returns the index of the contact source in the result list.
   * @return the index of the contact source in the result list
  public int getIndex() {
    return 0;

   * Creates query for the given <tt>searchString</tt>.
   * @param queryString the string to search for
   * @return the created query
  public ContactQuery createContactQuery(String queryString) {
    recentQuery = (MessageSourceContactQuery) createContactQuery(queryString, numberOfMessages);

    return recentQuery;

   * Updates the contact sources in the recent query if any. Done here in order to sync with
   * recentMessages instance, and to check for already existing instances of contact sources.
   * Normally called from the query.
  public void updateRecentMessages() {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      List<SourceContact> currentContactsInQuery = recentQuery.getQueryResults();

      for (ComparableEvtObj evtObj : recentMessages) {
        // the contains will use the correct equals method of
        // the object evtObj
        if (!currentContactsInQuery.contains(evtObj)) {
          MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
              new MessageSourceContact(evtObj.getEventObject(), MessageSourceService.this);


   * Searches for entries in cached recent messages in history.
   * @param provider the provider which contact messages we will search
   * @param isStatusChanged is the search because of status changed
   * @return entries in cached recent messages in history.
  private List<ComparableEvtObj> getCachedRecentMessages(
      ProtocolProviderService provider, boolean isStatusChanged) {
    String providerID = provider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID();
    List<String> recentMessagesContactIDs =
            providerID, recentMessages.size() < numberOfMessages ? null : oldestRecentMessage);

    List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();

    for (String contactID : recentMessagesContactIDs) {
      Collection<EventObject> res =
              numberOfMessages, providerID, contactID, isSMSEnabled);

      processEventObjects(res, cachedRecentMessages, isStatusChanged);

    return cachedRecentMessages;

   * Process list of event objects. Checks whether message source contact already exist for this
   * event object, if yes just update it with the new values (not sure whether we should do this, as
   * it may bring old messages) and if status of provider is changed, init its details, updates its
   * capabilities. It still adds the found messages source contact to the list of the new contacts,
   * as later we will detect this and fire update event. If nothing found a new contact is created.
   * @param res list of event
   * @param cachedRecentMessages list of newly created source contacts or already existed but
   *     updated with corresponding event object
   * @param isStatusChanged whether provider status changed and we are processing
  private void processEventObjects(
      Collection<EventObject> res,
      List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages,
      boolean isStatusChanged) {
    for (EventObject obj : res) {
      ComparableEvtObj oldMsg = findRecentMessage(obj, recentMessages);

      if (oldMsg != null) {
        oldMsg.update(obj); // update

        if (isStatusChanged && recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(oldMsg, obj);

        // we still add it to cachedRecentMessages
        // later we will find it is duplicate and will fire
        // update event
        if (!cachedRecentMessages.contains(oldMsg)) cachedRecentMessages.add(oldMsg);


      oldMsg = findRecentMessage(obj, cachedRecentMessages);

      if (oldMsg == null) {
        oldMsg = new ComparableEvtObj(obj);

        if (isStatusChanged && recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(oldMsg, obj);


   * Access for source contacts impl.
   * @return
  boolean isSMSEnabled() {
    return isSMSEnabled;

   * Add the ComparableEvtObj, newly added will fire new, for existing fire update and when trimming
   * the list to desired length fire remove for those that were removed
   * @param contactsToAdd
  private void addNewRecentMessages(List<ComparableEvtObj> contactsToAdd) {
    // now find object to fire new, and object to fire remove
    // let us find duplicates and fire update
    List<ComparableEvtObj> duplicates = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
    for (ComparableEvtObj msgToAdd : contactsToAdd) {
      if (recentMessages.contains(msgToAdd)) {

        // save update

    // now contacts to add has no duplicates, add them all
    boolean changed = recentMessages.addAll(contactsToAdd);

    if (changed) {

      if (recentQuery != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj obj : duplicates)
          recentQuery.updateContact(obj, obj.getEventObject());

    if (!recentMessages.isEmpty())
      oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

    // trim
    List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = null;
    if (recentMessages.size() > numberOfMessages) {
      removedItems =
          new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(
              recentMessages.subList(numberOfMessages, recentMessages.size()));


    if (recentQuery != null) {
      // now fire, removed for all that were in the list
      // and now are removed after trim
      if (removedItems != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {
          if (!contactsToAdd.contains(msc)) recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(msc);

      // fire new for all that were added, and not removed after trim
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : contactsToAdd) {
        if ((removedItems == null || !removedItems.contains(msc)) && !duplicates.contains(msc)) {
          MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
              new MessageSourceContact(msc.getEventObject(), MessageSourceService.this);


      // if recent messages were changed, indexes have change lets
      // fire event for the last element which will reorder the whole
      // group if needed.
      if (changed) recentQuery.fireContactChanged(recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1));

   * When a provider is added, do not block and start executing in new thread.
   * @param provider ProtocolProviderService
  void handleProviderAdded(final ProtocolProviderService provider, final boolean isStatusChanged) {
    new Thread(
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                handleProviderAddedInSeparateThread(provider, isStatusChanged);

   * When a provider is added. As searching can be slow especially when handling special type of
   * messages (with subType) this need to be run in new Thread.
   * @param provider ProtocolProviderService
  private void handleProviderAddedInSeparateThread(
      ProtocolProviderService provider, boolean isStatusChanged) {
    // lets check if we have cached recent messages for this provider, and
    // fire events if found and are newer

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages =
          getCachedRecentMessages(provider, isStatusChanged);

      if (cachedRecentMessages.isEmpty()) {
        // maybe there is no cached history for this
        // let's check
        // load it not from cache, but do a local search
        Collection<EventObject> res =
                numberOfMessages, provider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID(), null, isSMSEnabled);

        List<ComparableEvtObj> newMsc = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();

        processEventObjects(res, newMsc, isStatusChanged);


        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : newMsc) {
      } else addNewRecentMessages(cachedRecentMessages);

   * Tries to match the event object to already existing ComparableEvtObj in the supplied list.
   * @param obj the object that we will try to match.
   * @param list the list we will search in.
   * @return the found ComparableEvtObj
  private static ComparableEvtObj findRecentMessage(EventObject obj, List<ComparableEvtObj> list) {
    Contact contact = null;
    ChatRoom chatRoom = null;

    if (obj instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) {
      contact = ((MessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getDestinationContact();
    } else if (obj instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) {
      contact = ((MessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceContact();
    } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) {
      chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom();
    } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) {
      chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom();

    for (ComparableEvtObj evt : list) {
      if ((contact != null && contact.equals(evt.getContact()))
          || (chatRoom != null && chatRoom.equals(evt.getRoom()))) return evt;

    return null;

   * A provider has been removed.
   * @param provider the ProtocolProviderService that has been unregistered.
  void handleProviderRemoved(ProtocolProviderService provider) {
    // lets remove the recent messages for this provider, and update
    // with recent messages for the available providers
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      if (provider != null) {
        List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
          if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)) removedItems.add(msc);

        if (!recentMessages.isEmpty())
          oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();
        else oldestRecentMessage = null;

        if (recentQuery != null) {
          for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {

      // handleProviderRemoved can be invoked due to stopped
      // history service, if this is the case we do not want to
      // update messages
      if (!this.messageHistoryService.isHistoryLoggingEnabled()) return;

      // lets do the same as we enable provider
      // for all registered providers and finally fire events
      List<ComparableEvtObj> contactsToAdd = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
      for (ProtocolProviderService pps : messageHistoryService.getCurrentlyAvailableProviders()) {
        contactsToAdd.addAll(getCachedRecentMessages(pps, true));


   * Searches for contact ids in history of recent messages.
   * @param provider
   * @param after
   * @return
  List<String> getRecentContactIDs(String provider, Date after) {
    List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
      History history = getHistory();

      if (history != null) {
        Iterator<HistoryRecord> recs = history.getReader().findLast(NUMBER_OF_MSGS_IN_HISTORY);
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

        while (recs.hasNext()) {
          HistoryRecord hr = recs.next();

          String contact = null;
          String recordProvider = null;
          Date timestamp = null;

          for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
            String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

            if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) recordProvider = hr.getPropertyValues()[i];
            else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) contact = hr.getPropertyValues()[i];
            else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[2])) {
              try {
                timestamp = sdf.parse(hr.getPropertyValues()[i]);
              } catch (ParseException e) {
                timestamp = new Date(Long.parseLong(hr.getPropertyValues()[i]));

          if (recordProvider == null || contact == null) continue;

          if (after != null && timestamp != null && timestamp.before(after)) continue;

          if (recordProvider.equals(provider)) res.add(contact);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

    return res;

   * Returns the cached recent messages history.
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private History getHistory() throws IOException {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      HistoryService historyService =

      if (history == null) {
        history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);

        // lets check the version if not our version, re-create
        // history (delete it)
        HistoryReader reader = history.getReader();
        boolean delete = false;
        QueryResultSet<HistoryRecord> res = reader.findLast(1);
        if (res != null && res.hasNext()) {
          HistoryRecord hr = res.next();
          if (hr.getPropertyValues().length >= 4) {
            if (!hr.getPropertyValues()[3].equals(RECENT_MSGS_VER)) delete = true;
          } else delete = true;

        if (delete) {
          // delete it
          try {

            history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Cannot delete recent_messages history", ex);

      return history;

   * Returns the index of the source contact, in the list of recent messages.
   * @param messageSourceContact
   * @return
  int getIndex(MessageSourceContact messageSourceContact) {
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (int i = 0; i < recentMessages.size(); i++)
        if (recentMessages.get(i).equals(messageSourceContact)) return i;

      return -1;

   * Creates query for the given <tt>searchString</tt>.
   * @param queryString the string to search for
   * @param contactCount the maximum count of result contacts
   * @return the created query
  public ContactQuery createContactQuery(String queryString, int contactCount) {
    if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(queryString)) return null;

    recentQuery = new MessageSourceContactQuery(MessageSourceService.this);

    return recentQuery;

   * Updates contact source contacts with status.
   * @param evt the ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent describing the status
  public void contactPresenceStatusChanged(ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getContact() != null && msg.getContact().equals(evt.getSourceContact())) {
          recentQuery.updateContactStatus(msg, evt.getNewStatus());

  public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
    if (!evt.getNewStatus().isOnline() || evt.getOldStatus().isOnline()) return;

    handleProviderAdded(evt.getProvider(), true);

  public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {}

  public void localUserPresenceChanged(LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent evt) {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    ComparableEvtObj srcContact = null;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getRoom() != null && msg.getRoom().equals(evt.getChatRoom())) {
          srcContact = msg;

    if (srcContact == null) return;

    String eventType = evt.getEventType();

    if (LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_JOINED.equals(eventType)) {
      recentQuery.updateContactStatus(srcContact, ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_ONLINE);
    } else if ((LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_LEFT.equals(eventType)
        || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_KICKED.equals(eventType)
        || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_DROPPED.equals(eventType))) {
      recentQuery.updateContactStatus(srcContact, ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_OFFLINE);

   * Handles new events.
   * @param obj the event object
   * @param provider the provider
   * @param id the id of the source of the event
  private void handle(EventObject obj, ProtocolProviderService provider, String id) {
    // check if provider - contact exist update message content
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      ComparableEvtObj existingMsc = null;
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
        if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)
            && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) {
          // update

          existingMsc = msc;

      if (existingMsc != null) {
        oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

        if (recentQuery != null) {
          recentQuery.updateContact(existingMsc, existingMsc.getEventObject());


      // if missing create source contact
      // and update recent messages, trim and sort
      MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
          new MessageSourceContact(obj, MessageSourceService.this);
      // we have already checked for duplicate
      ComparableEvtObj newMsg = new ComparableEvtObj(obj);

      oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

      // trim
      List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = null;
      if (recentMessages.size() > numberOfMessages) {
        removedItems =
            new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(
                recentMessages.subList(numberOfMessages, recentMessages.size()));


      // save

      // no query nothing to fire
      if (recentQuery == null) return;

      // now fire
      if (removedItems != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {


  /** Adds recent message in history. */
  private void saveRecentMessageToHistory(ComparableEvtObj msc) {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      // and create it
      try {
        History history = getHistory();
        HistoryWriter writer = history.getWriter();

        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

            new String[] {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

  /** Updates recent message in history. */
  private void updateRecentMessageToHistory(final ComparableEvtObj msg) {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      // and create it
      try {
        History history = getHistory();

        HistoryWriter writer = history.getWriter();

            new HistoryWriter.HistoryRecordUpdater() {
              HistoryRecord hr;

              public void setHistoryRecord(HistoryRecord historyRecord) {
                this.hr = historyRecord;

              public boolean isMatching() {
                boolean providerFound = false;
                boolean contactFound = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
                  String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

                  if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) {
                    if (msg.getProtocolProviderService()
                        .equals(hr.getPropertyValues()[i])) {
                      providerFound = true;
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) {
                    if (msg.getContactAddress().equals(hr.getPropertyValues()[i])) {
                      contactFound = true;

                return contactFound && providerFound;

              public Map<String, String> getUpdateChanges() {
                HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

                for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
                  String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

                  if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) {
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) {
                    map.put(propName, msg.getContactAddress());
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[2])) {
                    map.put(propName, sdf.format(msg.getTimestamp()));
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[3]))
                    map.put(propName, RECENT_MSGS_VER);

                return map;
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

  public void messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled && evt.getEventType() != MessageReceivedEvent.SMS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {

    handle(evt, evt.getSourceContact().getProtocolProvider(), evt.getSourceContact().getAddress());

  public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled && !evt.isSmsMessage()) return;


   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt> containing the ID of the
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void messageReceived(ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled) return;

    // ignore non conversation messages
    if (evt.getEventType() != ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) return;

        evt, evt.getSourceChatRoom().getParentProvider(), evt.getSourceChatRoom().getIdentifier());

  public void messageDelivered(ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled) return;

        evt, evt.getSourceChatRoom().getParentProvider(), evt.getSourceChatRoom().getIdentifier());

   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>ChatroomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent</tt> containing
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void messageReceived(AdHocChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    // TODO

  public void messageDelivered(AdHocChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    // TODO

   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>AdHocChatroomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent</tt>
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(AdHocChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionCreated(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionFailed(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionMoved(SubscriptionMovedEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionResolved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

   * If a contact is renamed update the locally stored message if any.
   * @param evt the <tt>ContactPropertyChangeEvent</tt> containing the source
  public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    if (!evt.getPropertyName().equals(ContactPropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME)) return;

    Contact contact = evt.getSourceContact();

    if (contact == null) return;

    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null)
          recentQuery.updateContactDisplayName(msc, contact.getDisplayName());


   * Indicates that a MetaContact has been modified.
   * @param evt the MetaContactListEvent containing the corresponding contact
  public void metaContactRenamed(MetaContactRenamedEvent evt) {
    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (evt.getSourceMetaContact().containsContact(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateContactDisplayName(msc, evt.getNewDisplayName());

  public void supportedOperationSetsChanged(ContactCapabilitiesEvent event) {
    Contact contact = event.getSourceContact();

    if (contact == null) return;

    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(msc, contact);


  /** Permanently removes all locally stored message history, remove recent contacts. */
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory() throws IOException {
    List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(recentMessages);


    if (recentQuery != null) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) {

   * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the metacontact, remove any recent
   * contacts if any.
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(MetaContact contact) throws IOException {
    List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
      Iterator<Contact> iter = contact.getContacts();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Contact item = iter.next();
        String id = item.getAddress();
        ProtocolProviderService provider = item.getProtocolProvider();

        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
          if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)
              && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) {

    if (recentQuery != null) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) {

   * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the chatroom, remove any recent contacts
   * if any.
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(ChatRoom room) {
    ComparableEvtObj toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getRoom() != null && msg.getRoom().equals(room)) {
          toRemove = msg;

      if (toRemove == null) return;


    if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(toRemove);

  /** Object used to cache recent messages. */
  private class ComparableEvtObj implements Comparable<ComparableEvtObj> {
    private EventObject eventObject;

    /** The protocol provider. */
    private ProtocolProviderService ppService = null;

    /** The address. */
    private String address = null;

    /** The timestamp. */
    private Date timestamp = null;

    /** The contact instance. */
    private Contact contact = null;

    /** The room instance. */
    private ChatRoom room = null;

     * Constructs.
     * @param source used to extract initial values.
    ComparableEvtObj(EventObject source) {

     * Extract values from <tt>EventObject</tt>.
     * @param source
    public void update(EventObject source) {
      this.eventObject = source;

      if (source instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) {
        MessageDeliveredEvent e = (MessageDeliveredEvent) source;

        this.contact = e.getDestinationContact();

        this.address = contact.getAddress();
        this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) {
        MessageReceivedEvent e = (MessageReceivedEvent) source;

        this.contact = e.getSourceContact();

        this.address = contact.getAddress();
        this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) {
        ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) source;

        this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom();

        this.address = room.getIdentifier();
        this.ppService = room.getParentProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) {
        ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) source;

        this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom();

        this.address = room.getIdentifier();
        this.ppService = room.getParentProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();

    public String toString() {
      return "ComparableEvtObj{" + "address='" + address + '\'' + ", ppService=" + ppService + '}';

     * The timestamp of the message.
     * @return the timestamp of the message.
    public Date getTimestamp() {
      return timestamp;

     * The contact.
     * @return the contact.
    public Contact getContact() {
      return contact;

     * The room.
     * @return the room.
    public ChatRoom getRoom() {
      return room;

     * The protocol provider.
     * @return the protocol provider.
    public ProtocolProviderService getProtocolProviderService() {
      return ppService;

     * The address.
     * @return the address.
    public String getContactAddress() {
      if (this.address != null) return this.address;

      return null;

     * The event object.
     * @return the event object.
    public EventObject getEventObject() {
      return eventObject;

     * Compares two ComparableEvtObj.
     * @param o the object to compare with
     * @return 0, less than zero, greater than zero, if equals, less or greater.
    public int compareTo(ComparableEvtObj o) {
      if (o == null || o.getTimestamp() == null) return 1;

      return o.getTimestamp().compareTo(getTimestamp());

     * Checks if equals, and if this event object is used to create a MessageSourceContact, if the
     * supplied <tt>Object</tt> is instance of MessageSourceContact.
     * @param o the object to check.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if equals.
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (o == null || (!(o instanceof MessageSourceContact) && getClass() != o.getClass()))
        return false;

      if (o instanceof ComparableEvtObj) {
        ComparableEvtObj that = (ComparableEvtObj) o;

        if (!address.equals(that.address)) return false;
        if (!ppService.equals(that.ppService)) return false;
      } else if (o instanceof MessageSourceContact) {
        MessageSourceContact that = (MessageSourceContact) o;

        if (!address.equals(that.getContactAddress())) return false;
        if (!ppService.equals(that.getProtocolProviderService())) return false;
      } else return false;

      return true;

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = address.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + ppService.hashCode();
      return result;
 * The Jabber implementation of the <tt>OperationSetFileTransfer</tt> interface.
 * @author Gregory Bande
 * @author Nicolas Riegel
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
public class OperationSetFileTransferJabberImpl implements OperationSetFileTransfer {
  /** The logger for this class. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OperationSetFileTransferJabberImpl.class);

  /** The provider that created us. */
  private final ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl jabberProvider;

  /** An active instance of the opSetPersPresence operation set. */
  private OperationSetPersistentPresenceJabberImpl opSetPersPresence = null;

  /** The Jabber file transfer manager. */
  private FileTransferManager manager = null;

  /** The Jabber file transfer listener. */
  private FileTransferRequestListener fileTransferRequestListener;

  /** A list of listeners registered for file transfer events. */
  private Vector<FileTransferListener> fileTransferListeners = new Vector<FileTransferListener>();

  // Register file transfer features on every established connection
  // to make sure we register them before creating our
  // ServiceDiscoveryManager
  static {
        new ConnectionCreationListener() {
          public void connectionCreated(Connection connection) {

   * Constructor
   * @param provider is the provider that created us
  public OperationSetFileTransferJabberImpl(ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl provider) {
    this.jabberProvider = provider;

    provider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener(new RegistrationStateListener());

    // use only ibb for file transfers
    FileTransferNegotiator.IBB_ONLY = true;

   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt>.
   * @return the transfer object
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param file file to send
  public FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    return sendFile(toContact, file, null);

   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt>.
   * @return the transfer object
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param file file to send
   * @param gw special gateway to be used for receiver if its jid misses the domain part
  FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file, String gw)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl outgoingTransfer = null;

    try {

      if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol");

      String fullJid = null;
      // Find the jid of the contact which support file transfer
      // and is with highest priority if more than one found
      // if we have equals priorities
      // choose the one that is more available
      OperationSetMultiUserChat mucOpSet =
      if (mucOpSet != null && mucOpSet.isPrivateMessagingContact(toContact.getAddress())) {
        fullJid = toContact.getAddress();
      } else {
        Iterator<Presence> iter =
        int bestPriority = -1;

        PresenceStatus jabberStatus = null;

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          Presence presence = iter.next();

          if (jabberProvider.isFeatureListSupported(
              new String[] {
              })) {

            int priority =
                (presence.getPriority() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) ? 0 : presence.getPriority();

            if (priority > bestPriority) {
              bestPriority = priority;
              fullJid = presence.getFrom();
              jabberStatus =
                      presence, jabberProvider);
            } else if (priority == bestPriority && jabberStatus != null) {
              PresenceStatus tempStatus =
                      presence, jabberProvider);
              if (tempStatus.compareTo(jabberStatus) > 0) {
                fullJid = presence.getFrom();
                jabberStatus = tempStatus;

      // First we check if file transfer is at all supported for this
      // contact.
      if (fullJid == null) {
        throw new OperationNotSupportedException(
            "Contact client or server does not support file transfers.");

      if (gw != null && !fullJid.contains("@") && !fullJid.endsWith(gw)) {
        fullJid = fullJid + "@" + gw;

      OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(fullJid);

      outgoingTransfer =
          new OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl(toContact, file, transfer, jabberProvider);

      // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been
      // created.
      FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outgoingTransfer, new Date());


      // Send the file through the Jabber file transfer.
      transfer.sendFile(file, "Sending file");

      // Start the status and progress thread.
      new FileTransferProgressThread(transfer, outgoingTransfer).start();
    } catch (XMPPException e) {
      logger.error("Failed to send file.", e);

    return outgoingTransfer;

   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt> by specifying the local and
   * remote file path and the <tt>fromContact</tt>, sending the file.
   * @return the transfer object
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param fromContact the contact sending the file
   * @param remotePath the remote file path
   * @param localPath the local file path
  public FileTransfer sendFile(
      Contact toContact, Contact fromContact, String remotePath, String localPath)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    return this.sendFile(toContact, new File(localPath));

   * Adds the given <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> that would listen for file transfer requests and
   * created file transfers.
   * @param listener the <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> to add
  public void addFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener listener) {
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      if (!fileTransferListeners.contains(listener)) {

   * Removes the given <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> that listens for file transfer requests and
   * created file transfers.
   * @param listener the <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> to remove
  public void removeFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener listener) {
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {

   * Utility method throwing an exception if the stack is not properly initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
  private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (jabberProvider == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be non-null and signed on the "
              + "service before being able to send a file.");
    else if (!jabberProvider.isRegistered()) {
      // if we are not registered but the current status is online
      // change the current status
      if (opSetPersPresence.getPresenceStatus().isOnline()) {

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be signed on the service before " + "being able to send a file.");

   * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes. Supports up to 2GB.
   * @return the file length that is supported.
  public long getMaximumFileLength() {
    return 2147483648l; // = 2048*1024*1024;

  /** Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to */
  private class RegistrationStateListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
     * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever a change in the
     * registration state of the corresponding provider had occurred.
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "The provider changed state from: " + evt.getOldState() + " to: " + evt.getNewState());

      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) {
        opSetPersPresence =

        // Create the Jabber FileTransferManager.
        manager = new FileTransferManager(jabberProvider.getConnection());

        fileTransferRequestListener = new FileTransferRequestListener();

            .addIQProvider(FileElement.ELEMENT_NAME, FileElement.NAMESPACE, new FileElement());

            .addIQProvider(ThumbnailIQ.ELEMENT_NAME, ThumbnailIQ.NAMESPACE, new ThumbnailIQ());

                new AndFilter(
                    new PacketTypeFilter(StreamInitiation.class), new IQTypeFilter(IQ.Type.SET)));
      } else if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED) {
        if (fileTransferRequestListener != null && jabberProvider.getConnection() != null) {

        ProviderManager providerManager = ProviderManager.getInstance();
        if (providerManager != null) {
              .removeIQProvider(FileElement.ELEMENT_NAME, FileElement.NAMESPACE);

              .removeIQProvider(ThumbnailIQ.ELEMENT_NAME, ThumbnailIQ.NAMESPACE);

        fileTransferRequestListener = null;
        manager = null;

  /** Listener for Jabber incoming file transfer requests. */
  private class FileTransferRequestListener implements PacketListener {
     * Listens for file transfer packets.
     * @param packet packet to be processed
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
      if (!(packet instanceof StreamInitiation)) return;

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Incoming Jabber file transfer request.");

      StreamInitiation streamInitiation = (StreamInitiation) packet;

      FileTransferRequest jabberRequest = new FileTransferRequest(manager, streamInitiation);

      // Create a global incoming file transfer request.
      IncomingFileTransferRequestJabberImpl incomingFileTransferRequest =
          new IncomingFileTransferRequestJabberImpl(
              jabberProvider, OperationSetFileTransferJabberImpl.this, jabberRequest);

      // Send a thumbnail request if a thumbnail is advertised in the
      // streamInitiation packet.
      org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.StreamInitiation.File file = streamInitiation.getFile();

      boolean isThumbnailedFile = false;
      if (file instanceof FileElement) {
        ThumbnailElement thumbnailElement = ((FileElement) file).getThumbnailElement();

        if (thumbnailElement != null) {
          isThumbnailedFile = true;

          ThumbnailIQ thumbnailRequest =
              new ThumbnailIQ(

          if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Sending thumbnail request:" + thumbnailRequest.toXML());


      if (!isThumbnailedFile) {
        // Create an event associated to this global request.
        FileTransferRequestEvent fileTransferRequestEvent =
            new FileTransferRequestEvent(
                OperationSetFileTransferJabberImpl.this, incomingFileTransferRequest, new Date());

        // Notify the global listener that a request has arrived.

   * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>EventObject</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file transfer
   *     listeners.
  void fireFileTransferRequest(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


   * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>EventObject</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file transfer
   *     listeners.
  void fireFileTransferRequestRejected(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


   * Delivers the file transfer to all registered listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferEvent</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file
   *     transfer listeners.
  void fireFileTransferCreated(FileTransferCreatedEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


  /** Updates file transfer progress and status while sending or receiving a file. */
  protected static class FileTransferProgressThread extends Thread {
    private final org.jivesoftware.smackx.filetransfer.FileTransfer jabberTransfer;
    private final AbstractFileTransfer fileTransfer;

    private long initialFileSize;

    public FileTransferProgressThread(
        org.jivesoftware.smackx.filetransfer.FileTransfer jabberTransfer,
        AbstractFileTransfer transfer,
        long initialFileSize) {
      this.jabberTransfer = jabberTransfer;
      this.fileTransfer = transfer;
      this.initialFileSize = initialFileSize;

    public FileTransferProgressThread(
        org.jivesoftware.smackx.filetransfer.FileTransfer jabberTransfer,
        AbstractFileTransfer transfer) {
      this.jabberTransfer = jabberTransfer;
      this.fileTransfer = transfer;

    /** Thread entry point. */
    public void run() {
      int status;
      long progress;
      String statusReason = "";

      while (true) {
        try {

          status = parseJabberStatus(jabberTransfer.getStatus());
          progress = fileTransfer.getTransferedBytes();

          if (status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.FAILED
              || status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.COMPLETED
              || status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.CANCELED
              || status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.REFUSED) {
            if (fileTransfer instanceof OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl) {
              ((OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl) fileTransfer).removeThumbnailRequestListener();

            // sometimes a filetransfer can be preparing
            // and than completed :
            // transfered in one iteration of current thread
            // so it won't go through intermediate state - inProgress
            // make sure this won't happen
            if (status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.COMPLETED
                && fileTransfer.getStatus() == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.PREPARING) {
                  FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.IN_PROGRESS, "Status changed");
              fileTransfer.fireProgressChangeEvent(System.currentTimeMillis(), progress);


          fileTransfer.fireStatusChangeEvent(status, "Status changed");
          fileTransfer.fireProgressChangeEvent(System.currentTimeMillis(), progress);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to sleep thread.", e);

      if (jabberTransfer.getError() != null) {
            "An error occured while transfering file: " + jabberTransfer.getError().getMessage());

      if (jabberTransfer.getException() != null) {
            "An exception occured while transfering file: ", jabberTransfer.getException());

        if (jabberTransfer.getException() instanceof XMPPException) {
          XMPPError error = ((XMPPException) jabberTransfer.getException()).getXMPPError();
          if (error != null)
            if (error.getCode() == 406 || error.getCode() == 403)
              status = FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.REFUSED;

        statusReason = jabberTransfer.getException().getMessage();

      if (initialFileSize > 0
          && status == FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.COMPLETED
          && fileTransfer.getTransferedBytes() < initialFileSize) {
        status = FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.CANCELED;

      fileTransfer.fireStatusChangeEvent(status, statusReason);
      fileTransfer.fireProgressChangeEvent(System.currentTimeMillis(), progress);

   * Parses the given Jabber status to a <tt>FileTransfer</tt> interface status.
   * @param jabberStatus the Jabber status to parse
   * @return the parsed status
  private static int parseJabberStatus(Status jabberStatus) {
    if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.complete)) return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.COMPLETED;
    else if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.cancelled)) return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.CANCELED;
    else if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.in_progress) || jabberStatus.equals(Status.negotiated))
      return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.IN_PROGRESS;
    else if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.error)) return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.FAILED;
    else if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.refused)) return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.REFUSED;
    else if (jabberStatus.equals(Status.negotiating_transfer)
        || jabberStatus.equals(Status.negotiating_stream))
      return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.PREPARING;
      // FileTransfer.Status.initial
      return FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.WAITING;
 * The <tt>FileTransferConversationComponent</tt> is the parent of all file conversation components
 * - for incoming, outgoing and history file transfers.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Adam Netocny
public abstract class FileTransferConversationComponent extends ChatConversationComponent
    implements ActionListener, FileTransferProgressListener, Skinnable {
  /** The logger for this class. */
  private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileTransferConversationComponent.class);

  /** Image default width. */
  protected static final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 64;

  /** Image default height. */
  protected static final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 64;

  /** The image label. */
  protected final FileImageLabel imageLabel;

  /** The title label. */
  protected final JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The file label. */
  protected final JLabel fileLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The error area. */
  private final JTextArea errorArea = new JTextArea();

  /** The error icon label. */
  private final JLabel errorIconLabel =
      new JLabel(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.EXCLAMATION_MARK)));

  /** The cancel button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton cancelButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The retry button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton retryButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The accept button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton acceptButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The reject button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton rejectButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The open file button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton openFileButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The open folder button. */
  protected final ChatConversationButton openFolderButton = new ChatConversationButton();

  /** The progress bar. */
  protected final JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar();

  /** The progress properties panel. */
  private final TransparentPanel progressPropertiesPanel =
      new TransparentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));

  /** The progress speed label. */
  private final JLabel progressSpeedLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The estimated time label. */
  private final JLabel estimatedTimeLabel = new JLabel();

  /** The download file. */
  private File downloadFile;

  /** The file transfer. */
  private FileTransfer fileTransfer;

  /** The speed calculated delay. */
  private static final int SPEED_CALCULATE_DELAY = 5000;

  /** The transferred file size. */
  private long transferredFileSize = 0;

  /** The time of the last calculated transfer speed. */
  private long lastSpeedTimestamp = 0;

  /** The last estimated time for the transfer. */
  private long lastEstimatedTimeTimestamp = 0;

  /** The number of bytes last transferred. */
  private long lastTransferredBytes = 0;

  /** The last calculated progress speed. */
  private long lastProgressSpeed;

  /** The last estimated time. */
  private long lastEstimatedTime;

  /** Creates a file conversation component. */
  public FileTransferConversationComponent() {
    imageLabel = new FileImageLabel();

    constraints.gridx = 0;
    constraints.gridy = 0;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 4;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);

    add(imageLabel, constraints);
    imageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.DEFAULT_FILE_ICON)));

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 0;
    constraints.gridwidth = 3;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    constraints.weightx = 1.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);

    add(titleLabel, constraints);
    titleLabel.setFont(titleLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 11f));

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 1;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 5, 5);

    add(fileLabel, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 2;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;

    add(errorIconLabel, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 2;
    constraints.gridy = 2;
    constraints.gridwidth = 2;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;

    add(errorArea, constraints);
    errorArea.setForeground(new Color(resources.getColor("service.gui.ERROR_FOREGROUND")));

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);

    add(retryButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);

    add(cancelButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 2;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);

    constraints.gridx = 3;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);

    add(progressPropertiesPanel, constraints);



    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;

    add(acceptButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 2;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;

    add(rejectButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;

    add(openFileButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 2;
    constraints.gridy = 3;
    constraints.gridwidth = 1;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 0.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;

    add(openFolderButton, constraints);

    constraints.gridx = 1;
    constraints.gridy = 2;
    constraints.gridwidth = 3;
    constraints.gridheight = 1;
    constraints.weightx = 1.0;
    constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
    constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5);
    constraints.ipadx = 150;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;

    add(progressBar, constraints);

   * Sets a custom style for the given text area.
   * @param textArea the text area to style
  private void setTextAreaStyle(JTextArea textArea) {

   * Shows the given error message in the error area of this component.
   * @param message the message to show
  protected void showErrorMessage(String message) {

   * Sets the download file.
   * @param file the file that has been downloaded or sent
  protected void setCompletedDownloadFile(File file) {
    this.downloadFile = file;



        new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
            if (e.getClickCount() > 1) {

   * Sets the file transfer.
   * @param fileTransfer the file transfer
   * @param transferredFileSize the size of the transferred file
  protected void setFileTransfer(FileTransfer fileTransfer, long transferredFileSize) {
    this.fileTransfer = fileTransfer;
    this.transferredFileSize = transferredFileSize;


   * Handles buttons action events.
   * @param evt the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    JButton sourceButton = (JButton) evt.getSource();

    if (sourceButton.equals(openFileButton)) {
    } else if (sourceButton.equals(openFolderButton)) {
      try {
        File downloadDir = GuiActivator.getFileAccessService().getDefaultDownloadDirectory();

      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open folder.", e);

      } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open folder.", e);

      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open folder.", e);

      } catch (SecurityException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open folder.", e);

      } catch (IOException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open folder.", e);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Unable to open file.", e);

    } else if (sourceButton.equals(cancelButton)) {
      if (fileTransfer != null) fileTransfer.cancel();

   * Updates progress bar progress line every time a progress event has been received.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferProgressEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void progressChanged(FileTransferProgressEvent event) {
    progressBar.setValue((int) event.getProgress());

    long transferredBytes = event.getFileTransfer().getTransferedBytes();
    long progressTimestamp = event.getTimestamp();

    ByteFormat format = new ByteFormat();
    String bytesString = format.format(transferredBytes);

    if ((progressTimestamp - lastSpeedTimestamp) >= SPEED_CALCULATE_DELAY) {
      lastProgressSpeed = Math.round(calculateProgressSpeed(transferredBytes));

      this.lastSpeedTimestamp = progressTimestamp;
      this.lastTransferredBytes = transferredBytes;

    if ((progressTimestamp - lastEstimatedTimeTimestamp) >= SPEED_CALCULATE_DELAY
        && lastProgressSpeed > 0) {
      lastEstimatedTime =
                  lastProgressSpeed, transferredFileSize - transferredBytes));

      lastEstimatedTimeTimestamp = progressTimestamp;


    if (lastProgressSpeed > 0) {
          resources.getI18NString("service.gui.SPEED") + format.format(lastProgressSpeed) + "/sec");

    if (lastEstimatedTime > 0) {
              + GuiUtils.formatSeconds(lastEstimatedTime * 1000));

   * Returns the string, showing information for the given file.
   * @param file the file
   * @return the name of the given file
  protected String getFileLabel(File file) {
    String fileName = file.getName();
    long fileSize = file.length();

    ByteFormat format = new ByteFormat();
    String text = format.format(fileSize);

    return fileName + " (" + text + ")";

   * Returns the string, showing information for the given file.
   * @param fileName the name of the file
   * @param fileSize the size of the file
   * @return the name of the given file
  protected String getFileLabel(String fileName, long fileSize) {
    ByteFormat format = new ByteFormat();
    String text = format.format(fileSize);

    return fileName + " (" + text + ")";

  /** Hides all progress related components. */
  protected void hideProgressRelatedComponents() {

   * Returns the label to show on the progress bar.
   * @param bytesString the bytes that have been transfered
   * @return the label to show on the progress bar
  protected abstract String getProgressLabel(String bytesString);

   * Returns the speed of the transfer.
   * @param transferredBytes the number of bytes that have been transferred
   * @return the speed of the transfer
  private double calculateProgressSpeed(long transferredBytes) {
    // Bytes per second = bytes / SPEED_CALCULATE_DELAY miliseconds * 1000.
    return (transferredBytes - lastTransferredBytes) / SPEED_CALCULATE_DELAY * 1000;

   * Returns the estimated transfer time left.
   * @param speed the speed of the transfer
   * @param bytesLeft the size of the file
   * @return the estimated transfer time left
  private double calculateEstimatedTransferTime(double speed, long bytesLeft) {
    return bytesLeft / speed;

  /** Reload images and colors. */
  public void loadSkin() {
    errorIconLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.EXCLAMATION_MARK)));

    if (downloadFile != null)
      imageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.DEFAULT_FILE_ICON)));

    errorArea.setForeground(new Color(resources.getColor("service.gui.ERROR_FOREGROUND")));
 * The ICQ protocol filetransfer OperationSet.
 * @author Anthony Schmitt
 * @author Damian Minkov
public class OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl
    implements OperationSetFileTransfer, RvConnectionManagerListener {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl.class);

  /** A call back to the ICQ provider that created us. */
  private ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider = null;

  /** A list of listeners registered for file transfer events. */
  private ArrayList<FileTransferListener> fileTransferListeners =
      new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>();

   * Create a new FileTransfer OperationSet over the specified Icq provider
   * @param icqProvider ICQ protocol provider service
  public OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl(ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider) {
    this.icqProvider = icqProvider;

    icqProvider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener(new RegistrationStateListener());

   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt> by specifying the local and
   * remote file path and the <tt>fromContact</tt>, sending the file.
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param file the file to send
   * @return the transfer object
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered or connected
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the protocol requirements
  public FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {

    if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol");

    // Get the aim connection
    AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection();

    // Create an outgoing file transfer instance
    OutgoingFileTransfer outgoingFileTransfer =
            .createOutgoingFileTransfer(new Screenname(toContact.getAddress()));

    String id =

    FileTransferImpl outFileTransfer =
        new FileTransferImpl(outgoingFileTransfer, id, toContact, file, FileTransfer.OUT);

    // Adding the file to the outgoing file transfer
    try {
      outgoingFileTransfer.setSingleFile(new File(file.getPath()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Error sending file", e);
      return null;

    // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been
    // created.
    FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outFileTransfer, new Date());


    // Sending the file
    outgoingFileTransfer.sendRequest(new InvitationMessage(""));


    return outFileTransfer;

   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt> by specifying the local and
   * remote file path and the <tt>fromContact</tt>, sending the file.
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param fromContact the contact sending the file
   * @param remotePath the remote file path
   * @param localPath the local file path
   * @return the transfer object
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered or connected
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the protocol requirements
  public FileTransfer sendFile(
      Contact toContact, Contact fromContact, String remotePath, String localPath)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    return this.sendFile(toContact, new File(localPath));

   * Adds the given <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> that would listen for file transfer requests and
   * created file transfers.
   * @param listener the <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> to add
  public void addFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener listener) {
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      if (!fileTransferListeners.contains(listener)) {

   * Removes the given <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> that listens for file transfer requests and
   * created file transfers.
   * @param listener the <tt>FileTransferListener</tt> to remove
  public void removeFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener listener) {
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {

   * Utility method throwing an exception if the stack is not properly initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
  private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (icqProvider == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be non-null and signed on the "
              + "service before being able to send a file.");
    else if (!icqProvider.isRegistered())
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The provider must be signed on the service before " + "being able to send a file.");

   * Function called when a icq file transfer request arrive
   * @param manager the joustsim manager
   * @param transfer the incoming transfer
  public void handleNewIncomingConnection(
      RvConnectionManager manager, IncomingRvConnection transfer) {
    if (transfer instanceof IncomingFileTransfer) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace("Incoming Icq file transfer request " + transfer.getClass());

      if (!(transfer instanceof IncomingFileTransfer)) {
        logger.warn("Wrong file transfer.");

      OperationSetPersistentPresenceIcqImpl opSetPersPresence =

      Contact sender =

      IncomingFileTransfer incomingFileTransfer = (IncomingFileTransfer) transfer;

      final Date newDate = new Date();
      final IncomingFileTransferRequest req =
          new IncomingFileTransferRequestIcqImpl(
              icqProvider, this, incomingFileTransfer, sender, newDate);

      // this handels when we receive request and before accept or decline
      // it we receive cancel
          new RvConnectionEventListener() {
            public void handleEventWithStateChange(
                RvConnection transfer, RvConnectionState state, RvConnectionEvent event) {
              if (state == FileTransferState.FAILED && event instanceof BuddyCancelledEvent) {
                    new FileTransferRequestEvent(
                        OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl.this, req, newDate));

            public void handleEvent(RvConnection arg0, RvConnectionEvent arg1) {}

      fireFileTransferRequest(new FileTransferRequestEvent(this, req, newDate));

   * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>EventObject</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file transfer
   *     listeners.
  private void fireFileTransferRequest(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


   * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>EventObject</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file transfer
   *     listeners.
  void fireFileTransferRequestRejected(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


   * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>EventObject</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file transfer
   *     listeners.
  void fireFileTransferRequestCanceled(FileTransferRequestEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();


   * Delivers the file transfer to all registered listeners.
   * @param event the <tt>FileTransferEvent</tt> that we'd like delivered to all registered file
   *     transfer listeners.
  void fireFileTransferCreated(FileTransferCreatedEvent event) {
    Iterator<FileTransferListener> listeners = null;
    synchronized (fileTransferListeners) {
      listeners = new ArrayList<FileTransferListener>(fileTransferListeners).iterator();

    while (listeners.hasNext()) {
      FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next();

   * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes. Supports up to 2GB.
   * @return the file length that is supported.
  public long getMaximumFileLength() {
    return 2147483648l; // = 2048*1024*1024;

  /** Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to */
  private class RegistrationStateListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener {
     * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever a change in the
     * registration state of the corresponding provider had occurred.
     * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status change.
    public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "The provider changed state from: " + evt.getOldState() + " to: " + evt.getNewState());

      if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) {
        AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection();
 * Implements <tt>OperationSetVideoBridge</tt> for Jabber.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl
    implements OperationSetVideoBridge,
        RegistrationStateChangeListener {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl</tt> class and its instances
   * for logging output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl.class);

   * The <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt> implementation which initialized this instance, owns it
   * and is often referred to as its parent.
  private final ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl protocolProvider;

   * Creates an instance of <tt>OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl</tt> by specifying the parent
   * <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt> announcing this operation set.
   * @param protocolProvider the parent Jabber protocol provider
  public OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl(ProtocolProviderServiceJabberImpl protocolProvider) {
    this.protocolProvider = protocolProvider;

   * Implements {@link PacketFilter}. Determines whether this instance is interested in a specific
   * {@link Packet}. <tt>OperationSetVideoBridgeImpl</tt> returns <tt>true</tt> if the specified
   * <tt>packet</tt> is a {@link ColibriConferenceIQ}; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>.
   * @param packet the <tt>Packet</tt> to be determined whether this instance is interested in it
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified <tt>packet</tt> is a <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt>;
   *     otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean accept(Packet packet) {
    return (packet instanceof ColibriConferenceIQ);

   * Creates a conference call with the specified callees as call peers via a video bridge provided
   * by the parent Jabber provider.
   * @param callees the list of addresses that we should call
   * @return the newly created conference call containing all CallPeers
   * @throws OperationFailedException if establishing the conference call fails
   * @throws OperationNotSupportedException if the provider does not have any conferencing features.
  public Call createConfCall(String[] callees)
      throws OperationFailedException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    return protocolProvider
        .createConfCall(callees, new MediaAwareCallConference(true));

   * Invites the callee represented by the specified uri to an already existing call using a video
   * bridge provided by the parent Jabber provider. The difference between this method and
   * createConfCall is that inviteCalleeToCall allows a user to add new peers to an already
   * established conference.
   * @param uri the callee to invite to an existing conf call.
   * @param call the call that we should invite the callee to.
   * @return the CallPeer object corresponding to the callee represented by the specified uri.
   * @throws OperationFailedException if inviting the specified callee to the specified call fails
   * @throws OperationNotSupportedException if allowing additional callees to a pre-established call
   *     is not supported.
  public CallPeer inviteCalleeToCall(String uri, Call call)
      throws OperationFailedException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    return protocolProvider
        .inviteCalleeToCall(uri, call);

   * Indicates if there's an active video bridge available at this moment. The Jabber provider may
   * announce support for video bridge, but it should not be used for calling until it becomes
   * actually active.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> to indicate that there's currently an active available video bridge,
   *     <tt>false</tt> - otherwise
  public boolean isActive() {
    String jitsiVideobridge = protocolProvider.getJitsiVideobridge();

    return ((jitsiVideobridge != null) && (jitsiVideobridge.length() > 0));

   * Notifies this instance that a specific <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> has been received.
   * @param conferenceIQ the <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> which has been received
  private void processColibriConferenceIQ(ColibriConferenceIQ conferenceIQ) {
     * The application is not a Jitsi Videobridge server, it is a client.
     * Consequently, the specified ColibriConferenceIQ is sent to it in
     * relation to the part of the application's functionality which makes
     * requests to a Jitsi Videobridge server i.e. CallJabberImpl.
     * Additionally, the method processColibriConferenceIQ is presently tasked
     * with processing ColibriConferenceIQ requests only. They are SET IQs
     * sent by the Jitsi Videobridge server to notify the application about
     * updates in the states of (colibri) conferences organized by the
     * application.
    if (IQ.Type.SET.equals(conferenceIQ.getType()) && conferenceIQ.getID() != null) {
      OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> basicTelephony =

      if (basicTelephony != null) {
        Iterator<? extends Call> i = basicTelephony.getActiveCalls();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
          Call call = i.next();

          if (call instanceof CallJabberImpl) {
            CallJabberImpl callJabberImpl = (CallJabberImpl) call;
            MediaAwareCallConference conference = callJabberImpl.getConference();

            if ((conference != null) && conference.isJitsiVideobridge()) {
               * TODO We may want to disallow rogue CallJabberImpl
               * instances which may throw an exception to prevent
               * the conferenceIQ from reaching the CallJabberImpl
               * instance which it was meant for.
              if (callJabberImpl.processColibriConferenceIQ(conferenceIQ)) break;

   * Implements {@link PacketListener}. Notifies this instance that a specific {@link Packet} (which
   * this instance has already expressed interest into by returning <tt>true</tt> from {@link
   * #accept(Packet)}) has been received.
   * @param packet the <tt>Packet</tt> which has been received and which this instance is given a
   *     chance to process
  public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
     * As we do elsewhere, acknowledge the receipt of the Packet first and
     * then go about our business with it.
    IQ iq = (IQ) packet;

    if (iq.getType() == IQ.Type.SET)

     * Now that the acknowledging is out of the way, do go about our
     * business with the Packet.
    ColibriConferenceIQ conferenceIQ = (ColibriConferenceIQ) iq;
    boolean interrupted = false;

    try {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
          "An error occurred during the processing of a " + packet.getClass().getName() + " packet",

      if (t instanceof InterruptedException) {
         * We cleared the interrupted state of the current Thread by
         * catching the InterruptedException. However, we do not really
         * care whether the current Thread has been interrupted - we
         * caught the InterruptedException because we want to swallow
         * any Throwable. Consequently, we should better restore the
         * interrupted state.
        interrupted = true;
      } else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;
    if (interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>Implements {@link RegistrationStateChangeListener}. Notifies this instance that there has
   * been a change in the <tt>RegistrationState</tt> of {@link #protocolProvider}. Subscribes this
   * instance to {@link ColibriConferenceIQ}s as soon as <tt>protocolProvider</tt> is registered and
   * unsubscribes it as soon as <tt>protocolProvider</tt> is unregistered.
  public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent ev) {
    RegistrationState registrationState = ev.getNewState();

    if (RegistrationState.REGISTERED.equals(registrationState)) {
      protocolProvider.getConnection().addPacketListener(this, this);
    } else if (RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED.equals(registrationState)) {
      XMPPConnection connection = protocolProvider.getConnection();

      if (connection != null) connection.removePacketListener(this);
 * Tests in this class verify whether a precreated contact list is still there and whether it
 * creating contact groups works as expected.
 * @author Emil Ivov
public class TestOperationSetPersistentPresence extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestOperationSetPersistentPresence.class);

  private GibberishSlickFixture fixture = new GibberishSlickFixture();
  private OperationSetPersistentPresence opSetPersPresence1 = null;
  private OperationSetPersistentPresence opSetPersPresence2 = null;
  private static final String testGroupName = "NewGroup";
  private static final String testGroupName2 = "Renamed";

  public TestOperationSetPersistentPresence(String name) {

   * Creates a test suite containing all tests of this class followed by test methods that we want
   * executed in a specified order.
   * @return the Test suite to run
  public static Test suite() {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

    // the following 2 need to be run in the specified order.
    // (postTestRemoveGroup() needs the group created from
    // postTestCreateGroup() )
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPersistentPresence("postTestCreateGroup"));

    // rename
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPersistentPresence("postTestRenameGroup"));

    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPersistentPresence("postTestRemoveGroup"));

    // create the contact list
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPersistentPresence("prepareContactList"));


    return suite;

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets1 =

    if (supportedOperationSets1 == null || supportedOperationSets1.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this Gibberish implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    opSetPersPresence1 =

    // if still null then the implementation doesn't offer a presence
    // operation set which is unacceptable for gibberish.
    if (opSetPersPresence1 == null)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the gibberish service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least the one of the Presence "
              + "Operation Sets");

    // lets do it once again for the second provider
    Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets2 =

    if (supportedOperationSets2 == null || supportedOperationSets2.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this Gibberish implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    opSetPersPresence2 =

    // if still null then the implementation doesn't offer a presence
    // operation set which is unacceptable for Gibberish.
    if (opSetPersPresence2 == null)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the Gibberish service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least the one of the Presence "
              + "Operation Sets");

  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

   * Retrieves a server stored contact list and checks whether it contains all contacts that have
   * been added there during the initialization phase by the testerAgent.
  public void testRetrievingServerStoredContactList() {
    ContactGroup rootGroup = opSetPersPresence1.getServerStoredContactListRoot();

    logger.debug("=========== Server Stored Contact List =================");

            + rootGroup.getGroupName()
            + " rootGroup.childContacts="
            + rootGroup.countContacts()
            + "rootGroup.childGroups="
            + rootGroup.countSubgroups()
            + "Printing rootGroupContents=\n"
            + rootGroup.toString());

    Hashtable<String, List<String>> expectedContactList =

    logger.debug("============== Expected Contact List ===================");

    // Go through the contact list retrieved by the persistence presence set
    // and remove the name of every contact and group that we find there from
    // the expected contct list hashtable.
    Iterator<ContactGroup> groups = rootGroup.subgroups();
    while (groups.hasNext()) {
      ContactGroup group = groups.next();

      List<String> expectedContactsInGroup = expectedContactList.get(group.getGroupName());

      // When sending the offline message
      // the sever creates a group NotInContactList,
      // because the buddy we are sending message to is not in
      // the contactlist. So this group must be ignored
      if (!group.getGroupName().equals("NotInContactList")) {
            "Group "
                + group.getGroupName()
                + " was returned by "
                + "the server but was not in the expected contact list.",

        Iterator<Contact> contactsIter = group.contacts();
        while (contactsIter.hasNext()) {
          String contactID = contactsIter.next().getAddress();

        // If we've removed all the sub contacts, remove the group too.
        if (expectedContactsInGroup.size() == 0) expectedContactList.remove(group.getGroupName());

    // whatever we now have in the expected contact list snapshot are groups,
    // that have been added by the testerAgent but that were not retrieved
    // by the persistent presence operation set.
        "The following contacts were on the server sidec contact "
            + "list, but were not returned by the pers. pres. op. set"
            + expectedContactList.toString(),

   * Creates a group in the server stored contact list, makes sure that the corresponding event has
   * been generated and verifies that the group is in the list.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
  public void postTestCreateGroup() throws Exception {
    // first clear the list

    Object o = new Object();
    synchronized (o) {

    logger.trace("testing creation of server stored groups");
    // first add a listener
    GroupChangeCollector groupChangeCollector = new GroupChangeCollector();

    // create the group
        opSetPersPresence1.getServerStoredContactListRoot(), testGroupName);



    // check whether we got group created event
    assertEquals("Collected Group Change events: ", 1, groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.size());

        "Group name.",
        ((ServerStoredGroupEvent) groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.get(0))

    // check whether the group is retrievable
    ContactGroup group =

    assertNotNull("A newly created group was not in the contact list.", group);

    assertEquals("New group name", testGroupName, group.getGroupName());

    // when opearting with groups . the group must have entries
    // so changes to take effect. Otherwise group will be lost after loggingout
    try {
      opSetPersPresence1.subscribe(group, fixture.userID2);

      synchronized (o) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      fail("error adding entry to group : " + group.getGroupName() + " " + ex.getMessage());

   * Removes the group created in the server stored contact list by the create group test, makes
   * sure that the corresponding event has been generated and verifies that the group is not in the
   * list any more.
  public void postTestRemoveGroup() {
    logger.trace("testing removal of server stored groups");

    // first add a listener
    GroupChangeCollector groupChangeCollector = new GroupChangeCollector();

    try {
      // remove the group
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
      logger.error("error removing group", ex);



    // check whether we got group created event
    assertEquals("Collected Group Change event", 1, groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.size());

        "Group name.",
        ((ServerStoredGroupEvent) groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.get(0))

    // check whether the group is still on the contact list
    ContactGroup group =

    assertNull("A freshly removed group was still on the contact list.", group);

   * Renames our test group and checks whether corresponding events are triggered. Verifies whether
   * the group has really changed its name and whether it is findable by its new name. Also makes
   * sure that it does not exist under its previous name any more.
  public void postTestRenameGroup() {
    logger.trace("Testing renaming groups.");

    ContactGroup group =

    // first add a listener
    GroupChangeCollector groupChangeCollector = new GroupChangeCollector();

    // change the name and wait for a confirmation event
    opSetPersPresence1.renameServerStoredContactGroup(group, testGroupName2);



    // examine the event
    assertEquals("Collected Group Change event", 1, groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.size());

        "Group name.",
        ((ServerStoredGroupEvent) groupChangeCollector.collectedEvents.get(0))

    // check whether the group is still on the contact list
    ContactGroup oldGroup =

    assertNull("A group was still findable by its old name after renaming.", oldGroup);

    // make sure that we could find the group by its new name.
    ContactGroup newGroup =

    assertNotNull("Could not find a renamed group by its new name.", newGroup);

   * Create the contact list. Later will be test to be sure that creating is ok
   * @throws Exception
  public void prepareContactList() throws Exception {

    Object o = new Object();
    synchronized (o) {

    String contactList =
        System.getProperty(GibberishProtocolProviderServiceLick.CONTACT_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME, null);

        "The "
            + GibberishProtocolProviderServiceLick.CONTACT_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME
            + " property is set to="
            + contactList);

    if (contactList == null || contactList.trim().length() < 6) // at least 4 for a UIN, 1 for the
      // dot and 1 for the grp name
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "The "
              + GibberishProtocolProviderServiceLick.CONTACT_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME
              + " property did not contain a contact list.");
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(contactList, " \n\t");

    logger.debug("tokens contained by the CL tokenized=" + tokenizer.countTokens());

    Hashtable<String, List<String>> contactListToCreate = new Hashtable<String, List<String>>();

    // go over all group.uin tokens
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String groupUinToken = tokenizer.nextToken();
      int dotIndex = groupUinToken.indexOf(".");

      if (dotIndex == -1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(groupUinToken + " is not a valid Group.UIN token");

      String groupName = groupUinToken.substring(0, dotIndex);
      String uin = groupUinToken.substring(dotIndex + 1);

      if (groupName.trim().length() < 1 || uin.trim().length() < 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            groupName + " or " + uin + " are not a valid group name or Gibberish user id.");

      // check if we've already seen this group and if not - add it
      List<String> uinInThisGroup = contactListToCreate.get(groupName);
      if (uinInThisGroup == null) {
        uinInThisGroup = new ArrayList<String>();
        contactListToCreate.put(groupName, uinInThisGroup);


    // now init the list
    Enumeration<String> newGroupsEnum = contactListToCreate.keys();

    // go over all groups in the contactsToAdd table
    while (newGroupsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      String groupName = newGroupsEnum.nextElement();
      logger.debug("Will add group " + groupName);

          opSetPersPresence1.getServerStoredContactListRoot(), groupName);

      ContactGroup newlyCreatedGroup =

      Iterator<String> contactsToAddToThisGroup = contactListToCreate.get(groupName).iterator();
      while (contactsToAddToThisGroup.hasNext()) {
        String id = contactsToAddToThisGroup.next();

        logger.debug("Will add buddy " + id);
        opSetPersPresence1.subscribe(newlyCreatedGroup, id);

    // store the created contact list for later reference
    GibberishSlickFixture.preInstalledBuddyList = contactListToCreate;

   * The class would listen for and store received events delivered to
   * <tt>ServerStoredGroupListener</tt>s.
  private class GroupChangeCollector implements ServerStoredGroupListener {
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whicever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) return;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

     * Called whnever an indication is received that a new server stored group is created.
     * @param evt a ServerStoredGroupChangeEvent containing a reference to the newly created group.
    public void groupCreated(ServerStoredGroupEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Called when an indication is received that the name of a server stored contact group has
     * changed.
     * @param evt a ServerStoredGroupChangeEvent containing the details of the name change.
    public void groupNameChanged(ServerStoredGroupEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Called whnever an indication is received that an existing server stored group has been
     * removed.
     * @param evt a ServerStoredGroupChangeEvent containing a reference to the newly created group.
    public void groupRemoved(ServerStoredGroupEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Called whnever an indication is received that an existing server stored group has been
     * resolved.
     * @param evt a ServerStoredGroupChangeEvent containing a reference to the resolved group.
    public void groupResolved(ServerStoredGroupEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

  /** The class would listen for and store received subscription modification events. */
  private class SubscriptionEventCollector implements SubscriptionListener {
    public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor milliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of milliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before
     *     simply bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      logger.trace("Waiting for a persistent subscription event");

      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) {
          logger.trace("SubEvt already received. " + collectedEvents);

        try {
          if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) logger.trace("Received a SubEvt in provider status.");
          else logger.trace("No SubEvt received for " + waitFor + "ms.");
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionCreated(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionFailed(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionResolved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void subscriptionMoved(SubscriptionMovedEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);

     * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this object
     * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
    public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt) {
      synchronized (this) {
        logger.debug("Collected evt(" + collectedEvents.size() + ")= " + evt);
 * Performs testing of the basic instant messaging operation set. Tests include going over basic
 * functionality such as sending a message from the tested implementation and asserting reception by
 * the tester agent and vice versa.
 * @author Emil Ivov
public class TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging extends TestCase {
  private static final Logger logger =

  private IcqSlickFixture fixture = new IcqSlickFixture();

  private OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging opSetBasicIM = null;
  private OperationSetPresence opSetPresence = null;

  public TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging(String name) {

   * Get a reference to the basic IM operation set.
   * @throws Exception if this is not a good day.
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    Map supportedOperationSets = fixture.provider.getSupportedOperationSets();

    if (supportedOperationSets == null || supportedOperationSets.size() < 1)
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "No OperationSet implementations are supported by " + "this ICQ implementation. ");

    // get the operation set presence here.
    opSetBasicIM =

    // if the op set is null then the implementation doesn't offer a typing.
    // operation set which is unacceptable for icq.
    if (opSetBasicIM == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("No implementation for basic IM was found");

    // we also need the presence op set in order to retrieve contacts.
    opSetPresence =
        (OperationSetPresence) supportedOperationSets.get(OperationSetPresence.class.getName());

    // if the op set is null show that we're not happy.
    if (opSetPresence == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException(
          "An implementation of the ICQ service must provide an "
              + "implementation of at least one of the PresenceOperationSets");

  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {


   * Creates a test suite containing tests of this class in a specific order. We'll first execute
   * tests beginning with the "test" prefix and then go to ordered tests.We first execture tests for
   * receiving messagese, so that a volatile contact is created for the sender. we'll then be able
   * to retrieve this volatile contact and send them a message on our turn. We need to do things
   * this way as the contact corresponding to the tester agent has been removed in the previous test
   * and we no longer have it in our contact list.
   * @return Test a testsuite containing all tests to execute.
  public static Test suite() {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class);

    // the following 2 need to be run in the specified order.
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging("firstTestReceiveMessage"));
    suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetBasicInstantMessaging("thenTestSendMessage"));

    return suite;

   * Send an instant message from the tested operation set and assert reception by the icq tester
   * agent.
  public void firstTestReceiveMessage() {
    String body = "This is an IM coming from the tester agent" + " on " + new Date().toString();

    ImEventCollector evtCollector = new ImEventCollector();

    // add a msg listener and register to the op set and send an instant
    // msg from the tester agent.

    fixture.testerAgent.sendMessage(fixture.ourUserID, body);



    // assert reception of a message event
        "No events delivered upon a received message", evtCollector.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

    // assert event instance of Message Received Evt
        "Received evt was not an instance of " + MessageReceivedEvent.class.getName(),
        evtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0) instanceof MessageReceivedEvent);

    // assert source contact == testAgent.uin
    MessageReceivedEvent evt = (MessageReceivedEvent) evtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
        "message sender ", evt.getSourceContact().getAddress(), fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN());

    // assert messageBody == body
    assertEquals("message body", body, evt.getSourceMessage().getContent());

   * Send an instant message from the tester agent and assert reception by the tested implementation
  public void thenTestSendMessage() {
    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();

    // create the message
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg = opSetBasicIM.createMessage(body);

    // register a listener in the op set
    ImEventCollector imEvtCollector = new ImEventCollector();

    // register a listener in the tester agent
    JoustSimMessageEventCollector jsEvtCollector = new JoustSimMessageEventCollector();
    fixture.testerAgent.addConversationListener(fixture.ourUserID, jsEvtCollector);

    Contact testerAgentContact = opSetPresence.findContactByID(fixture.testerAgent.getIcqUIN());

    opSetBasicIM.sendInstantMessage(testerAgentContact, msg);


    fixture.testerAgent.removeConversationListener(fixture.ourUserID, jsEvtCollector);

    // verify that the message delivered event was dispatched
        "No events delivered when sending a message", imEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size() > 0);

        "Received evt was not an instance of " + MessageDeliveredEvent.class.getName(),
        imEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0) instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent);

    MessageDeliveredEvent evt = (MessageDeliveredEvent) imEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
        "message destination ",

    assertSame("source message", msg, evt.getSourceMessage());

    // verify that the message has successfully arived at the destination
        "No messages received by the tester agent", jsEvtCollector.collectedMessageInfo.size() > 0);
    String receivedBody =
        ((MessageInfo) jsEvtCollector.collectedMessageInfo.get(0)).getMessage().getMessageBody();

    assertEquals("received message body", msg.getContent(), receivedBody);

  /** Creates an Message through the simple createMessage() method and inspects its parameters. */
  public void testCreateMessage1() {
    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg = opSetBasicIM.createMessage(body);

    assertEquals("message body", body, msg.getContent());
    assertTrue("message body bytes", Arrays.equals(body.getBytes(), msg.getRawData()));
    assertEquals("message length", body.length(), msg.getSize());
        "message content type",

        "message encoding",

    assertNotNull("message uid", msg.getMessageUID());

    // a further test on message uid.
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg2 = opSetBasicIM.createMessage(body);
    assertFalse("message uid", msg.getMessageUID().equals(msg2.getMessageUID()));

  /** Creates an Message through the advance createMessage() method and inspects its parameters. */
  public void testCreateMessage2() {
    String body =
        "This is an IM coming from the tested implementation" + " on " + new Date().toString();
    String contentType = "text/html";
    String encoding = "UTF-16";
    String subject = "test message";
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg =
        opSetBasicIM.createMessage(body.getBytes(), contentType, encoding, subject);

    assertEquals("message body", body, msg.getContent());
    assertTrue("message body bytes", Arrays.equals(body.getBytes(), msg.getRawData()));
    assertEquals("message length", body.length(), msg.getSize());
    assertEquals("message content type", contentType, msg.getContentType());
    assertEquals("message encoding", encoding, msg.getEncoding());
    assertNotNull("message uid", msg.getMessageUID());

    // a further test on message uid.
    net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message msg2 = opSetBasicIM.createMessage(body);
    assertFalse("message uid", msg.getMessageUID().equals(msg2.getMessageUID()));

  /** Collects instant messaging events. */
  private class ImEventCollector implements MessageListener {
    private List collectedEvents = new LinkedList();
     * Called when a new incoming <tt>Message</tt> has been received.
     * @param evt the <tt>MessageReceivedEvent</tt> containing the newly received message, its
     *     sender and other details.
    public void messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageReceivedEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Called to indicated that delivery of a message sent earlier has failed. Reason code and
     * phrase are contained by the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt>
     * @param evt the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt> containing the ID of the message whose delivery
     *     has failed.
    public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageDeliveryFailedEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Called when the underlying implementation has received an indication that a message, sent
     * earlier has been successfully received by the destination.
     * @param evt the MessageDeliveredEvent containing the id of the message that has caused the
     *     event.
    public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
      logger.debug("Received a MessageDeliveredEvent: " + evt);

      synchronized (this) {

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedEvents.size() > 0) return;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a message evt", ex);

  /** The oscar.jar lib sends us typing events through this listener. */
  private class JoustSimMessageEventCollector implements ConversationListener {
    private List collectedMessageInfo = new LinkedList();

     * Adds <tt>minfo</tt> into the list of collected messages.
     * @param c Conversation
     * @param minfo MessageInfo
    public void gotMessage(Conversation c, MessageInfo minfo) {

      logger.debug("Message: [" + minfo.getMessage() + "] received from: " + c.getBuddy());
      synchronized (this) {

     * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whicever
     * happens first).
     * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting for an event before simply
     *     bailing out.
    public void waitForEvent(long waitFor) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (collectedMessageInfo.size() > 0) {
          logger.trace("evt already received. " + collectedMessageInfo);

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);

    // the follwoing methods only have dummy implementations here as they
    // do not interest us. complete implementatios are provider in the
    // basic instant messaging operation set.
    public void buddyInfoUpdated(IcbmService service, Screenname buddy, IcbmBuddyInfo info) {}

    public void conversationClosed(Conversation c) {}

    public void gotOtherEvent(Conversation conversation, ConversationEventInfo event) {}

    public void sentOtherEvent(Conversation conversation, ConversationEventInfo event) {}

    public void canSendMessageChanged(Conversation c, boolean canSend) {}

    public void conversationOpened(Conversation c) {}

    public void newConversation(IcbmService service, Conversation conv) {}

    public void sentMessage(Conversation c, MessageInfo minfo) {}

   * A method that would simply send messages to a group of people so that they would get notified
   * that tests are being run.
  public void testSendFunMessages() {
    String hostname = "";

    try {
      hostname = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() + ": ";
    } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {

    String message =
            + "Hello this is the SIP Communicator (version "
            + System.getProperty("sip-communicator.version")
            + ") build on: "
            + new Date().toString()
            + ". Have a very nice day!";

    String list = System.getProperty("accounts.reporting.ICQ_REPORT_LIST");

    logger.debug("Will send message " + message + " to: " + list);

    // if no property is specified - return
    if (list == null || list.trim().length() == 0) return;

    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(list, " ");

    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      fixture.testerAgent.sendMessage(tokenizer.nextToken(), message);

  /** Tests whether there is a offline message received and whether is the one we have send */
  public void testReceiveOfflineMessages() {
    String messageText = fixture.offlineMsgCollector.getMessageText();

    Message receiveMessage = fixture.offlineMsgCollector.getReceivedMessage();

    assertNotNull("No Offline messages have been received", receiveMessage);
    assertEquals("message body", messageText, receiveMessage.getContent());