public byte[] getSaltBytes() { try { return Base64.decode(base64Salt, Base64.URL_SAFE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return GridCoverageReader. */ @Override public GridCoverageReader convert(final ReferenceType source, final Map<String, Object> params) throws UnconvertibleObjectException { final InputStream stream = getInputStreamFromReference(source); String encoding = null; if (params != null && params.get(ENCODING) != null) { encoding = (String) params.get(ENCODING); } ImageInputStream imageStream = null; try { // decode form base64 stream if (encoding != null && encoding.equals(WPSEncoding.BASE64.getValue())) { final String encodedImage = IOUtilities.toString(stream); final byte[] byteData = Base64.decode(encodedImage.trim()); if (byteData != null && byteData.length > 0) { try (InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteData)) { imageStream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is); } } } else { imageStream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(stream); } if (imageStream != null) { final ImageReader reader; if (source.getMimeType() != null) { reader = XImageIO.getReaderByMIMEType(source.getMimeType(), imageStream, null, null); } else { reader = XImageIO.getReader(imageStream, null, Boolean.FALSE); } return CoverageIO.createSimpleReader(reader); } else { throw new UnconvertibleObjectException("Error during image stream acquisition."); } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new UnconvertibleObjectException( "Reference grid coverage invalid input : Malformed url", ex); } catch (CoverageStoreException ex) { throw new UnconvertibleObjectException( "Reference grid coverage invalid input : Can't read coverage", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new UnconvertibleObjectException("Reference grid coverage invalid input : IO", ex); } finally { if (imageStream != null) { try { imageStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error during release the image stream.", ex); } } } }
public static byte[] decode(String s) { s = s.replace('-', '+'); // 62nd char of encoding s = s.replace('_', '/'); // 63rd char of encoding switch (s.length() % 4) // Pad with trailing '='s { case 0: break; // No pad chars in this case case 2: s += "=="; break; // Two pad chars case 3: s += "="; break; // One pad char default: throw new RuntimeException("Illegal base64url string!"); } try { return Base64.decode(s); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void fromJson(ObjectNode node, IndexDefinitionImpl index) { IndexGeneralState state = IndexGeneralState.valueOf(JsonUtil.getString(node, "generalState")); IndexUpdateState updateState = IndexUpdateState.valueOf(JsonUtil.getString(node, "updateState")); IndexBatchBuildState buildState = IndexBatchBuildState.valueOf(JsonUtil.getString(node, "batchBuildState")); String queueSubscriptionId = JsonUtil.getString(node, "queueSubscriptionId", null); byte[] configuration; try { String configurationAsString = JsonUtil.getString(node, "configuration"); configuration = Base64.decode(configurationAsString); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } byte[] shardingConfiguration = null; if (node.get("shardingConfiguration") != null) { String shardingConfAsString = JsonUtil.getString(node, "shardingConfiguration"); try { shardingConfiguration = Base64.decode(shardingConfAsString); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } Map<String, String> solrShards = new HashMap<String, String>(); ArrayNode shardsArray = JsonUtil.getArray(node, "solrShards"); for (int i = 0; i < shardsArray.size(); i++) { ObjectNode shardNode = (ObjectNode) shardsArray.get(i); String shardName = JsonUtil.getString(shardNode, "name"); String address = JsonUtil.getString(shardNode, "address"); solrShards.put(shardName, address); } ActiveBatchBuildInfo activeBatchBuild = null; if (node.get("activeBatchBuild") != null) { ObjectNode buildNode = JsonUtil.getObject(node, "activeBatchBuild"); activeBatchBuild = new ActiveBatchBuildInfo(); activeBatchBuild.setJobId(JsonUtil.getString(buildNode, "jobId")); activeBatchBuild.setSubmitTime(JsonUtil.getLong(buildNode, "submitTime")); activeBatchBuild.setTrackingUrl(JsonUtil.getString(buildNode, "trackingUrl", null)); activeBatchBuild.setBatchIndexConfiguration( serializeJsonNode(JsonUtil.getObject(buildNode, "batchIndexConfiguration"))); } BatchBuildInfo lastBatchBuild = null; if (node.get("lastBatchBuild") != null) { ObjectNode buildNode = JsonUtil.getObject(node, "lastBatchBuild"); lastBatchBuild = new BatchBuildInfo(); lastBatchBuild.setJobId(JsonUtil.getString(buildNode, "jobId")); lastBatchBuild.setSubmitTime(JsonUtil.getLong(buildNode, "submitTime")); lastBatchBuild.setSuccess(JsonUtil.getBoolean(buildNode, "success")); lastBatchBuild.setJobState(JsonUtil.getString(buildNode, "jobState")); lastBatchBuild.setTrackingUrl(JsonUtil.getString(buildNode, "trackingUrl", null)); ObjectNode countersNode = JsonUtil.getObject(buildNode, "counters"); Iterator<String> it = countersNode.getFieldNames(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; long value = JsonUtil.getLong(countersNode, key); lastBatchBuild.addCounter(key, value); } lastBatchBuild.setBatchIndexConfiguration( serializeJsonNode(JsonUtil.getObject(buildNode, "batchIndexConfiguration"))); } byte[] batchIndexConfiguration = null; if (node.get("batchIndexConfiguration") != null) { batchIndexConfiguration = serializeJsonNode(JsonUtil.getObject(node, "batchIndexConfiguration")); } byte[] defaultBatchIndexConfiguration = null; if (node.get("defaultBatchIndexConfiguration") != null) { defaultBatchIndexConfiguration = serializeJsonNode(JsonUtil.getObject(node, "defaultBatchIndexConfiguration")); } index.setGeneralState(state); index.setUpdateState(updateState); index.setBatchBuildState(buildState); index.setQueueSubscriptionId(queueSubscriptionId); index.setConfiguration(configuration); index.setSolrShards(solrShards); index.setShardingConfiguration(shardingConfiguration); index.setActiveBatchBuildInfo(activeBatchBuild); index.setLastBatchBuildInfo(lastBatchBuild); index.setBatchIndexConfiguration(batchIndexConfiguration); index.setDefaultBatchIndexConfiguration(defaultBatchIndexConfiguration); }
/** * Decode a PEM string to DER format * * @param pem * @return * @throws */ public static byte[] pemToDer(String pem) throws IOException { pem = removeBeginEnd(pem); return Base64.decode(pem); }