public RelOptPlanWriter explainTerms(RelOptPlanWriter pw) { super.explainTerms(pw); assert fieldExps.length == collations.size(); for (Ord<RexNode> ord : { pw.item("sort" + ord.i, ord.e); } for (Ord<RelFieldCollation> ord : { pw.item("dir" + ord.i, ord.e.shortString()); } return pw; }
@Override public PhysicalOperator getPhysicalOperator(PhysicalPlanCreator creator) throws IOException { // Prel child = (Prel) this.getChild(); final List<String> childFields = getChild().getRowType().getFieldNames(); final List<String> fields = getRowType().getFieldNames(); List<NamedExpression> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); List<NamedExpression> exprs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int group : BitSets.toIter(groupSet)) { FieldReference fr = new FieldReference(childFields.get(group), ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN); keys.add(new NamedExpression(fr, fr)); } for (Ord<AggregateCall> aggCall : { FieldReference ref = new FieldReference(fields.get(groupSet.cardinality() + aggCall.i)); LogicalExpression expr = toDrill(aggCall.e, childFields, new DrillParseContext()); exprs.add(new NamedExpression(expr, ref)); } Prel child = (Prel) this.getChild(); StreamingAggregate g = new StreamingAggregate( child.getPhysicalOperator(creator), keys.toArray(new NamedExpression[keys.size()]), exprs.toArray(new NamedExpression[exprs.size()]), 1.0f); return g; }
DataContextImpl(OptiqConnectionImpl connection, List<Object> parameterValues) { this.queryProvider = connection; this.typeFactory = connection.getTypeFactory(); this.rootSchema = connection.rootSchema; // Store the time at which the query started executing. The SQL // standard says that functions such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP return the // same value throughout the query. final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final TimeZone timeZone = connection.getTimeZone(); final long localOffset = timeZone.getOffset(time); final long currentOffset = localOffset; ImmutableMap.Builder<Object, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder .put("utcTimestamp", time) .put("currentTimestamp", time + currentOffset) .put("localTimestamp", time + localOffset) .put("timeZone", timeZone); for (Ord<Object> value : { Object e = value.e; if (e == null) { e = AvaticaParameter.DUMMY_VALUE; } builder.put("?" + value.i, e); } map =; }
public RelWriter explainTerms(RelWriter pw) { super.explainTerms(pw); assert fieldExps.size() == collation.getFieldCollations().size(); if (pw.nest()) { pw.item("collation", collation); } else { for (Ord<RexNode> ord : { pw.item("sort" + ord.i, ord.e); } for (Ord<RelFieldCollation> ord : { pw.item("dir" + ord.i, ord.e.shortString()); } } pw.itemIf("offset", offset, offset != null); pw.itemIf("fetch", fetch, fetch != null); return pw; }
public void _testFoodmartQueries() { final List<Pair<String, String>> queries = JdbcTest.getFoodmartQueries(); for (Ord<Pair<String, String>> query : { // if (query.i != 29) continue; if (query.e.left.contains("agg_")) { continue; } final OptiqAssert.AssertQuery query1 = OptiqAssert.assertThat().enable(enabled()).with(FOODMART).query(query.e.left); if (query.e.right != null) { query1.returns(query.e.right); } else { query1.runs(); } } }
/** Variant of {@link #trimFields(RelNode, BitSet, Set)} for {@link ProjectRel}. */ public TrimResult trimFields( ProjectRel project, BitSet fieldsUsed, Set<RelDataTypeField> extraFields) { final RelDataType rowType = project.getRowType(); final int fieldCount = rowType.getFieldCount(); final RelNode input = project.getChild(); final RelDataType inputRowType = input.getRowType(); // Which fields are required from the input? BitSet inputFieldsUsed = new BitSet(inputRowType.getFieldCount()); final Set<RelDataTypeField> inputExtraFields = new LinkedHashSet<RelDataTypeField>(extraFields); RelOptUtil.InputFinder inputFinder = new RelOptUtil.InputFinder(inputFieldsUsed, inputExtraFields); for (Ord<RexNode> ord : { if (fieldsUsed.get(ord.i)) { ord.e.accept(inputFinder); } } // Create input with trimmed columns. TrimResult trimResult = trimChild(project, input, inputFieldsUsed, inputExtraFields); RelNode newInput = trimResult.left; final Mapping inputMapping = trimResult.right; // If the input is unchanged, and we need to project all columns, // there's nothing we can do. if (newInput == input && fieldsUsed.cardinality() == fieldCount) { return new TrimResult(project, Mappings.createIdentity(fieldCount)); } // Some parts of the system can't handle rows with zero fields, so // pretend that one field is used. if (fieldsUsed.cardinality() == 0) { final Mapping mapping = Mappings.create(MappingType.InverseSurjection, fieldCount, 1); final RexLiteral expr = project.getCluster().getRexBuilder().makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ZERO); RelDataType newRowType = project .getCluster() .getTypeFactory() .createStructType( Collections.singletonList(expr.getType()), Collections.singletonList("DUMMY")); ProjectRel newProject = new ProjectRel( project.getCluster(), project.getCluster().traitSetOf(RelCollationImpl.EMPTY), newInput, Collections.<RexNode>singletonList(expr), newRowType, project.getFlags()); return new TrimResult(newProject, mapping); } // Build new project expressions, and populate the mapping. List<RexNode> newProjectExprList = new ArrayList<RexNode>(); final RexVisitor<RexNode> shuttle = new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(inputMapping, newInput); final Mapping mapping = Mappings.create(MappingType.InverseSurjection, fieldCount, fieldsUsed.cardinality()); for (Ord<RexNode> ord : { if (fieldsUsed.get(ord.i)) { mapping.set(ord.i, newProjectExprList.size()); RexNode newProjectExpr = ord.e.accept(shuttle); newProjectExprList.add(newProjectExpr); } } final RelDataType newRowType = project .getCluster() .getTypeFactory() .createStructType(Mappings.apply3(mapping, rowType.getFieldList())); final List<RelCollation> newCollations = RexUtil.apply(inputMapping, project.getCollationList()); final RelNode newProject; if (RemoveTrivialProjectRule.isIdentity( newProjectExprList, newRowType, newInput.getRowType())) { // The new project would be the identity. It is equivalent to return // its child. newProject = newInput; } else { newProject = new ProjectRel( project.getCluster(), project .getCluster() .traitSetOf( newCollations.isEmpty() ? RelCollationImpl.EMPTY : newCollations.get(0)), newInput, newProjectExprList, newRowType, project.getFlags()); assert newProject.getClass() == project.getClass(); } return new TrimResult(newProject, mapping); }