public void testCursors() { UUID s = UUID.randomUUID(); datastore.updateTransportCursor(TransportType.Dummy, s.toString()); UUID t = UUID.fromString(datastore.getTransportCursor(TransportType.Dummy)); assertEquals("cursor updated", s, t); }
public void test_exec() throws IOException { final ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "exec.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =;; assertTrue("Exec correctly", r instanceof Exec); assertEquals("Exec good program", "returnArg.js", ((Exec) r).getScript()); assertEquals("Exec good args", "arg1 arg2", ((Exec) r).getArgs()); r.visit( new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m) { @Override public void execute(UUID pid) { ScriptProcess pp = datastore.getProcess(pid); assertEquals("good pid", p.getPid(), pid); assertEquals("good source", "returnArg.js", pp.getSourceName()); assertEquals("good args", "arg1 arg2", pp.getArgs()); ScriptAction aa =; assertEquals("good class result", NormalTermination.class, aa.getClass()); assertEquals("goood result", "resultarg1 arg2", ((NormalTermination) aa).getResult()); } }, p); }
public void test_sleepDateObject() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "sleepDateObject.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("slept correctly", r instanceof Sleep); }
public void test_sleepBadDate() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "sleepBadDate.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Forked correctly", r instanceof ErrorTermination); }
public void test_fiddleWithAPI2() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "fiddle2.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("error condition", r instanceof ErrorTermination); }
public void test_evalBroken() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "evalBroken.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Broken", r instanceof ErrorTermination); }
public void test_fiddleWithAPI() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "fiddle.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Didn't fork correctly", !(r instanceof Fork)); }
public void test_syntaxError() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "syntaxError.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Error termination", r instanceof ErrorTermination); }
public void test_exit() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "exit.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Exited correctly", r instanceof NormalTermination); assertTrue("correct exit", ((NormalTermination) r).getResult().equals("result")); }
public void test_defaultSay() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "defaultSay.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Said correctly", r instanceof Say); assertNull("Said to owner correctly", ((Say) r).getWho()); }
public void test_forkNoPrefix() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "forkNoPrefix.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Forked correctly", r instanceof Fork); r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_breakSecurity5() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "breakSec5.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertEquals("Failed correctly", ErrorTermination.class, r.getClass()); System.out.println(((ErrorTermination) r).getError()); r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_eval() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "eval.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Listened correctly", r instanceof Listen);; r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_getHttps() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "getHttps.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("slept correctly", r instanceof Get);; Get g = (Get) r; g.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); p = datastore.getProcess(p.getPid()); assertTrue("got content", p.getState() instanceof String); String content = (String) p.getState(); assertTrue("content ok", content.contains("User-agent: *")); }
public void test_askTimeout() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "askTimeout.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Asked correctly", r instanceof Ask); assertTrue("Asked correctly owner", ((Ask) r).getWho().equals("foo"));; r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_defaultListen() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "defaultListen.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Listened correctly", r instanceof Listen); assertNull("Listened correctly to", ((Listen) r).getWho());; r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_say() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "say.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Said correctly", r instanceof Say); assertTrue("Said correctly to user", ((Say) r).getWho().equals("foo")); assertTrue("Said correctly message", ((Say) r).getMsg().equals("message"));; r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); }
public void test_log() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "log.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Correct result", r instanceof NormalTermination); NormalTermination n = (NormalTermination) r; r.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); // sould say assertEquals("Correct result", "result", n.getResult()); }
public void test_evalGetBug() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "evalgetBUG.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("slept correctly", r instanceof Get);; Get g = (Get) r; g.visit(new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m), p); p = datastore.getProcess(p.getPid()); assertTrue("got content", p.getState() instanceof String); r =; assertTrue("said correctly", r instanceof Say); assertTrue("contains fn def", ((Say) r).getMsg().contains("return new Date().clearTime();")); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { System.setProperty("scriptus.config", ""); super.setUp(); m = (Transport) appContext.getBean("transport"); c = (ProcessScheduler) appContext.getBean("scheduler"); datastore = (ScriptusDatastore) appContext.getBean("datastore"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : testSources.entrySet()) { datastore.saveScriptSource(TEST_USER, e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } // ((DummyTransport)m).response = "response"; }
public void test_sleepDuration() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "sleepDuration.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("slept correctly", r instanceof Sleep); Sleep s = (Sleep) r; Calendar target = Calendar.getInstance(); target.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); target.add(Calendar.MONTH, 2); target.add(Calendar.DATE, 3); target.add(Calendar.HOUR, 4); Calendar c = s.getUntil(); assertEquals("good year", target.get(Calendar.YEAR), c.get(Calendar.YEAR)); assertEquals("good month", target.get(Calendar.MONTH), c.get(Calendar.MONTH)); assertEquals("good day", target.get(Calendar.DATE), c.get(Calendar.DATE)); assertEquals("good hour", target.get(Calendar.HOUR), c.get(Calendar.HOUR)); }
/** * Illustrates the problems of scripts breaking because of prototypes. * * @throws IOException */ public void test_prototypes() throws IOException { ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "prototypes.js", "", "owner"); ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Correct result", r instanceof Say);; r.visit( new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m) { @Override public void execute(UUID pid) { ScriptProcess pp = datastore.getProcess(pid); ScriptAction rr =; assertEquals("final result", NormalTermination.class, rr.getClass()); assertEquals("final result value OK", "foo", ((NormalTermination) rr).getResult()); } }, p); }
/** tests for when child process finished after wait() is called */ public void test_wait2() throws IOException { final ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "wait2.js", "", "owner");; ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Forked correctly", r instanceof Fork); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedParentPostFork = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedParentPostWait = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedChild = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedChildPostSleep = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); ScriptusFacade testFacade = new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m) { private UUID childPid; @Override public void execute(UUID pid) { if (!pid.equals(p.getPid())) { // executing child if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(executedChild.get())) { executedChildPostSleep.set(Boolean.TRUE); ScriptProcess p2 = datastore.getProcess(pid); ScriptAction r2 =; assertTrue("in child termination", r2 instanceof Termination);; r2.visit(this, p2); } else { executedChild.set(Boolean.TRUE); childPid = pid; ScriptProcess p2 = datastore.getProcess(pid); ScriptAction r2 =;; assertTrue("in child sleep", r2 instanceof Sleep); } return; } if (pid.equals(p.getPid())) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(executedParentPostFork.get())) { executedParentPostWait.set(Boolean.TRUE); ScriptAction enfin = datastore.getProcess(pid).call(); assertTrue("script finished", enfin instanceof Termination); assertEquals( "script result OK", "waitedfooslept" + childPid, ((Termination) enfin).getResult()); } else { executedParentPostFork.set(Boolean.TRUE); ScriptProcess p2 = datastore.getProcess(pid); ScriptAction r2 =;; assertTrue("Waited correctly", r2 instanceof Wait); // pause thread until child has termination r2.visit(this, p2); // assert parent is still waiting // wake child and execute execute(childPid); } } } }; r.visit(testFacade, p); assertEquals("Executed child", Boolean.TRUE, executedChild.get()); assertEquals("Executed child post-sleep", Boolean.TRUE, executedChildPostSleep.get()); assertEquals("Executed parent (post-fork)", Boolean.TRUE, executedParentPostFork.get()); assertEquals("Executed parent (post-wait)", Boolean.TRUE, executedParentPostWait.get()); }
public void test_kill() throws IOException { final ScriptProcess p = datastore.newProcess(TEST_USER, "kill.js", "", "owner");; ScriptAction r =; assertTrue("Forked correctly", r instanceof Fork); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedParentPostFork = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedParentPostKill = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); final ThreadLocal<Boolean> executedChild = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); System.out.println("pid=" + p.getPid()); ScriptusFacade testFacade = new ScriptusFacade(datastore, c, m) { private UUID childPid; @Override public void execute(UUID pid) { if (!pid.equals(p.getPid())) { // executing child executedChild.set(Boolean.TRUE); childPid = pid; super.execute(pid); return; } if (pid.equals(p.getPid())) { // executing parent if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(executedParentPostFork.get())) { // post-kill executedParentPostKill.set(Boolean.TRUE); } else { // post-fork, pre-kill, pid executedParentPostFork.set(Boolean.TRUE); ScriptProcess p2 = datastore.getProcess(pid); ScriptAction r2 =;; assertTrue("Killed correctly", r2 instanceof Kill); r2.visit(this, p2); boolean caughtNotFoundExcepton = false; try { datastore.getProcess(childPid); } catch (ProcessNotFoundException sre) { caughtNotFoundExcepton = true; } assertTrue("process doesn't exist", caughtNotFoundExcepton); } } } }; assertTrue("forking correctly", r instanceof Fork); r.visit(testFacade, p); assertEquals("Executed child", Boolean.TRUE, executedChild.get()); assertEquals("Executed parent (post-fork)", Boolean.TRUE, executedParentPostFork.get()); assertEquals("Executed parent (post-kill)", Boolean.TRUE, executedParentPostKill.get()); }