public ExecuteResult doService(IMessage message, String soa_processid) { // 获取运行流程项 IProcess process = ProcessFactory.getInstance(soa_processid); String processInfo = process.getNameSpace() + "." + process.getName(); if (!initFordo(message, soa_processid)) { log.error(processInfo + ",修改用户,初始化服务运行失败"); return; } try { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { IDAO_UserManager dao = DAOFactory_UserManager.getInstance(DataBaseType.getDataBaseType(con)); if (dao == null) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.UNKNOWNDATABASETYPE, "", this.getId(), soa_processid, new Date(), null)); log.error(processInfo + ",修改用户,加载数据库错误,未知的数据库类型"); return; } log.debug(processInfo + ",修改用户,加载数据库成功"); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql_check = dao.getSQL_QueryCountForUserNo(usrno); log.debug("取得用户id是否重复的sql语句: sql_check = " + sql_check); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql_check); int count = 0; if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } if (count == 0) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.UNKNOWN, "没有要更新的数据!", this.getId(), soa_processid, new Date(), null)); log.error(processInfo + ",修改用户时,没有要更新的数据 count = " + count); return; } /* * 查询所有参数放入Map中 */ Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); String rs_usrno = null; String rs_usrname = null; String rs_password = null; String rs_employeeid = null; String rs_state = null; String rs_lastupdateuser = null; String rs_lastupdatetime = null; String rs_note = null; String rs_enabled = null; String map_sql_select = dao.getSQL_QueryUserInfoForUserID(usrno); log.debug(processInfo + "查询此用户所有参数的sql语句: map_sql_select = " + map_sql_select); rs = stmt.executeQuery(map_sql_select); while ( { rs_usrno = rs.getString(1); rs_usrname = rs.getString(2); rs_password = rs.getString(3); rs_employeeid = rs.getString(5); rs_state = rs.getString(6); rs_lastupdateuser = rs.getString(7); rs_lastupdatetime = rs.getString(8); rs_note = rs.getString(9); rs_enabled = rs.getString(10); } String rs_debug = "rs_usrno = " + rs_usrno + "\n" + "rs_usrname = " + rs_usrname + "\n" + "rs_password = "******"\n" + "rs_employeeid = " + rs_employeeid + "\n" + "rs_state = " + rs_state + "\n" + "rs_lastupdateuser = "******"\n" + "rs_lastupdatetime = " + rs_lastupdatetime + "\n" + "rs_note = " + rs_note + "\n" + "rs_enabled = " + rs_enabled; log.debug(processInfo + "查询的所有信息为: rs_debug = " + rs_debug); data.put("rs_usrno", rs_usrno); data.put("rs_usrname", rs_usrname); data.put("rs_password", rs_password); data.put("rs_oldRoleno", oldRoleno); data.put("rs_old_default_roleno", old_default_roleno); data.put("rs_employeeid", rs_employeeid); data.put("rs_state", rs_state); data.put("rs_lastupdateuser", rs_lastupdateuser); data.put("rs_lastupdatetime", rs_lastupdatetime); data.put("rs_note", rs_note); data.put("rs_enabled", rs_enabled); message.setOtherParameter(this.getClass().getName(), data); String sql_update; // password be changed if (!password.equals("********")) { sql_update = dao.getSQL_UpdateUser( usrno, usrname, password, employeeid, state, lastupdateuser, lastupdatetime, note, enabled); } else // password not changed { sql_update = dao.getSQL_UpdateUser( usrno, usrname, employeeid, state, lastupdateuser, lastupdatetime, note, enabled); } log.debug("根据用户id,更改用户信息,包括密码的sql语句: sql_update = " + sql_update); stmt.executeUpdate(sql_update); String sql_deleteDataUserRole = ""; String sql_insertDataUserRole = ""; String[] role_new = roleno.split(":"); sql_deleteDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_DeleteDataUserRole(new Integer(usrno)); log.debug("根据角色号,删除原有角色号的sql语句:sql_deleteDataUserRole = " + sql_deleteDataUserRole); stmt.executeUpdate(sql_deleteDataUserRole); for (String ch : role_new) { if (ch != null && !ch.equals("")) { if (default_roleno.equals(ch)) { sql_insertDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_insertDataUserRole(new Integer(usrno), new Integer(ch), "0"); } else { sql_insertDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_insertDataUserRole(new Integer(usrno), new Integer(ch), "1"); } log.debug( "插入新角色号data_user_role表的sql语句: sql_insertDataUserRole = " + sql_insertDataUserRole); stmt.executeUpdate(sql_insertDataUserRole); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.DATABASEERROR, "数据库错误" + sqle, this.getId(), soa_processid, new Date(), sqle)); log.fatal(processInfo + ",修改用户,数据库操作异常" + sqle.toString()); return; } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.UNKNOWN, e.toString(), this.getId(), soa_processid, new java.util.Date(), e)); log.fatal(processInfo + ",修改用户,未知异常" + e.toString()); return; } return ExecuteResult.sucess; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ExecuteResult undoService(IMessage message, String soa_processid) { IProcess process = ProcessFactory.getInstance(soa_processid); String processInfo = process.getNameSpace() + "." + process.getName(); Object obj = message.getOtherParameter(this.getClass().getName()); if (obj instanceof Map) { Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) obj; String map_usrno = map.get("rs_usrno"); String map_usrname = map.get("rs_usrname"); String map_password = map.get("rs_password"); String map_oldRoleno = map.get("rs_oldRoleno").trim(); String map_employeeid = map.get("rs_employeeid").trim(); String map_old_default_roleno = map.get("rs_old_default_roleno"); String map_state = map.get("rs_state"); String map_lastupdateuser = map.get("rs_lastupdateuser"); String map_lastupdatetime = map.get("rs_lastupdatetime"); String map_note = map.get("rs_note"); String map_enabled = map.get("rs_enabled"); String map_debug = "map_usrno = " + map_usrno + "\n" + "map_usrname = " + map_usrname + "\n" + "map_password = "******"\n" + "map_oldRoleno = " + map_oldRoleno + "\n" + "map_employeeid = " + map_employeeid + "\n" + "map_state = " + map_state + "\n" + "map_lastupdateuser = "******"\n" + "map_lastupdatetime = " + map_lastupdatetime + "\n" + "map_note = " + map_note + "\n" + "map_enabled = " + map_enabled; log.debug(processInfo + "修改用户回退操作Map接收的所有信息为: map_debug = " + map_debug); try { Statement stmt = null; try { IDAO_UserManager dao = DAOFactory_UserManager.getInstance(DataBaseType.getDataBaseType(con)); if (dao == null) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.UNKNOWNDATABASETYPE, "", this.getId(), soa_processid, new Date(), null)); log.error(processInfo + ",修改用户回退操作,加载数据库错误,未知的数据库类型"); return; } log.debug(processInfo + ",修改用户回退操作,加载数据库成功"); stmt = con.createStatement(); String undo_sql_update; // password be changed if (!password.equals("********")) { undo_sql_update = dao.getSQL_UpdateUser( map_usrno, map_usrname, map_password, map_employeeid, map_state, map_lastupdateuser, map_lastupdatetime, map_note, map_enabled); } else // password not changed { undo_sql_update = dao.getSQL_UpdateUser( map_usrno, map_usrname, map_employeeid, map_state, map_lastupdateuser, map_lastupdatetime, map_note, map_enabled); } log.debug("修改用户回退操作的sql语句: undo_sql_update = " + undo_sql_update); stmt.executeUpdate(undo_sql_update); String sql_deleteDataUserRole = ""; String sql_insertDataUserRole = ""; String[] role_old = map_oldRoleno.split(":"); sql_deleteDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_DeleteDataUserRole(new Integer(map_usrno)); log.debug("根据角色号,删除新角色号的sql语句:sql_deleteDataUserRole = " + sql_deleteDataUserRole); stmt.executeUpdate(sql_deleteDataUserRole); for (String ch : role_old) { if (ch != null && !ch.equals("")) { if (map_old_default_roleno.equals(ch)) { sql_insertDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_insertDataUserRole(new Integer(usrno), new Integer(ch), "0"); } else { sql_insertDataUserRole = dao.getSQL_insertDataUserRole(new Integer(usrno), new Integer(ch), "1"); } log.debug( "插入原有角色号data_user_role表的sql语句: sql_insertDataUserRole = " + sql_insertDataUserRole); stmt.executeUpdate(sql_insertDataUserRole); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.DATABASEERROR, "数据库错误" + sqle, this.getId(), soa_processid, new Date(), sqle)); log.fatal(processInfo + ",修改用户,数据库操作异常" + sqle.toString()); return; } finally { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { message.addServiceException( new ServiceException( ServiceExceptionType.UNKNOWN, e.toString(), this.getId(), soa_processid, new java.util.Date(), e)); log.fatal(processInfo + ",修改用户,未知异常" + e.toString()); return; } } return ExecuteResult.sucess; }