Пример #1
  public StringBuffer getTooltip() {

    // Tooltip info for a sensor blip
    if (onlyDetectedBySensors())
      return new StringBuffer(Messages.getString("BoardView1.sensorReturn"));

    // No sensor blip...
    Infantry thisInfantry = null;
    if (entity instanceof Infantry) thisInfantry = (Infantry) entity;
    GunEmplacement thisGunEmp = null;
    if (entity instanceof GunEmplacement) thisGunEmp = (GunEmplacement) entity;
    Aero thisAero = null;
    if (entity instanceof Aero) thisAero = (Aero) entity;

    tooltipString = new StringBuffer();

    // Unit Chassis and Player

    // Pilot Info
    // Nickname > Name > "Pilot"
    String pnameStr = "Pilot";

    if ((entity.getCrew().getName() != null) && !entity.getCrew().getName().equals(""))
      pnameStr = entity.getCrew().getName();

    if ((entity.getCrew().getNickname() != null) && !entity.getCrew().getNickname().equals(""))
      pnameStr = "'" + entity.getCrew().getNickname() + "'";

    addToTT("Pilot", BR, pnameStr, entity.getCrew().getGunnery(), entity.getCrew().getPiloting());

    // Pilot Status
    if (!entity.getCrew().getStatusDesc().equals(""))
      addToTT("PilotStatus", NOBR, entity.getCrew().getStatusDesc());

    // Pilot Advantages
    int numAdv = entity.getCrew().countOptions(PilotOptions.LVL3_ADVANTAGES);
    if (numAdv == 1) addToTT("Adv1", NOBR, numAdv);
    else if (numAdv > 1) addToTT("Advs", NOBR, numAdv);

    // Pilot Manei Domini
    if ((entity.getCrew().countOptions(PilotOptions.MD_ADVANTAGES) > 0)) addToTT("MD", NOBR);

    // Unit movement ability
    if (thisGunEmp == null) {
      addToTT("Movement", BR, entity.getWalkMP(), entity.getRunMPasString());
      if (entity.getJumpMP() > 0) tooltipString.append("/" + entity.getJumpMP());

    // Armor and Internals
    addToTT("ArmorInternals", BR, entity.getTotalArmor(), entity.getTotalInternal());

    // Heat, not shown for units with 999 heat sinks (vehicles)
    if (entity.getHeatCapacity() != 999) {
      if (entity.heat == 0) addToTT("Heat0", BR);
      else addToTT("Heat", BR, entity.heat);

    // Actual Movement
    if (thisGunEmp == null) {
      // In the Movement Phase, unit not done
      if (!entity.isDone() && this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_MOVEMENT) {
        // "Has not yet moved" only during movement phase
        addToTT("NotYetMoved", BR);

        // In the Movement Phase, unit is done - or in the Firing Phase
      } else if ((entity.isDone() && this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_MOVEMENT)
          || this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_FIRING) {
        int tmm = Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(bv.game, entity.getId()).getValue();
        // Unit didn't move
        if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_NONE) {
          addToTT("NoMove", BR, tmm);

          // Unit did move
        } else {
          // Colored arrow
          // get the color resource
          String guipName = "AdvancedMoveDefaultColor";
          if ((entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN)
              || (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN)
              || (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_OVER_THRUST))
            guipName = "AdvancedMoveRunColor";
          else if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_SPRINT)
            guipName = "AdvancedMoveSprintColor";
          else if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP) guipName = "AdvancedMoveJumpColor";

          // HTML color String from Preferences
          String moveTypeColor =
                  GUIPreferences.getInstance().getColor(guipName).getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF);

          // Arrow
          addToTT("Arrow", BR, moveTypeColor);

          // Actual movement and modifier
        // Special Moves
        if (entity.isEvading()) addToTT("Evade", NOBR);

        if ((thisInfantry != null) && (thisInfantry.isTakingCover())) addToTT("TakingCover", NOBR);

        if (entity.isCharging()) addToTT("Charging", NOBR);

        if (entity.isMakingDfa()) addToTT("DFA", NOBR);

    // ASF Velocity
    if (thisAero != null) {
      addToTT("AeroVelocity", BR, thisAero.getCurrentVelocity());

    // Gun Emplacement Status
    if (thisGunEmp != null) {
      if (thisGunEmp.isTurret() && thisGunEmp.isTurretLocked(thisGunEmp.getLocTurret()))
        addToTT("TurretLocked", BR);

    // Unit Immobile
    if ((thisGunEmp == null) && (entity.isImmobile())) addToTT("Immobile", BR);

    if (entity.isHiddenActivating()) {
    } else if (entity.isHidden()) {
      addToTT("Hidden", BR);

    // Jammed by ECM
    if (isAffectedByECM()) {
      addToTT("Jammed", BR);

    // If DB, add information about who sees this Entity
    if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("double_blind")) {
      StringBuffer playerList = new StringBuffer();
      boolean teamVision = bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("team_vision");
      for (IPlayer player : entity.getWhoCanSee()) {
        if (player.isEnemyOf(entity.getOwner()) || !teamVision) {
          playerList.append(", ");
      if (playerList.length() > 1) {
        playerList.delete(playerList.length() - 2, playerList.length());
        addToTT("SeenBy", BR, playerList.toString());

    // If sensors, display what sensors this unit is using
    if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_sensors")) {
      addToTT("Sensors", BR, entity.getSensorDesc());

    // Weapon List
    if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getBoolean(GUIPreferences.SHOW_WPS_IN_TT)) {

      ArrayList<Mounted> weapons = entity.getWeaponList();
      HashMap<String, Integer> wpNames = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

      // Gather names, counts, Clan/IS
      // When clan then the number will be stored as negative
      for (Mounted curWp : weapons) {
        String weapDesc = curWp.getDesc();
        // Append ranges
        WeaponType wtype = (WeaponType) curWp.getType();
        int ranges[];
        if (entity instanceof Aero) {
          ranges = wtype.getATRanges();
        } else {
          ranges = wtype.getRanges(curWp);
        String rangeString = "(";
        if ((ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] != WeaponType.WEAPON_NA)
            && (ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] != 0)) {
          rangeString += ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] + "/";
        } else {
          rangeString += "-/";
        int maxRange = RangeType.RANGE_LONG;
        if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption(OptionsConstants.AC_TAC_OPS_RANGE)) {
          maxRange = RangeType.RANGE_EXTREME;
        for (int i = RangeType.RANGE_SHORT; i <= maxRange; i++) {
          rangeString += ranges[i];
          if (i != maxRange) {
            rangeString += "/";

        weapDesc += rangeString + ")";
        if (wpNames.containsKey(weapDesc)) {
          int number = wpNames.get(weapDesc);
          if (number > 0) wpNames.put(weapDesc, number + 1);
          else wpNames.put(weapDesc, number - 1);
        } else {
          WeaponType wpT = ((WeaponType) curWp.getType());

          if (entity.isClan() && TechConstants.isClan(wpT.getTechLevel(entity.getYear())))
            wpNames.put(weapDesc, -1);
          else wpNames.put(weapDesc, 1);

      // Print to Tooltip
      tooltipString.append("<FONT SIZE=\"-2\">");

      for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : wpNames.entrySet()) {
        // Check if weapon is destroyed, text gray and strikethrough if so, remove the "x "/"*"
        // Also remove "+", means currently selected for firing
        boolean wpDest = false;
        String nameStr = entry.getKey();
        if (entry.getKey().startsWith("x ")) {
          nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(2, entry.getKey().length());
          wpDest = true;

        if (entry.getKey().startsWith("*")) {
          nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(1, entry.getKey().length());
          wpDest = true;

        if (entry.getKey().startsWith("+")) {
          nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(1, entry.getKey().length());
          nameStr = nameStr.concat(" <I>(Firing)</I>");

        // normal coloring
        tooltipString.append("<FONT COLOR=#8080FF>");
        // but: color gray and strikethrough when weapon destroyed
        if (wpDest) tooltipString.append("<FONT COLOR=#a0a0a0><S>");

        String clanStr = "";
        if (entry.getValue() < 0) clanStr = Messages.getString("BoardView1.Tooltip.Clan");

        // when more than 5 weapons are present, they will be grouped
        // and listed with a multiplier
        if (weapons.size() > 5) {
          addToTT("WeaponN", BR, Math.abs(entry.getValue()), clanStr, nameStr);

        } else { // few weapons: list each weapon separately
          for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(entry.getValue()); i++) {
            addToTT("Weapon", BR, Math.abs(entry.getValue()), clanStr, nameStr);
        // Weapon destroyed? End strikethrough
        if (wpDest) tooltipString.append("</S>");
    return tooltipString;
  public void testInitDamage() {
    Princess mockPrincess = Mockito.mock(Princess.class);

    FireControl mockFireControl = Mockito.mock(FireControl.class);

    ToHitData mockToHit = Mockito.mock(ToHitData.class);

    Entity mockShooter = Mockito.mock(BipedMech.class);

    EntityState mockShooterState = Mockito.mock(EntityState.class);

    Mech mockTarget = Mockito.mock(BipedMech.class);
    Mockito.when(mockTarget.getArmor(Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.eq(false))).thenReturn(10);
    Mockito.when(mockTarget.getArmor(Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.eq(true))).thenReturn(5);

    EntityState mockTargetState = Mockito.mock(EntityState.class);

    IGame mockGame = Mockito.mock(IGame.class);

    PhysicalInfo testPhysicalInfo = Mockito.spy(new PhysicalInfo(mockPrincess));
        .setDamageDirection(Mockito.any(EntityState.class), Mockito.any(Coords.class));

    PhysicalAttackType punch = PhysicalAttackType.LEFT_PUNCH;
    PhysicalAttackType kick = PhysicalAttackType.LEFT_KICK;

    PunchAttackAction punchAction = Mockito.mock(PunchAttackAction.class);
        .buildAction(Mockito.eq(punch), Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.any(Targetable.class));

    KickAttackAction kickAction = Mockito.mock(KickAttackAction.class);
        .buildAction(Mockito.eq(kick), Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.any(Targetable.class));

    // Test a vanilla punch.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.583, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(5.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0099, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(5.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Test a vanilla kick.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(kick, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.583, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0099, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Make the puncher heavier.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.583, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0099, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Give the target less armor and internals
    Mockito.when(mockTarget.getArmor(Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.eq(false))).thenReturn(6);
    Mockito.when(mockTarget.getArmor(Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.eq(true))).thenReturn(3);
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.583, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.5929, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.1943, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(10.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Test a non-biped trying to punch.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Test not being able to hit.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);

    // Test a non-mech.
    testPhysicalInfo.initDamage(punch, mockShooterState, mockTargetState, true, mockGame);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getProbabilityToHit(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getMaxDamage(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedCriticals(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getKillProbability(), TOLERANCE);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, testPhysicalInfo.getExpectedDamageOnHit(), TOLERANCE);
Пример #3
 public TeleMissileAttackAction(Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
   super(attacker.getId(), target.getTargetType(), target.getTargetId());
  /** To-hit number for the mech to push another mech */
  public static ToHitData toHit(IGame game, int attackerId, Targetable target) {
    final Entity ae = game.getEntity(attackerId);
    int targetId = Entity.NONE;
    Entity te = null;
    if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
      te = (Entity) target;
      targetId = target.getTargetId();
    if (ae == null)
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "You can't attack from a null entity!");
    if (te == null) return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "You can't target a null entity!");
    IHex attHex = game.getBoard().getHex(ae.getPosition());
    IHex targHex = game.getBoard().getHex(te.getPosition());
    final int attackerElevation = ae.getElevation() + attHex.getElevation();
    final int targetElevation = target.getElevation() + targHex.getElevation();
    final boolean targetInBuilding = Compute.isInBuilding(game, te);
    Building bldg = null;
    if (targetInBuilding) {
      bldg = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(te.getPosition());
    ToHitData toHit = null;

    // arguments legal?
    if (ae == null || target == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attacker or target not valid");

    // can't target yourself
    if (ae.equals(te)) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "You can't target yourself");

    // non-mechs can't push
    if (!(ae instanceof Mech)) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Non-mechs can't push");

    // Quads can't push
    if (ae.entityIsQuad()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Attacker is a quad");

    // can't make physical attacks while spotting
    if (ae.isSpotting()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Attacker is spotting this turn");

    // Can only push mechs
    if (te != null && !(te instanceof Mech)) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is not a mech");

    // Can't push with flipped arms
    if (ae.getArmsFlipped()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Arms are flipped to the rear. Can not push.");

    // Can't target a transported entity.
    if (te != null && Entity.NONE != te.getTransportId()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is a passenger.");

    // Can't target a entity conducting a swarm attack.
    if (te != null && Entity.NONE != te.getSwarmTargetId()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is swarming a Mek.");

    // check if both arms are present
    if (ae.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_RARM) || ae.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Arm missing");

    // check if attacker has fired arm-mounted weapons
    if (ae.weaponFiredFrom(Mech.LOC_RARM) || ae.weaponFiredFrom(Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Weapons fired from arm this turn");

    // check range
    if (ae.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition()) > 1) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not in range");

    // target must be at same elevation
    if (attackerElevation != targetElevation) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not at same elevation");

    // can't push mech making non-pushing displacement attack
    if (te != null && te.hasDisplacementAttack() && !te.isPushing()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is making a charge/DFA attack");

    // can't push mech pushing another, different mech
    if (te != null && te.isPushing() && te.getDisplacementAttack().getTargetId() != ae.getId()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is pushing another mech");

    // can't do anything but counter-push if the target of another attack
    if (ae.isTargetOfDisplacementAttack()
        && ae.findTargetedDisplacement().getEntityId() != target.getTargetId()) {
      return new ToHitData(
          ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Attacker is the target of another push/charge/DFA");

    // can't attack the target of another displacement attack
    if (te != null
        && te.isTargetOfDisplacementAttack()
        && te.findTargetedDisplacement().getEntityId() != ae.getId()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is the target of another push/charge/DFA");

    // check facing
    if (!target.getPosition().equals(ae.getPosition().translated(ae.getFacing()))) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not directly ahead of feet");

    // can't push while prone
    if (ae.isProne()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Attacker is prone");

    // can't push prone mechs
    if (te != null && te.isProne()) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is prone");

    // Can't target units in buildings (from the outside).
    if (targetInBuilding) {
      if (!Compute.isInBuilding(game, ae)) {
        return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is inside building");
      } else if (!game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(ae.getPosition()).equals(bldg)) {
        return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is inside differnt building");

    // Attacks against adjacent buildings automatically hit.
    if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING)
        || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_FUEL_TANK)) {
      return new ToHitData(
          "You can not push a building (well, you can, but it won't do anything).");

    // Can't target woods or ignite a building with a physical.
    if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BLDG_IGNITE
        || target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR
        || target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE) {
      return new ToHitData(ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Invalid attack");

    // Set the base BTH
    int base = 4;

    if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("maxtech_physical_BTH")) {
      base = ae.getCrew().getPiloting() - 1;

    toHit = new ToHitData(base, "base");

    // attacker movement
    toHit.append(Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, attackerId));

    // target movement
    toHit.append(Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(game, targetId));

    // attacker terrain
    toHit.append(Compute.getAttackerTerrainModifier(game, attackerId));

    // target terrain
    toHit.append(Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, te));

    // damaged or missing actuators
    if (!ae.hasWorkingSystem(Mech.ACTUATOR_SHOULDER, Mech.LOC_RARM)) {
      toHit.addModifier(2, "Right Shoulder destroyed");
    if (!ae.hasWorkingSystem(Mech.ACTUATOR_SHOULDER, Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
      toHit.addModifier(2, "Left Shoulder destroyed");

    // water partial cover?
    if (te.height() > 0
        && te.getElevation() == -1
        && targHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER) == te.height()) {
      toHit.addModifier(3, "target has partial cover");

    // target immobile

    Compute.modifyPhysicalBTHForAdvantages(ae, te, toHit, game);

    toHit.append(nightModifiers(game, target, null, ae));
    // side and elevation shouldn't matter

    // If it has a torso-mounted cockpit and two head sensor hits or three sensor hits...
    // It gets a =4 penalty for being blind!
    if (((Mech) ae).getCockpitType() == Mech.COCKPIT_TORSO_MOUNTED) {
      int sensorHits =
          ae.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_HEAD);
      int sensorHits2 =
          ae.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_CT);
      if ((sensorHits + sensorHits2) == 3) {
        return new ToHitData(
            ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE, "Sensors Completely Destroyed for Torso-Mounted Cockpit");
      } else if (sensorHits == 2) {
        toHit.addModifier(4, "Head Sensors Destroyed for Torso-Mounted Cockpit");

    // done!
    return toHit;
Пример #5
  /** To-hit number for a death from above attack, assuming that movement has been handled */
  public static ToHitData toHit(IGame game, int attackerId, Targetable target, Coords src) {
    final Entity ae = game.getEntity(attackerId);

    // arguments legal?
    if (ae == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attacker is null");

    // Do to pretreatment of physical attacks, the target may be null.
    if (target == null) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is null");

    int targetId = Entity.NONE;
    Entity te = null;
    if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
      te = (Entity) target;
      targetId = target.getTargetId();
    } else {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Invalid Target");

    if (!game.getOptions().booleanOption("friendly_fire")) {
      // a friendly unit can never be the target of a direct attack.
      if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY)
          && ((((Entity) target).getOwnerId() == ae.getOwnerId())
              || ((((Entity) target).getOwner().getTeam() != IPlayer.TEAM_NONE)
                  && (ae.getOwner().getTeam() != IPlayer.TEAM_NONE)
                  && (ae.getOwner().getTeam() == ((Entity) target).getOwner().getTeam())))) {
        return new ToHitData(
            TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "A friendly unit can never be the target of a direct attack.");

    final boolean targetInBuilding = Compute.isInBuilding(game, te);
    ToHitData toHit = null;

    final int attackerElevation =
        ae.getElevation() + game.getBoard().getHex(ae.getPosition()).getLevel();
    final int targetElevation =
        target.getElevation() + game.getBoard().getHex(target.getPosition()).getLevel();
    final int attackerHeight = attackerElevation + ae.getHeight();

    // check elevation of target flying VTOL
    if (target.isAirborneVTOLorWIGE()) {
      if ((targetElevation - attackerHeight) > ae.getJumpMP()) {
        return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Elevation difference to high");

    // can't target yourself
    if (ae.equals(te)) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "You can't target yourself");

    // Infantry CAN'T dfa!!!
    if (ae instanceof Infantry) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Infantry can't dfa");

    // Can't target a transported entity.
    if ((Entity.NONE != te.getTransportId())) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is a passenger.");

    // Can't target a entity conducting a swarm attack.
    if ((Entity.NONE != te.getSwarmTargetId())) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is swarming a Mek.");

    // check range
    if (src.distance(target.getPosition()) > 1) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not in range");

    // can't dfa while prone, even if you somehow did manage to jump
    if (ae.isProne()) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Attacker is prone");

    // can't attack mech making a different displacement attack
    if (te.hasDisplacementAttack()) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is already making a charge/DFA attack");

    // can't attack the target of another displacement attack
    if (te.isTargetOfDisplacementAttack()
        && (te.findTargetedDisplacement().getEntityId() != ae.getId())) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is the target of another charge/DFA");

    // Can't target units in buildings (from the outside).
    if (targetInBuilding) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target is inside building");

    // Attacks against adjacent buildings automatically hit.
    if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING)
        || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_FUEL_TANK)
        || (target instanceof GunEmplacement)) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_SUCCESS, "Targeting adjacent building.");

    // Can't target woods or ignite a building with a physical.
    if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BLDG_IGNITE)
        || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR)
        || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE)) {
      return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Invalid attack");

    // Set the base BTH
    int base = ae.getCrew().getPiloting();

    toHit = new ToHitData(base, "base");

    // BMR(r), page 33. +3 modifier for DFA on infantry.
    if (te instanceof Infantry) {
      toHit.addModifier(3, "Infantry target");

    // Battle Armor targets are hard for Meks and Tanks to hit.
    if (te instanceof BattleArmor) {
      toHit.addModifier(1, "battle armor target");

    if ((ae instanceof Mech) && ((Mech) ae).isSuperHeavy()) {
      toHit.addModifier(1, "attacker is superheavy mech");

    // attacker movement
        Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, attackerId, EntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP));

    // target movement
    toHit.append(Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(game, targetId));

    // piloting skill differential
    if ((ae.getCrew().getPiloting() != te.getCrew().getPiloting())) {
          ae.getCrew().getPiloting() - te.getCrew().getPiloting(), "piloting skill differential");

    // attacker is spotting
    if (ae.isSpotting()) {
      toHit.addModifier(+1, "attacker is spotting");

    // target prone
    if (te.isProne()) {
      toHit.addModifier(-2, "target prone and adjacent");

    // If it has a torso-mounted cockpit and two head sensor hits or three
    // sensor hits...
    // It gets a =4 penalty for being blind!
    if ((ae instanceof Mech) && (((Mech) ae).getCockpitType() == Mech.COCKPIT_TORSO_MOUNTED)) {
      int sensorHits =
          ae.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_HEAD);
      int sensorHits2 =
          ae.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_CT);
      if ((sensorHits + sensorHits2) == 3) {
        return new ToHitData(
            TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Sensors Completely Destroyed for Torso-Mounted Cockpit");
      } else if (sensorHits == 2) {
        toHit.addModifier(4, "Head Sensors Destroyed for Torso-Mounted Cockpit");

    // target immobile

    toHit.append(AbstractAttackAction.nightModifiers(game, target, null, ae, false));

    Compute.modifyPhysicalBTHForAdvantages(ae, te, toHit, game);

    // evading bonuses (
    if (te.isEvading()) {
      toHit.addModifier(te.getEvasionBonus(), "target is evading");

    if (te instanceof Tank) {
    } else if (te.isProne()) {
    } else {
    // Attacking Weight Class Modifier.
    if (game.getOptions().booleanOption(OptionsConstants.AGM_TAC_OPS_PHYSICAL_ATTACK_PSR)) {
      if (ae.getWeightClass() == EntityWeightClass.WEIGHT_LIGHT) {
        toHit.addModifier(-2, "Weight Class Attack Modifier");
      } else if (ae.getWeightClass() == EntityWeightClass.WEIGHT_MEDIUM) {
        toHit.addModifier(-1, "Weight Class Attack Modifier");

    if ((ae instanceof Mech) && ((Mech) ae).hasIndustrialTSM()) {
      toHit.addModifier(2, "industrial TSM");

    // done!
    return toHit;