Пример #1
  public Block getFeatureLiquid(
      Random random,
      Map<FeatureType, List<DimletKey>> modifiersForFeature,
      FeatureType featureType) {
    Block block;
    if (featureTypes.contains(featureType)) {
      List<BlockMeta> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockMeta>();
      List<Block> fluids = new ArrayList<Block>();
      getMaterialAndFluidModifiers(modifiersForFeature.get(featureType), blocks, fluids);

      if (!fluids.isEmpty()) {
        block = fluids.get(random.nextInt(fluids.size()));
        if (block == null) {
          block = Blocks.water; // This is the default in case None was specified.
      } else {
        // Nothing was specified. With a relatively big chance we use stone. But there is also a
        // chance that the material will be something else.
        if (random.nextFloat() < DimletConfiguration.randomOrbFluidChance) {
          DimletKey key = DimletRandomizer.getRandomFluidBlock(random, true);
          actualRfCost += calculateCostFactor(key);
          block = DimletObjectMapping.idToFluid.get(key);
        } else {
          block = Blocks.water;
    } else {
      block = Blocks.water;
    return block;
Пример #2
  private void setupFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) {
    terrainType = TerrainType.values()[tagCompound.getInteger("terrain")];
    featureTypes = toEnumSet(getIntArraySafe(tagCompound, "features"), FeatureType.values());
    structureTypes = toEnumSet(getIntArraySafe(tagCompound, "structures"), StructureType.values());
    effectTypes = toEnumSet(getIntArraySafe(tagCompound, "effects"), EffectType.values());

    for (int a : getIntArraySafe(tagCompound, "biomes")) {
      BiomeGenBase biome = BiomeGenBase.getBiome(a);
      if (biome != null) {
      } else {
        // Protect against deleted biomes (i.e. a mod with biomes gets removed and this dimension
        // still uses it).
        // We will pick a replacement biome here.
    if (tagCompound.hasKey("controller")) {
      controllerType = ControllerType.values()[tagCompound.getInteger("controller")];
    } else {
      // Support for old type.
      if (biomes.isEmpty()) {
        controllerType = ControllerType.CONTROLLER_DEFAULT;
      } else {
        controllerType = ControllerType.CONTROLLER_SINGLE;

    digitString = tagCompound.getString("digits");

    forcedDimensionSeed = tagCompound.getLong("forcedSeed");
    baseSeed = tagCompound.getLong("baseSeed");
    worldVersion = tagCompound.getInteger("worldVersion");

    baseBlockForTerrain = getBlockMeta(tagCompound, "baseBlock");
    tendrilBlock = getBlockMeta(tagCompound, "tendrilBlock");
    canyonBlock = getBlockMeta(tagCompound, "canyonBlock");
    fluidForTerrain =
        (Block) Block.blockRegistry.getObjectById(tagCompound.getInteger("fluidBlock"));

    hugeLiquidSphereFluids = readFluidsFromNBT(tagCompound, "hugeLiquidSphereFluids");
    hugeLiquidSphereBlocks = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "hugeLiquidSphereBlocks");

    // Support for the old format with only one liquid block.
    Block oldLiquidSphereFluid =
        (Block) Block.blockRegistry.getObjectById(tagCompound.getInteger("liquidSphereFluid"));
    liquidSphereFluids = readFluidsFromNBT(tagCompound, "liquidSphereFluids");
    if (liquidSphereFluids.length == 0) {
      liquidSphereFluids = new Block[] {oldLiquidSphereFluid};

    // Support for the old format with only one sphere block.
    BlockMeta oldLiquidSphereBlock = getBlockMeta(tagCompound, "liquidSphereBlock");
    liquidSphereBlocks = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "liquidSphereBlocks");
    if (liquidSphereBlocks.length == 0) {
      liquidSphereBlocks = new BlockMeta[] {oldLiquidSphereBlock};

    pyramidBlocks = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "pyramidBlocks");
    if (pyramidBlocks.length == 0) {
      pyramidBlocks = new BlockMeta[] {BlockMeta.STONE};

    // Support for the old format with only one sphere block.
    BlockMeta oldSphereBlock = getBlockMeta(tagCompound, "sphereBlock");
    sphereBlocks = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "sphereBlocks");
    if (sphereBlocks.length == 0) {
      sphereBlocks = new BlockMeta[] {oldSphereBlock};

    hugeSphereBlocks = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "hugeSphereBlocks");

    extraOregen = readBlockArrayFromNBT(tagCompound, "extraOregen");
    fluidsForLakes = readFluidsFromNBT(tagCompound, "lakeFluids");

    peaceful = tagCompound.getBoolean("peaceful");
    noanimals = tagCompound.getBoolean("noanimals");
    shelter = tagCompound.getBoolean("shelter");
    respawnHere = tagCompound.getBoolean("respawnHere");
    if (tagCompound.hasKey("celestialAngle")) {
      celestialAngle = tagCompound.getFloat("celestialAngle");
    } else {
      celestialAngle = null;
    if (tagCompound.hasKey("timeSpeed")) {
      timeSpeed = tagCompound.getFloat("timeSpeed");
    } else {
      timeSpeed = null;
    probeCounter = tagCompound.getInteger("probes");
    actualRfCost = tagCompound.getInteger("actualCost");

    skyDescriptor = new SkyDescriptor.Builder().fromNBT(tagCompound).build();

    patreon1 = tagCompound.getLong("patreon1");

    weatherDescriptor = new WeatherDescriptor.Builder().fromNBT(tagCompound).build();

    NBTTagList list = tagCompound.getTagList("mobs", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
    for (int i = 0; i < list.tagCount(); i++) {
      NBTTagCompound tc = list.getCompoundTagAt(i);
      String className = tc.getString("class");
      int chance = tc.getInteger("chance");
      int minGroup = tc.getInteger("minGroup");
      int maxGroup = tc.getInteger("maxGroup");
      int maxLoaded = tc.getInteger("maxLoaded");
      Class<? extends EntityLiving> c = null;
      try {
        c = (Class<? extends EntityLiving>) Class.forName(className);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      MobDescriptor mob = new MobDescriptor(null, c, chance, minGroup, maxGroup, maxLoaded);

    String ds = tagCompound.getString("dimensionTypes");
    dimensionTypes = StringUtils.split(ds, ",");
    if (dimensionTypes == null) {
      dimensionTypes = new String[0];