/** Displays the number of overdue tasks, and displays nothing when there are no overdue tasks. */ private void showOverdueCounter() { if (getNoOfDAndETasks(MainLogic.getExpiredTasks()) > 0) { overdueCounter.setText("" + getNoOfDAndETasks(MainLogic.getExpiredTasks())); } else { overdueRectangle.setOpacity(0); } }
/** Converts a list of list of tasks from MainLogic to a list of ObservableList of Task. */ private void getTaskListFromFile() { UserInput userInput = new UserInput(CMD_DISPLAY); MainLogic.run(userInput); ArrayList<ArrayList<Task>> temp = MainLogic.getTodayTasks(); numberTaskArrayList(temp); setTaskTotalList(temp); setTablesArrayList(); }
/** Called when the user presses enter. Creates a UserInput object and passes it to MainLogic. */ public void onEnter() { feedback.setMessage(null); String command = commandText.getText(); // string received from user. commandText.setText(""); UserInput userInput = new UserInput(command, USER_INPUT_TODAY_TAB); MainLogic.run(userInput); mainApp.showTodayOverview(); }
/** Displays today's date and instant feedback labels. */ private void displayLabels() { todayDate.setText(MainLogic.getCurrentDate().getDateString()); feedback = Feedback.getInstance(); instantFeedback.setText(feedback.getMessage()); }