public synchronized void startTournament(UUID userId) { try { if (userId.equals(this.userId) && table.getState().equals(TableState.STARTING)) { tournament.setStartTime(); TournamentManager.getInstance() .createTournamentSession(tournament, userPlayerMap, table.getId()); for (Entry<UUID, UUID> entry : userPlayerMap.entrySet()) { User user = UserManager.getInstance().getUser(entry.getKey()); if (user != null) { new StringBuilder("User ") .append(user.getName()) .append(" tournament started: ") .append(tournament.getId()) .append(" userId: ") .append(user.getId())); user.ccTournamentStarted(tournament.getId(), entry.getValue()); } } ServerMessagesUtil.getInstance().incTournamentsStarted(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.fatal("Error starting tournament", ex); TableManager.getInstance().removeTable(table.getId()); TournamentManager.getInstance().quit(tournament.getId(), userId); } }
private void startGame(UUID choosingPlayerId) throws GameException { try { match.startGame(); table.initGame(); GameOptions gameOptions = new GameOptions(); gameOptions.rollbackTurnsAllowed = match.getOptions().isRollbackTurnsAllowed(); match.getGame().setGameOptions(gameOptions); GameManager.getInstance() .createGameSession( match.getGame(), userPlayerMap, table.getId(), choosingPlayerId, gameOptions); String creator = null; StringBuilder opponent = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<UUID, UUID> entry : userPlayerMap.entrySet()) { // no AI players if (match.getPlayer(entry.getValue()) != null && !match.getPlayer(entry.getValue()).hasQuit()) { User user = UserManager.getInstance().getUser(entry.getKey()); if (user != null) { user.ccGameStarted(match.getGame().getId(), entry.getValue()); if (creator == null) { creator = user.getName(); } else { if (opponent.length() > 0) { opponent.append(" - "); } opponent.append(user.getName()); } } else { logger.error( "Unable to find user: "******" playerId: " + entry.getValue()); MatchPlayer matchPlayer = match.getPlayer(entry.getValue()); if (matchPlayer != null && !matchPlayer.hasQuit()) { matchPlayer.setQuit(true); } } } } // Append AI opponents to the log file for (MatchPlayer mPlayer : match.getPlayers()) { if (!mPlayer.getPlayer().isHuman()) { if (opponent.length() > 0) { opponent.append(" - "); } opponent.append(mPlayer.getName()); } } ServerMessagesUtil.getInstance().incGamesStarted(); // log about game started "GAME started " + (match.getGame() != null ? match.getGame().getId() : "no Game") + " [" + match.getName() + "] " + creator + " - " + opponent.toString()); logger.debug("- matchId: " + match.getId() + " [" + match.getName() + "]"); if (match.getGame() != null) { logger.debug("- chatId: " + GameManager.getInstance().getChatId(match.getGame().getId())); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.fatal("Error starting game table: " + table.getId(), ex); if (table != null) { TableManager.getInstance().removeTable(table.getId()); } if (match != null) { Game game = match.getGame(); if (game != null) { GameManager.getInstance().removeGame(game.getId()); } } } }