@Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player player = getPayingPlayer(game, source); MageObject mageObject = game.getObject(source.getSourceId()); if (player != null && mageObject != null) { String message; if (chooseUseText == null) { message = new StringBuilder(getCostText()) .append(" and ") .append(executingEffect.getText(source.getModes().getMode())) .append("?") .toString(); } else { message = chooseUseText; } message = CardUtil.replaceSourceName(message, mageObject.getName()); if (cost.canPay(source, source.getSourceId(), player.getId(), game) && player.chooseUse(executingEffect.getOutcome(), message, game)) { cost.clearPaid(); if (cost.pay(source, game, source.getSourceId(), player.getId(), false)) { executingEffect.setTargetPointer(this.targetPointer); if (executingEffect instanceof OneShotEffect) { if (!(executingEffect instanceof PostResolveEffect)) { return executingEffect.apply(game, source); } } else { game.addEffect((ContinuousEffect) executingEffect, source); } } } return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId()); if (controller != null) { int xSum = 0; xSum += playerPaysXGenericMana(controller, source, game); for (UUID playerId : game.getState().getPlayersInRange(controller.getId(), game)) { if (playerId != controller.getId()) { Player player = game.getPlayer(playerId); if (player != null) { xSum += playerPaysXGenericMana(player, source, game); } } } if (xSum > 0) { for (UUID playerId : game.getState().getPlayersInRange(controller.getId(), game)) { Effect effect = new PutTopCardOfLibraryIntoGraveTargetEffect(xSum); effect.setTargetPointer(new FixedTarget(playerId)); effect.apply(game, source); } } // prevent undo controller.resetStoredBookmark(game); return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId()); // If no controller, exit out here and do not vote. if (controller == null) return false; this.vote("feather", "quill", controller, game, source); Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(source.getSourceId()); // Feathers Votes // If feathers received zero votes or the permanent is no longer on the battlefield, do not // attempt to put P1P1 counter on it. if (voteOneCount > 0 && permanent != null) permanent.addCounters(CounterType.P1P1.createInstance(voteOneCount), game); // Quill Votes // Only let the controller loot the appropriate amount of cards if it was voted for. if (voteTwoCount > 0) { Effect lootCardsEffect = new DrawDiscardControllerEffect(voteTwoCount, voteTwoCount); lootCardsEffect.apply(game, source); } return true; }
@Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId()); if (controller != null) { boolean lessCreatures = false; boolean lessLife = false; FilterPermanent filter = new FilterCreaturePermanent(); int count = game.getBattlefield().countAll(filter, controller.getId(), game); for (UUID uuid : game.getOpponents(controller.getId())) { Player opponent = game.getPlayer(uuid); if (opponent != null) { if (opponent.getLife() > controller.getLife()) { lessLife = true; } if (game.getBattlefield().countAll(filter, uuid, game) > count) { lessCreatures = true; } } if (lessLife && lessCreatures) { // no need to search further break; } } if (lessLife) { controller.gainLife(6, game); } if (lessCreatures) { Effect effect = new CreateTokenEffect(new SoldierToken(), 3); effect.apply(game, source); } return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean resolve(Game game) { boolean result = true; // 20100716 - 117.12 if (checkIfClause(game)) { for (Effect effect : getEffects()) { if (effect instanceof OneShotEffect) { boolean effectResult = effect.apply(game, this); result &= effectResult; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!this.getAbilityType().equals(AbilityType.MANA)) { if (!effectResult) { if (this.getSourceId() != null) { MageObject mageObject = game.getObject(this.getSourceId()); if (mageObject != null) { logger.debug("AbilityImpl.resolve: object: " + mageObject.getName()); } } logger.debug( "AbilityImpl.resolve: effect returned false -" + effect.getText(this.getModes().getMode())); } } } } else { game.addEffect((ContinuousEffect) effect, this); } /** * All restrained trigger events are fired now. To restrain the events is mainly neccessary * because of the movement of multiple object at once. If the event is fired directly as one * object moved, other objects are not already in the correct zone to check for their * effects. (e.g. Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle) */ game.getState().handleSimultaneousEvent(game); game.resetShortLivingLKI(); /** * game.applyEffects() has to be done at least for every effect that moves cards/permanent * between zones, or changes control of objects so Static effects work as intened if * dependant from the moved objects zone it is in Otherwise for example were static * abilities with replacement effects deactivated too late Example: {@link * org.mage.test.cards.replacement.DryadMilitantTest#testDiesByDestroy testDiesByDestroy} */ if (effect.applyEffectsAfter()) { game.applyEffects(); game.getState().getTriggers().checkStateTriggers(game); } } } return result; }