public static String getCreateTableSQL(Class<? extends Model> modelClass) { Model m = null; try { m = modelClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); sb.append(m.tableName()) .append("(") .append(m.idColumnName()) .append(" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"); for (Field f : m.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) { Column c = f.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (! { sb.append(",").append(" ").append(c.type()); } } } sb.append(");"); return sb.toString(); }
public static String getUpdateSQL(Model entity) { Map<String, String> keyValueMap = entity.toKeyValueMap(); String updatequery = "UPDATE " + entity.tableName() + " SET "; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : keyValueMap.entrySet()) { updatequery += entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue() + ", "; } return updatequery.substring(0, updatequery.length() - 2) + " WHERE _id = " + entity.getId(); }
public static String getDeleteSQL(Model entity) { return "DELETE FROM " + entity.tableName() + " WHERE " + entity.idColumnName() + " = " + entity.getId(); }
public static String getSelectSQL(Class<? extends Model> cls) { Model entity; try { entity = cls.newInstance(); return "SELECT * FROM " + entity.tableName(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public static String getDropTableSQL(Class<? extends Model> modelClass) { Model m = null; try { m = modelClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(35); sb.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ").append(m.tableName()).append(";"); return sb.toString(); }
public static String getInsertSQL(Model entity) { Map<String, String> keyValueMap = entity.toKeyValueMap(); String savequery = "INSERT into " + entity.tableName(); String field = "("; String value = " values("; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : keyValueMap.entrySet()) { field += entry.getKey() + ","; value += entry.getValue() + ","; } return savequery + field.substring(0, field.length() - 1) + ")" + value.substring(0, value.length() - 1) + ")"; }
public static String getSelectSQL( Class<? extends Model> cls, String fieldName1, Object value, String fieldName2, Object fValue, Object tValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Model entity; String arg1 = value.toString(); String fArg2 = fValue.toString(); String tArg2 = tValue.toString(); try { entity = cls.newInstance(); String columnName1 = entity.columnName(fieldName1); String columnName2 = entity.columnName(fieldName2); DataType type = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName1).getAnnotation(Column.class).type(); if (type == DataType.TEXT) { arg1 = "'" + value + "'"; } type = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName2).getAnnotation(Column.class).type(); if (type == DataType.TEXT || type == DataType.DATE || type == DataType.DATETIME) { fArg2 = "'" + fValue + "'"; tArg2 = "'" + tValue + "'"; } return "SELECT * FROM " + entity.tableName() + " WHERE " + columnName1 + " = " + arg1 + " AND " + columnName2 + " >= " + fArg2 + " AND " + columnName2 + " <= " + tArg2; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public static String getSelectSQL(Class<? extends Model> cls, String fieldName, Object value) { Model entity; String args = value.toString(); String selectSQLString = ""; try { entity = cls.newInstance(); String where = entity.columnName(fieldName) + " = "; if (!fieldName.equals("id")) { DataType type = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).getAnnotation(Column.class).type(); if (type == DataType.TEXT) { args = "'" + value + "'"; } } selectSQLString = "SELECT * FROM " + entity.tableName() + " WHERE " + where + args; if (entity instanceof Note) { selectSQLString += " order by date desc"; } System.out.println(selectSQLString); return selectSQLString; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }