public void taskSetUp(int task) { LCD.clear(); if (menuSelection == 1) { linePID = new PID(1, 0, 0); // Initialized rangeFinderPID = new PID(1, 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Task 1-2", 0, 0); setPower = 80; echoTarget = 200; } else if (menuSelection == 2) { double a = 1.7; double b = 1.6; linePID = new PID(0.33 * a, 2 * a / b, a * b / 3); rangeFinderPID = new PID(4, 6, .1); LCD.drawString("Task 3", 0, 0); setPower = 20; echoTarget = 890; // motors.enableReverse(); } else { LCD.drawString("Invalid Task", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Left for", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Task 1-2 'curve'", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Right for", 0, 5); LCD.drawString("Task 3 'platoon'", 0, 6); menuSelection = getTaskNumber(); taskSetUp(menuSelection); } LCD.drawString("Press Enter", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("to Start", 0, 2); }
public int[] getAngledDistances(DifferentialPilot pilot, int angle, int[] prevVals) { // const int sleepTime = 350; // action info LCD.clear(0); LCD.drawString("Finding direction", 0, 0); // get central dist prevVals[1] += getFastMeasurement(); LCD.drawInt(prevVals[1], 5, 1); // rotate, ping, wait a bit pilot.rotate(angle); // read left distance prevVals[0] += getFastMeasurement(); LCD.drawInt(prevVals[0], 0, 1); // rotate, ping, wait a bit pilot.rotate(-2 * angle); // read right distance prevVals[2] += getFastMeasurement(); LCD.drawInt(prevVals[2], 10, 1); pilot.rotate(angle); return prevVals; }
static void init() throws InterruptedException { Sound.beep(); try { File f = new File("CalibrationData.dat"); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); colors = RescueColors.readObject(is); is.close(); LCD.drawString("File read", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("sucessfully", 0, 0); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("Error reading", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("file", 0, 1); Thread.sleep(1000); System.exit(-1); } colors.printToLCD(); robot = new RescueRobot(colors); Button.ENTER.waitForPressAndRelease(); logger = new MovementLogger(robot); Thread t = new Thread(logger); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); }
/** * Gives us the choice between setPower(), or setSpeed(). It allowed us to test which one we * should use. */ public static void test() { /* * First, get the values from the user by displaying the instructions on * the screen. If the user agrees with the parameters set in the menu, * proceed to the launching. If not, display the menu again. */ while (!mainMenu.summarizeLauncher()) { if (mainMenu.display()) { launcherPower = mainMenu.askForPower(); } else { launcherSpeed = mainMenu.askForSpeed(); } launcherDelay = mainMenu.askForDelay(); } LCD.clearDisplay(); LCD.drawString(" Shooting ", 0, 0); if (launcherPower != -1) { launcher.chainFireAtPower(launcherPower, launcherDelay); } else { launcher.chainFireAtSpeed(launcherSpeed, launcherDelay); } LCD.clearDisplay(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Creates an area of motors Motor[] m = {Motor.A, Motor.B}; // Spins them forward for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].forward(); } LCD.drawString("FORWARD", 0, 0); Thread.sleep(3000); // Spins them backward for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].backward(); } LCD.drawString("BACKWARD", 0, 1); Thread.sleep(3000); // Spins them forward again for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].reverseDirection(); } LCD.drawString("FORWARD", 0, 2); Thread.sleep(3000); // Stops the motors for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].stop(); } }
public synchronized void run() { if ((line >= 0) && (line <= 7)) { LCD.drawString(" ", 0, getLine()); LCD.drawString(getAString(), 0, getLine()); LCD.refresh(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { // initialiseer alle equipment tempMotor = new RCXMotor(MotorPort.A); lamp = Motor.C; colorsens = new ColorSensor(SensorPort.S1); sonar = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S2); tempSensor = new RCXTemperatureSensor(SensorPort.S3); lakes = new Lake[3]; lakes[0] = new Lake(Color.RED); lakes[1] = new Lake(Color.BLUE); lakes[2] = new Lake(Color.GREEN); // zet de robot in de beginstate current = State.BTINIT; // opstart-info LCD.drawString("EndGameRobot", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("Judith & Mirjam", 0, 2); Button.waitForAnyPress(); // start de loop of doom while (!inEndState()) { execute(current); } execute(current); // execute Endstate }
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { LCD.drawString("Hello World!", 1, 1); LCD.drawString("Second line", 1, 2); LCD.drawString("Third line", 1, 3); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RCXTemperatureSensor temperature = new RCXTemperatureSensor(SensorPort.S1); boolean s = true; while (!Button.ESCAPE.isDown()) { LCD.clear(); if (s) LCD.drawString("C " + temperature.getCelcius(), 0, 0); else LCD.drawString("F " + temperature.getFahrenheit(), 0, 0); s = !s; LCD.refresh(); Thread.sleep(2000); } }
public void run() { motor_left.resetTachoCount(); motor_left.regulateSpeed(true); Movement.motor_left.smoothAcceleration(true); int previousCommandCount = -1; while (true) { if (Movement.getCommandCount() == previousCommandCount) { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } continue; } previousCommandCount = Movement.getCommandCount(); setToAngle(ControlCentre.getTargetSteeringAngleLeft()); int new_angle = getToAngle(); if (new_angle < 10) LCD.drawString(" ", 8, 1); else if (new_angle < 100) LCD.drawString(" ", 9, 1); LCD.drawString(Integer.toString(new_angle), 7, 1); LCD.drawString("R", 11, 1); int cur_angle = getCurrentSteeringAngle(); double delta = new_angle - cur_angle; final double C = Movement.rotConstant; double turn_angle = 0; if (Math.abs(delta) < thresholdAngle / 2.0) { continue; } else if (Math.abs(delta) >= thresholdAngle / 2.0 && Math.abs(delta) < thresholdAngle) { delta = thresholdAngle * delta / Math.abs(delta); } setCurrentSteeringAngle((int) (cur_angle + delta) % 360); if (delta != 0 && Math.abs(delta) < 180) { turn_angle = C * delta; } else if (delta >= 180 && delta < 360) { turn_angle = -C * (360 - delta); } else if (delta <= -180) { turn_angle = C * (360 + delta); } else { /* No turning needed */ continue; } motor_left.rotate((int) Math.round(turn_angle)); } }
public static void Measurement() { // execute all actions of this state LCD.drawString("Measurement", 0, 3); btThread.popElement(); Sound.beep(); Sound.beep(); // lower sensor by RCX motor tempMotor.setPower(-100); tempMotor.setPower(0); for (int i = 0; i < nrcolors; i++) { if (colorsens.getColorID() == lakes[i].color && !lakes[i].found) // kleuren komen overeen lakes[i].celsius = tempSensor.getCelcius(); lakes[i].found = true; return; } // raise temp sensor tempMotor.setPower(100); btThread.write(500); // sends the message 'action done' // leg de huidige tijd vast voor alle transitions met een timeoutcondition long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // when done, wait for a trigger for a transition boolean transitionTaken = false; while (!transitionTaken) { if ((lakes[0].found && lakes[1].found && lakes[2].found)) { current = State.FINISHED; transitionTaken = true; } else if ((true)) { current = State.WATCH; transitionTaken = true; } } }
public void run() { while (true) { boolean kick = ControlCentre.getKickState(); if (kick) { LCD.drawString("K,", 0, 1); Movement.motor_kick.setSpeed(900); Movement.motor_kick.rotate((-120 * (5 / 3))); Movement.motor_kick.rotate((120 * (5 / 3))); } else { LCD.drawString("_,", 0, 1); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] connectionStrings = new String[] {"Bluetooth", "USB", "RS485"}; TextMenu connectionMenu = new TextMenu(connectionStrings, 0, "Connection"); NXTCommConnector[] connectors = { Bluetooth.getConnector(), USB.getConnector(), RS485.getConnector() }; int connectionType =; LCD.clear(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Type: " + connectionStrings[connectionType], 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Running...", 0, 1); Responder resp = new Responder(connectors[connectionType]); resp.start(); resp.join(); LCD.drawString("Closing... ", 0, 1); }
// The recognize() method returns true if the object is a blue block public boolean recognize() { // Boolean that determines whether or not to start detecting what kind of object is in front boolean isRecognizing = true; while (isRecognizing) { // The robot will drive slowly if the light reads under 300, which means an object is closeby while (color.getNormalizedLightValue() < 300) { robot.setForwardSpeed(2); } // When the robot is close enough to the object, it will stop then turn on its // blue light which gives two noticeable different light values for a wooden and blue // block robot.setForwardSpeed(0); color.setFloodlight(Color.BLUE); // If the light value of blue reads over 250, it is a blue block if (color.getNormalizedLightValue() >= 250) { Sound.beep(); LCD.drawString("Blue styrofoam block", 3, 5); // Turn the default light back on after analyzing an object color.setFloodlight(true); return true; } else { // If it is not a blue block, it is a wooden block; LCD.drawString("Wooden block", 3, 5); // Turn the default light back on after analyzing an object color.setFloodlight(true); } // Set the boolean to false to break out of the while loop and stop analyzing the object isRecognizing = false; } // Default return value. It should never get here but JAVA requires a return type return false; }
public static void Finished() { // execute all actions of this state LCD.drawString("Finished", 0, 3); Sound.beep(); Sound.beep(); Sound.beep(); btThread.write(300); // sends the message 'all done' }
public static void main(String[] args) { LCD.drawString(appName, 0, 0); LCD.drawString("#################", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("#################", 0, 6); msc = new MSC(SensorPort.S1); // Set to initial angle msc.servo1.setAngle(90); int angle = 0; int pulse = 0; int NXTServoBattery = 0; while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()) { NXTServoBattery = msc.getBattery(); if (Button.LEFT.isPressed()) { angle = 0; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } if (Button.ENTER.isPressed()) { angle = 90; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } if (Button.RIGHT.isPressed()) { angle = 180; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } clearRows(); LCD.drawString("Battery: " + NXTServoBattery, 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Pulse: " + msc.servo1.getPulse(), 0, 4); LCD.drawString("Angle: " + msc.servo1.getAngle(), 0, 5); LCD.refresh(); } // Set to initial angle msc.servo1.setAngle(90); LCD.drawString("Test finished", 0, 7); LCD.refresh(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } credits(3); System.exit(0); }
/** Shows the calibration parameters, ie offset and scale */ public void showCalibrationSettings() { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("offset range", 3, 0); LCD.drawString("X", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Y", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Z", 0, 4); LCD.drawString("Escape to return", 0, 7); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { LCD.drawString(Double.toString(offset[i]), 3, i + 2); LCD.drawString(" ", 11, i + 2); LCD.drawString(Double.toString(scale[i]), 10, i + 2); } Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); }
/** * Asks the user what speed to use for every shoots. This method is used as testing for the * launcher. */ public static void testSpeed() { launcherDelay = mainMenu.askForDelay(); launcherSpeed = mainMenu.askForSpeed(700); // Loop if nobody presses the escape button while (iButton != Button.ID_ESCAPE) { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("S:" + launcherSpeed, 0, 1); LCD.drawString("D:" + launcherDelay, 0, 2); LCD.drawString("V:" + Battery.getVoltageMilliVolt(), 0, 3); launcher.chainFireAtSpeed(launcherSpeed, launcherDelay); launcherSpeed = mainMenu.askForSpeed(launcherSpeed); iButton = Button.waitForPress(); } }
public Follow() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub ultrasonicSensor = new UltrasonicSensorEcho(49, SensorPort.S4); display = new FollowDisplay(); LCD.drawString("Left for", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Task 1-2 'curve'", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("Right for", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Task 3 'platoon'", 0, 4); IRArray = new IRSensorArray(SensorPort.S1, SensorPort.S2, SensorPort.S3); menuSelection = getTaskNumber(); taskSetUp(menuSelection); motors = new MotorController(MotorPort.A, MotorPort.B); SensorPort.S4.setSensorPinMode(SensorPort.SP_DIGI0, SensorPort.SP_MODE_INPUT); SensorPort.S4.setSensorPinMode(SensorPort.SP_DIGI1, SensorPort.SP_MODE_OUTPUT); display.follow = this; new Thread(this).start(); }
public void run() { int count = 0; while (true) { LCD.drawString("" + Integer.toString(count++), 6, 0); count %= 1000; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
public static void main(String[] arguments) { Motor.A.setSpeed(200); Motor.B.setSpeed(200); Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); final LightSensor sensor = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S1); final Object blocker = new Object(); while (true) { if (sensor.readNormalizedValue() >= 512) { LCD.bitBlt( null, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, LCD.ROP_CLEAR); } else { LCD.bitBlt( null, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, LCD.ROP_SET); } synchronized (blocker) { try { blocker.wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { LCD.drawString("waiting", 0, 0); USBConnection conn = USB.waitForConnection(); DataOutputStream dOut = conn.openDataOutputStream(); DataInputStream dIn = conn.openDataInputStream(); while (true) { int b; try { b = dIn.readInt(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } dOut.writeInt(-b); dOut.flush(); LCD.drawInt(b, 8, 0, 1); } dOut.close(); dIn.close(); conn.close(); }
public void start(iStopCondition stopCond, boolean forward) { final int power = 300; int sensorVal, powerDiff, whiteDiff = 0; pidController = new PIDController(sensor.blackWhiteThreshold, 0); pidController.setPIDParam(PIDController.PID_KP, 1.8f); pidController.setPIDParam(PIDController.PID_KD, 8f); // LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Light: ", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("pDiff: ", 0, 2); while (!stopCond.stopLoop()) { // whiteDiff = (sensorRef.wasWhite() ? // sensorRef.getChachedLightValue() - whiteRef : whiteDiff); sensorVal = sensor.light() - whiteDiff / 2; powerDiff = pidController.doPID(sensorVal); if (forward) { pilot.forward(power + powerDiff, power - powerDiff); } else { pilot.backward(power - powerDiff, power + powerDiff); } LCD.drawInt(sensorVal, 4, 10, 1); LCD.drawInt(powerDiff, 4, 10, 2); LCD.refresh(); Thread.yield(); } pilot.stop(); LCD.clear(); }
// a method for every state public static void Btinit() { // execute all actions of this state LCD.drawString("Btinit", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Waiting...", 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); BTConnection btc = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Connected", 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); DataInputStream dis = btc.openDataInputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = btc.openDataOutputStream(); // BTfunctionality btThread = new BTfunctionality("SlaveReader",dis,dos); btThread = new BTfunctionality("SlaveReader", dis, dos); btThread.start(); // leg de huidige tijd vast voor alle transitions met een timeoutcondition long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // when done, wait for a trigger for a transition boolean transitionTaken = false; while (!transitionTaken) { if ((true)) { current = State.WATCH; transitionTaken = true; } } }
/** * Displays the raw value of axis indicated by index. A low pass filter is applied on the raw * values to make reading easier. * * @param index Indicates the axis (x=0,y=1,z=2). */ private void showLowPass(int index) { float alpha = 0.95f; float lowpassed = 0; while (!Button.ENTER.isDown()) { accel.fetchRawAccel(raw); lowpassed = alpha * raw[index] + (1.0f - alpha) * lowpassed; LCD.drawString(Double.toString(lowpassed), 0, 3); try { Thread.sleep(150); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } while (Button.ENTER.isDown()) ; }
public void run() { try { // TODO: clean closing of connection for (; ; ) { BTConnection btc = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); DataInputStream dis = btc.openDataInputStream(); // Read Input-Number from BTSend int n = dis.readInt(); switch (n) { case 0: // up swp.forward(); break; case 1: // down swp.backward(); break; case 2: // left swp.arc(-1, 60, true); break; case 3: // right swp.arc(1, 60, true); break; case 4: // Stop swp.stop(); break; default: // do nothing break; } LCD.clear(); dis.close(); btc.close(); } } catch (Exception ioe) { // LCD.drawString(ioe.getMessage(), 2, 0); } }
/** * Final Message * * @param seconds */ private static void credits(int seconds) { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("LEGO Mindstorms", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("NXT Robots ", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("run better with", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Java leJOS", 0, 4); LCD.drawString("", 0, 6); LCD.refresh(); try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } }
@Override public void run() { while (ca.isKeepOn()) { if (!cmdList.isEmpty()) { Command cmd = removeCommand(); cmd.execute(); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } LCD.drawString("exit CommandExecutor", 0, 0); }
public static void Sonarflag() { // execute all actions of this state LCD.drawString("Sonarflag", 0, 3); Sound.beep(); btThread.write(sonar.getDistance()); // sends the data from the sonar // leg de huidige tijd vast voor alle transitions met een timeoutcondition long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // when done, wait for a trigger for a transition boolean transitionTaken = false; while (!transitionTaken) { if ((true)) { current = State.WATCH; transitionTaken = true; } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { HTSensorMux3 sm1 = new HTSensorMux3(SensorPort.S1); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getProductID(), 0,2); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getVersion(), 0,3); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getSensorType(), 0,4); // LCD.refresh(); sm1.configurateMUX2(); int distance = 0; while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()) { distance = sm1.getDistance(); LCD.drawString("" + distance, 0, 0); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } } }