public class OdometerDisplay implements TimerListener { public static final int LCD_REFRESH = 100; private Odometer odo; private Timer lcdTimer; private TextLCD LCD = LocalEV3.get().getTextLCD();; // arrays for displaying data private double[] pos; public OdometerDisplay(Odometer odo) { this.odo = odo; this.lcdTimer = new Timer(LCD_REFRESH, this); // initialise the arrays for displaying data pos = new double[3]; // start the timer lcdTimer.start(); } public void timedOut() { odo.getPosition(pos); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("X: ", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Y: ", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("H: ", 0, 2); LCD.drawInt((int) (pos[0]), 3, 0); LCD.drawInt((int) (pos[1]), 3, 1); LCD.drawInt((int) pos[2], 3, 2); } }
/** Download all files required for Open Roberta Lab. */ public void update() { this.update_error = false; getRuntime(); getShared(); getJsonLib(); getEV3Menu(); if (this.update_error == false) { LocalEV3.get().getAudio().systemSound(Sounds.ASCENDING); ORAhandler.setRestarted(false); ORAhandler.setRegistered(false); ORAhandler.setConnectionError(false); Delay.msDelay(1000); LocalEV3.get().getAudio().systemSound(Sounds.DESCENDING); } else { LocalEV3.get().getAudio().systemSound(Sounds.BUZZ); } }
public class LocalizationTest { public static EV3LargeRegulatedMotor rightMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("D")); public static EV3LargeRegulatedMotor leftMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("A")); public static EV3MediumRegulatedMotor clawMotor = new EV3MediumRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("C")); public static Odometer odo = new Odometer(leftMotor, rightMotor); public static Navigation nav = new Navigation(odo, leftMotor, rightMotor); private static UltrasonicPoller uss = new UltrasonicPoller(10, 5, 5, 50, 0); public static LCDdisplay lcd = new LCDdisplay(odo, uss, null, null); public static void main(String[] args) { USLocalizer localization = new USLocalizer(nav, odo, uss, lcd); localization.doLocalization(30); } }
public EV3Bot() { this.botMessage = "Lejos!"; this.xPosition = 0; this.yPosition = 2; this.waitTime = 4000; this.turnWaitTime = 500; distanceSensor = new EV3UltrasonicSensor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("S1")); ultrasonicSamples = new float[distanceSensor.sampleSize()]; distanceSensor.enable(); setupPilot(); }
protected RMIRemoteRegulatedMotor(String portName, char motorType) throws RemoteException { super(0); Port p = LocalEV3.get().getPort(portName); switch (motorType) { case 'N': motor = new NXTRegulatedMotor(p); break; case 'L': motor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(p); break; case 'M': motor = new EV3MediumRegulatedMotor(p); break; case 'G': motor = new MindsensorsGlideWheelMRegulatedMotor(p); } }
public Buttoni() { port3 = LocalEV3.get().getPort("S2"); tsensor = new EV3TouchSensor(port3); }
public class RMIRemoteGraphicsLCD extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RMIGraphicsLCD { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1561883712422890550L; private GraphicsLCD g = LocalEV3.get().getGraphicsLCD(); protected RMIRemoteGraphicsLCD() throws RemoteException { super(0); } @Override public void setPixel(int x, int y, int color) throws RemoteException { g.setPixel(x, y, color); } @Override public int getPixel(int x, int y) throws RemoteException { return g.getPixel(x, y); } @Override public void drawString(String str, int x, int y, int anchor, boolean inverted) throws RemoteException { g.drawString(str, x, y, anchor, inverted); } @Override public void drawString(String str, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawString(str, x, y, anchor); } @Override public void drawSubstring(String str, int offset, int len, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawSubstring(str, offset, len, x, y, anchor); } @Override public void drawChar(char character, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawChar(character, x, y, anchor); } @Override public void drawChars(char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawChars(data, offset, length, x, y, anchor); } @Override public int getStrokeStyle() throws RemoteException { return g.getStrokeStyle(); } @Override public void setStrokeStyle(int style) throws RemoteException { g.setStrokeStyle(style); } @Override public void drawRegionRop( Image src, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int x, int y, int anchor, int rop) throws RemoteException { g.drawRegionRop(src, sx, sy, w, h, x, y, anchor, rop); } @Override public void drawRegionRop( Image src, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int transform, int x, int y, int anchor, int rop) throws RemoteException { g.drawRegionRop(src, sx, sy, w, h, transform, x, y, anchor, rop); } @Override public void drawRegion( Image src, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int transform, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawRegion(src, sx, sy, w, h, transform, x, y, anchor); } @Override public void drawImage(Image src, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.drawImage(src, x, y, anchor); } @Override public void drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) throws RemoteException { g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1); } @Override public void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) throws RemoteException { g.drawArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle); } @Override public void fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) throws RemoteException { g.fillArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle); } @Override public void drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight) throws RemoteException { g.drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, arcWidth, arcHeight); } @Override public void drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) throws RemoteException { g.drawRect(x, y, width, height); } @Override public void fillRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) throws RemoteException { g.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } @Override public void copyArea(int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int x, int y, int anchor) throws RemoteException { g.copyArea(sx, sy, w, h, x, y, anchor); } @Override public Font getFont() throws RemoteException { return g.getFont(); } @Override public void setFont(Font f) throws RemoteException { g.setFont(f); } @Override public void translate(int x, int y) throws RemoteException { g.translate(x, y); } @Override public int getTranslateX() throws RemoteException { return g.getTranslateX(); } @Override public int getTranslateY() throws RemoteException { return g.getTranslateY(); } @Override public void setColor(int rgb) throws RemoteException { g.setColor(rgb); } @Override public void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) throws RemoteException { g.setColor(red, green, blue); } @Override public void refresh() throws RemoteException { g.refresh(); } @Override public void clear() throws RemoteException { g.clear(); } @Override public int getWidth() throws RemoteException { return g.getWidth(); } @Override public int getHeight() throws RemoteException { return g.getHeight(); } @Override public byte[] getDisplay() throws RemoteException { return g.getDisplay(); } @Override public byte[] getHWDisplay() throws RemoteException { return g.getHWDisplay(); } @Override public void setContrast(int contrast) throws RemoteException { g.setContrast(contrast); } @Override public void bitBlt( byte[] src, int sw, int sh, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, int rop) throws RemoteException { g.bitBlt(src, sw, sh, sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rop); } @Override public void bitBlt( byte[] src, int sw, int sh, int sx, int sy, byte[] dst, int dw, int dh, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, int rop) throws RemoteException { g.bitBlt(src, sw, sh, sx, sy, dst, dw, dh, dx, dy, w, h, rop); } @Override public void setAutoRefresh(boolean on) throws RemoteException { g.setAutoRefresh(on); } @Override public int setAutoRefreshPeriod(int period) throws RemoteException { return g.setAutoRefreshPeriod(period); } }
/** * @author Asher Wright * @version 2.0 ECSE 211 CTF Robot This class sets up the classes for Finding the objects, and calls * them. It also initializes the sensors and the motors. */ public class Controller { // variables for WiFi module // *** INSTRUCTIONS *** // SERVER_IP: the IP address of the computer running the server application private static final String SERVER_IP = ""; // "";//"";//"";//"";//""; //YAN or Rahul: ""; private static final int TEAM_NUMBER = 14; // robot dimension constants public static final double ROBOT_CENTRE_TO_LIGHTLOCALIZATION_SENSOR = 10.6; public static final double WHEEL_RADIUS = 2.09; public static final double TRACK = 15.15; public static final double TILE_WIDTH = 30.4; // Static Resources: // LCD screen private static TextLCD LCD = LocalEV3.get().getTextLCD(); // Left motor connected to output A // Right motor connected to output D // Ultrasonic sensor port connected to input S1 // Color sensor port connected to input S2 private static final EV3LargeRegulatedMotor leftMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("D")); private static final EV3LargeRegulatedMotor rightMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("C")); // the two arm motors for capturing the block private static final EV3LargeRegulatedMotor verticalArmMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("B")); private static final EV3LargeRegulatedMotor horizontalArmMotor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(LocalEV3.get().getPort("A")); // sensor ports public static void main(String[] args) { UltrasonicPoller frontPoller = new UltrasonicPoller("S4"); UltrasonicPoller sidePoller = new UltrasonicPoller("S1"); ColorSensorPoller blockPoller = new ColorSensorPoller("S2"); ColorSensorPoller groundPoller = new ColorSensorPoller("S3"); groundPoller.setMode(1); // start the block detector thread, which will be constantly checking with the light sensor // to see if there is a block. boolean wifiWorked = true; // *********************************WiFi module************************************// // Set up WiFi connection, require data from server, parse data and disconnect from server. WifiConnection conn = null; Transmission t = null; try { conn = new WifiConnection(SERVER_IP, TEAM_NUMBER); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("Connection failed", 0, 1); wifiWorked = false; } if (conn == null) { LCD.drawString("Unable to find Server", 0, 5); wifiWorked = false; } else { // Data received from the server is saved in "t". // Pass the data saved in t to the relevant class t = conn.getTransmission(); // Display the data in t if (t == null) { LCD.drawString("Failed to read transmission", 0, 5); wifiWorked = false; } else { conn.printTransmission(); } // Button.waitForAnyPress(); LCD.clear(); } // ********************************WiFi module ends******************************// if (wifiWorked) { // variables from WIFI int flagType = t.flagType; StartCorner startingCorner = t.startingCorner; int bottomLeftX = t.opponentHomeZoneBL_X; int bottomLeftY = t.opponentHomeZoneBL_Y; int topRightX = t.opponentHomeZoneTR_X; int topRightY = t.opponentHomeZoneTR_Y; int capturePointX = t.dropZone_X; int capturePointY = t.dropZone_Y; // variables HARDCODED // int flagType = 1; // StartCorner startingCorner = StartCorner.TOP_RIGHT; // int bottomLeftX = 3; // int bottomLeftY = 3; // int topRightX = 5; // int topRightY = 5; // int capturePointX = 1; // int capturePointY = 1; // ***********************Initialization Module******************************// // setup the odometer Odometer odo = new Odometer(leftMotor, rightMotor, 30, true); OdometerCorrector odoCorr = new OdometerCorrector(odo, groundPoller); // setup the wall avoider WallAvoider avoider = new WallAvoider(odo, frontPoller, sidePoller); // set up the navigator Navigation navi = new Navigation(odo, avoider, frontPoller, WHEEL_RADIUS, TRACK); // set up the detector BlockDetector blockDetector = new BlockDetector( blockPoller, navi, odo, frontPoller, verticalArmMotor, horizontalArmMotor, flagType); blockDetector.start(); // set up the searcher BlockZoneSearcher flagSearcher = new BlockZoneSearcher(sidePoller, frontPoller, navi, odo, blockDetector); // set up the LCD LCDDisplay lcd = new LCDDisplay(odo, frontPoller, sidePoller, blockPoller, blockDetector); lcd.start(); // set up the localization LightLocalizer lsl = new LightLocalizer( odo, groundPoller, navi, ROBOT_CENTRE_TO_LIGHTLOCALIZATION_SENSOR, startingCorner); USLocalizer usl = new USLocalizer(odo, navi, frontPoller, USLocalizer.LocalizationType.FULL_CIRCLE); // ***********************End of Initialization******************************// double angleForSearch; String searchDirection = ""; int searchStartX; int searchStartY; int firstCornerX; int firstCornerY; double zoneBuffer; // we use our starting corner to determine where we want to travel to in order to search. if (startingCorner == StartCorner.BOTTOM_LEFT || startingCorner == StartCorner.BOTTOM_RIGHT) { searchDirection = "down"; searchStartX = bottomLeftX; searchStartY = topRightY; firstCornerX = bottomLeftX; firstCornerY = bottomLeftY; zoneBuffer = -1 * TILE_WIDTH / 3.0; angleForSearch = 270; } else { // it is the top left or top right searchDirection = "up"; searchStartX = topRightX; searchStartY = bottomLeftY; firstCornerX = topRightX; firstCornerY = topRightY; zoneBuffer = TILE_WIDTH / 3.0; angleForSearch = 90; } /* * Step 1: Ultrasonic Localization * Figure out where we are, roughly */ // disable the side sensor for localization so that it doesn't interfere sidePoller.disableSensor(); // set the errors on the navigation to be large for US localization navi.setCmError(0.5); navi.setDegreeError(4.0); // perform ultra-sonic localization usl.doLocalization(); /* * Step 2: Light Localization * Figure out where we are, precisely */ // set the errors back to smaller values navi.setCmError(0.5); navi.setDegreeError(2.0); // perform light-sensor localization lsl.doLocalization(); /* * Step 3: Travel to first corner * Travel to the corner of the block zone in which we are going to relocalize */ // enable the side poller for navigating sidePoller.enableSensor(); // speed up the robot for navigation navi.setSlowSpeed(90); navi.setFastSpeed(160); // start odometry correction odoCorr.start(); // navigation navi.travelToAndAvoid(TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerX, TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerY); /* * Step 4: Relocalize * Use the lines to relocalize (figure out where we are, again) */ // perform second localization lsl.doRelocalization(TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerX, TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerY); /* * Step 5: Travel to second corner & rotate * Travel to the top (or bottom) corner of the block zone, and turn to searching position */ // we first travel a bit away from the zone navi.travelTo(TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerX + zoneBuffer, TILE_WIDTH * firstCornerY + zoneBuffer); // we travel to the second corner with no avoidance (there can't be any blocks there, anyway) navi.travelTo(TILE_WIDTH * searchStartX + zoneBuffer, TILE_WIDTH * searchStartY); navi.turnTo(angleForSearch, true); /* * Step 6: Search for block * Start to search around the perimeter for the block */ // lower errors navi.setCmError(0.4); navi.setDegreeError(3); // find dimensions of place to search int zoneWidth = topRightX - bottomLeftX; int zoneHeight = topRightY - bottomLeftY; // run searcher flagSearcher.searchZone(searchStartX, searchStartY, zoneWidth, zoneHeight, searchDirection); /* * Step 7: Drive to end position * We now have the block. Drive to the final position */ if (blockDetector.isFlag()) { // we want to travel to the center of the blocks. navi.travelToAndAvoid( capturePointX * TILE_WIDTH + TILE_WIDTH / 2, capturePointY * TILE_WIDTH + TILE_WIDTH / 2); // wifi } while (Button.waitForAnyPress() != Button.ID_ESCAPE) ; System.exit(0); } } }
public class Odometer extends Thread { // robot position private double x, y, theta, thetaDeg; // constant public static double WB = Lab2.TRACK; public static double WR = Lab2.WHEEL_RADIUS; // variables public static int lastTachoL; // Tacho L at last sample public static int lastTachoR; // Tacho R at last sample public static int nowTachoL; // Current tacho L public static int nowTachoR; // Current tacho R // Resources static TextLCD t = LocalEV3.get().getTextLCD(); private EV3LargeRegulatedMotor leftMotor; // L private EV3LargeRegulatedMotor rightMotor; // L // odometer update period, in ms private static final long ODOMETER_PERIOD = 25; // lock object for mutual exclusion private Object lock; // default constructor public Odometer(EV3LargeRegulatedMotor leftmotor, EV3LargeRegulatedMotor rightmotor) { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; theta = 0.0; lock = new Object(); this.leftMotor = leftmotor; this.rightMotor = rightmotor; } // run method (required for Thread) public void run() { long updateStart, updateEnd; double distL, distR, deltaD, deltaT, dX, dY; while (true) { updateStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // put (some of) your odometer code here nowTachoL = leftMotor.getTachoCount(); // get tacho counts nowTachoR = rightMotor.getTachoCount(); distL = Math.PI * WR * (nowTachoL - lastTachoL) / 180; // compute // wheel distR = Math.PI * WR * (nowTachoR - lastTachoR) / 180; // displacements lastTachoL = nowTachoL; // save tacho counts for next iteration lastTachoR = nowTachoR; deltaD = 0.5 * (distL + distR); // compute vehicle displacement deltaT = (distL - distR) / WB; // compute change in heading synchronized (lock) { // don't use the variables x, y, or theta anywhere but here! theta += deltaT; if (theta >= Math.PI * 2) { theta = theta - Math.PI * 2; } dX = deltaD * Math.sin(theta); // compute X component of // displacement dY = deltaD * Math.cos(theta); // compute Y component of // displacement x = x + dX; y = y + dY; thetaDeg = theta * 180 / Math.PI; } // this ensures that the odometer only runs once every period updateEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (updateEnd - updateStart < ODOMETER_PERIOD) { try { Thread.sleep(ODOMETER_PERIOD - (updateEnd - updateStart)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // there is nothing to be done here because it is not // expected that the odometer will be interrupted by // another thread } } } } // accessors public void getPosition(double[] position, boolean[] update) { // ensure that the values don't change while the odometer is running synchronized (lock) { if (update[0]) position[0] = x; if (update[1]) position[1] = y; if (update[2]) position[2] = thetaDeg; } } public double getX() { double result; synchronized (lock) { result = x; } return result; } public double getY() { double result; synchronized (lock) { result = y; } return result; } public double getTheta() { double result; synchronized (lock) { result = theta; } return result; } // mutators public void setPosition(double[] position, boolean[] update) { // ensure that the values don't change while the odometer is running synchronized (lock) { if (update[0]) x = position[0]; if (update[1]) y = position[1]; if (update[2]) theta = position[2]; } } public void setX(double x) { synchronized (lock) { this.x = x; } } public void setY(double y) { synchronized (lock) { this.y = y; } } public void setTheta(double theta) { synchronized (lock) { this.theta = theta; } } }
public void driveAround() { while (LocalEV3.get().getKeys().waitForAnyPress() != LocalEV3.get().getKeys().ID_ESCAPE) {} }
public static void main(String[] args) { int buttonChoice; // setup the odometer and display Odometer odo = new Odometer(leftMotor, rightMotor, 30, true); final TextLCD t = LocalEV3.get().getTextLCD(); do { // clear the display t.clear(); // ask the user whether he wants to detect blocks or search blocks t.drawString("< Left |Right >", 0, 0); t.drawString(" | ", 0, 1); t.drawString("Detect|Search ", 0, 2); buttonChoice = Button.waitForAnyPress(); while (buttonChoice != Button.ID_LEFT && buttonChoice != Button.ID_RIGHT && buttonChoice != Button.ID_ESCAPE) { /* * These two if statements is to make the motor attached to the USsensor rotate * 90 degrees before the main methods are launched */ if (buttonChoice == Button.ID_UP) { Scan scan = new Scan(usMotor); scan.usMotorSpeed(50); scan.turnSensor(90); buttonChoice = Button.waitForAnyPress(); } if (buttonChoice == Button.ID_DOWN) { Scan scan = new Scan(usMotor); scan.usMotorSpeed(50); scan.turnSensor(-90); buttonChoice = Button.waitForAnyPress(); } } } while (buttonChoice != Button.ID_LEFT && buttonChoice != Button.ID_RIGHT && buttonChoice != Button.ID_ESCAPE); if (buttonChoice == Button.ID_ESCAPE) { System.exit(0); } SensorModes usSensor = new EV3UltrasonicSensor(usPort); SampleProvider usValue = usSensor.getMode("Distance"); // colorValue provides samples from this instance float[] usData = new float[usValue.sampleSize()]; // colorData is the buffer in which data are returned SensorModes colorSensor = new EV3ColorSensor(colorPort); SampleProvider colorValue = colorSensor.getMode("ColorID"); // colorValue provides samples from this instance float[] colorData = new float[colorValue.sampleSize()]; // colorData is the buffer in which data are returned // The following start the PartA of the Lab when the right button is pressed, afterwards press // escape to exit program while (buttonChoice != Button.ID_RIGHT && buttonChoice != Button.ID_ESCAPE) { if (buttonChoice == Button.ID_LEFT) { ObjectDetection od = new ObjectDetection(colorValue, colorData, usValue, usData);; LCD.drawString("< Left |Right >", 0, 0); LCD.drawString(" | ", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("Detect|Search ", 0, 2); } buttonChoice = Button.waitForAnyPress(); } if (buttonChoice == Button.ID_ESCAPE) { System.exit(0); } // If the left button is pressed, the robot will start partB of the lab which is localize, and // start scanning the field odo.start(); final USLocalizer usl = new USLocalizer( odo, usSensor, usData, USLocalizer.LocalizationType.FALLING_EDGE, leftMotor, rightMotor, WHEEL_RADIUS, TRACK); final Scan scan = new Scan(usValue, usData, colorValue, colorData, odo, leftMotor, rightMotor, usMotor); br = new BlockRecognition(odo, usSensor, usData, colorValue, colorData, rightMotor, leftMotor); new LCDInfo(odo, usSensor, usData, colorSensor, colorData); // begin the threads (we launch a thread to be able to exit it whenever we want using escape) (new Thread() { public void run() { br.start(); scan.start(); usl.doLocalization(); scan.startRun(); } }) .start(); while (Button.waitForAnyPress() != Button.ID_ESCAPE) ; System.exit(0); }
public class ColorSensorThreaded extends Block { public final int CONSECUTIVE_READINGS_REQUIREMENT = 2; public final int SAMPLESIZE = 20; public final int BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID = Color.BROWN; public final int HIGHEST_SIGNAL_COLOR_ID = 5; public EV3ColorSensor colorSensor; public Port s1 = LocalEV3.get().getPort("S1"); public int lastDetectedColorId = -1; public int lastRegisteredColorId = BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID; public int readings; public boolean stopped = false; public java.lang.Thread sensorThread; private ArrayList<String> log = new ArrayList<String>(); private long previousLogging; public void init() { Button.LEDPattern(2); colorSensor = new EV3ColorSensor(s1); colorSensor.setFloodlight(Color.WHITE); log = new ArrayList<>(); previousLogging = System.currentTimeMillis();"Initialized"); Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { while (!stopped) { int detectedColorId = colorSensor.getColorID(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.add(String.valueOf(now - previousLogging)); previousLogging = now; if (detectedColorId == lastRegisteredColorId) { sleep(); continue; } if (detectedColorId != lastDetectedColorId) { lastDetectedColorId = detectedColorId; readings = 1; sleep(); continue; } readings++; if (detectedColorId < HIGHEST_SIGNAL_COLOR_ID || readings == CONSECUTIVE_READINGS_REQUIREMENT) { lastRegisteredColorId = detectedColorId; if (detectedColorId != BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID) { sendToBlock("SLEEPER", SleeperColor.convertFromLejosColor(detectedColorId)); } } sleep(); } } }; runAsync(r); } public void stop() { stopped = true; writeLogToFile(); } public void sleep() { try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void writeLogToFile() { try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("readerlog.txt", "UTF-8"); writer.println("Battery voltage: " + lejos.hardware.Battery.getVoltage()); for (String string : log) { writer.println(string); } writer.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }