/** Check if it is DRBD device and if it could be resized. */ private boolean checkDRBD() { if (blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().isDrbd()) { final DrbdVolumeInfo dvi = blockDevInfo.getDrbdVolumeInfo(); final BlockDevInfo oBDI = blockDevInfo.getOtherBlockDevInfo(); if (!dvi.isConnected(false)) { printErrorAndRetry("Not resizing. DRBD resource is not connected."); sizeWi.setEnabled(false); resizeButton.setEnabled(false); return false; } else if (dvi.isSyncing()) { printErrorAndRetry("Not resizing. DRBD resource is syncing."); sizeWi.setEnabled(false); resizeButton.setEnabled(false); return false; } else if (!oBDI.getBlockDevice().isAttached()) { printErrorAndRetry( "Not resizing. DRBD resource is not attached on " + oBDI.getHost() + "."); sizeWi.setEnabled(false); resizeButton.setEnabled(false); return false; } else if (!blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().isAttached()) { printErrorAndRetry( "Not resizing. DRBD resource is not attached on " + blockDevInfo.getHost() + "."); sizeWi.setEnabled(false); resizeButton.setEnabled(false); return false; } else if (!oBDI.getBlockDevice().isPrimary() && !blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().isPrimary()) { printErrorAndRetry("Not resizing. Must be primary at least on one node."); sizeWi.setEnabled(false); resizeButton.setEnabled(false); return false; } } return true; }
/** Updates parameters. */ @Override void updateParameters() { final Map<String, DiskData> disks = getVMSVirtualDomainInfo().getDisks(); if (disks != null) { final DiskData diskData = disks.get(getName()); if (diskData != null) { for (final String param : getParametersFromXML()) { final String oldValue = getParamSaved(param); String value = getParamSaved(param); final Widget wi = getWidget(param, null); for (final Host h : getVMSVirtualDomainInfo().getDefinedOnHosts()) { final VMSXML vmsxml = getBrowser().getVMSXML(h); if (vmsxml != null) { final String savedValue = diskData.getValue(param); if (savedValue != null) { value = savedValue; } } } if (!Tools.areEqual(value, oldValue)) { getResource().setValue(param, value); if (wi != null) { /* only if it is not changed by user. */ wi.setValue(value); } } } } } updateTable(VMSVirtualDomainInfo.HEADER_TABLE); updateTable(VMSVirtualDomainInfo.DISK_TABLE); // checkResourceFieldsChanged(null, getParametersFromXML()); setApplyButtons(null, getRealParametersFromXML()); }
/** Set combo boxes with new values. */ private void setComboBoxes() { final String oldBlockSize = blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getBlockSize(); final String maxBlockSize = getMaxBlockSize(); oldSizeWi.setValue(Tools.convertKilobytes(oldBlockSize)); sizeWi.setValue( Tools.convertKilobytes( Long.toString((Long.parseLong(oldBlockSize) + Long.parseLong(maxBlockSize)) / 2))); maxSizeWi.setValue(Tools.convertKilobytes(maxBlockSize)); }
/** * Starts file chooser. * * @param dir whether it needs dir or file */ protected void startFileChooser( final Widget paramWi, final String directory, final boolean dirOnly) { final Host host = getFirstConnectedHost(); if (host == null) { Tools.appError("Connection to host lost."); return; } final VMSHardwareInfo thisClass = this; final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(getLinuxDir(directory, host), getFileSystemView(host, directory)) { /** Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public final void setCurrentDirectory(final File dir) { super.setCurrentDirectory(new LinuxFile(thisClass, host, dir.toString(), "d", 0, 0)); } }; fc.setBackground(ClusterBrowser.STATUS_BACKGROUND); fc.setDialogType(JFileChooser.CUSTOM_DIALOG); if (dirOnly) { fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); } fc.setDialogTitle(Tools.getString("VMSDiskInfo.FileChooserTitle") + host.getName()); // fc.setApproveButtonText(Tools.getString("VMSDiskInfo.Approve")); fc.setApproveButtonToolTipText(Tools.getString("VMSDiskInfo.Approve.ToolTip")); fc.putClientProperty("FileChooser.useShellFolder", Boolean.FALSE); final int ret = fc.showDialog(Tools.getGUIData().getMainFrame(), Tools.getString("VMSDiskInfo.Approve")); linuxFileCache.clear(); if (ret == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION && fc.getSelectedFile() != null) { final String name = fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); paramWi.setValue(name); } }
/** * Add listener to the field. The checkFields(field) will be called on every insert, update and * remove event. */ protected final void addCheckField(final Widget field) { field .getDocument() .addDocumentListener( new DocumentListener() { @Override public void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { final Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { checkFields(field); } }); t.start(); } @Override public void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { final Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { checkFields(field); } }); t.start(); } @Override public void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { final Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { checkFields(field); } }); t.start(); } }); }
/** Returns the input pane. */ protected JComponent getInputPane() { resizeButton.setEnabled(false); final JPanel pane = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); final JPanel inputPane = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); inputPane.setBackground(Browser.BUTTON_PANEL_BACKGROUND); /* old size */ final JLabel oldSizeLabel = new JLabel("Current Size"); oldSizeLabel.setEnabled(false); final String oldBlockSize = blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getBlockSize(); oldSizeWi = new TextfieldWithUnit( Tools.convertKilobytes(oldBlockSize), getUnits(), Widget.NO_REGEXP, 250, Widget.NO_ABBRV, new AccessMode(ConfigData.AccessType.OP, !AccessMode.ADVANCED), Widget.NO_BUTTON); oldSizeWi.setEnabled(false); inputPane.add(oldSizeLabel); inputPane.add(oldSizeWi); inputPane.add(new JLabel()); final String maxBlockSize = getMaxBlockSize(); /* size */ final String newBlockSize = Long.toString((Long.parseLong(oldBlockSize) + Long.parseLong(maxBlockSize)) / 2); final JLabel sizeLabel = new JLabel("New Size"); sizeWi = new TextfieldWithUnit( Tools.convertKilobytes(newBlockSize), getUnits(), Widget.NO_REGEXP, 250, Widget.NO_ABBRV, new AccessMode(ConfigData.AccessType.OP, !AccessMode.ADVANCED), Widget.NO_BUTTON); inputPane.add(sizeLabel); inputPane.add(sizeWi); resizeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final Thread thread = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (checkDRBD()) { Tools.invokeAndWait(new EnableResizeRunnable(false)); disableComponents(); getProgressBar().start(RESIZE_TIMEOUT * hostCheckBoxes.size()); final boolean ret = resize(sizeWi.getStringValue()); final Host host = blockDevInfo.getHost(); host.getBrowser().getClusterBrowser().updateHWInfo(host); setComboBoxes(); if (ret) { progressBarDone(); } else { progressBarDoneError(); } enableComponents(); } } }); thread.start(); } }); inputPane.add(resizeButton); /* max size */ final JLabel maxSizeLabel = new JLabel("Max Size"); maxSizeLabel.setEnabled(false); maxSizeWi = new TextfieldWithUnit( Tools.convertKilobytes(maxBlockSize), getUnits(), Widget.NO_REGEXP, 250, Widget.NO_ABBRV, new AccessMode(ConfigData.AccessType.OP, !AccessMode.ADVANCED), Widget.NO_BUTTON); maxSizeWi.setEnabled(false); inputPane.add(maxSizeLabel); inputPane.add(maxSizeWi); inputPane.add(new JLabel()); sizeWi.addListeners( new WidgetListener() { @Override public void check(final Object value) { checkButtons(); } }); SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid( inputPane, 3, 3, /* rows, cols */ 1, 1, /* initX, initY */ 1, 1); /* xPad, yPad */ pane.add(inputPane); final JPanel hostsPane = new JPanel(new java.awt.FlowLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout.LEFT)); final Cluster cluster = blockDevInfo.getHost().getCluster(); hostCheckBoxes = Tools.getHostCheckBoxes(cluster); hostsPane.add(new JLabel("Select Hosts: ")); final Host host = blockDevInfo.getHost(); final String lv = blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getLogicalVolume(); for (final Host h : hostCheckBoxes.keySet()) { final Set<String> allLVS = h.getAllLogicalVolumes(); hostCheckBoxes .get(h) .addItemListener( new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(final ItemEvent e) { checkButtons(); } }); if (host == h) { hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setEnabled(false); hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setSelected(true); } else if (blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().isDrbd() && blockDevInfo.getOtherBlockDevInfo().getHost() == h) { hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setEnabled(false); hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setSelected(true); } else if (!blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().isDrbd() && !allLVS.contains(lv)) { hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setEnabled(false); hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setSelected(false); } else { hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setEnabled(true); hostCheckBoxes.get(h).setSelected(false); } hostsPane.add(hostCheckBoxes.get(h)); } final javax.swing.JScrollPane sp = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(hostsPane); sp.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(0, 45)); pane.add(sp); pane.add(getProgressBarPane(null)); pane.add(getAnswerPane("")); SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid( pane, 4, 1, /* rows, cols */ 0, 0, /* initX, initY */ 0, 0); /* xPad, yPad */ checkButtons(); return pane; }
/** Returns combo box for parameter. */ @Override protected Widget createWidget(final String param, final String prefix, final int width) { String prefixS; if (prefix == null) { prefixS = ""; } else { prefixS = prefix; } if (DiskData.SOURCE_FILE.equals(param)) { final String sourceFile = getParamSaved(DiskData.SOURCE_FILE); final String regexp = ".*[^/]$"; final MyButton fileChooserBtn = new MyButton("Browse..."); fileChooserBtn.miniButton(); final Widget paramWi = WidgetFactory.createInstance( getFieldType(param), sourceFile, getParamPossibleChoices(param), regexp, width, Widget.NO_ABBRV, new AccessMode(getAccessType(param), false), /* only adv. mode */ fileChooserBtn); paramWi.setAlwaysEditable(true); sourceFileWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); if (Tools.isWindows()) { /* does not work on windows and I tried, ultimately because FilePane.usesShellFolder(fc) in BasicFileChooserUI returns true and it is not possible to descent into a directory. TODO: It may work in the future. */ paramWi.setTFButtonEnabled(false); } fileChooserBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String file; final String oldFile = paramWi.getStringValue(); if (oldFile == null || "".equals(oldFile)) { file = LIBVIRT_IMAGE_LOCATION; } else { file = oldFile; } startFileChooser(paramWi, file, FILECHOOSER_FILE_ONLY); } }); t.start(); } }); widgetAdd(param, prefix, paramWi); return paramWi; } else { final Widget paramWi = super.createWidget(param, prefix, width); if (DiskData.TYPE.equals(param) || DiskData.TARGET_BUS_TYPE.equals(param)) { paramWi.setAlwaysEditable(false); } else if (DiskData.SOURCE_DEVICE.equals(param)) { paramWi.setAlwaysEditable(true); sourceDeviceWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.SOURCE_NAME.equals(param)) { sourceNameWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.SOURCE_PROTOCOL.equals(param)) { sourceProtocolWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.SOURCE_HOST_NAME.equals(param)) { sourceHostNameWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.SOURCE_HOST_PORT.equals(param)) { sourceHostPortWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.AUTH_USERNAME.equals(param)) { authUsernameWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.AUTH_SECRET_TYPE.equals(param)) { authSecretTypeWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.AUTH_SECRET_UUID.equals(param)) { authSecretUuidWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.TARGET_DEVICE.equals(param)) { paramWi.setAlwaysEditable(true); targetDeviceWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.DRIVER_NAME.equals(param)) { driverNameWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.DRIVER_TYPE.equals(param)) { driverTypeWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.DRIVER_CACHE.equals(param)) { driverCacheWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } else if (DiskData.READONLY.equals(param)) { readonlyWi.put(prefixS, paramWi); } return paramWi; } }