private int pro1(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "ОАО \"Калуганефтепродукт\"", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 11, row); column = opt(column, row + 1, sheet, 1); column = nadbavka(column, row + 1, sheet); ave_k.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 250, "г. Калуга розница"); ave_obl_all.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 251, "Область розница"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 23, "г. Боровск"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 212, "г. Обнинск"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 58, "Жиздринский р-н"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 5, "Бабынинский р-н"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 40, "Дзержинский р-н"); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 90, "Козельский р-н"); return column; }
/** * 采用List<List<String>>方式写WritableSheet * * @param sheet * @param xlsList * @throws Exception */ private static void CreateXlsSheet(WritableSheet sheet, List<List<String>> xlsList) throws Exception { WritableCellFormat cf = new WritableCellFormat(); cf.setWrap(true); cf.setAlignment(jxl.format.Alignment.LEFT); cf.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); /** 填充数据 */ for (int row = 0; row < xlsList.size(); row++) { List<String> rowList = xlsList.get(row); // 如果该行为空,则跳过(一般跳过两行) if (isEmpty(rowList)) continue; // 单元格 Object.field for (int col = 0; col < rowList.size(); col++) { // 跳过无属性行 if (isEmpty(rowList.get(col))) continue; // 写数据 String value = C.EMPTY_STRING; value = StringValue(rowList.get(col)); WritableCell c = sheet.getWritableCell(col, row); c.setCellFormat(cf); if (CellType.EMPTY.equals(c.getType())) { Label label = new Label(col, row, value); label.setCellFormat(cf); sheet.addCell(label); if (row == 0) label.setCellFormat(GetCellFormat()); } else { Label label = (Label) c; label.setString(value); } } } }
public static void addRowTop(WritableSheet ws) throws Exception { WritableFont Bwf = new WritableFont( WritableFont.ARIAL, 16, WritableFont.BOLD, false); // 创建大字体:Arial,大小为18号,粗体,非斜体 Bwf.setColour(jxl.format.Colour.BLACK); // //字体颜色为红色 // 创建单元格格式: jxl.write.WritableCellFormat CwcfF = new jxl.write.WritableCellFormat(Bwf); CwcfF.setAlignment(jxl.write.Alignment.CENTRE); // 设置水平对齐为居中对齐 CwcfF.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTRE); // 设置垂直对齐为居中对齐 CwcfF.setBorder(jxl.format.Border.TOP, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM); // 设置顶部边框线为实线(默认是黑色--也可以设置其他颜色) CwcfF.setBorder(jxl.format.Border.RIGHT, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM); // 设置右边框线为实线 CwcfF.setBorder(jxl.format.Border.BOTTOM, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM); // 设置顶部框线为实线 List<Label> labelList = new ArrayList<Label>(); labelList.add(new Label(0, 0, "商品名称", CwcfF)); // labelList.add(new Label(1, 0, "单位", CwcfF)); // labelList.add(new Label(2, 0, "销售数量", CwcfF)); // labelList.add(new Label(3, 0, "销售成本", CwcfF)); labelList.add(new Label(4, 0, "销售金额", CwcfF)); labelList.add(new Label(5, 0, "利润", CwcfF)); labelList.add(new Label(6, 0, "利润率", CwcfF)); for (int j = 0; j < labelList.size(); j++) { ws.addCell(labelList.get(j)); } for (int i = 0; i < ws.getColumns(); i++) { Cell cell = ws.getCell(i, 0); ws.setColumnView(i, cell.getContents().length() * 4); } // ws.setRowView(0, 80*4); }
// エクセルシートへのルールログのエクスポート public boolean exportLogXLS(String filename) { try { WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File(filename)); // 制約エラーの書き込み WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("BrokenRule", 1); int i = 0; sheet.addCell(new Label(0, i, "Broken Rule Name")); sheet.addCell(new Label(1, i, "Broken Elements")); i++; for (RuleLogger brokenRule : ruleLog) { sheet.addCell(new Label(0, i, brokenRule.getRuleID())); sheet.addCell(new Label(1, i, brokenRule.getMessage())); i++; } workbook.write(); workbook.close(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Output " + filename + " cause IOException!"); return false; } catch (WriteException e) { logger.error("Output " + filename + " cause WriteException!"); return false; } }
public void putHeaderDefault( WritableCellFormat cellFormat, WritableSheet sheet, Object value, int row, int column) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { sheet.setColumnView(column, 20); Label label = new Label(column, row, "" + value, cellFormat); sheet.addCell(label); }
public void fillReportRow1( int row, WritableWorkbook workbook, Org org, Cun cun, Report report, boolean leiji) throws Exception { WritableSheet sheet1 = workbook.getSheet(0); WritableSheet sheet2 = workbook.getSheet(1); // 装填sheet1 if (leiji) { sheet1.addCell(new Label(0, row, "累计")); } else { sheet1.addCell(new Label(0, row, org.getOrgName())); sheet1.addCell(new Label(1, row, cun.getName())); } for (int i = 2; i <= 30; i++) { sheet1.addCell(new Label(i, row, report.getItem(i - 1))); } // 装填sheet2 if (leiji) { sheet2.addCell(new Label(0, row, "累计")); } else { sheet2.addCell(new Label(0, row, org.getOrgName())); sheet2.addCell(new Label(1, row, cun.getName())); } for (int i = 2; i <= 30; i++) { sheet2.addCell(new Label(i, row, report.getItem(i + 28))); } }
public static void addRow( WritableSheet sheet, int startRow, CellValue[] cellValues, WritableCellFormat cellFormat, WritableCellFormat intCellFormat, WritableCellFormat doubleCellFormat, WritableCellFormat dateFormat) throws WriteException { for (int i = 0; i < cellValues.length; i++) { if (cellValues[i] != null && cellValues[i].getValue() != null) { if (cellValues[i].getType().equals(CellDataType.STRING)) { Label label = new Label(i, startRow, String.valueOf(cellValues[i].getValue()), cellFormat); sheet.addCell(label); } else if (cellValues[i].getType().equals(CellDataType.INT)) { Number number = new Number(i, startRow, (Integer) cellValues[i].getValue(), intCellFormat); sheet.addCell(number); } else if (cellValues[i].getType().equals(CellDataType.DOUBLE)) { Number number = new Number(i, startRow, (Double) cellValues[i].getValue(), doubleCellFormat); sheet.addCell(number); } else if (cellValues[i].getType().equals(CellDataType.DATE)) { Date now = new Date(((Timestamp) cellValues[i].getValue()).getTime()); DateTime dateCell = new DateTime(i, startRow, now, dateFormat); sheet.addCell(dateCell); } } else { Label label = new Label(i, startRow, "", cellFormat); sheet.addCell(label); } } }
/** * 生成固定格式的excel,表格都为文本,水平居左,垂直居中 * * @param sheetName sheet名称,默认为sheet1 * @param content Map,要生成excel的数据来源 * @param os excel输出流 */ public void exportFormatExcel( Map<String, String[][]> content, String[] salary_name_array, String sheetName, OutputStream os) { if (VerifyUtil.isNullObject(content, os) || content.size() == 0) { return; } // 默认名称 if (VerifyUtil.isNullObject(sheetName)) { sheetName = "sheet1"; } WritableWorkbook workbook = null; try { workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(os); WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName, 0); int index = 0; for (int k = 0; k < salary_name_array.length; k++) { String[][] value = (String[][]) content.get(salary_name_array[k]); if (value != null && value.length > 0) { if (index != 0) { index++; } WritableCellFormat format1 = new WritableCellFormat(); format1.setAlignment(jxl.format.Alignment.LEFT); format1.setVerticalAlignment(jxl.format.VerticalAlignment.CENTRE); Label label1 = new Label(0, index, salary_name_array[k], format1); sheet.addCell(label1); for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { index++; for (int j = 0; j < value[i].length; j++) { if (value[i][j] == null) { value[i][j] = ""; } WritableCellFormat format = new WritableCellFormat(); format.setAlignment(jxl.format.Alignment.LEFT); format.setVerticalAlignment(jxl.format.VerticalAlignment.CENTRE); Label label = new Label(j, index, value[i][j], format); sheet.addCell(label); } } } } workbook.write(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { workbook.close(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** * @param sheet * @param numrow * @return */ public static ArrayList readrow(WritableSheet sheet, int numrow) { ArrayList contentlist = new ArrayList(); for (int numcol = 0; numcol < sheet.getColumns(); numcol++) { Cell cell = sheet.getCell(numcol, numrow); String content = cell.getContents(); contentlist.add(content); } return contentlist; }
public static void getFailWord() throws Exception { ArrayList<String> failword = getWord(); WritableWorkbook wb = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("imagedata/baike/HTML/failWord1.xls")); WritableSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("failWords", 0); if (failword.size() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < failword.size(); i++) { sheet.addCell(new Label(0, i, failword.get(i))); } } wb.write(); wb.close(); }
private int nadbavka(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "Размер надбавки % Калуга", font.tahomaValue)); sheet.addCell(new Label(column + 1, row, "Размер надбавки % Область", font.tahomaValue)); row++; for (int tau = 0; tau < time.length; tau++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String fl = toColumnExcel(column - 1) + Integer.toString(row + tau * 7 + i + 1); String fkaluga = toColumnExcel(column + 2) + Integer.toString(row + tau * 7 + i + 1); String foblast = toColumnExcel(column + 3) + Integer.toString(row + tau * 7 + i + 1); sheet.addCell( new Formula( column, row + tau * 7 + i, "IF(ISERROR(SUM(" + fkaluga + "-" + fl + ") / " + fl + "),\"-\",SUM(" + fkaluga + "-" + fl + ") / " + fl + ")", font.tahomaValuePer)); sheet.addCell( new Formula( column + 1, row + tau * 7 + i, "IF(ISERROR(SUM(" + foblast + "-" + fl + ") / " + fl + "),\"-\",SUM(" + foblast + "-" + fl + ") / " + fl + ")", font.tahomaValuePer)); } } return column + 2; }
public String exportReaderBorrowedExcel(String rootDir, ReaderView readerView) { List<Reader> readers = new ArrayList<Reader>(); WritableWorkbook ww; String fileName = "upload" + File.separator + "readerBorrowedsStatics.xls"; File file = new File(rootDir + fileName); try { readers = readerDao.selectReaders(readerView); ww = Workbook.createWorkbook(file); WritableSheet ws = ww.createSheet("读者借阅信息统计", 0); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 0, 0, 9, 0, "读者借阅信息统计", ExcelStyle.getHeaderStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 0, 1, "借阅证号", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 1, 1, "条形码", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 2, 1, "读者姓名", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 3, 1, "姓别", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 4, 1, "当前借阅数量", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 5, 1, "累计借阅数量", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 6, 1, "读者单位", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 7, 1, "读者类别", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); int count = 2; for (Reader reader : readers) { ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 0, count, reader.getCardNo(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 1, count, reader.getBarCode(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 2, count, reader.getReaderName(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 3, count, reader.getSex(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 4, count, reader.getBorrowedQuantiy(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 5, count, reader.getTotalBQuantity(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 6, count, reader.getReaderUnits().getUnitName(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 7, count, reader.getReaderType().getReaderCateName(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); count++; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ws.setColumnView(i, 16); } ws.setRowView(0, 20); ww.write(); ww.close(); System.out.println("写入excel成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("写入excel失败!"); e.printStackTrace(); } return fileName; }
public static int nextFreeColNumber(WritableSheet sheet) { if (sheet == null) return 0; int colCount = sheet.getColumns(); Cell[] cells; int i = 0; for (; i < colCount; i++) { cells = sheet.getColumn(i); for (Cell cell : cells) { if (cell.getContents() == null || cell.getContents().isEmpty()) return i; } } return i; }
private int pro5(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "ИП Палашичев", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 1, row); ave_k.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 199, "г. Калуга"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 9, "Бабынинский р-н"); return column; }
/** * 添加单元格&内容. * * @param ws * @param cel * @param row * @param valObject */ private void addCell(WritableSheet ws, int cel, int row, Object valObj) throws WriteException { if (valObj == null) { Label cr = new Label(cel, row, ""); ws.addCell(cr); return; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class clazz2 = valObj.getClass(); if (clazz2 == String.class) { Label cr = new Label(cel, row, (String) valObj); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == int.class || clazz2 == Integer.class) { Number cr = new Number(cel, row, Double.parseDouble(((Integer) valObj).toString())); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == long.class || clazz2 == Long.class) { Number cr = new Number(cel, row, Double.parseDouble(((Long) valObj).toString())); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == float.class || clazz2 == Float.class) { Number cr = new Number(cel, row, Double.parseDouble(((Float) valObj).toString())); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == double.class || clazz2 == Double.class) { Number cr = new Number(cel, row, Double.parseDouble(((Double) valObj).toString())); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == Date.class) { DateTime cr = new DateTime(cel, row, (Date) valObj); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == boolean.class || clazz2 == Boolean.class) { jxl.write.Boolean cr = new jxl.write.Boolean(cel, row, (Boolean) valObj); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == BigDecimal.class) { NumberFormat nf = new NumberFormat("0.00"); WritableCellFormat wcf = new WritableCellFormat(nf); wcf.setFont(new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), PS)); Number cr = new Number(cel, row, ((BigDecimal) valObj).doubleValue(), wcf); ws.addCell(cr); return; } else if (clazz2 == Short.class) { Number cr = new Number(cel, row, Double.parseDouble(((Short) valObj).toString())); ws.addCell(cr); return; } }
private int pro8(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "ИП Пешков", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 2, row); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 144, "Сухиничский р-н"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 155, "Ульяновский р-н"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 138, "Перемышельский р-н"); return column; }
private int pro3(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "ООО ТД \"Альфа-Трейд\"", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 1, row); ave_k.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 195, "г. Калуга"); // sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row + 1, "в т.ч. мини АЗС", // font.tahomaLabelTitle)); // column++; column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 254, "в т.ч. мини АЗС"); return column; }
public String getExcelStatFilePath(List<String[]> list) throws Exception { // 文件拷贝 String path = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("/").getPath(); path = path.substring(0, path.indexOf("WEB-INF")); path += "excel" + File.separator + "export"; String srcFileName = "stat"; String sourceFile = path + File.separator + srcFileName + ".xls"; String targetFile = path + File.separator + "stat_" + Util.getDate(new Date()) + ".xls"; // 打开excel文件 Workbook rw = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(sourceFile)); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File(targetFile), rw); WritableSheet sheet1 = workbook.getSheet(0); WritableSheet sheet2 = workbook.getSheet(1); WritableSheet sheet3 = workbook.getSheet(2); WritableSheet sheet4 = workbook.getSheet(3); WritableSheet sheet5 = workbook.getSheet(4); int row = 2; for (String[] arr : list) { for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { workbook.getSheet(j).addCell(new Label(i, row, arr[i])); } } for (int i = 2; i <= 15; i++) { sheet1.addCell(new Label(i, row, arr[i])); } for (int i = 16; i <= 29; i++) { sheet2.addCell(new Label(i - 14, row, arr[i])); } for (int i = 30; i <= 43; i++) { sheet3.addCell(new Label(i - 14 * 2, row, arr[i])); } for (int i = 44; i <= 58; i++) { sheet4.addCell(new Label(i - 14 * 3, row, arr[i])); } for (int i = 100; i <= 108; i++) { sheet5.addCell(new Label(i - 98, row, arr[i])); } row++; } // 关闭 workbook.write(); workbook.close(); rw.close(); return targetFile; }
/** @param ws @MethodName : setColumnAutoSize @Description : 设置工作表自动列宽和首行加粗 */ private static void setColumnAutoSize(WritableSheet ws, int extraWith) { // 获取本列的最宽单元格的宽度 for (int i = 0; i < ws.getColumns(); i++) { int colWith = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ws.getRows(); j++) { String content = ws.getCell(i, j).getContents().toString(); int cellWith = content.length(); if (colWith < cellWith) { colWith = cellWith; } } // 设置单元格的宽度为最宽宽度+额外宽度 ws.setColumnView(i, colWith + extraWith); } }
private int pro4(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell( new Label(column, row, "ООО \"Луйкойл-Центрнефтепродукт\"", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 1, row); ave_k.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 255, "г. Калуга розница"); ave_obl_all.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 256, "Область розница"); return column; }
/** * 获得工作表中特定行的数据,比如表头,隐藏行 * * @param row * @param wb * @param clazz * @return */ public static String[] GetXlsSheetRowData(int row, WritableSheet sheet, Class clazz) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); int cols = sheet.getColumns(); // 添加该行所有元素 for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { String value = StringValue(sheet.getCell(col, row).getContents()); list.add(value); } // 删除末尾空列 for (int col = list.size() - 1; col >= 0; col--) if (isEmpty(list.get(col))) list.remove(col); // 转换为字符串数组 String[] stringArray = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(stringArray); return stringArray; }
public String exportExcel(String rootDir, SysLogView sysLogView) { List<SysLog> sysLogs = new ArrayList<SysLog>(); WritableWorkbook ww; String fileName = "upload" + File.separator + "sysLogs.xls"; File file = new File(rootDir + fileName); try { sysLogs = sysLogDao.selectSysLogs(sysLogView); ww = Workbook.createWorkbook(file); WritableSheet ws = ww.createSheet("日志信息", 0); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 0, 0, 9, 0, "日志信息", ExcelStyle.getHeaderStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 0, 1, "操作类型", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 1, 1, "事件", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 2, 1, "操作人", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 3, 1, "日期", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 4, 1, "ip地址", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet(ws, 5, 1, "业务描述", ExcelStyle.getTitleStyle()); int count = 2; for (SysLog sysLog : sysLogs) { ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 0, count, sysLog.getOperateType(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 1, count, sysLog.getFuncName(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 2, count, sysLog.getOperator(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); String operateDate = DateFormatUtil.format(sysLog.getOperateDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 3, count, DateFormatUtil.convertToDate(operateDate), ExcelStyle.getDateStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 4, count, sysLog.getOperateIPAddress(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); ExcelOperate.addLabelToSheet( ws, 5, count, sysLog.getOperateDescription(), ExcelStyle.getContentStyle()); count++; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ws.setColumnView(i, 16); } ws.setRowView(0, 20); ww.write(); ww.close(); System.out.println("写入excel成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("写入excel失败!"); e.printStackTrace(); } return fileName; }
public void executeLast(Hashtable _tagLibrary, Hashtable _beanLibrary) { try { bean _sysPdfCC = (bean) _beanLibrary.get("SYSTEM:" + iConst.iHORT_SYSTEM_CurrentCELL); bean _sysPdfCR = (bean) _beanLibrary.get("SYSTEM:" + iConst.iHORT_SYSTEM_CurrentROW); int X = 0; try { X = ((Integer) _sysPdfCC.getContent()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { } int Y = 0; try { Y = ((Integer) _sysPdfCR.getContent()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { } WritableSheet document = (WritableSheet) (((report_element_base) _beanLibrary.get("SYSTEM:" + iConst.iHORT_SYSTEM_Document)) .getContent()); ((java.util.Vector) (((report_element_base) _beanLibrary.get("SYSTEM:" + iConst.iHORT_SYSTEM_Canvas)) .getContent())) .add(this.getCellC(document.getWritableCell(X, Y), X, Y)); try { if (!internal_style.getWIDTH().equals("")) document.setColumnView(X, new Integer(internal_style.getWIDTH()).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { } if (!internal_style.getHEIGHT().equals("") && parent != null && parent instanceof table_row) ((table_row) parent).setHEIGHT(internal_style.getHEIGHT()); X++; _sysPdfCC.setContent(new Integer(X)); _beanLibrary.put(_sysPdfCC.getName() + ":" + _sysPdfCC.getID(), _sysPdfCC); if (_tagLibrary.get(getName() + ":" + getID()) == null) _tagLibrary.remove(getName() + ":" + getID() + "_ids_" + this.motore.hashCode()); else _tagLibrary.remove(getName() + ":" + getID()); } catch (Exception e) { setError(e, iStub.log_WARN); } }
/** * 取得列数 * * @return 列数 */ public int getCols() { if (readOnlyWBook == true) { return currentSheet.getColumns(); } else { return wrCurrentSheet.getColumns(); } }
/** * @param ws * @param numrow * @param contentList * @return */ public static boolean writebyrow(WritableSheet ws, int numrow, ArrayList contentList) { try { for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) { System.out.println("" + ws.getName()); String cellcontent = (String) contentList.get(i); System.out.println(".....cellcontent=" + cellcontent); jxl.write.Label labelC = new jxl.write.Label(i, numrow, cellcontent); ws.addCell(labelC); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception is " + e); } return true; }
/** * 替换xls模板中${}的字段 * * @param book * @param dataVO * @param voName * @throws Exception */ public static void createCellByOgnl(WritableSheet sheet, Object dataVO, String voName) throws Exception { // OGNL替换 String field; for (int row = 0; row < 100; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 50; col++) { WritableCell c = sheet.getWritableCell(col, row); if (c.getClass() == EmptyCell.class || c.getClass() == Blank.class) continue; Label label = (Label) c; String label_str = GetTrimString(label.getString()); if (!isEmpty(label.getString()) && label_str.startsWith("${" + voName + ".")) { String value = C.EMPTY_STRING; try { field = label_str.replaceAll("\\$\\{vo\\.", C.EMPTY_STRING).replaceAll("}", C.EMPTY_STRING); value = (String) UtilTool.GetFieldValue(dataVO, field); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // ognl表达式的单元格必须被替换 label.setString(value); } } } }
/** * 取得一列的cell * * @param rowNum 行号 * @return 一列的cell */ public Cell[] getColCells(int colNum) { if (readOnlyWBook == true) { return currentSheet.getColumn(colNum); } else { return wrCurrentSheet.getColumn(colNum); } }
public static synchronized void putIntoWorkbook(HashMap<String, String> data, int index) { String[] Keys = { "School", "Level", "Title", "Type", "Application Fee", "Tuition Fee", "Academic Entry Requirement", "IELTS Average Requirement", "IELTS Lowest Requirement", "Structure", "Length (months)", "Month of Entry", "Scholarship" }; for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) { // label = new Label(j, i, data.get(Keys[j])); Label label = new Label(j, index, data.get(Keys[j])); try { sheet.addCell(label); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } }
private int pro11(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "ООО \"Восток-Ойл\"", font.tahoma9ptBoldMedion)); sheet.mergeCells(column, row, column + 3, row); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 133, "г. Мосальск"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 123, "Малоярославецкий р-н"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 130, "Мещовский р-н"); ave_obl_reg.add(column); column = vill(column, row + 1, sheet, 94, "Куйбышевский р-н"); return column; }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private int oblast(int column, int row, WritableSheet sheet, int commId) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, SQLException { sheet.addCell(new Label(column, row, "Область розница", font.tahomaValue)); /** хранит id всех АЗС одного сетевого поставщика по Калуги */ Vector<Integer> stationsComm = new Vector<Integer>(); /** Получение id всех станций АЗС одного сетевого поставщика по Калуги */ ResultSet bdStations = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + Oil.PATH) .createStatement() .executeQuery( "SELECT id FROM station WHERE comm_id LIKE '" + commId + "' AND district_id != '24';"); while ( { stationsComm.add(bdStations.getInt("id")); } bdStations.close(); String[][] value = ave(stationsComm); osn(column, row + 1, sheet, value); return column + 1; }