public void test19() throws Throwable { if (debug) System.out.printf("%nRandoopTest0.test19"); var0 = new; boolean var2 = var0.checkPasswords(""); boolean var4 = var0.checkPasswords(""); java.lang.String var5 = var0.getPassword(); // The following exception was thrown during execution. // This behavior will recorded for regression testing. try { var0.setPassword(""); fail("Expected exception of type java.lang.Exception"); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { // Expected exception. } // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue(var2 == false); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue(var4 == false); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue("'" + var5 + "' != '" + "" + "'", var5.equals("")); }
public void test7() throws Throwable { if (debug) System.out.printf("%nRandoopTest0.test7"); var0 = new; java.lang.String var1 = var0.getPassword(); boolean var3 = var0.checkPasswords(""); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue("'" + var1 + "' != '" + "" + "'", var1.equals("")); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue(var3 == false); }
public void test5() throws Throwable { if (debug) System.out.printf("%nRandoopTest0.test5"); var0 = new; var0.setPassword("hi!"); var0.setPassword("hi!"); java.lang.String var5 = var0.getPassword(); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue( "'" + var5 + "' != '" + "aff97160474a056e838c1f721af01edf" + "'", var5.equals("aff97160474a056e838c1f721af01edf")); }
public void test14() throws Throwable { if (debug) System.out.printf("%nRandoopTest0.test14"); var0 = new; java.lang.String var1 = var0.getPassword(); var0.setPassword("aff97160474a056e838c1f721af01edf"); java.lang.String var4 = var0.getPassword(); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue("'" + var1 + "' != '" + "" + "'", var1.equals("")); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue( "'" + var4 + "' != '" + "33efbb43f502e2933fbfc8c508980152" + "'", var4.equals("33efbb43f502e2933fbfc8c508980152")); }
public void test25() throws Throwable { if (debug) System.out.printf("%nRandoopTest0.test25"); var0 = new; boolean var2 = var0.checkPasswords("hi!"); java.lang.String var3 = var0.getPassword(); java.lang.String var4 = var0.getPassword(); boolean var6 = var0.checkPasswords("33efbb43f502e2933fbfc8c508980152"); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue(var2 == false); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue("'" + var3 + "' != '" + "" + "'", var3.equals("")); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue("'" + var4 + "' != '" + "" + "'", var4.equals("")); // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) assertTrue(var6 == false); }