public void testInverseOwnerOneToMany() { OpenJPAEntityManager em = (OpenJPAEntityManager) currentEntityManager(); startTx(em); AnnoTest1 pc = new AnnoTest1(5); AnnoTest2 pc2 = new AnnoTest2(15, "foo"); pc.getInverseOwnerOneMany().add(pc2); pc2.setOneManyOwner(pc); pc2 = new AnnoTest2(20, "foobar"); pc.getInverseOwnerOneMany().add(pc2); pc2.setOneManyOwner(pc); em.persist(pc); em.persistAll(pc.getInverseOwnerOneMany()); endTx(em); endEm(em); em = (OpenJPAEntityManager) currentEntityManager(); pc = em.find(AnnoTest1.class, em.getObjectId(pc)); Collection<AnnoTest2> many = pc.getInverseOwnerOneMany(); assertEquals(2, many.size()); for (AnnoTest2 pc3 : many) { assertEquals(pc, pc3.getOneManyOwner()); switch ((int) pc3.getPk1()) { case 15: assertEquals("foo", pc3.getPk2()); break; case 20: assertEquals("foobar", pc3.getPk2()); break; default: fail("unknown element:" + pc3.getPk1()); } } endEm(em); }
/** Check if the getSubBuilders properly predicts the output. */ public static void testSubBuilders() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p4-sub"); Collection<? extends Builder> bs = project.getSubBuilders(); assertNotNull(bs); assertEquals(3, bs.size()); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (Builder b : bs) { names.add(b.getBsn()); } assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.a")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.b")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.c")); File[] files =; assertTrue(project.check()); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getErrors(), "\n")); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getWarnings(), "\n")); assertEquals(0, project.getErrors().size()); assertEquals(0, project.getWarnings().size()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(3, files.length); for (File file : files) { Jar jar = new Jar(file); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); assertTrue(names.contains(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"))); } }
/** * The added suite will be always executed locally, but in parallel with other locally or remotely * running tests. This comes handy for tests that cannot be distributed for some environmental * reasons, but still would benefit from parallel execution. * * <p>Note, that local suites will be executed on local node even if grid topology only allows * remote nodes. * * @param localSuite Test to execute locally in parallel with other local or distributed tests. */ @SuppressWarnings({"TypeMayBeWeakened"}) public void addTest(GridJunit3LocalTestSuite localSuite) { if (!locTests.contains(localSuite.getName())) { locTests.add(localSuite.getName()); } addTest((Test) localSuite); }
/** Checks that sync has exactly the given queued threads. */ void assertHasQueuedThreads(AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer sync, Thread... expected) { Collection<Thread> actual = sync.getQueuedThreads(); assertEquals(expected.length > 0, sync.hasQueuedThreads()); assertEquals(expected.length, sync.getQueueLength()); assertEquals(expected.length, actual.size()); assertEquals(expected.length == 0, actual.isEmpty()); assertEquals(new HashSet<Thread>(actual), new HashSet<Thread>(Arrays.asList(expected))); }
private static Project testBuildAll(String dependsOn, int count) throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project all = ws.getProject("build-all"); all.setProperty("-dependson", dependsOn); all.prepare(); Collection<Project> dependson = all.getDependson(); assertEquals(count, dependson.size()); return all; }
/** values collection contains all values */ public void testDescendingValues() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); Collection s = map.values(); assertEquals(5, s.size()); assertTrue(s.contains("A")); assertTrue(s.contains("B")); assertTrue(s.contains("C")); assertTrue(s.contains("D")); assertTrue(s.contains("E")); }
/** Duplicates in runbundles gave a bad error, should be ignored */ public static void testRunbundleDuplicates() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.clear(); top.setProperty("-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin,org.apache.felix.configadmin"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check("Multiple bundles with the same final URL")); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(1, runbundles.size()); }
private static void assertEqualList(List<?> a, Collection<?> b) { if (a.size() == b.size()) { for (Object x : a) { if (!b.contains(x)) throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">"); } return; } throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">"); }
/** Test 2 equal bsns but diff. versions */ public static void testSameBsnRunBundles() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.setProperty( "-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.0.1,1.0.1]',org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.1.0,1.1.0]'"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check()); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(2, runbundles.size()); }
/** Test bnd.bnd of project `foo`: `-runbundles: foo;version=latest` */ public static void testRunBundlesContainsSelf() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.setProperty("-runbundles", "p1;version=latest"); top.setChanged(); top.isStale(); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check("Circular dependency")); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(0, runbundles.size()); }
/** Values.toArray contains all values */ public void testDescendingValuesToArray() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); Collection v = map.values(); Object[] ar = v.toArray(); ArrayList s = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(ar)); assertEquals(5, ar.length); assertTrue(s.contains("A")); assertTrue(s.contains("B")); assertTrue(s.contains("C")); assertTrue(s.contains("D")); assertTrue(s.contains("E")); }
/** * Adds a test to be executed on the grid. In case of test suite, all tests inside of test suite * will be executed sequentially on some remote node. * * @param test Test to add. */ @Override public void addTest(Test test) { if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(getName()); } // Add test to the list of local ones. if (test instanceof GridJunit3LocalTestSuite) { String testName = ((TestSuite) test).getName(); if (!locTests.contains(testName)) { locTests.add(testName); } } if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuite) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy, factory)); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) test).getOriginal()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) test).getGridGainJunit3OriginalTestCase()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof TestSuite) { copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy((TestSuite) test, factory)); } else { assert test instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either instance of TestSuite or TestCase: " + test; copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(factory.createProxy((TestCase) test)); } }
private void runMassiveFileTest(int maxpages) throws Exception { String text = "Testing, 1, 2, 3: "; String name = NAME1; Benchmark mark = new Benchmark(); System.out.println("Building a massive repository of " + maxpages + " pages..."); mark.start(); for (int i = 0; i < maxpages; i++) { engine.saveText(name + i, text + i); } mark.stop(); System.out.println("Total time to save " + maxpages + " pages was " + mark.toString()); System.out.println("Saved " + mark.toString(maxpages) + " pages/second"); mark.reset(); mark.start(); Collection pages = engine.getPageManager().getAllPages(); mark.stop(); System.out.println("Got a list of all pages in " + mark); mark.reset(); mark.start(); for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String foo = engine.getPureText((WikiPage); assertNotNull(foo); } mark.stop(); System.out.println("Read through all of the pages in " + mark); System.out.println("which is " + mark.toString(maxpages) + " pages/second"); }
/** * Runs all tests belonging to this test suite on the grid. * * @param result Test result collector. */ @Override public void run(TestResult result) { if (isDisabled) {; } else { GridTestRouter router = createRouter(); Grid grid = startGrid(); try { List<GridTaskFuture<?>> futs = new ArrayList<GridTaskFuture<?>>(testCount()); List<GridJunit3SerializableTest> tests = new ArrayList<GridJunit3SerializableTest>(testCount()); for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { Test junit = testAt(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest test; if (junit instanceof TestSuite) { test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestSuite((TestSuite) junit); } else { assert junit instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either TestSuite or TestCase: " + junit; test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestCase((TestCase) junit); } tests.add(test); if (clsLdr == null) { clsLdr = U.detectClassLoader(junit.getClass()); } futs.add( grid.execute( new GridJunit3Task(junit.getClass(), clsLdr), new GridJunit3Argument(router, test, locTests.contains(test.getName())), timeout)); } for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { GridTaskFuture<?> fut = futs.get(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest = tests.get(i); try { GridJunit3SerializableTest resTest = (GridJunit3SerializableTest) fut.get(); origTest.setResult(resTest); origTest.getTest().run(result); } catch (GridException e) { handleFail(result, origTest, e); } } } finally { stopGrid(); } } }