public void configure(Properties configuration) { logger.debug("Configuration: " + configuration); host = configuration.getProperty(""); port = jrds.Util.parseStringNumber(configuration.getProperty("jetty.port"), port).intValue(); propFileName = configuration.getProperty("propertiesFile", propFileName); webRoot = configuration.getProperty("webRoot", webRoot); }
private Target makeSnmpTarget(HttpServletRequest request) throws UnknownHostException { String hostname = request.getParameter("host"); String community = request.getParameter("discoverSnmpCommunity"); if (community == null) { community = "public"; } int port = jrds.Util.parseStringNumber(request.getParameter("discoverSnmpPort"), 161); IpAddress addr = new UdpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hostname), port); Target hosttarget = new CommunityTarget(addr, new OctetString(community)); hosttarget.setVersion(SnmpConstants.version2c); return hosttarget; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected Map<String, Number> parseLines(List<String> lines) { Map<String, Number> retValue = new HashMap<String, Number>(lines.size()); for (String l : lines) { String[] kvp = l.split(":"); if (kvp.length != 2) continue; Double value = Util.parseStringNumber(kvp[1].trim(), Double.NaN); retValue.put(kvp[0].trim(), value); } Number uptimeNumber = retValue.remove("Uptime"); if (uptimeNumber != null) setUptime(uptimeNumber.longValue()); return retValue; }
private MBeanServerConnection connect(String hostname, HttpServletRequest request) { this.hostname = hostname; String protocolName = request.getParameter("discoverJmxProtocol"); if (protocolName != null && !protocolName.trim().isEmpty()) { cnx.setProtocol(JmxProtocol.valueOf(protocolName.trim())); } Integer port = jrds.Util.parseStringNumber(request.getParameter("discoverJmxPort"), 0); if (port != 0) { cnx.setPort(port); } cnx.setUser(request.getParameter("discoverJmxUser")); cnx.setPassword(request.getParameter("discoverJmxPassword")); if (cnx.startConnection()) { return cnx.getConnection().connection; } else { return null; } }
/** * Add a plot, but only uses String as parameters, for the GraphFactory * * @param name Name of the plot * @param dsName the datastore to use * @param rpn The RPN, used instead of the datastore * @param graphType * @param color * @param legend * @param consFunc * @param reversed * @param host * @param probe * @param subDsName */ public void add( String name, String rpn, String graphType, String color, String legend, String consFunc, String reversed, String percentile, // The path to an external datastore String host, String probe, String dsName) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "Adding " + name + ", " + rpn + ", " + graphType + ", " + color + ", " + legend + ", " + consFunc + ", " + reversed + ", " + host + ", " + probe); GraphType gt = null; if (graphType == null || "".equals(graphType)) { if (legend != null) gt = GraphType.COMMENT; else gt = GraphType.NONE; } else gt = GraphType.valueOf(graphType.toUpperCase()); ConsolFun cf = null; if (gt != GraphType.COMMENT) { cf = DEFAULTCF; if (consFunc != null && !"".equals(consFunc)) cf = ConsolFun.valueOf(consFunc.toUpperCase()); } Color c = null; if (gt.toPlot()) { c = Color.WHITE; if (color != null && color.toUpperCase().matches("^#[0-9A-F]{6}")) { int r = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(1, 3), 16); int g = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(3, 5), 16); int b = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(5, 7), 16); c = new Color(r, g, b); } else if (color != null && !"".equals(color)) { c = Colors.valueOf(color.toUpperCase()).getColor(); if (c == null) c = Color.getColor(color); if (c == null) { logger.error("Cannot read color " + color); c = Color.white; } } else { c = Colors.resolveIndex(lastColor); if (gt.toPlot()) lastColor++; } } if (name != null) { // If not a rpn, it must be a datastore if (gt.datasource() && rpn == null && dsName == null) { dsName = name; } } // If the name is missing, generate one ? else { name = Integer.toHexString((int) (Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } // Auto generated legend if (legend == null && name != null && gt.legend()) legend = name; Integer valPercentile = null; if (percentile != null && !"".equals(percentile)) { valPercentile = jrds.Util.parseStringNumber(percentile, Integer.valueOf(0)); } add(name, dsName, rpn, gt, c, legend, cf, reversed != null, valPercentile, host, probe); }
private void parseFragment( JrdsElement fragment, HostInfo host, Map<String, Set<String>> collections, Map<String, String> properties) throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { // Find the connection for this host // Will the registered latter, in the starter node, one for each timer for (ConnectionInfo cnx : makeConnexion(fragment, host)) { host.addConnection(cnx); } for (JrdsElement tagElem : fragment.getChildElementsByName("tag")) { try { logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("adding tag %s to %s", tagElem, host)); setMethod(tagElem, host, "addTag"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { } } for (JrdsElement collectionNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("collection")) { String name = collectionNode.getAttribute("name"); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (JrdsElement e : collectionNode.getChildElementsByName("element")) { set.add(e.getTextContent()); } collections.put(name, set); } for (JrdsElement macroNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("macro")) { String name = macroNode.getAttribute("name"); Macro m = macrosMap.get(name); logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("Adding macro %s: %s", name, m)); if (m != null) { Map<String, String> macroProps = makeProperties(macroNode); Map<String, String> newProps = new HashMap<String, String>( (properties != null ? properties.size() : 0) + macroProps.size()); if (properties != null) newProps.putAll(properties); newProps.putAll(macroProps); JrdsDocument hostdoc = (JrdsDocument) fragment.getOwnerDocument(); // Make a copy of the document fragment JrdsNode newDf =, true)); JrdsElement macrodef =; parseFragment(macrodef, host, collections, newProps); } else { logger.error("Unknown macro:" + name); } } for (JrdsElement forNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("for")) { Map<String, String> forattr = forNode.attrMap(); String iterprop = forattr.get("var"); Collection<String> set = null; String name = forNode.attrMap().get("collection"); if (name != null) set = collections.get(name); else if (forattr.containsKey("min") && forattr.containsKey("max") && forattr.containsKey("step")) { int min = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("min"), Integer.MAX_VALUE); int max = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("max"), Integer.MIN_VALUE); int step = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("step"), Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (min > max || step <= 0) { logger.error("invalid range from " + min + " to " + max + " with step " + step); break; } set = new ArrayList<String>((max - min) / step + 1); for (int i = min; i <= max; i += step) { set.add(Integer.toString(i)); } } if (set != null) { logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("for using %s", set)); for (String i : set) { Map<String, String> temp; if (properties != null) { temp = new HashMap<String, String>(properties.size() + 1); temp.putAll(properties); temp.put(iterprop, i); } else { temp = Collections.singletonMap(iterprop, i); } parseFragment(forNode, host, collections, temp); } } else { logger.error("Invalid host configuration, collection " + name + " not found"); } } for (JrdsElement probeNode : fragment.getChildElements()) { if (!"probe".equals(probeNode.getNodeName()) && !"rrd".equals(probeNode.getNodeName())) continue; try { makeProbe(probeNode, host, properties); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Probe creation failed for host " + host.getName() + ": "); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(buffer)); logger.error(buffer); } } }