Пример #1
  public void endPredicate() {
    Object predicate = pop();
    Predicated predicated = (Predicated) peek();

    Expression predicateExpr;
    if (predicate instanceof Expression) {
      predicateExpr = (Expression) predicate;
      if (predicateExpr.resultType == DataType.NUMBER) {
        if (predicate instanceof Literal) {
          Double d = (Double) predicateExpr.getResult();
          int pos = d.intValue();
          if (d != pos) predicateExpr = new Literal(Boolean.FALSE, DataType.BOOLEAN);
          else {
            Step step = predicated instanceof Step ? (Step) predicated : null;
            if (step != null
                && (step.axis == Axis.SELF
                    || ((step.axis == Axis.ATTRIBUTE || step.axis == Axis.NAMESPACE)
                        && step.constraint instanceof QName)
                    || step.predicateSet.getPredicate() instanceof ExactPosition))
              predicateExpr = new Literal(pos == 1, DataType.BOOLEAN);
            else predicateExpr = new ExactPosition(pos);
        } else {
          FunctionCall equals = new FunctionCall(Functions.NUMBER_EQUALS_NUMBER);
          equals.addValidMember(new Position(), 0);
          equals.addValidMember(predicateExpr, 1);
          predicateExpr = equals;
      } else predicateExpr = Functions.typeCast(predicateExpr, DataType.BOOLEAN);
    } else predicateExpr = Functions.typeCast(predicate, DataType.BOOLEAN);

    if (predicated instanceof LocationPath) {
      LocationPath path = (LocationPath) predicated;
      if (path.contexts.size() == 0) {
        LocationPath newPath = new LocationPath(Scope.LOCAL, 0);
        predicated = newPath;
Пример #2
  public void start() {
    assert predicateResult != Boolean.FALSE;
    assert !finished;

    if (event.hasInstantListener(expression)) {
      if (listener instanceof LocationEvaluation)
        predicateChain = ((LocationEvaluation) listener).predicateChain;
      else predicateChain = 0;
      if (predicateEvaluation != null) predicateChain++;

    if (predicateEvaluation != null) {
      Expression predicate = predicateEvaluation.expression;
      if (predicate.scope() != Scope.DOCUMENT) predicateEvaluation.start();
    eventID.addListener(event, currentStep, this);
Пример #3
  private void resultPrepared() {
    if (!resultPrepared) {
      manuallyExpired = true;
      resultPrepared = true;

      for (LinkableEvaluation pendingEval = pendingEvaluationHead;
          pendingEval != null;
          pendingEval = pendingEval.next) pendingEval.removeListener(this);
      pendingEvaluationHead = pendingEvaluationTail = null;
    if (predicateResult != null
        && (index != 0 || (stringEvaluations == null || stringEvaluations.size() == 0))) finished();
    else if (result.size() == 0
        && predicateResult
            == null) { // when result is empty, there is no need to wait for predicateEvaluation to
                       // finish
      Expression predicate = predicateEvaluation.expression;
      if (predicate.scope() != Scope.DOCUMENT) predicateEvaluation.removeListener(this);
      else event.removeListener(predicate, this);
Пример #4
  public PathExpression(LocationPath union, Expression relativeExpression, boolean forEach) {
    super(Scope.DOCUMENT, relativeExpression.resultType);
    assert relativeExpression.scope() != Scope.DOCUMENT;

    this.union = union;
    contexts = new Expression[union.contexts.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++)
      contexts[i] = union.contexts.get(i).typeCast(DataType.NODESET);

    this.relativeExpression = relativeExpression;
    if (relativeExpression instanceof LocationExpression)
      ((LocationExpression) relativeExpression).rawResult = true;
    else ((Literal) relativeExpression).rawResultRequired();

    this.forEach = forEach;

    if (union.hitExpression != null) union.hitExpression.pathExpression = this;