public String verify( StringProperty stringproperty, String s, HTTPRequest httprequest, HashMap hashmap) { if (stringproperty == getPDuration()) { long l = Long.parseLong(s); if (s.trim().length() == 0) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, stringproperty.getLabel() + " missing"); } else if (l <= 0L) { hashmap.put( stringproperty, stringproperty.getLabel() + " duration must be positive value (milleseconds)."); } return s; } if (stringproperty == getCountersProperty()) { String s1 = getCountersContent(); if (s1.length() <= 0) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, "No counters selected"); } return s; } if (stringproperty == getPMediaURL()) { return s; } else { return super.verify(stringproperty, s, httprequest, hashmap); } }
public static void saveMG(String groupId, Array data, String s, boolean flag, boolean flag1) throws Exception { Enumeration<?> enumeration = data.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) enumeration.nextElement(); // Object nextID = hashMap.get("_nextID"); // if (nextID == null) continue; saveGroup(groupId, FILENAME_EXT_MG, hashMap); break; } // enumeration = data.elements(); List<String> subgroups = new ArrayList<String>(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) enumeration.nextElement(); String _class = (String) hashMap.get("_class"); if (_class == null) continue; if ("SubGroup".equals(_class)) { subgroups.add(TextUtils.getValue(hashMap, "_group")); continue; } Object id = getId(hashMap); if (id == null) continue;, FILENAME_EXT_MG, (String) id, hashMap); } updateSubGroup(groupId, subgroups, FILENAME_EXT_MG); }
jgl.Array getCustomCache(String s) { jgl.Array array = (jgl.Array) customCaches.get(s); if (array == null) { array = new Array(); customCaches.put(s, array); } return array; }
public synchronized Enumeration getMultipleValues(StringProperty stringproperty) { jgl.HashMap hashmap = findTable(stringproperty); if (hashmap != null) { return hashmap.values(stringproperty); } else { return cEmptyArray.elements(); } }
public boolean hasValue(StringProperty stringproperty) { HashMap hashmap = findTable(stringproperty); if (hashmap == null) { return false; } else { return hashmap.count(stringproperty) > 0; } }
public synchronized void resetFileTimeStamp(String s) { String s1 = (new File(s)).getAbsolutePath(); Long long1 = (Long) fileNameMap.get(s1); if (long1 != null) { fileNameMap.remove(s1); fileNameMap.put(s1, new Long(0L)); } }
public Object getClassProperty(String s) { jgl.HashMap hashmap = getClassPropertyTable(); if (hashmap == null) { return null; } else { return hashmap.get(s); } }
private void startXmlElement(String s, jgl.HashMap hashmap) { boolean flag = false; java.util.Vector vector = null; xmlResponse.append("<" + s); if (hashmap != null) { java.util.Enumeration enumeration = hashmap.keys(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { String s1 = enumeration.nextElement().toString(); Object obj = hashmap.get(s1); if (obj instanceof String[]) { flag = true; if (vector == null) { vector = new Vector(); } vector.addElement(s1); } else if (obj instanceof String) { if (com.dragonflow.Utils.I18N.isNullEncoding(obj.toString())) { xmlResponse.append( " " + s1 + "=\"" + com.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.escapeHTML( com.dragonflow.Utils.I18N.toDefaultEncoding(obj.toString())) + "\""); } else { xmlResponse.append( " " + s1 + "=\"" + com.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.escapeHTML(obj.toString()) + "\""); } } } xmlResponse.append(">\r\n"); if (flag) { for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) { String s2 = (String) vector.elementAt(i); String as[] = (String[]) hashmap.get(s2); xmlResponse.append("<property>\r\n"); xmlResponse.append(s2 + "\r\n"); for (int j = 0; j < as.length; j++) { if (as[j] == null) { continue; } if (encodeValues) { String s3 = com.dragonflow.XmlApi.XmlApiRequestXML.escapeXML(as[j]); xmlResponse.append("<value>" + s3 + "</value>\r\n"); } else { xmlResponse.append("<value>" + as[j] + "</value>\r\n"); } } xmlResponse.append("</property>\r\n"); } } } }
static void resolveTemplateReferences(HashMap hashmap) { if (hashmap != null) { HashMap hashmap1; for (Enumeration enumeration = hashmap.keys(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); resolveTemplateReferences(hashmap, hashmap1, 0, hashmap.size())) hashmap1 = (HashMap) hashmap.get(enumeration.nextElement()); } }
protected void addToMonitorList(Monitor monitor, Array array, HashMap hashmap) { if (monitor == this) { return; } String s = monitor.getProperty(pGroupID) + " " + monitor.getProperty(pID); if (hashmap.get(s) == null) { hashmap.put(s, monitor); array.add(monitor); } }
void saveAddProperties(String s, jgl.HashMap hashmap, String s1) { hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSshAuthMethod.getName(), request.getValue(SSH_AUTH_METHOD_FORM_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSshKeyFile.getName(), request.getValue(KEYFILE_FORM_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHClient.getName(), request.getValue(SSH_CLIENT_METHOD_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHForceVersion2.getName(), request.getValue(FORCE_VERSION2_FORM_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHConnectionCaching.getName(), request.getValue(DISABLE_CACHE_FORM_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHConnectionsLimit.getName(), request.getValue(CONNECTIONS_LIMIT)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHCommandLine.getName(), request.getValue(COMMAND_LINE_FORM_VARIABLE)); hashmap.put( com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pSSHPort.getName(), request.getValue(PORT_FORM_VARIABLE)); String s2 = request.getValue(PASSWORD_FORM_VARIABLE); if (!s2.equals(DEFAULT_PASSWORD)) { hashmap.put(com.dragonflow.SiteView.Machine.pPassword.getName(), s2); } }
static { defaultDisplayUnits = new HashMap(); unitDisplayName = new HashMap(); unitConversionTable = new HashMap(); defaultDisplayUnits.add("milliseconds", "seconds"); unitDisplayName.add("milliseconds", "ms"); unitDisplayName.add("seconds", "sec"); unitDisplayName.add("minutes", "min"); unitConversionTable.add("milliseconds to seconds", new Float(0.001D)); unitConversionTable.add("seconds to milliseconds", new Float(1000F)); }
private void updateMaster(HashMap hashmap) { SiteViewGroup siteviewgroup = SiteViewGroup.currentSiteView(); String s; for (Enumeration enumeration = hashmap.keys(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); siteviewgroup.setProperty(s, (String) hashmap.get(s))) { s = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); } siteviewgroup.saveSettings(); }
public boolean hasValue(String s) { StringProperty stringproperty = getPropertyObject(s); if (stringproperty != null) { return hasValue(stringproperty); } HashMap hashmap = findTable(s); if (hashmap == null) { return false; } else { return hashmap.count(s) > 0; } }
synchronized HashMap getLabels() { if (labelsCache == null) { labelsCache = new HashMap(); if (getProperty(pValueLabels).length() > 0) { String s = getProperty(pValueLabels); labelsCache.add("Result", s); } else { labelsCache.add("Result", "Result"); } } return labelsCache; }
void closeConnection() { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc log, closing database connection"); if (logStatementCache != null) { try { logStatementCache.close(); logStatementCache = null; } catch (java.lang.Exception exception) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc logger error: closing statement, " + exception); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "Error", "jdbc logger error: closing statement, " + exception); } } if (linkStatementCache != null) { try { linkStatementCache.close(); linkStatementCache = null; } catch (java.lang.Exception exception1) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc logger error: closing link statement, " + exception1); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "Error", "jdbc logger error: closing link statement, " + exception1); } } for (Enumeration enumeration = customStatements.keys(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) { String s = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); java.sql.PreparedStatement preparedstatement = (java.sql.PreparedStatement) customStatements.get(s); try { preparedstatement.close(); customStatements.remove(s); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc logger, closed " + s); } catch (java.lang.Exception exception3) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc logger error, closing " + s + ", " + exception3); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "Error", "jdbc logger error: closing " + s + ", " + exception3); } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); connection = null; } catch (java.lang.Exception exception2) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc logger error: closing, " + exception2); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("Error", "jdbc logger error: closing, " + exception2); } } COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc log, closed"); }
public long getStartPosition(long endPosition, String logName) { String value = getValue("_resetFile"); if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("none")) { return super.getStartPosition(endPosition, logName); } if (getValue("_resetFile").equals("once")) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(getResetFileProperty().getName(), "none"); setProperty(getResetFileProperty(), "none"); saveMonitor(map); } return 0L; }
public synchronized Enumeration getMultipleValues(String s) { if (valuesTable != null) { StringProperty stringproperty = getPropertyObject(s); if (stringproperty != null) { return getMultipleValues(stringproperty); } HashMap hashmap = findTable(s); if (hashmap != null) { return hashmap.values(s); } } return cEmptyArray.elements(); }
public Array getProperties(StringProperty stringproperty) throws NullPointerException { jgl.Array array = new Array(); jgl.HashMap hashmap = findTable(stringproperty); if (hashmap != null) { Object obj = hashmap.get(stringproperty); if (obj != null && (obj instanceof Array)) { array = (Array) obj; } else if (obj != null) { array.add(obj); } } return array; }
public long getStartPosition(long l, String s) { String s1 = getValue("_resetFile"); if (s1 == null || s1.length() == 0 || s1.equals("none")) { return super.getStartPosition(l, s); } if (getValue("_resetFile").equals("once")) { HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put(pResetFile.getName(), "none"); setProperty(pResetFile, "none"); saveMonitor(hashmap); } return 0L; }
private void processNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node, com.dragonflow.XmlApi.XmlApiObject xmlapiobject) { if (node.getNodeType() == 1) { String s = node.getNodeName(); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { jgl.HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap namednodemap = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < namednodemap.getLength(); i++) { org.w3c.dom.Attr attr = (org.w3c.dom.Attr) namednodemap.item(i); if (attr.getName() != null && attr.getName().equals("encodeValues") && attr.getValue() != null && (attr.getValue().equals("false") || attr.getValue().equals("true"))) { encodeValues = (new Boolean(attr.getValue())).booleanValue(); continue; } String s1 = attr.getValue(); if (s1 != null) { s1 = com.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.enlighten(s1); } hashmap.put(attr.getName(), s1); } org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodelist = node.getChildNodes(); java.util.Vector vector = findPropNodes(nodelist); for (int j = 0; j < vector.size(); j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node1 = (org.w3c.dom.Node) vector.elementAt(j); org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodelist1 = node1.getChildNodes(); String s2 = findPropertyName(nodelist1); String as[] = findValueNodes(nodelist1); if (as.length > 1) { hashmap.put(s2, as); continue; } if (as.length == 1) { hashmap.put(s2, as[0]); } else { hashmap.put(s2, ""); } } xmlapiobject.setProperties(hashmap); xmlapiobject.setName(s); java.util.Vector vector1 = findChildrenNodes(nodelist); for (int k = 0; k < vector1.size(); k++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node2 = (org.w3c.dom.Node) vector1.elementAt(k); processNode(node2, xmlapiobject.add()); } } } }
void printForm(String s, jgl.Array array, jgl.HashMap hashmap) throws Exception { String s1 = ""; String s2 = getMachineID(); String s3 = com.dragonflow.Page.remoteBase.getSubmitName(s); String s4 = request.getValue("storeID"); jgl.HashMap hashmap1; if (s.equals("Edit")) { hashmap1 = findMachine(array, s2); s1 = s3 + " Remote Server : " + hashmap1.get("_name"); } else { hashmap1 = new HashMap(); String s5 = request.getValue("host"); hashmap1.put("_host", s5); s1 = s3 + " Remote Server"; } printBodyHeader(s1); printButtonBar(getHelpPage(), ""); outputStream.println("<p><H2>" + s1 + "</H2>\n"); outputStream.println(getPagePOST(getPage(), s)); outputStream.println( "<input type=hidden name=backURL value=\"" + request.getValue("backURL") + "\">\n" + "<input type=hidden name=backLabel value=\"" + request.getValue("backLabel") + "\">"); if (s.equals("Edit")) { outputStream.println("<input type=hidden name=" + getIDName() + " value=" + s2 + ">"); } outputStream.println(getReturnLink(true, s4)); outputStream.println("<TABLE>"); boolean flag = displayFormTable(hashmap1, s); outputStream.println("</TABLE>"); if (flag) { outputStream.println( "<TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD>" + getReturnLink(true, s4) + "<input type=submit value=\"" + s3 + "\"> " + getPrintFormSubmit() + "\n" + "</TD></TR></TABLE>"); } else { printBackLink(); } printFooter(outputStream); }
public static void saveDYN(String groupId, Array data, String s, boolean flag, boolean flag1) throws Exception { Enumeration<?> enumeration = data.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) enumeration.nextElement(); String id = (String) hashMap.get("id"); if (id == null) continue; if (id.equals("-1")) { saveGroup(groupId, FILENAME_EXT_DYN, hashMap); } else {, FILENAME_EXT_DYN, (String) id, hashMap); } } }
public String getUnitDisplayString(String s) { String s1 = (String) unitDisplayName.get(s); if (s1 == null) { return s; } else { return s1; } }
public static Array createHealthGroup() throws SiteViewParameterException { String s = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "groups" + File.separator + ""; File file = new File(s); Array array = null; if (!file.exists()) { array = new Array(); HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("_encoding", I18N.getDefaultEncoding()); hashmap.put("_health", "true"); hashmap.put("_dependsCondition", "good"); hashmap.put("_fileEncoding", I18N.getDefaultEncoding()); hashmap.put("_name", "Health"); hashmap.put("_nextID", "1"); array.add(hashmap); try { FrameFile.writeToFile(s, array); } catch (IOException ioexception1) { String as[] = {"", ioexception1.getMessage()}; throw new SiteViewParameterException(SiteViewErrorCodes.ERR_OP_SS_HEALTH_CANNOT_WRITE, as); } } else { try { array = FrameFile.readFromFile(s); } catch (IOException ioexception) { LogManager.log( "error", "Couldn't read the Health group. Got Error: " + ioexception.getMessage()); } } return array; }
private jgl.HashMap updateSetting(jgl.HashMap hashmap, String s) { String s1 = null; s1 = request.getValue(s + "CB"); outputStream.print("<br>Debug->" + s1); if (s1.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { String s2 = request.getValue(s); outputStream.print("<br>Debug->" + s2); if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("custom")) { s2 = request.getValue(s + "Custom"); outputStream.print("<br>Debug->" + s2); hashmap.put(s, s2.toUpperCase()); } else { outputStream.print("<br>Debug->" + s2); hashmap.put(s, s2); } } return hashmap; }
java.sql.PreparedStatement getStatement() throws java.lang.Exception { if (usingBackupSignalFile && shouldFlush()) { boolean flag = shouldUseBackupDatabase(); if (flag != usingBackupDatabase) { closeConnection(); } usingBackupDatabase = flag; } if (logStatementCache == null) { if (reconnectTime != 0L && java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() < reconnectTime) { return null; } jgl.HashMap hashmap = COM.dragonflow.SiteView.MasterConfig.getMasterConfig(); String s = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_logJdbcURL" + logName); if (s.length() == 0) { return null; } setupConnection(hashmap, s); String s1 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_logJdbcInsert" + logName); String s2 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_logJdbcCreate" + logName); method = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_logJdbcMethod" + logName); if (s2.indexOf("serverName") != -1) { server = COM.dragonflow.SiteView.SiteViewGroup.getServerID(hashmap); } String s3 = createTable(connection, s2); if (s3.indexOf("invalid column name") != -1) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc log, fixup date column, " + s3); s2 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.replaceString(s2, "date VAR", "datex VAR"); hashmap.put("_logJdbcCreate" + logName, s2); COM.dragonflow.SiteView.MasterConfig.saveMasterConfig(hashmap); s3 = createTable(connection, s2); } vars = countVars(s1); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc log, prepare insert, " + vars + ", " + s1); if (COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(s1, "call")) { logStatementCache = connection.prepareCall("{" + s1 + "}"); } else { logStatementCache = connection.prepareStatement(s1); } COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc log, connected"); } return logStatementCache; }
private static String getId(HashMap hashmap) { Object id = hashmap.get("_id"); if (id != null) return (String) id; Enumeration<?> enumeration = hashmap.keys(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj = enumeration.nextElement(); if (obj instanceof StringProperty) { String key = ((StringProperty) obj).getName(); if (key.equals("_id")) { Enumeration<?> enumeration1 = hashmap.values(obj); while (enumeration1.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj1 = enumeration1.nextElement(); return (String) obj1; } } } } return null; }
public void flush() { flushsafe(logStatementCache, logCache); flushsafe(linkStatementCache, linkCache); for (Enumeration enumeration = customStatements.keys(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) { String s = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); java.sql.PreparedStatement preparedstatement = (java.sql.PreparedStatement) customStatements.get(s); jgl.Array array = (jgl.Array) customCaches.get(s); try { flushsafe(preparedstatement, array); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log("RunMonitor", "jdbc logger, flushed " + s); } catch (java.lang.Exception exception) { COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "RunMonitor", "jdbc logger error, closing " + s + ", " + exception); COM.dragonflow.Log.LogManager.log( "Error", "jdbc logger error: closing " + s + ", " + exception); } } }
public HashMap getTemplateTable() { if (templateID != null && templateTableLastUpdate < templateCacheLastUpdate) { templateTable = null; if (templateID.length() > 0) { if (templateCache == null) { templateCache = new HashMap(); String s = ""; Array array = getTemplateConfigFileList(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) try { s = (String); HashMap hashmap2 = new HashMap(); Array array1 = FrameFile.readFromFile(s); templateCacheLastUpdate = Platform.timeMillis(); for (int j = 1; j < array1.size(); j++) { HashMap hashmap3 = (HashMap); hashmap2.put(TextUtils.getValue(hashmap3, "__id"), hashmap3); } resolveTemplateReferences(hashmap2); templateCache.add(s, hashmap2); } catch (IOException ioexception) { LogManager.log("Error", "Could not read template file " + s); } } if (templateCache != null) { String s1 = getTemplateConfigFilePath(); HashMap hashmap = null; hashmap = (HashMap) templateCache.get(s1); if (hashmap != null) { HashMap hashmap1 = (HashMap) hashmap.get(templateID); if (hashmap1 != null) { templateTable = new HashMapOrdered(true); initializeValuesTable(hashmap1, templateTable, true); } } } } templateTableLastUpdate = Platform.timeMillis(); } return templateTable; }