public synchronized TopLevelItem createProjectFromXML(String name, InputStream xml) throws IOException { acl.checkPermission(Job.CREATE); Jenkins.getInstance().getProjectNamingStrategy().checkName(name); // place it as config.xml File configXml = Items.getConfigFile(getRootDirFor(name)).getFile(); configXml.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { IOUtils.copy(xml, configXml); // load it TopLevelItem result; Items.updatingByXml.set(true); try { result = (TopLevelItem) Items.load(parent, configXml.getParentFile()); } finally { Items.updatingByXml.set(false); } add(result); ItemListener.fireOnCreated(result); Jenkins.getInstance().rebuildDependencyGraph(); return result; } catch (IOException e) { // if anything fails, delete the config file to avoid further confusion Util.deleteRecursive(configXml.getParentFile()); throw e; } }
public synchronized TopLevelItem createProject( TopLevelItemDescriptor type, String name, boolean notify) throws IOException { acl.checkPermission(Job.CREATE); Jenkins.getInstance().getProjectNamingStrategy().checkName(name); if (parent.getItem(name) != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Project of the name " + name + " already exists"); TopLevelItem item; try { item = type.newInstance(parent, name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } try { callOnCreatedFromScratch(item); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { // ignore this error. Must be older plugin that doesn't have this method }; add(item); Jenkins.getInstance().rebuildDependencyGraph(); if (notify) ItemListener.fireOnCreated(item); return item; }
public static String getRootUrl() { if (Jenkins.getInstance() == null || Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() == null) { return "http://localhost:8080/"; } else { return Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl(); } }
/** * Construct an object from parameters input by a user. * * <p>Not using {@link DataBoundConstructor}, but using {@link * Descriptor#newInstance(StaplerRequest, JSONObject)}. * * @param req * @param formData * @param fieldName used for exception information. * @return * @throws hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException */ private BuildStep bindJSONWithDescriptor( StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData, String fieldName) throws hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException { if (formData == null || formData.isNullObject()) { return null; } String clazzName = formData.optString("$class", null); if (clazzName == null) { // Fall back on the legacy stapler-class attribute. clazzName = formData.optString("stapler-class", null); } if (clazzName == null) { throw new FormException("No $class or stapler-class is specified", fieldName); } try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Describable<?>> clazz = (Class<? extends Describable<?>>) Jenkins.getInstance().getPluginManager().uberClassLoader.loadClass(clazzName); Descriptor<?> d = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptorOrDie(clazz); return (BuildStep) d.newInstance(req, formData); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new FormException( String.format("Failed to instantiate: class not found %s", clazzName), e, fieldName); } }
public void testDoDelete() throws Exception { UpdateSite target = new UpdateSite("test1", ""); Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().clear(); Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().add(target); int initialSize = Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().size(); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); HtmlPage deleteSitePage = wc.goTo(String.format("%s/%s/delete", UpdateSitesManager.URL, target.getId())); assertEquals( "UpdateSite must not be deleted yet.", initialSize, Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().size()); HtmlForm deleteSiteForm = deleteSitePage.getFormByName("deleteSiteForm"); assertNotNull("There must be deleteSiteForm", deleteSiteForm); submit(deleteSiteForm); assertEquals( "UpdateSite must be deleted.", initialSize - 1, Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().size()); }
public void testDoConfigure() throws Exception { UpdateSite target = new UpdateSite("test1", ""); // Multiple update site. Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().clear(); Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().add(target); String originalId = target.getId(); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); HtmlPage editSitePage = wc.goTo(String.format("%s/%s", UpdateSitesManager.URL, target.getId())); HtmlForm editSiteForm = editSitePage.getFormByName("editSiteForm"); assertNotNull("There must be editSiteForm", editSiteForm); String newId = "newId"; String newUrl = "http://localhost/update-center.json"; editSiteForm.getInputByName("").setValueAttribute(newId); editSiteForm.getInputByName("_.url").setValueAttribute(newUrl); submit(editSiteForm); UpdateSite site = null; for (UpdateSite s : Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites()) { if (newId.equals(s.getId())) { site = s; } assertFalse("id must be updated(old one must not remain)", originalId.equals(s.getId())); } assertNotNull("id must be updated", site); assertEquals("url must be updated", newUrl, site.getUrl()); }
/** * Since this shares much of the configuration with {@link EC2Computer}, check its help page, * too. */ @Override public String getHelpFile(String fieldName) { String p = super.getHelpFile(fieldName); if (p == null) p = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptor(EC2OndemandSlave.class).getHelpFile(fieldName); if (p == null) p = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptor(EC2SpotSlave.class).getHelpFile(fieldName); return p; }
/** Really deletes the slave. */ @CLIMethod(name = "delete-node") public HttpResponse doDoDelete() throws IOException { checkPermission(DELETE); Node node = getNode(); if (node != null) { Jenkins.getInstance().removeNode(node); } else { AbstractCIBase app = Jenkins.getInstance(); app.removeComputer(this); } return new HttpRedirect(".."); }
private void redirectToBuildPage(StaplerResponse res, Run build) { if (build != null) { try { res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getUrl()); } catch (IOException e) { try { res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getBuildStatusUrl()); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * Returns the description of the build used for the Stash notification. Uses the build * description provided by the Jenkins job, if available. * * @param build the build to be described * @param state the state of the build * @return the description of the build */ private String getBuildDescription(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final StashBuildState state) { if (build.getDescription() != null && build.getDescription().trim().length() > 0) { return build.getDescription(); } else { switch (state) { case INPROGRESS: return "building on Jenkins @ " + Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl(); default: return "built by Jenkins @ " + Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl(); } } }
/** Try to make this user a super-user */ private void tryToMakeAdmin(User u) throws IOException { WwpassIdentity p = u.getProperty(WwpassIdentity.class); p.activate();; AuthorizationStrategy as = Jenkins.getInstance().getAuthorizationStrategy(); for (PermissionAdder adder : Jenkins.getInstance().getExtensionList(PermissionAdder.class)) { if (adder.add(as, u, Jenkins.ADMINISTER)) { return; } } LOGGER.severe( "Admin permission wasn't added for user: "******", ID: " + u.getId()); }
public List<Queue.Item> getQueueItems() { if (!isFilterQueue()) { return Arrays.asList(Jenkins.getInstance().getQueue().getItems()); } Collection<TopLevelItem> items = getItems(); List<Queue.Item> result = new ArrayList<Queue.Item>(); for (Queue.Item qi : Jenkins.getInstance().getQueue().getItems()) { if (items.contains(qi.task)) { result.add(qi); } } return result; }
public HttpResponse doUpdateSources(StaplerRequest req) throws IOException { Jenkins.getInstance().checkPermission(CONFIGURE_UPDATECENTER); if (req.hasParameter("remove")) { UpdateCenter uc = Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter(); BulkChange bc = new BulkChange(uc); try { for (String id : req.getParameterValues("sources")) uc.getSites().remove(uc.getById(id)); } finally { bc.commit(); } } else if (req.hasParameter("add")) return new HttpRedirect("addSite"); return new HttpRedirect("./sites"); }
public List<Action> getOwnerViewActions() { try { return _getOwnerViewActions(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { return Jenkins.getInstance().getActions(); } }
public void testNativeMaven() throws Exception { MavenInstallation maven = configureDefaultMaven(); String mavenPath = maven.getHome(); Jenkins.getInstance() .getDescriptorByType(Maven.DescriptorImpl.class) .setInstallations(new MavenInstallation("maven", "THIS IS WRONG", NO_PROPERTIES)); MavenModuleSet project = createMavenProject(); project.setScm(new ExtractResourceSCM(getClass().getResource("/"))); project.setAssignedLabel(slave.getSelfLabel()); project.setJDK(jenkins.getJDK("default")); project.setMaven("maven"); project.setGoals("clean"); Run build = project.scheduleBuild2(0).get(); assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, build); ToolLocationNodeProperty property = new ToolLocationNodeProperty( new ToolLocationNodeProperty.ToolLocation( jenkins.getDescriptorByType(MavenInstallation.DescriptorImpl.class), "maven", mavenPath)); slave.getNodeProperties().add(property); build = project.scheduleBuild2(0).get(); System.out.println(build.getLog()); assertBuildStatus(Result.SUCCESS, build); }
private void handlePullRequestEvent(String payload) throws IOException { GitHub gitHub = createGitHub(JSONObject.fromObject(payload)); if (gitHub == null) { return; } GHEventPayload.PullRequest pullRequest = gitHub.parseEventPayload(new StringReader(payload), GHEventPayload.PullRequest.class); if (SUPPORTED_EVENTS.contains(pullRequest.getAction())) { Authentication old = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(ACL.SYSTEM); try { for (AbstractProject<?, ?> job : Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems(AbstractProject.class)) { PullRequestBuildTrigger trigger = job.getTrigger(PullRequestBuildTrigger.class); if (trigger != null && trigger.getBuildHandler() instanceof PullRequestBuildHandler) { ((PullRequestBuildHandler) trigger.getBuildHandler()).handle(pullRequest, gitHub); } } } finally { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(old); } } else { LOGGER.warning( MessageFormat.format( "Unsupported pull request action: ''{0}''", pullRequest.getAction())); } }
private void createCommitStatus( AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener, String message, GHRepository repo, GHCommitState state) throws GhprcCommitStatusException { GhprcCause cause = Ghprc.getCause(build); String sha1 = cause.getCommit(); String url = Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getUrl(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(statusUrl)) { url = Ghprc.replaceMacros(build, listener, statusUrl); } String context = Util.fixEmpty(commitStatusContext); context = Ghprc.replaceMacros(build, listener, context); listener .getLogger() .println( String.format( "Setting status of %s to %s with url %s and message: '%s'", sha1, state, url, message)); if (context != null) { listener.getLogger().println(String.format("Using context: " + context)); } try { repo.createCommitStatus(sha1, state, url, message, context); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GhprcCommitStatusException(e, state, message, cause.getPullID()); } }
@Override public final boolean start(StepContext context) { try { FilePath ws = context.get(FilePath.class); assert ws != null : context.getClass() + " failed to provide a FilePath even though one was requested"; String remote = ws.getRemote(); String node = null; for (Computer c : Jenkins.getInstance().getComputers()) { if (c.getChannel() == ws.getChannel()) { node = c.getName(); break; } } if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no known node for " + ws); } register( context, task() .launch( context.get(EnvVars.class), ws, context.get(Launcher.class), context.get(TaskListener.class)), node, remote); } catch (Exception x) { context.onFailure(x); } return false; // TODO implement stop, however it is design (will need to call Controller.stop) }
/** * Return a list of projects which can be built * * @return */ protected final List<AbstractProject<?, ?>> getProjects(String viewName) { List<AbstractProject<?, ?>> projects = new ArrayList<AbstractProject<?, ?>>(); Collection<TopLevelItem> items = Jenkins.getInstance().getItems(); View view = null; BulkBuilderAction bulkBuilderAction = new BulkBuilderAction(); if (viewName != null) { for (View currentView : bulkBuilderAction.getViews()) { if (currentView.getViewName().equals(viewName)) { view = currentView; } } if (view != null) { items = view.getItems(); } } for (AbstractProject<?, ?> project : Util.createSubList(items, AbstractProject.class)) { if (!project.isBuildable()) { continue; } projects.add(project); } return projects; }
/** The login process starts from here. */ public HttpResponse doCommenceLogin( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String from, @QueryParameter String ticket) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO write login method String puid = authenticateInWwpass(ticket, certFile, keyFile); WwpassIdentity u; try { u = loadUserByUsername(puid); } catch (UsernameNotFoundException e) { if (allowsSignup()) { req.setAttribute("errorMessage", Messages.WwpassSecurityRealm_NoSuchUserAllowsSignup()); } else { req.setAttribute("errorMessage", Messages.WwpassSecurityRealm_NoSuchUserDisableSignup()); } req.getView(this, "login.jelly").forward(req, rsp); throw e; } if (!u.isAccountNonLocked() || !u.isEnabled()) { // throw new LockedException("Account is not activated for " + puid); throw new Failure(Messages.WwpassSecurityRealm_AccountNotActivated()); } Authentication a = new WwpassAuthenticationToken(u.getNickname()); a = this.getSecurityComponents().manager.authenticate(a); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(a); return new HttpRedirect(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl()); }
private GroovyShell createEngine(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener) { ClassLoader cl = Jenkins.getInstance().getPluginManager().uberClassLoader; ScriptSandbox sandbox = null; CompilerConfiguration cc = new CompilerConfiguration(); cc.addCompilationCustomizers( new ImportCustomizer() .addStarImports("jenkins", "jenkins.model", "hudson", "hudson.model")); ExtendedEmailPublisher publisher = build.getProject().getPublishersList().get(ExtendedEmailPublisher.class); if (publisher.getDescriptor().isSecurityEnabled()) { cc.addCompilationCustomizers(new SandboxTransformer()); sandbox = new ScriptSandbox(); } Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable("build", build); binding.setVariable("project", build.getParent()); binding.setVariable("rooturl", publisher.getDescriptor().getHudsonUrl()); binding.setVariable("out", listener.getLogger()); GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(cl, binding, cc); if (sandbox != null) { sandbox.register(); } return shell; }
private String getHookUrl() { String baseUrl = helper.getTrigger().getGitHubApiAuth().getJenkinsUrl(); if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl(); } return baseUrl + GhprbRootAction.URL + "/"; }
private void copySlaveJar(PrintStream logger, SmbFile remoteRoot) throws IOException { // copy slave.jar logger.println("Copying slave.jar"); copyStreamAndClose( Jenkins.getInstance().getJnlpJars("slave.jar").getURL().openStream(), new SmbFile(remoteRoot, "slave.jar").getOutputStream()); }
public List<Computer> getComputers() { Computer[] computers = Jenkins.getInstance().getComputers(); if (!isFilterExecutors()) { return Arrays.asList(computers); } List<Computer> result = new ArrayList<Computer>(); boolean roam = false; HashSet<Label> labels = new HashSet<Label>(); for (Item item : getItems()) { if (item instanceof AbstractProject<?, ?>) { AbstractProject<?, ?> p = (AbstractProject<?, ?>) item; Label l = p.getAssignedLabel(); if (l != null) { labels.add(l); } else { roam = true; } } } for (Computer c : computers) { Node n = c.getNode(); if (n != null) { if (roam && n.getMode() == Mode.NORMAL || !Collections.disjoint(n.getAssignedLabels(), labels)) { result.add(c); } } } return result; }
/** If the command is currently running inside a build, return it. Otherwise null. */ protected Run optCurrentlyBuilding() throws CmdLineException { try { CLICommand c = CLICommand.getCurrent(); if (c == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Not executing a CLI command"); String[] envs = c.checkChannel().call(new GetCharacteristicEnvironmentVariables()); if (envs[0] == null || envs[1] == null) return null; Job j = Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName(envs[0], Job.class); if (j == null) throw new CmdLineException("No such job: " + envs[0]); try { Run r = j.getBuildByNumber(Integer.parseInt(envs[1])); if (r == null) throw new CmdLineException("No such build #" + envs[1] + " in " + envs[0]); if (!r.isBuilding()) { throw new CmdLineException(r + " is not currently being built"); } return r; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CmdLineException("Invalid build number: " + envs[1]); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CmdLineException("Failed to identify the build being executed", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new CmdLineException("Failed to identify the build being executed", e); } }
public ServerInfo convert(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class type, final Object value) { // get the main config. final NeoGlobalConfig.DescriptorImpl globalConfigDescriptor = (NeoGlobalConfig.DescriptorImpl) Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptor(NeoGlobalConfig.class); if (globalConfigDescriptor == null) { LOGGER.log( Level.FINEST, "No NeoLoad server settings found. Please add servers before configuring jobs. (getLicenseServerOptions)"); return null; } // find the serverInfo based on the unique ID. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Collection<ServerInfo> allServerInfo = CollectionUtils.union( globalConfigDescriptor.getNtsInfo(), globalConfigDescriptor.getCollabInfo()); for (final ServerInfo si : allServerInfo) { if (si.getUniqueID().equals(value)) { return si; } } return null; }
private void updateComputer( Node n, Map<String, Computer> byNameMap, Set<Computer> used, boolean automaticSlaveLaunch) { Map<Node, Computer> computers = getComputerMap(); Computer c; c = byNameMap.get(n.getNodeName()); if (c != null) { c.setNode(n); // reuse } else { // we always need Computer for the master as a fallback in case there's no other Computer. if (n.getNumExecutors() > 0 || n == Jenkins.getInstance()) { computers.put(n, c = n.createComputer()); if (!n.isHoldOffLaunchUntilSave() && automaticSlaveLaunch) { RetentionStrategy retentionStrategy = c.getRetentionStrategy(); if (retentionStrategy != null) { // if there is a retention strategy, it is responsible for deciding to start the // computer retentionStrategy.start(c); } else { // we should never get here, but just in case, we'll fall back to the legacy behaviour c.connect(true); } } } } used.add(c); }
public AbstractProject<?, ?> getParentProject() { AbstractProject<?, ?> context = null; List<AbstractProject> jobs = Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems(AbstractProject.class); for (AbstractProject<?, ?> project : jobs) { if (!(project instanceof TopLevelItem)) continue; ParametersDefinitionProperty property = project.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class); if (property != null) { List<ParameterDefinition> parameterDefinitions = property.getParameterDefinitions(); if (parameterDefinitions != null) { for (ParameterDefinition pd : parameterDefinitions) { if (pd instanceof GitParameterDefinition && ((GitParameterDefinition) pd).compareTo(this) == 0) { context = project; break; } } } } } return context; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param type the type. */ DescriptorOrder(Class<T> type) { Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (j == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); // TODO 1.590+ getActiveInstance } descriptors = j.getDescriptorList(type); }
// TODO Tag projects as created by us, so that we can intelligently delete them and prevent // multiple jobs editing Projects private boolean createNewJob(String jobName, String config) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Creating project as %s", config)); boolean created; try { InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(config.getBytes("UTF-8")); // TODO confirm that we're using UTF-8 int i = jobName.lastIndexOf('/'); Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup ctx = jenkins; if (i > 0) { String contextName = jobName.substring(0, i); jobName = jobName.substring(i + 1); Item contextItem = jenkins.getItemByFullName(contextName); if (contextItem instanceof ModifiableItemGroup) { ctx = (ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup) contextItem; } } TopLevelItem item = ctx.createProjectFromXML(jobName, is); created = true; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ueex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unsupported encoding used in config. Should be UTF-8."); created = false; } catch (IOException ioex) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, String.format("Error writing config for new job %s.", jobName), ioex); created = false; } return created; }