private List<Node> getChildNodes(Node parentNode, String tagName) { List<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node child = parentNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && tagName.equals(child.getNodeName())) { nodeList.add(child); } } return nodeList; }
private void setXmlEntry(Document doc, Node opSet) { NodeList targetNodes = findNodes(doc, opSet); NodeList valueNodes = getValueNodes(opSet); if (targetNodes == null) { return; } int targetNodesCount = targetNodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < targetNodesCount; i++) { Node target = targetNodes.item(i); for (Node child; (child = target.getFirstChild()) != null; target.removeChild(child)) ; appendNodes(doc, target, valueNodes); } }
public void parseStartup(File file) { Logger.getLogger( .info((new StringBuilder("InstallParser.parseStartup: ")).append(file).toString()); try { Document doc = loadFile(file); if (doc != null) { XPathFactory factory = XMLUtils.newXPathFactory(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); String rootXPath = "/Startup/Commands/*"; Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); XPathExpression rootExp = xpath.compile(rootXPath); NodeList streamList = (NodeList) rootExp.evaluate(root, XPathConstants.NODESET); if (streamList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < streamList.getLength(); i++) { Node streamNode = streamList.item(i); Element streamElem = (Element) streamNode; if (streamElem.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("install")) { String packageName = null; String folderPath = null; for (Node child = streamNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("package")) packageName = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("folder")) folderPath = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); if (packageName != null) InstallCommands.installPackage(session, packageName); else if (folderPath != null) InstallCommands.installFolder(session, folderPath); else Logger.getLogger( .error("StartupParser.loadFile: <Install>: <Package> or <Folder> required"); } else if (streamElem.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("download")) { String url = null; String method = "get"; String data = null; String destination = "/opt"; String action = null; List headers = new ArrayList(); for (Node child = streamNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("url")) url = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("method")) method = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).toLowerCase().trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("data")) data = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("destination")) destination = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("action")) action = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).toLowerCase().trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("header")) { Node nameNode = XMLUtils.getNodeByTagName((Element) child, "Name"); Node valueNode = XMLUtils.getNodeByTagName((Element) child, "Value"); if (nameNode != null && valueNode != null) { Map namePair = new HashMap(); namePair.put( XMLUtils.getNodeValue(nameNode).trim(), XMLUtils.getNodeValue(valueNode).trim()); headers.add(namePair); } else { Logger.getLogger( .error( "StartupParser.loadFile: <Download/Header>: <Name> and <Value> required"); } } if (url != null && destination != null) InstallCommands.downloadFile( session, url, method, data, headers, destination, action); else Logger.getLogger( .error("StartupParser.loadFile: <Download>: <URL> and <Destination> required"); } else if (streamElem.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("s3fetch")) { String awsAccessKeyId = null; String awsSecretAccessKey = null; String bucket = null; String key = null; String destination = null; String action = null; for (Node child = streamNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("awsaccesskeyid")) awsAccessKeyId = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("awssecretaccesskey")) awsSecretAccessKey = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("bucket")) bucket = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("key")) key = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("destination")) destination = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("action")) action = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).toLowerCase().trim(); if (awsAccessKeyId != null && awsSecretAccessKey != null && bucket != null && key != null && destination != null) InstallCommands.fetchFile( session, awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, bucket, key, destination, action); else Logger.getLogger( .error( "StartupParser.loadFile: <Fetch>: <AWSAccessKeyId>, <AWSSecretAccessKey>, <Bucket>, <Key> and <Destination> required"); } else if (streamElem.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("runscript")) { String script = null; List params = new ArrayList(); for (Node child = streamNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("script")) script = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); else if (child.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("param")) { String param = XMLUtils.getNodeValue(child).trim(); params.add(param); } if (script != null) InstallCommands.runScript(session, script, params); else Logger.getLogger( .error("StartupParser.loadFile: <RunScript>: <Script> required"); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger( .error( (new StringBuilder("InstallParser.parseStartup: ")).append(e.toString()).toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } }