public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
      int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement();
      int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
      Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets();
      int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
      Component visibleComponent = getVisibleComponent();


      if (selectedIndex < 0) {
        if (visibleComponent != null) {
          // The last tab was removed, so remove the component
      } else {
        Component selectedComponent = tabPane.getComponentAt(selectedIndex);
        boolean shouldChangeFocus = false;

        // In order to allow programs to use a single component
        // as the display for multiple tabs, we will not change
        // the visible compnent if the currently selected tab
        // has a null component. This is a bit dicey, as we don't
        // explicitly state we support this in the spec, but since
        // programs are now depending on this, we're making it work.
        if (selectedComponent != null) {
          if (selectedComponent != visibleComponent && visibleComponent != null) {
            if (SwingUtilities.findFocusOwner(visibleComponent) != null) {
              shouldChangeFocus = true;
        int tx, ty, tw, th; // tab area bounds
        int cx, cy, cw, ch; // content area bounds
        Insets contentInsets = getContentBorderInsets(tabPlacement);
        Rectangle bounds = tabPane.getBounds();
        int numChildren = tabPane.getComponentCount();

        if (numChildren > 0) {

          // calculate tab area bounds
          tw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right;
          th = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight);
          tx = insets.left;
          ty =;

          // calculate content area bounds
          cx = tx + contentInsets.left;
          cy = ty + th +;
          cw = bounds.width - insets.left - insets.right - contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right;
          ch =
                  - insets.bottom
                  - th
                  - contentInsets.bottom;

          for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            Component child = tabPane.getComponent(i);

            if (child instanceof ScrollableTabViewport) {
              JViewport viewport = (JViewport) child;
              Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();
              int vw = tw;
              int vh = th;

              int totalTabWidth = rects[tabCount - 1].x + rects[tabCount - 1].width;
              if (totalTabWidth > tw) {
                // Need to allow space for scrollbuttons
                vw = Math.max(tw - 36, 36);
                if (totalTabWidth - viewRect.x <= vw) {
                  // Scrolled to the end, so ensure the
                  // viewport size is
                  // such that the scroll offset aligns with a
                  // tab
                  vw = totalTabWidth - viewRect.x;

              child.setBounds(tx, ty, vw, vh);

            } else if (child instanceof ScrollableTabButton) {
              ScrollableTabButton scrollbutton = (ScrollableTabButton) child;
              Dimension bsize = scrollbutton.getPreferredSize();
              int bx = 0;
              int by = 0;
              int bw = bsize.width;
              int bh = bsize.height;
              boolean visible = false;

              int totalTabWidth = rects[tabCount - 1].x + rects[tabCount - 1].width;

              if (totalTabWidth > tw) {
                int dir = scrollbutton.scrollsForward() ? EAST : WEST;
                visible = true;
                bx =
                    dir == EAST
                        ? bounds.width - insets.left - bsize.width
                        : bounds.width - insets.left - 2 * bsize.width;
                by = (tabPlacement == TOP ? ty + th - bsize.height : ty);

              if (visible) {
                child.setBounds(bx, by, bw, bh);

            } else {
              // All content children...
              child.setBounds(cx, cy, cw, ch);
          if (shouldChangeFocus) {
            if (!requestMyFocusForVisibleComponent()) {