public void setLocation(int x, int y) { if (myViewBounds != null) { myViewBounds.setLocation(x, y); } else { setBounds(new Point(x, y), null); } }
public void scrollToAttribute(Attribute a) { if (!a.getDescriptor().getConfig().equals(getConfig())) { logger.fine("Cannot scroll to attribute that isn't attached to this type of descriptor"); return; } int rowIndex = getCurrentModel().getRowForDescriptor(a.getDescriptor()); int colIndex = getCurrentModel().getColumnForAttribute(a); JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) this.getComponent(0); JViewport viewport = (JViewport) scrollPane.getViewport(); EnhancedTable table = (EnhancedTable) viewport.getView(); // This rectangle is relative to the table where the // northwest corner of cell (0,0) is always (0,0). Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(rowIndex, colIndex, true); // The location of the viewport relative to the table Point pt = viewport.getViewPosition(); // Translate the cell location so that it is relative // to the view, assuming the northwest corner of the // view is (0,0) rect.setLocation(rect.x - pt.x, rect.y - pt.y); // Scroll the area into view viewport.scrollRectToVisible(rect); }
public void addClient() { client = new Canvas() { public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); } }; client.setBackground(new Color(30, 220, 40)); clientCont.add(client); clientCont.validate(); final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(); WindowIDProvider pid = (WindowIDProvider) acc.getPeer(client); log.fine("Added XEmbed server(Canvas) with X window ID " + pid.getWindow()); Rectangle toFocusBounds = toFocus.getBounds(); toFocusBounds.setLocation(toFocus.getLocationOnScreen()); f.validate(); // KDE doesn't accept clicks on title as activation - click below title Rectangle fbounds = f.getBounds(); fbounds.y += f.getInsets().top; fbounds.height -= f.getInsets().top; Process proc = startClient( new Rectangle[] { fbounds, dummy.getBounds(), toFocusBounds, new Rectangle(b_modal.getLocationOnScreen(), b_modal.getSize()), new Rectangle(10, 130, 20, 20) }, pid.getWindow()); new ClientWatcher(client, proc, clientCont).start(); }
/** * Put the properties of this component that shall be persisted at application exit to the * application {@link Config} */ private void saveSettings() { GUI gUI = configuration.getgUI(); Rectangle sizeAndLocation = gUI.getImageConflictViewer().getSizeAndLocation(); sizeAndLocation.setLocation(this.getLocationOnScreen().x, this.getLocationOnScreen().y); sizeAndLocation.setSize(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height); }
public void scrollToCellLocation(int rowIndex, int colIndex) { if (!(getParent() instanceof JViewport)) { return; } JViewport scrollPane = (JViewport) getParent(); Rectangle rect = getCellRect(rowIndex, colIndex, true); Point p = scrollPane.getViewPosition(); rect.setLocation(rect.x - p.x, rect.y - p.y); scrollPane.scrollRectToVisible(rect); }
// Event forwarding. We need it if user does press-and-drag gesture for opening popup and // choosing item there. // It works in JComboBox, here we provide the same behavior private void dispatchEventToPopup(MouseEvent e) { if (myPopup != null && myPopup.isVisible()) { JComponent content = myPopup.getContent(); Rectangle rectangle = content.getBounds(); Point location = rectangle.getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(location, content); Point eventPoint = e.getLocationOnScreen(); rectangle.setLocation(location); if (rectangle.contains(eventPoint)) { MouseEvent event = SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(e.getComponent(), e, myPopup.getContent()); Component component = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(content, event.getX(), event.getY()); if (component != null) component.dispatchEvent(event); } } }
public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (!visible && myView != null) { disposeAndUpdate(false); } else if (visible && myView == null) { Window owner = UIUtil.getWindow(myOwner); if (owner != null) { if (myHeavyWeight) { Window view = pop(owner); if (view == null) { view = new JWindow(owner); setPopupType(view); } setAlwaysOnTop(view, myAlwaysOnTop); setWindowFocusable(view, myWindowFocusable); setWindowShadow(view, myWindowShadow); myView = view; } else if (owner instanceof RootPaneContainer) { JLayeredPane parent = ((RootPaneContainer) owner).getLayeredPane(); if (parent != null) { JPanel view = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); view.setVisible(false); parent.add(view, JLayeredPane.POPUP_LAYER, 0); myView = view; } } } if (myView != null) { myView.add(myContent); Component parent = myView instanceof Window ? null : myView.getParent(); if (parent != null) { Point location = myViewBounds.getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(location, parent); myViewBounds.setLocation(location); } myView.setBackground(UIUtil.getLabelBackground()); myView.setBounds(myViewBounds); myView.setVisible(true); myViewBounds = null; } } }
public void scrollToColumnLocation(int colIndex) { JTable scrollTable = transposedSpreadsheetSubform.getScrollTable(); scrollTable.setColumnSelectionInterval(colIndex, colIndex); JViewport scrollPane = transposedSpreadsheetSubform.getFrozenTable().getViewport(); Rectangle rect = scrollTable.getCellRect(1, colIndex, true); Point p = scrollPane.getViewPosition(); rect.setLocation(rect.x - p.x, rect.y - p.y); scrollPane.scrollRectToVisible(rect); Map<Integer, Color> columnToColor = new HashMap<Integer, Color>(); columnToColor.put(colIndex, new Color(28, 117, 188, 70)); transposedSpreadsheetSubform.changeTableRenderer( transposedSpreadsheetSubform.getScrollTable(), new SubFormCellRenderer( UIHelper.VER_11_PLAIN, UIHelper.DARK_GREEN_COLOR, null, columnToColor)); transposedSpreadsheetSubform.validate(); transposedSpreadsheetSubform.repaint(); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { // int numDoors=0; int rX = player.getRelativeX(); int rY = player.getRelativeY(); boolean notInBuilding = true; bufferGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.width); bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.WHITE); r2.setLocation(20 + rX, 20 + rY); // Iterator<Objects> iterator1 = entities.iterator();//size is the last index, therefore it // starts at the end // while(iterator1.hasNext()){ //, rY); // bufferGraphics.drawImage(,, //, null); // } for (int x = 0; x < buildings.size(); x++) { buildings.get(x).update(rX, rY); player.onDoor(player.r, buildings.get(x).door); player.collideOn(player.r, buildings.get(x)); if (player.inHouse(player.r, buildings.get(x).inside)) { notInBuilding = false; } // if(notInBuilding){ // bufferGraphics.drawImage(buildings.get(x).image, // buildings.get(x).blockX+rX,buildings.get(x).blockY+rY, null); // }else{ // bufferGraphics.drawImage(buildings.get(x).innerImage, // buildings.get(x).blockX+rX,buildings.get(x).blockY+rY, null); // } // bufferGraphics.fillRect(entities.get(x).bounds.x, entities.get(x).bounds.y, // entities.get(x).bounds.width, entities.get(x).bounds.height); } bufferGraphics.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 20)); // String m1 = new Boolean(player.canMove('w')).toString(); bufferGraphics.drawString(message, 0, 170); // bufferGraphics.fillRect(r2.x, r2.y, r2.width, r2.height); // player.collideOn(player.r, r2); // ***Image log1 = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("logTest.png")).getImage(); // ***bufferGraphics.drawImage(log1, (int)r2.getX(), (int)r2.getY(), null); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.N.getX1(), (int)player.N.getY1(), (int)player.N.getX2(), // (int)player.N.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.E.getX1(), (int)player.E.getY1(), (int)player.E.getX2(), // (int)player.E.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.S.getX1(), (int)player.S.getY1(), (int)player.S.getX2(), // (int)player.S.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.W.getX1(), (int)player.W.getY1(), (int)player.W.getX2(), // (int)player.W.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.RED); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.NI.getX1(), (int)player.NI.getY1(), // (int)player.NI.getX2(), (int)player.NI.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.EI.getX1(), (int)player.EI.getY1(), // (int)player.EI.getX2(), (int)player.EI.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.SI.getX1(), (int)player.SI.getY1(), // (int)player.SI.getX2(), (int)player.SI.getY2()); // bufferGraphics.drawLine((int)player.WI.getX1(), (int)player.WI.getY1(), // (int)player.WI.getX2(), (int)player.WI.getY2()); if (notInBuilding) { Image thebg = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("grassbackingdev.png")).getImage(); bufferGraphics.drawImage(thebg, 0 + rX, 0 + rY, null); } player.update(); int setX = Math.abs(player.relativeX); int setY = Math.abs(player.relativeY); if (player.relativeX > 0) { setX = -setX; } if (player.relativeY > 0) { setY = -setY; } if (notInBuilding) { for (int x = 0; x < entities.size(); x++) { entities.get(x).update(rX, rY); bufferGraphics.drawImage( entities.get(x).image, entities.get(x).blockX + rX, entities.get(x).blockY + rY, null); player.collideOn(player.r, entities.get(x)); if (entities.get(x).health <= 0) { if (entities.get(x).material == "Wood") wood += entities.get(x).matsReturn; if (entities.get(x).material == "Stone") stone += entities.get(x).matsReturn; entities.remove(x); } // bufferGraphics.fillRect(entities.get(x).bounds.x, entities.get(x).bounds.y, // entities.get(x).bounds.width, entities.get(x).bounds.height); } } for (int x = 0; x < buildings.size(); x++) { if (notInBuilding) { bufferGraphics.drawImage( buildings.get(x).image, buildings.get(x).blockX + rX, buildings.get(x).blockY + rY, null); } else { bufferGraphics.drawImage( buildings.get(x).innerImage, buildings.get(x).blockX + rX, buildings.get(x).blockY + rY, null); } } if (notInBuilding) { for (int x = 0; x < npcArray.size(); x++) { for (int e = 0; e < entities.size(); e++) { npcArray.get(x).detectEntities(entities.get(e)); if (entities.get(e).health <= 0) { entities.remove(e); } } npcArray.get(x).update(rX, rY, setX + 92, setY + 82); bufferGraphics.drawImage( npcArray.get(x).graphic, npcArray.get(x).npcX + rX, npcArray.get(x).npcY + rY, null); if (npcArray.get(x).isDead()) { npcArray.remove(x); } else if (npcArray.get(x).hitBox.intersects(player.r)) { -= 25; npcArray.remove(x); } } } for (int x = 0; x < playerAttack.size(); x++) { playerAttack.get(x).update(rX, rY); bufferGraphics.drawImage( playerAttack.get(x).graphic, playerAttack.get(x).currentX + rX, playerAttack.get(x).currentY + rY, null); for (int y = 0; y < npcArray.size(); y++) { if (playerAttack.get(x).hitBox.intersects(npcArray.get(y).hitBox)) { npcArray.get(y).health -= 25; playerAttack.get(x).hasHit = true; } } if (playerAttack.get(x).isDead()) { playerAttack.remove(x); } } player.notOnDoor = true; if (player.moving) { bufferGraphics.drawImage( player.getImage().getImage(), player.getCharx(), player.getChary(), null); // TODO } else { bufferGraphics.drawImage(player.getIdle(), player.getCharx(), player.getChary(), null); } if (Ghosting) { if (player.face == 1) { bufferGraphics.drawImage(player.getResource(resource), 104, 87, null); // EAST } if (player.face == 2) { bufferGraphics.drawImage(player.getResource(resource), 94, 106, null); // SOUTH*94,106 } if (player.face == 3) { bufferGraphics.drawImage(player.getResource(resource), 84, 87, null); // WEST84,87 } if (player.face == 4) { bufferGraphics.drawImage(player.getResource(resource), 94, 75, null); // NORTH94,75 } } if ( <= 0) { bufferGraphics.drawString("You are dead", 10, 90); stop(); } bufferGraphics.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 9)); bufferGraphics.setColor(new Color(160, 82, 45)); bufferGraphics.fillRect(0, 2, 8, 8); bufferGraphics.setColor(new Color(105, 105, 105)); bufferGraphics.fillRect(0, 12, 8, 8); bufferGraphics.drawImage(statusBar, 0, 22, null); bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.WHITE); bufferGraphics.drawString(String.format("%d", wood), 18, 10); bufferGraphics.drawString(String.format("%d", stone), 18, 20); bufferGraphics.drawString(String.format("%d",, 18, 30); // bufferGraphics.fillRect((int)player.r.getX(), (int)player.r.getY(), // (int)player.r.getWidth(),(int)player.r.getHeight()); // bufferGraphics.fillRect(player.r.x, player.r.x, player.r.width, player.r.height); g.drawImage(offScreen, 0, 0, this); // if(drawConsole){ // message = String.format("wood: %d", wood); // } }
public void scrollRects() { for (Rectangle i : rectList) { i.setLocation((int) (i.getX()), (int) (i.getY() + (int) (player1.getVelocity() * 0.3))); } }