protected int getCaretOffset() { RangeMarker r; if (myLocalMarker != null) { final PsiReference reference = myExpr != null ? myExpr.getReference() : null; if (reference != null && reference.resolve() == myLocalVariable) { r = myExprMarker; } else { r = myLocalMarker; } } else { r = myExprMarker; } return r != null ? r.getStartOffset() : 0; }
public AddModuleDependencyFix( Module currentModule, VirtualFile classVFile, PsiClass[] classes, PsiReference reference) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.getElement(); final Project project = psiElement.getProject(); final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project); final ProjectFileIndex fileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex(); for (PsiClass aClass : classes) { if (!facade.getResolveHelper().isAccessible(aClass, psiElement, aClass)) continue; PsiFile psiFile = aClass.getContainingFile(); if (psiFile == null) continue; VirtualFile virtualFile = psiFile.getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile == null) continue; final Module classModule = fileIndex.getModuleForFile(virtualFile); if (classModule != null && classModule != currentModule && !ModuleRootManager.getInstance(currentModule).isDependsOn(classModule)) { myModules.add(classModule); } } myCurrentModule = currentModule; myClassVFile = classVFile; myClasses = classes; myReference = reference; }
private static List<PsiElement> resolve(final PsiReference ref) { // IDEA-56727 try resolve first as in GotoDeclarationAction PsiElement resolvedElement = ref.resolve(); if (resolvedElement == null && ref instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) { List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); final ResolveResult[] psiElements = ((PsiPolyVariantReference) ref).multiResolve(false); for (ResolveResult resolveResult : psiElements) { if (resolveResult.getElement() != null) { result.add(resolveResult.getElement()); } } return result; } return resolvedElement == null ? Collections.<PsiElement>emptyList() : Collections.singletonList(resolvedElement); }
public static void visitRefInDocTag( final PsiDocTag tag, final JavadocManager manager, final PsiElement context, final ArrayList<ProblemDescriptor> problems, final InspectionManager inspectionManager, final boolean onTheFly) { final String tagName = tag.getName(); final PsiDocTagValue value = tag.getValueElement(); if (value == null) return; final JavadocTagInfo info = manager.getTagInfo(tagName); if (info != null && !info.isValidInContext(context)) return; final String message = info == null || !info.isInline() ? null : info.checkTagValue(value); if (message != null) { problems.add(createDescriptor(value, message, inspectionManager, onTheFly)); } final PsiReference reference = value.getReference(); if (reference == null) return; final PsiElement element = reference.resolve(); if (element != null) return; final int textOffset = value.getTextOffset(); if (textOffset == value.getTextRange().getEndOffset()) return; final PsiDocTagValue valueElement = tag.getValueElement(); if (valueElement == null) return; final CharSequence paramName = value .getContainingFile() .getViewProvider() .getContents() .subSequence(textOffset, value.getTextRange().getEndOffset()); final String params = "<code>" + paramName + "</code>"; final List<LocalQuickFix> fixes = new ArrayList<LocalQuickFix>(); if (onTheFly && "param".equals(tagName)) { final PsiDocCommentOwner commentOwner = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(tag, PsiDocCommentOwner.class); if (commentOwner instanceof PsiMethod) { final PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) commentOwner; final PsiParameter[] parameters = method.getParameterList().getParameters(); final PsiDocTag[] tags = tag.getContainingComment().getTags(); final Set<String> unboundParams = new HashSet<String>(); for (PsiParameter parameter : parameters) { if (!JavaDocLocalInspection.isFound(tags, parameter)) { unboundParams.add(parameter.getName()); } } if (!unboundParams.isEmpty()) { fixes.add(new RenameReferenceQuickFix(unboundParams)); } } } fixes.add(new RemoveTagFix(tagName, paramName)); problems.add( inspectionManager.createProblemDescriptor( valueElement, reference.getRangeInElement(), cannotResolveSymbolMessage(params), ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL, onTheFly, fixes.toArray(new LocalQuickFix[fixes.size()]))); }
public InfoSingle(final PsiReference ref, @NotNull final PsiElement targetElement) { super(ref.getElement(), ReferenceRange.getAbsoluteRanges(ref)); myTargetElement = targetElement; }
@Override public void annotate(@NotNull final PsiElement element, @NotNull AnnotationHolder holder) { final PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile(); if (!JavaFxFileTypeFactory.isFxml(containingFile)) return; if (element instanceof XmlAttributeValue) { final String value = ((XmlAttributeValue) element).getValue(); if (!JavaFxPsiUtil.isExpressionBinding(value) && !JavaFxPsiUtil.isIncorrectExpressionBinding(value)) { final PsiReference[] references = element.getReferences(); for (PsiReference reference : references) { if (reference instanceof JavaFxColorReference) { attachColorIcon(element, holder, StringUtil.unquoteString(element.getText())); continue; } final PsiElement resolve = reference.resolve(); if (resolve instanceof PsiMember) { if (!JavaFxPsiUtil.isVisibleInFxml((PsiMember) resolve)) { final String symbolPresentation = "'" + SymbolPresentationUtil.getSymbolPresentableText(resolve) + "'"; final Annotation annotation = holder.createErrorAnnotation( element, symbolPresentation + (resolve instanceof PsiClass ? " should be public" : " should be public or annotated with @FXML")); if (!(resolve instanceof PsiClass)) { annotation.registerUniversalFix( new AddAnnotationFix( JavaFxCommonNames.JAVAFX_FXML_ANNOTATION, (PsiMember) resolve, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY), null, null); } } } } } } else if (element instanceof XmlAttribute) { final XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute) element; final String attributeName = attribute.getName(); if (!FxmlConstants.FX_BUILT_IN_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attributeName) && !attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration() && JavaFxPsiUtil.isReadOnly(attributeName, attribute.getParent())) { holder.createErrorAnnotation( element.getNavigationElement(), "Property '" + attributeName + "' is read-only"); } if (FxmlConstants.SOURCE.equals(attributeName)) { final XmlAttributeValue valueElement = attribute.getValueElement(); if (valueElement != null) { final XmlTag xmlTag = attribute.getParent(); if (xmlTag != null) { final XmlTag referencedTag = JavaFxBuiltInTagDescriptor.getReferencedTag(xmlTag); if (referencedTag != null) { if (referencedTag.getTextOffset() > xmlTag.getTextOffset()) { holder.createErrorAnnotation( valueElement.getValueTextRange(), valueElement.getValue() + " not found"); } else if (xmlTag.getParentTag() == referencedTag.getParentTag()) { final Annotation annotation = holder.createErrorAnnotation( valueElement.getValueTextRange(), "Duplicate child added"); annotation.registerFix( new JavaFxWrapWithDefineIntention(referencedTag, valueElement.getValue())); } } } } } } else if (element instanceof XmlTag) { if (FxmlConstants.FX_SCRIPT.equals(((XmlTag) element).getName())) { final XmlTagValue tagValue = ((XmlTag) element).getValue(); if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(tagValue.getText())) { final List<String> langs = JavaFxPsiUtil.parseInjectedLanguages((XmlFile) element.getContainingFile()); if (langs.isEmpty()) { final ASTNode openTag = element.getNode().findChildByType(XmlTokenType.XML_NAME); final Annotation annotation = holder.createErrorAnnotation( openTag != null ? openTag.getPsi() : element, "Page language not specified."); annotation.registerFix(new JavaFxInjectPageLanguageIntention()); } } } } }
@Override public JComponent getPreviewComponent(@NotNull PsiElement element) { final PsiNewExpression psiNewExpression = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiNewExpression.class); if (psiNewExpression != null) { final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement referenceElement = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(psiNewExpression, PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement.class); if (referenceElement != null) { final PsiReference reference = referenceElement.getReference(); if (reference != null) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.resolve(); if (psiElement instanceof PsiClass && "java.awt.Color".equals(((PsiClass) psiElement).getQualifiedName())) { final PsiExpressionList argumentList = psiNewExpression.getArgumentList(); if (argumentList != null) { final PsiExpression[] expressions = argumentList.getExpressions(); int[] values = ArrayUtil.newIntArray(expressions.length); float[] values2 = new float[expressions.length]; int i = 0; int j = 0; final PsiConstantEvaluationHelper helper = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(element.getProject()).getConstantEvaluationHelper(); for (final PsiExpression each : expressions) { final Object o = helper.computeConstantExpression(each); if (o instanceof Integer) { values[i] = ((Integer) o).intValue(); if (expressions.length != 1) { values[i] = values[i] > 255 ? 255 : values[i] < 0 ? 0 : values[i]; } i++; } else if (o instanceof Float) { values2[j] = ((Float) o).floatValue(); values2[j] = values2[j] > 1 ? 1 : values2[j] < 0 ? 0 : values2[j]; j++; } } Color c = null; if (i == expressions.length) { if (i == 1 && values[0] > 255) { c = new Color(values[0]); } else { switch (values.length) { case 1: c = new Color(values[0]); break; case 3: c = new Color(values[0], values[1], values[2]); break; case 4: c = new Color(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); break; default: break; } } } else if (j == expressions.length) { switch (values2.length) { case 3: c = new Color(values2[0], values2[1], values2[2]); break; case 4: c = new Color(values2[0], values2[1], values2[2], values2[3]); break; default: break; } } if (c != null) { return new ColorPreviewComponent(c); } } } } } } if (ColorChooserIntentionAction.isInsideDecodeOrGetColorMethod(element)) { final String color = StringUtil.unquoteString(element.getText()); try { return new ColorPreviewComponent(Color.decode(color)); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } if (PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PsiIdentifier.class) .withParent(PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PsiReferenceExpression.class)) .accepts(element)) { final PsiReference reference = element.getParent().getReference(); if (reference != null) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.resolve(); if (psiElement instanceof PsiField) { if ("java.awt.Color" .equals(((PsiField) psiElement).getContainingClass().getQualifiedName())) { final String colorName = ((PsiField) psiElement).getName().toLowerCase().replace("_", ""); final String hex = ColorSampleLookupValue.getHexCodeForColorName(colorName); return new ColorPreviewComponent(Color.decode("0x" + hex.substring(1))); } } } } if (PlatformPatterns.psiElement() .withParent(PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PsiLiteralExpression.class)) .accepts(element)) { final PsiLiteralExpression psiLiteralExpression = (PsiLiteralExpression) element.getParent(); if (psiLiteralExpression != null) { return ImagePreviewComponent.getPreviewComponent(psiLiteralExpression); } } return null; }
@Override public void rename(String newName) throws IncorrectOperationException { final PsiReference reference = getUsageInfo().getReference(); assert reference != null : this; reference.handleElementRename(newName); }
public static boolean isResolved(PsiReference reference) { if (reference instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) { return ((PsiPolyVariantReference) reference).multiResolve(false).length > 0; } return reference.resolve() != null; }