Пример #1
   * Updates the map's viewport's viewing rectangle
   * @param playerCoords Player's coordinates
  public void updateCurrentView(Coord playerCoords) {
    int x = (playerCoords.getX() * ImageBank.FEATUREWIDTH) - (viewPort.getWidth() >>> 1);
    int y =
        ((mapLevel.getHeight() - 1) * ImageBank.FEATUREHEIGHT)
            - ((playerCoords.getY() * ImageBank.FEATUREHEIGHT) + (viewPort.getHeight() >>> 1));

    if (x < 0) x = 0;
    if (x > (currentScreen.getWidth() - viewPort.getWidth()))
      x = (currentScreen.getWidth() - viewPort.getWidth());
    if (y < 0) y = 0;
    if (y > (currentScreen.getHeight() - viewPort.getHeight()))
      y = (currentScreen.getHeight() - viewPort.getHeight());

    viewPort.setViewPosition(new Point(x, y));
Пример #2
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent aEvent) {
    final MouseEvent event = convertEvent(aEvent);
    final Point point = event.getPoint();

    // Update the selected channel while dragging...

    if (getModel().isCursorMode() && (this.movingCursor >= 0)) {
      this.controller.moveCursor(this.movingCursor, getCursorDropPoint(point));

    } else {
      if ((this.lastClickPosition == null)
          && ((aEvent.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) != 0)) {
        this.lastClickPosition = new Point(point);

      final JScrollPane scrollPane =
          getAncestorOfClass(JScrollPane.class, (Component) aEvent.getSource());
      if ((scrollPane != null) && (this.lastClickPosition != null)) {
        final JViewport viewPort = scrollPane.getViewport();
        final Component signalView = this.controller.getSignalDiagram().getSignalView();

        boolean horizontalOnly = (aEvent.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) != 0;
        boolean verticalOnly =
            horizontalOnly && ((aEvent.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0);

        int dx = aEvent.getX() - this.lastClickPosition.x;
        int dy = aEvent.getY() - this.lastClickPosition.y;

        Point scrollPosition = viewPort.getViewPosition();
        int newX = scrollPosition.x;
        if (!verticalOnly) {
          newX -= dx;
        int newY = scrollPosition.y;
        if (verticalOnly || !horizontalOnly) {
          newY -= dy;

        int diagramWidth = signalView.getWidth();
        int viewportWidth = viewPort.getWidth();
        int maxX = diagramWidth - viewportWidth - 1;
        scrollPosition.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxX, newX));

        int diagramHeight = signalView.getHeight();
        int viewportHeight = viewPort.getHeight();
        int maxY = diagramHeight - viewportHeight;
        scrollPosition.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxY, newY));


      // Use UNCONVERTED/ORIGINAL mouse event!
      handleZoomRegion(aEvent, this.lastClickPosition);
Пример #3
  /** Scrolls the viewport according to the fake cursor position in the preview popup menu. */
  private void scrollViewPort() {
    Point cursorLocation = _cursorLabel.getLocation();
    int dx = (int) Math.max(cursorLocation.getX(), 0);
    int dy = (int) Math.max(cursorLocation.getY(), 0);

    dx = (int) (dx * _ratio);
    dy = (int) (dy * _ratio);

    ((JComponent) _viewPort.getComponent(0))
        .scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(dx, dy, _viewPort.getWidth(), _viewPort.getHeight()));
Пример #4
    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(
        final JTable table,
        final Object value,
        final boolean isSelected,
        final int row,
        final int column) {

      final String boundaryString;
      if (value instanceof PropertyMap) {
        final PropertyMap map = (PropertyMap) value;
        boundaryString = map.getPropertyString(KEY_BOUNDARY_PATH, null);
      } else {
        boundaryString = null;
      final GeneralPath[] geoBoundaryPathes = createGeoBoundaryPathes(boundaryString);
      if (geoBoundaryPathes.length > 0) {
        final BufferedImage worldMapImage = wmPainter.createWorldMapImage(geoBoundaryPathes);
        scrollPane.setViewportView(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(worldMapImage)));

        final Color backgroundColor = table.getSelectionBackground();
        scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(backgroundColor, 3));

        // todo: first time scrolling is not good, cause the viewRect has no width and height at
        // this time
        // hack: this is not good, there might be a better solution
        final JViewport viewport = scrollPane.getViewport();
        if (viewport.getWidth() == 0 && viewport.getHeight() == 0) {
              table.getColumnModel().getColumn(column).getWidth(), table.getRowHeight(row));

        scrollToCenterPath(geoBoundaryPathes[0], viewport);
        return scrollPane;
      } else {
        return null;
Пример #5
  * @see
  *     com.seaglasslookandfeel.painter.ViewportPainter#paintViewport(com.seaglasslookandfeel.SeaGlassContext,
  *     java.awt.Graphics, javax.swing.JViewport)
 public void paintViewport(SeaGlassContext context, Graphics g, JViewport c) {
   paintStripesAndGrid(context, g, c, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), table.getLocation().y);
Пример #6
   * By default, the right corner of a popup menu is positionned at the right of a mouse click. What
   * we want is to have the preview popup menu positionned <i>inside</i> the scroll pane, near the
   * corner component. The purpose of this method is to display the scaled image of the component of
   * the scroll pane, and to calculate the correct position of the preview popup menu.
  public void showUpInCorner(Component c, String corner) {

    if (_viewPort.getComponentCount() == 0) return;

    float scaleFactor = 1.1f; // _viewPort.getComponent( 0 ).getHeight() /
    // _scrollPane.getHeight() * 2;

    // if (_viewPort.getWidth() < (_viewPort.getHeight() * scaleFactor))
    // _ratio =( int ) ( _viewPort.getComponent(0).getWidth() /
    // (_viewPort.getWidth() / scaleFactor) );
    // else
    // _ratio = ( int ) (( _viewPort.getComponent(0).getHeight() /
    // (_viewPort.getHeight()) / scaleFactor ));
    _ratio =
        (((float) _viewPort.getComponent(0).getHeight()
            / ((float) _viewPort.getHeight())
            / scaleFactor));

    if (_ratio < 2) _ratio = 2;

    // System.out.println( "ratio = " + _ratio );

    int zoomWindowImageWidth = (int) (_viewPort.getComponent(0).getWidth() / _ratio);
    if (zoomWindowImageWidth < 10) {
      UISupport.showInfoMessage("Viewport too large for readable image, use scrollbar instead");

    int zoomWindowImageHeight = (int) (_viewPort.getComponent(0).getHeight() / _ratio);

    // System.out.println( "ratio = " + _ratio + ", zoomWindowImageWidth = " +
    // zoomWindowImageWidth +
    // ", zoomWindowImageHeight = " + zoomWindowImageHeight);

     * Image componentImage =
     * captureComponentViewAsBufferedImage(_viewPort.getComponent(0))
     * .getScaledInstance( zoomWindowImageWidth, zoomWindowImageHeight,
     * Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
     * Based on Shannon Hickey's comments. This is much faster way to scale
     * instance Thanks! Shannon
    Image capture = captureComponentViewAsBufferedImage(_viewPort.getComponent(0));
    Image componentImage =
        new BufferedImage(zoomWindowImageWidth, zoomWindowImageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) componentImage.getGraphics();
    /* if you want smoother scaling */
    if (zoomWindowImageWidth > 15)
    g2d.drawImage(capture, 0, 0, zoomWindowImageWidth, zoomWindowImageHeight, null);

    // Converts the Image to an ImageIcon to be used with a JLabel.
    ImageIcon componentIcon = new ImageIcon(componentImage);

    _iconWidth = componentIcon.getIconWidth();
    _iconHeight = componentIcon.getIconHeight();


    _zoomWindow.setBounds(0, 0, _iconWidth, _iconHeight);

    int cursorWidth = (int) (_viewPort.getWidth() / _ratio);

    int cursorHeight = (int) (_viewPort.getHeight() / _ratio);

    _cursorLabel.setBounds(0, 0, cursorWidth, cursorHeight);

    _layeredPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(_iconWidth, _iconHeight));

    int dx = componentIcon.getIconWidth() + DELTA;
    int dy = componentIcon.getIconHeight() + DELTA;

    if (corner.equals(JScrollPane.UPPER_LEFT_CORNER)) ;
    else if (corner.equals(JScrollPane.UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER)) dx = -dx;
    else if (corner.equals(JScrollPane.LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER)) {
      dx = -dx;
      dy = -dy;
    } else if (corner.equals(JScrollPane.LOWER_LEFT_CORNER)) dy = -dy;

    if (dy < 0 && Math.abs(dy) > _viewPort.getHeight()) {
      dy = -_viewPort.getHeight() - 10;

    // System.out.println( "Showing at " + dx + ", " + dy );

    // Shows the popup menu at the right place.
    this.show(c, dx, dy);