public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals(PUT)) { while (availableExpressions.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { String exp = (String) availableExpressions.getSelectedValue(); setAsSelected(exp, true); } } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals(PUSH)) { while (selectedExpressions.getSelectedRow() != -1) { String exp = (String) selectedExpressions.getValueAt(selectedExpressions.getSelectedRow(), 1); ((DefaultTableModel) selectedExpressions.getModel()) .removeRow(selectedExpressions.getSelectedRow()); ((DefaultListModel) availableExpressions.getModel()).addElement(exp); } } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals(UP)) { int row = selectedExpressions.getSelectedRow(); if (row < 1) return; ((DefaultTableModel) selectedExpressions.getModel()).moveRow(row, row, --row); selectedExpressions.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row); scrollToRow(row); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals(DOWN)) { int row = selectedExpressions.getSelectedRow(); if (row == selectedExpressions.getRowCount() - 1) return; ((DefaultTableModel) selectedExpressions.getModel()).moveRow(row, row, ++row); selectedExpressions.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row); scrollToRow(row); } clauses.builder.syntax.refresh(); }
/** Accepts button clicking */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // close dialog and save changes to the region if (event.getSource() == okButton) { Terrain r = new Terrain(null); r.setBackground((String) terrain.getSelectedItem()); r.setName(nameField.getText()); r.setRate((Integer) eRateSpinner.getValue()); r.setFormations(formations); if (index == -1) parent.regions.add(r); else parent.regions.set(index, r); parent.regionList.setListData(parent.regions); parent.regionPane.setViewportView(parent.regionList); dispose(); } // close dialog without saving changes if (event.getSource() == cancelButton) dispose(); if (fList.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { // edit a formation if (event.getSource() == fEdtButton) new FormationDialog(this, fList.getSelectedIndex()); // remove a formation else if (event.getSource() == fRemButton) { formations.remove(fList.getSelectedIndex()); fList.setListData(formations); fPane.setViewportView(fList); } } // create a new formation if (event.getSource() == fAddButton) new FormationDialog(this); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evento) { Paciente nuevo = null; if (evento.getActionCommand().equals("Añadir")) { AñadePacienteFrame paciente = new AñadePacienteFrame(ventana, nuevo); nuevo = paciente.getPaciente(); if (nuevo != null) modelo.addElement(nuevo); } if (evento.getActionCommand().equals("Eliminar")) { int indice = pacientes.getSelectedIndex(); if (indice != FALLO) { int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "¿Estas seguro de eliminar al paciente?", "", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) modelo.remove(indice); } } if (evento.getActionCommand().equals("Modificar")) { int indice = pacientes.getSelectedIndex(); if (indice != FALLO) { AñadePacienteFrame paciente = new AñadePacienteFrame(ventana, modelo.getElementAt(indice)); if (cambios(paciente.getPaciente(), modelo.getElementAt(indice))) { modelo.getElementAt(indice).setPaciente(paciente.getPaciente()); ventana.repaint(); } } } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SwingEditor.instance.setDirty(dirtyFlag); if (e.getSource() == add) { TileScript script = new FlavourText(""); TileScriptEditor dialog = new TileScriptEditor(SwingEditor.instance, script, dirtyFlag, zone); if (dialog.getResult() != null) { SwingEditor.instance.setDirty(dirtyFlag); dataModel.add(dialog.getResult()); } } else if (e.getSource() == delete) { int index = list.getSelectedIndex(); if (index > -1) { SwingEditor.instance.setDirty(dirtyFlag); dataModel.remove(index); } } else if (e.getSource() == edit) { editListItem(); } else if (e.getSource() == moveUp) { dataModel.moveUp(list.getSelectedIndex()); list.setSelectedIndex(list.getSelectedIndex() - 1); } else if (e.getSource() == moveDown) { dataModel.moveDown(list.getSelectedIndex()); list.setSelectedIndex(list.getSelectedIndex() + 1); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(decoyStrategy_pattern) || e.getSource().equals(decoyStrategy_searchengine)) { // decoy pattern can only be edited, if decoy strategy is pattern decoyPattern_pattern.setEnabled(decoyStrategy_pattern.isSelected()); } else if (e.getSource().equals(addToPreferred_button) && (availableScoresList.getSelectedIndex() > -1)) { preferredScoresModel.addElement(availableScoresList.getSelectedValue()); availableScoresModel.remove(availableScoresList.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (e.getSource().equals(removeFromPreferred_button) && (preferredScoresList.getSelectedIndex() > -1)) { availableScoresModel.addElement(preferredScoresList.getSelectedValue()); preferredScoresModel.remove(preferredScoresList.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (e.getSource().equals(calculatePSMFDR)) { // execute PSM level operations if (piaViewModel != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> setIt : getSettings().entrySet()) { piaViewModel.addSetting(setIt.getKey(), setIt.getValue()); } piaViewModel.executePSMOperations(); } updateFDRPanel(); } }
@Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { ExhibitInfo e = getCurrentExhibit(); if (arg0.getSource().equals(exhibitXCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(exhibitXCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); e.setCoords(val, e.getY()); if (e.origXCoord != e.getX()) { peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(exhibitYCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(exhibitYCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); e.setCoords(e.getX(), val); if (e.origYCoord != e.getY()) { peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(aliasXCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(aliasXCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); int index = exhibitAliasesList.getSelectedIndex(); Alias alias = e.getAliases()[index]; if (alias.xPos != val) { e.addAlias(, val, alias.yPos, alias.tag); peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(aliasYCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(aliasYCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); int index = exhibitAliasesList.getSelectedIndex(); Alias alias = e.getAliases()[index]; if (alias.yPos != val) { e.addAlias(, alias.xPos, val, alias.tag); peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(groupXCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(groupXCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); String name = groupNameList.getSelectedValue().toString(); ExhibitGroup group = peer.getLoader().getGroup(name); if (val != group.xPos) { peer.getLoader().addGroup(name, group.exhibits, val, group.yPos); peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(groupYCoordField.getModel())) { int val = Integer.parseInt(groupYCoordField.getModel().getValue().toString()); String name = groupNameList.getSelectedValue().toString(); ExhibitGroup group = peer.getLoader().getGroup(name); if (val != group.yPos) { peer.getLoader().addGroup(name, group.exhibits, group.xPos, val); peer.makeChange(); } } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(eventStart.getModel())) { Event event = peer.getLoader().getEvents().get(eventsList.getSelectedIndex()); event.setStartDay((Date) eventStart.getModel().getValue()); peer.makeChange(); } else if (arg0.getSource().equals(eventEnd.getModel())) { Event event = peer.getLoader().getEvents().get(eventsList.getSelectedIndex()); event.setEndDay((Date) eventEnd.getModel().getValue()); peer.makeChange(); } }
/** Invoked when an action occurs. */ public void actionAdd() { int i = list.getSelectedIndex(); if (i == -1) return; newItem = createNewElement( (String) DesignFrame.processingElements[list.getSelectedIndex()][1], cX, cY); }
private boolean ensureSelectionExists() { if (myList.getSelectedIndex() < 0 || myList.getSelectedIndex() >= myList.getModel().getSize()) { if (myList.getModel().getSize() >= 0) { myList.setSelectedIndex(0); return false; } } return true; }
private void addAction() { if (!entryField.getText().isEmpty()) { if (list.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { model.add(list.getSelectedIndex(), entryField.getText()); } else { model.addElement(entryField.getText()); } entryField.setText(null); } }
@Override public void setFont(Font font) { if (font == null) font = txtSample.getFont(); fontList.setSelectedValue(font.getName(), true); fontList.ensureIndexIsVisible(fontList.getSelectedIndex()); sizeList.setSelectedValue("" + font.getSize(), true); sizeList.ensureIndexIsVisible(sizeList.getSelectedIndex()); cbBold.setSelected(font.isBold()); cbItalic.setSelected(font.isItalic()); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(comboAvailableFilters)) { RegisteredFilters selectedFilter = (RegisteredFilters) comboAvailableFilters.getSelectedItem(); updateSelectedAvailableFilters(selectedFilter); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnAddFilter)) { addToAppliedFilters(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnRemoveFilter) && (listAppliedFilters.getSelectedIndex() > -1)) { modelAppliedFilters.remove(listAppliedFilters.getSelectedIndex()); } }
private void enableOrDisableActions() { int idx = archetypeList.getSelectedIndex(); if (archetypeList.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { deleteArchetypeAction.setEnabled(false); return; } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("generic", listData.get(idx).getName())) { deleteArchetypeAction.setEnabled(false); return; } exportArchetypeAction.setEnabled(true); deleteArchetypeAction.setEnabled(true); }
private void jButton2ActionPerformed(final java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { try { if (jList1.getSelectedValue().toString().contains("No item in ")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please select an item.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { jList1.getSelectedIndex(); final int ID = inventory.getItemAt(jList1.getSelectedIndex()).getID(); boolean afkon = false; if (jRadioButton1.isSelected()) { afkon = true; } else { afkon = false; } final int afkMin = StringintTo(jTextField1.getText()); final int afkMax = StringintTo(jTextField2.getText()); final Object[] options = {"High", "Low"}; final int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( null, "High or Low alch?", "iPhQ's Alcher | What kind of alching?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, // do // not // use // a // custom Icon options, // the titles of buttons options[0]); // default button title boolean high = true; if (n == 0) { high = true; } else { high = false; } startScript(ID, afkon, afkMin, afkMax, high); setVisible(false); } } catch (final Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please select an item.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
/** Switches the JList to the next record */ private void switchToNext() { // if at the last record if (list.getSelectedIndex() + 1 > list.getModel().getSize() - 1) { // Then go to the begenning list.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { // otherwise to to the next. list.setSelectedIndex(list.getSelectedIndex() + 1); } // Update the contact pane contactdatapane.populateTextBoxesWithRecord(list.getSelectedValue().toString()); list.ensureIndexIsVisible(list.getSelectedIndex()); }
/** Updates the Rating-Lists */ private void updateLists() { RatingComparator comperator = new RatingComparator(); Vector<Rating> personalVector = new Vector<Rating>(mPlugin.getDatabase().getPersonalRatings()); Collections.sort(personalVector, comperator); int index = mPersonalRatings.getSelectedIndex(); mPersonalRatings.setListData(personalVector); mPersonalRatings.setSelectedIndex(index); Vector<Rating> overallVector = new Vector<Rating>(mPlugin.getDatabase().getServerRatings()); Collections.sort(overallVector, comperator); index = mOverallRatings.getSelectedIndex(); mOverallRatings.setListData(overallVector); mOverallRatings.setSelectedIndex(index); }
private void doSave() { ContactProps contact = new ContactProps(); for (AccessInterface infoField : infoFields) contact.setProperty(infoField.getContactKey(), infoField.getContent()); String newname = contact.getProperty(ContactProps.NAME); if (newname == null || newname.trim().equals("")) {; return; } if (contactList.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { String oldname = (String) contactList.getSelectedValue(); if (oldname.equals(newname)) { // 同名 addrbook.put(contact.getProperty(ContactProps.NAME), contact); } else { // 改变名字 if (addrbook.containsKey(newname)) { // 名字冲突 } else { // 名字不冲突 addrbook.remove(oldname); addrbook.put(newname, contact); } } } else { if (addrbook.containsKey(newname)) { // 名字冲突 } else { // 名字不冲突 addrbook.put(newname, contact); } } refreshContactList(); contactList.setSelectedValue(newname, true);; }
/** * Implements <code></code> method. * * @param isVisible specifies whether the frame is to be visible or not. */ @Override public void setVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (isVisible && configList.getSelectedIndex() < 0) { this.configList.setSelectedIndex(0); } super.setVisible(isVisible); }
// Listener method for list selection changes. public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false) { if (list.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { // No selection: disable delete, up, and down buttons. deleteButton.setEnabled(false); upButton.setEnabled(false); downButton.setEnabled(false); nameField.setText(""); } else if (list.getSelectedIndices().length > 1) { // Multiple selection: disable up and down buttons. deleteButton.setEnabled(true); upButton.setEnabled(false); downButton.setEnabled(false); } else { // Single selection: permit all operations. deleteButton.setEnabled(true); upButton.setEnabled(true); downButton.setEnabled(true); nameField.setText(list.getSelectedValue().toString()); } } }
/** update our data */ void updateData() { // find out which one is selected final int curSel = _myList.getSelectedIndex(); // create an object to put the data into final Vector<WorldLocationHolder> list = new Vector<WorldLocationHolder>(0, 1); if (getPath() != null) { final int len = getPath().size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final WorldLocation thisLoc = getPath().getLocationAt(i); final WorldLocationHolder holder = new WorldLocationHolder(thisLoc, i + 1); list.add(holder); } } // and put the data into the list _myList.setListData(list); // select the previous item if (curSel != -1 && curSel < _myPath.size()) _myList.setSelectedIndex(curSel); // update the list _myPlotter.update(); }
@Override public String validateInput() { if (lst.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { return UIFactory.getI18n().tr("You must select a legend."); } return null; }
/** * Respond to selections within the left list. * * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void respondToListClick() { this.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); enableOrDisableActions(); int idx = archetypeList.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx == -1 || idx >= listData.size()) { // no selection if (archetypeControl == null) { return; } archetypeControl.removeNameChangeListener(this); rightPanel.removeAll(); archetypeControl = null; rightPanel.add(selectLeftLabel); rightPanel.repaint(); return; } if (archetypeControl == null) { archetypeControl = new ArchetypeControl(listData.get(idx)); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); rightPanel.removeAll(); rightPanel.add(archetypeControl, BorderLayout.CENTER); rightPanel.repaint(); rightPanel.revalidate(); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); archetypeControl.addNameChangeListener(this); } else { archetypeControl.setArchetype(listData.get(idx)); archetypeControl.repaint(); } this.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); }
protected void doExportSelected() { Archetype selected = listData.get(archetypeList.getSelectedIndex()); if (selected == null) { return; } // Set up the dialog JMemoryFileChooser chooser = new JMemoryFileChooser(); chooser.setFileFilter(characterFileFilter); chooser.setSelectedFile(new File(selected.getName() + ".xml")); chooser.setDialogTitle("Export Archetype"); chooser.setApproveButtonText("Export"); // Call dialog if (chooser.showSaveDialog(FILEDIALOG_NAME, this) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } File targetFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); // Save it try { performSave(selected, targetFile); } catch (IOException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "An error occured during export.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
/* * Handles the checkbox selection process. Uses the bounds property of the * check box within the selected cell to determine whether the checkbox should * be selected or not **/ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (list == null || list.getSelectedIndex() == -1 || !isEnabled(list.locationToIndex(e.getPoint()))) { return; } int[] indices = list.getSelectedIndices(); // get the current relative position of the check box // rect = box.getBounds(rect); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { // get the current relative position of the check box int loc = list.locationToIndex(e.getPoint()); rect = list.getCellBounds(loc, loc); // ensure the point clicked in within the checkBox /*if(e.getX() < (rect.getX() + 20) ) { selState[indices[i]] = !selState[indices[i]]; setSelStateList(selState); } */ } list.revalidate(); list.repaint(); }
protected void updateComponents() { final boolean querySelected = queryNameList.getSelectedIndex() != -1; final boolean hasQueries = queryNameList.getModel().getSize() > 0; queryNameTextField.setEnabled(querySelected); queryTextArea.setEnabled(querySelected); getConfirmAction().setEnabled(hasQueries && languageField.getSelectedIndex() != -1); queryTextArea.setSyntaxEditingStyle( mapLanguageToSyntaxHighlighting((String) languageField.getSelectedValue())); initScriptTextArea.setSyntaxEditingStyle( mapLanguageToSyntaxHighlighting((String) languageField.getSelectedValue())); shutdownScriptTextArea.setSyntaxEditingStyle( mapLanguageToSyntaxHighlighting((String) languageField.getSelectedValue())); previewAction.setEnabled(querySelected); }
void move(int direction) { int index = -1; int size = 0; if (myCombo != null) { index = myCombo.getSelectedIndex(); size = myCombo.getModel().getSize(); } else if (myList != null) { index = myList.getSelectedIndex(); size = myList.getModel().getSize(); } if (index == -1 || size == 0) return; index += direction; if (index == size) { if (!UISettings.getInstance().CYCLE_SCROLLING) return; index = 0; } else if (index == -1) { if (!UISettings.getInstance().CYCLE_SCROLLING) return; index = size - 1; } if (myCombo != null) { myCombo.setSelectedIndex(index); } else if (myList != null) { myList.setSelectedIndex(index); } }
public SplitPaneDemo() { // Create the list of images and put it in a scroll pane. list = new JList(imageNames); list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); list.setSelectedIndex(0); list.addListSelectionListener(this); JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(list); picture = new JLabel(); picture.setFont(picture.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); picture.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); JScrollPane pictureScrollPane = new JScrollPane(picture); // Create a split pane with the two scroll panes in it. splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, listScrollPane, pictureScrollPane); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setDividerLocation(150); // Provide minimum sizes for the two components in the split pane. Dimension minimumSize = new Dimension(100, 50); listScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); pictureScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); // Provide a preferred size for the split pane. splitPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200)); updateLabel(imageNames[list.getSelectedIndex()]); }
// Take the incoming string and wherever there is a // newline, break it into a separate item in the list. protected void importString(JComponent c, String str) { JList target = (JList) c; DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) target.getModel(); int index = target.getSelectedIndex(); // Prevent the user from dropping data back on itself. // For example, if the user is moving items #4,#5,#6 and #7 and // attempts to insert the items after item #5, this would // be problematic when removing the original items. // So this is not allowed. if (indices != null && index >= indices[0] - 1 && index <= indices[indices.length - 1]) { indices = null; return; } int max = listModel.getSize(); if (index < 0) { index = max; } else { index++; if (index > max) { index = max; } } String[] values = str.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { listModel.add(index++, values[i]); } }
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { switch (list.getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: this.text.setText( "A regular text file. Text files usually end in .txt, and hold text data."); break; case 1: this.text.setText( "A machine learning method learns to recognize patterns in your data. Machine learning methods include neural networks, support vector machines, and others."); break; case 2: this.text.setText( "CSV files hold tables of data. Encog uses CSV files for many different purposes."); break; case 3: this.text.setText( "A binary training file. Encog training files can be either supervised or unsupervised. They are stored in a cross-platform binary format and can be easily converted to/from CSV files."); break; case 4: this.text.setText( "Create NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) population. This will create a population of genomes that can be used to create NEAT neural networks. NEAT networks are trained using a genetic algorithm both to vary weights and structures."); break; } this.text.setSelectionStart(0); this.text.setSelectionEnd(0); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String[] oldData = getData(); if (e.getSource() == addButton) { String value = UISupport.prompt("Specify value to add", "Add..", defaultValue); if (value != null) { listModel.addElement(value); firePropertyChange("options", oldData, getData()); } } else { int selectedIndex = list.getSelectedIndex(); if (e.getSource() == removeButton && selectedIndex != -1) { Object elm = listModel.getElementAt(selectedIndex); if (UISupport.confirm("Remove [" + elm.toString() + "] from list", "Remove")) { listModel.remove(selectedIndex); firePropertyChange("options", oldData, getData()); } } else if (e.getSource() == editButton && selectedIndex != -1) { String elm = (String) listModel.getElementAt(selectedIndex); String value = UISupport.prompt("Specify value", "Edit..", elm); if (value != null) { listModel.setElementAt(value, selectedIndex); firePropertyChange("options", oldData, getData()); } } } }
private void updateButtons() { int index = list.getSelectedIndex(); remove.setEnabled(index != -1 && listModel.getSize() != 0); moveUp.setEnabled(index > 0); moveDown.setEnabled(index != -1 && index != listModel.getSize() - 1); edit.setEnabled(index != -1); }