Пример #1
   * The View(Board board, JTextArea textBox) constructor takes a board and textBox as parameters
   * and sets these to the corresponding fields in the View object. String text is initially set to
   * "". Then, actionlisteners are added to the View.
   * @param board
   * @param textBox
  public View(Board board, JTextArea textBox, Game game) {
    this.board = board;
    this.game = game;
    this.textBox = textBox;
    text = "";
     * This MouseListener governs what happens in the event that a mouse is pressed.
     * The mouseListener cycles through all the squares on the board, and for all the
     * squares that have pieces, it checks if the place where the person clicked
     * is within the piece.  If it is, then that piece is set to selected.

     * The mousepressed listener for Player vs. Player mode
    if (game.getMode() == 0) {
          new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
              mousePoint =
                      .getPoint(); // sets mousepoint to the current point for when the mouse is
                                   // dragged
              // this for loop cycles through all squares on the board
              if (!View.this.game.getVictory()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                  for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                    if (View.this.board.hasPiece(i, j)) { // checks if board square has a piece
                      if (View.this
                          .getSquare(i, j)
                                  .getPoint())) { // checks if piece contains the place mouse was
                                                  // clicked
                        if (View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).getColor()
                            == View.this.game.getTurn()) { // check if it is the right turn
                          View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).setSelected(true); // set selected to true
                          View.this.text +=
                              View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).getType()
                                  + " selected! \n"; // add to console

     * The mousepressed listener for modes Captain Random and Minimax
    if (game.getMode() != 0) {
          new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
              mousePoint =
                      .getPoint(); // sets mousepoint to the current point for when the mouse is
                                   // dragged
              // this for loop cycles through all squares on the board
              if (!View.this.game.getVictory()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                  for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                    if (View.this.board.hasPiece(i, j)) { // checks if board square has a piece
                      if (View.this
                          .getSquare(i, j)
                                  .getPoint())) { // checks if piece contains the place mouse was
                                                  // clicked
                        if (View.this.game.getTurn() == false
                            && View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).getColor()
                                == false) { // check if it is the right turn
                          View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).setSelected(true); // set selected to true
                          View.this.text +=
                              View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).getType()
                                  + " selected! \n"; // add to console
     * this actionListener governs what happens when the mouse is dragged
        new MouseMotionAdapter() {
          public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {
            Point lastMousePoint =
                mousePoint; // mousePoint used to keep track of where the piece should be drawn
            mousePoint = event.getPoint();
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // nested for loops iterate through the whole board
              for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                if (View.this.board.hasPiece(i, j)) {
                  if (View.this.board.getSquare(i, j).isSelected()) {
                    double dx =
                            - lastMousePoint.getX(); // calculate how much to change piece position
                    double dy = mousePoint.getY() - lastMousePoint.getY();
                        .getSquare(i, j)
                        .translate((int) dx, (int) dy); // translate piece
            repaint(); // repaints the View everytime mouse is dragged
     * This actionListener governs what happens when the mouse is released
        new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            boolean pieceSelected = false; // keeps track of whether or not a piece was selected
            Piece selectedPiece = null; // keeps track of the selected piece
            Piece eatenPiece = null; // keeps track of piece on square another piece was moved to
            int oldX = 0; // keeps track of prior position if piece
            int oldY = 0;

            // for loop cyles through board
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
              for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                if (View.this.board.hasPiece(i, j)) { // checks if board square has a piece
                  if (View.this
                      .getSquare(i, j)
                      .isSelected()) { // then checks if the piece was selected
                    pieceSelected = true;
                    selectedPiece = View.this.board.getSquare(i, j); // records data about piece
                    oldX = i;
                    oldY = j;
            if (pieceSelected) {
              if (selectedPiece.checkLegalMove(
                  e.getPoint(), View.this.board)) { // check legal moves
                int newX = ((int) e.getPoint().getX()) / 62; // record new point
                int newY = ((int) e.getPoint().getY()) / 62;
                 * Make the move
                // check for castling here
                if (selectedPiece.getType().equals("King") && newX - oldX == 2) {
                  if (selectedPiece.getColor() == false) { // case that piece is white
                    View.this.board.clearSquare(oldX, oldY);
                    View.this.board.setSquare(newX, newY, selectedPiece);
                    selectedPiece.setLocation(newX, newY);
                    Piece rook = View.this.board.getSquare(7, 7);
                    View.this.board.setSquare(5, 7, rook);
                    rook.setLocation(5, 7);
                    View.this.board.clearSquare(7, 7);
                    View.this.text += "White castles. \n";
                  } else {
                    // case that piece is black
                    View.this.board.clearSquare(oldX, oldY);
                    View.this.board.setSquare(newX, newY, selectedPiece);
                    selectedPiece.setLocation(newX, newY);
                    Piece rook = View.this.board.getSquare(7, 0);
                    View.this.board.setSquare(5, 0, rook);
                    rook.setLocation(5, 0);
                    View.this.board.clearSquare(7, 0);
                    View.this.text += "White castles. \n";
                } else {
                  if (View.this.board.hasPiece(newX, newY)) {
                    eatenPiece = View.this.board.getSquare(newX, newY);
                  View.this.board.clearSquare(oldX, oldY);
                  View.this.board.setSquare(newX, newY, selectedPiece);
                  // snap to square
                  if (selectedPiece.setLocation(newX, newY))
                    System.out.println("location set"); // debug line
                  if ((eatenPiece != null)) {
                    View.this.text +=
                        selectedPiece.getType() + " eats " + eatenPiece.getType() + "\n";
                  View.this.text +=
                          + " was moved to: "
                          + View.this.columns[newX]
                          + (newY + 1)
                          + "\n";
                  System.out.println("Snapped to square");
                // repaint();
                /*Note: newY+1 is used to
                 * read in the console as if rows and cols start
                 *from 1 instead of 0, as they do in the program*
                View.this.textBox.setText(View.this.text); // record to console

                if (View.this.game.getVictory()) {
                  if (View.this.game.getTurn() == false) {
                    View.this.text += "White has taken black's king and won the game!";
                  } else {
                    View.this.text += "Black has taken white's king and won the game!";
                } else {
                  if (View.this.game.getMode() != 0) { // case that the game is playing with AI

                     * This Thread is what runs in teh background and computes the AI's best
                     * move and makes that move.  It also updates the textArea with the appropriate text
                    Thread t =
                        new Thread(
                            new Runnable() {
                              public void run() {
                                View.this.text += View.this.game.getAI().makeMove(View.this.board);
                                if (View.this.game.getVictory()) {
                                  if (View.this.game.getTurn() == false) {
                                    View.this.text +=
                                        "White has taken black's king and won the game!";
                                  } else {
                                    View.this.text +=
                                        "Black has taken white's king and won the game!";
                                } else {
                                repaint(); // repaints board after AI makes move
                    // Have AI make move if game is in AI mode
                    t.start(); // begins thread
              } else { // case that move was illegal
                // snap back to original square
                selectedPiece.setLocation(oldX, oldY);
                View.this.text += "Illegal move! \n";