public void drawFunctionToGraphic(Graphics2D g, int x, int y, int UNITYX, int UNITYY) { int _x, _y; g.setColor(; g.drawString("f(x) = " + F.toString(), 15, 20); g.setColor(; for (double i = 0; ; i += EPSILON) { _x = (int) (i * UNITYX) + x / 2; _y = -(int) (F.evaluate(i) * UNITYY) + y / 2; g.drawLine( _x, _y, (int) ((i + EPSILON) * UNITYX) + x / 2, -(int) (F.evaluate(i + EPSILON) * UNITYY) + y / 2); if (_x < 0 || _x > x || _y < 0 || _y > y) break; } for (double i = 0; ; i -= EPSILON) { _x = (int) (i * UNITYX) + x / 2; _y = -(int) (F.evaluate(i) * UNITYY) + y / 2; g.drawLine( _x, _y, (int) ((i + EPSILON) * UNITYX) + x / 2, -(int) (F.evaluate(i + EPSILON) * UNITYY) + y / 2); if (_x < 0 || _x > x || _y < 0 || _y > y) break; } }
public void doit( String query, HashMap<String, String> render, HashMap<String, String> select, HashMap<String, String> insert, HashMap<String, String> update, DefaultTableModel dtm, int[] cellWidth, boolean diwarnai) { this.sql = query; this.renderKolom = render; this.selectKolom = select; this.insertKolom = insert; this.updateKolom = update; this.kolomWidth = cellWidth; this.model = dtm; selectTabel(dtm); if (cellWidth == null) { } else { CommonToolkit.setTitleAndWidthColumn(this, null, cellWidth); } if (diwarnai) { CommonToolkit.setCCellRenderer(this); } Function.setTableSearchAble(this); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); this.setBackground(Color.WHITE); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawLine(mapX(xmin), mapY(0.0), mapX(xmax), mapY(0.0)); g.drawLine(mapX(0), mapY(ymin), mapX(0), mapY(ymax)); int lastY = mapY(f.eval(xmin)); for (int i = 1; i < getWidth(); i++) { int newY = mapY(f.eval(invmapX(i))); g.drawLine(i - 1, lastY, i, newY); lastY = newY; } double x = 0; while (x <= xmax) { x += tickSpace; g.drawLine(mapX(x), mapY(0) - 10, mapX(x), mapY(0) + 10); } x = 0; while (x >= xmin) { x -= tickSpace; g.drawLine(mapX(x), mapY(0) - 10, mapX(x), mapY(0) + 10); } double y = 0; while (y <= xmax) { y += tickSpace; g.drawLine(mapX(0) - 10, mapY(y), mapX(0) + 10, mapY(y)); } y = 0; while (y >= xmin) { y -= tickSpace; g.drawLine(mapX(0) - 10, mapY(y), mapX(0) + 10, mapY(y)); } }
public void renderTable(HashMap<String, String> tipeKolom) { // tipeKolom = 1#Z#HCODE // tipeKolom = 1#D#NONE // tipeKolom = 1#N#FORMAT for (int i = 0; i < tipeKolom.size(); i++) { String temp = tipeKolom.get(i + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[0].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } if (data[1].trim().equals("Z")) { Function.setColumnRender(this, data[2], no); } else if (data[1].trim().equals("D")) { Function.setColumnRenderDate(this, data[2], no); } else if (data[1].trim().equals("N")) { Function.setColumnRenderNumeric(this, no); } } }
private static File getOldPath( final File oldInstallHome, final ConfigImportSettings settings, final String propertyName, final Function<String, String> fromPathSelector) { final File[] launchFileCandidates = getLaunchFilesCandidates(oldInstallHome, settings); // custom config folder for (File candidate : launchFileCandidates) { if (candidate.exists()) { String configDir = PathManager.substituteVars( getPropertyFromLaxFile(candidate, propertyName), oldInstallHome.getPath()); if (configDir != null) { File probableConfig = new File(configDir); if (probableConfig.exists()) return probableConfig; } } } // custom config folder not found - use paths selector for (File candidate : launchFileCandidates) { if (candidate.exists()) { final String pathsSelector = getPropertyFromLaxFile(candidate, PathManager.PROPERTY_PATHS_SELECTOR); if (pathsSelector != null) { final String configDir =; final File probableConfig = new File(configDir); if (probableConfig.exists()) { return probableConfig; } } } } return null; }
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { JTree tree = FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.GetJTree(); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (node == null) { return; } Object node_object = node.getUserObject(); if (node.isLeaf()) { try { // analytic Sherpa functions. Function rf = (Function) node_object; try { if (rf instanceof Polynomial) { rf = new Polynomial(1); } else { rf = (Function) rf.clone(); } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { rf = null; } FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.SetFunction(rf); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { // templates, tables and user files try { DefaultCustomModel model = (DefaultCustomModel) node_object; String functionName = model.getFunctionName(); SherpaFunction function = new SherpaFunction(); URL url = model.getUrl(); String path = url.getPath(); function.addPath(path); String name = model.getName(); if (path.contains("/tables/")) { name = "tablemodel"; } if (path.contains("/functions/")) { name = "usermodel"; } if (path.contains("/templates/")) { name = "templatemodel"; } function.setUserID(name); function.setName(name); function.setFunctionName(functionName); // Converting a DefaultCustomModel to a SherpaFunction might // require more than this. We'll see as we go further down // the road... // First, we need to break up the comma-separated string // parameters into something that can actually be used to // build instances of Function. String[] parNames = model.getParnames().split("\\,"); String[] parVals = model.getParvals().split("\\,"); String[] parMins = model.getParmins().split("\\,"); String[] parMaxs = model.getParmaxs().split("\\,"); String[] parFrozen = model.getParfrozen().split("\\,"); int npars = parNames.length; if (npars != parVals.length || npars != parMins.length || npars != parMaxs.length || npars != parFrozen.length) { ExceptionHandler.handleException( new Exception("Parameter lists wih different lengths.")); tree.clearSelection(); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.dispose(); return; } // now we loop over the parameter lists, building // each parameter in turn and adding it to the Function. for (int i = 0; i < npars; i++) { SherpaFParameter functionParameter = null; try { double value = Double.valueOf(parVals[i]); double min = Double.valueOf(parMins[i]); double max = Double.valueOf(parMaxs[i]); functionParameter = new SherpaFParameter(parNames[i], value, min, max, new NonSupportedUnits("")); String frozen = parFrozen[i]; if (frozen != null) { boolean fixed = (frozen.equalsIgnoreCase("True")) ? true : false; functionParameter.setFixed(fixed); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(ex); tree.clearSelection(); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.dispose(); return; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(ex); tree.clearSelection(); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.dispose(); return; } function.addParameter(functionParameter); } FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.SetFunction(function); } catch (ClassCastException e2) { } } tree.clearSelection(); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.dispose(); } }
public void InsertDataTable() { for (int i = 0; i < dataBaru.size(); i++) { try { rowSet.moveToInsertRow(); for (int ii = 0; ii < insertKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = insertKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; boolean constanta = false; if (data[1].trim().toLowerCase().equals("c")) { constanta = true; } else { try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("i")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateInt(data[3].trim().toString(), Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { String value = ""; java.util.Date dd = (java.util.Date) getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.monthToString(dd).trim(); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { // value = Function.yearToDate(sql); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Belom Support"); } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, value.length()); try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; if (constanta) { value = data[6].trim(); } else { try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { value = ""; } } } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { if (value.trim().equals("")) { value = "0"; } rowSet.updateLong(data[3].trim().toString(), Long.parseLong(value.trim())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo")) { String value = ""; String valueKolom = ""; try { valueKolom = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { valueKolom = ""; } try { value = Function.getValueFromCell(data[5].trim(), valueKolom); } catch (Exception e) { value = ""; } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, rowSet.getCommand()); rowSet.insertRow(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void updateDataTable() { for (int i = 0; i < dataAsli.size(); i++) { try { rowSet.absolute(new Integer(dataAsli.elementAt(i).toString())); if ( { for (int ii = 0; ii < updateKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = updateKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("u")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateInt(data[3].trim().toString(), Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { String value = ""; java.util.Date dd = (java.util.Date) getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.monthToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { // value = Function.yearToDate(sql); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Belom Support"); } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; String data1 = data[1].trim(); if (data1 == null || data1.equals("")) { data1 = "0"; } try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { value = ""; // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { if (value.trim().equals("")) { value = "0"; } rowSet.updateLong(data[3].trim().toString(), Long.parseLong(value.trim())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo")) { String value = ""; value = Function.getValueFromCell( data[5].trim(), getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString().trim()); if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } rowSet.updateRow(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
// </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Select Table"> public void selectTabel(DefaultTableModel tableM) { setModelTable(tableM); try { dataAsli = new Vector(); rowSet.setCommand(sql); rowSet.execute(); DefaultTableModel dtm = (DefaultTableModel) getModel(); int i = 0; // tipeKolom = // untukASIU#noKolomJtable#tipeKolomJTable#namaKolomDB#tipeKolom#atributKolom#nilaiKolom // tipeKolom = boolean, Date, String, combo, Int, Numeric while ( { Object[] dede = new Object[selectKolom.size()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < selectKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = selectKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("s")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { boolean value = false; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (rowSet.getInt(data[3].trim()) == Integer.parseInt(data[5].trim())) { value = true; } else { value = false; } } else { if (rowSet.getString(data[3].trim()).equals(data[5].trim())) { value = true; } else { value = false; } } dede[no] = value; } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { java.util.Date value = new java.util.Date(); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateStringToDate(rowSet.getString(data[3].trim())); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.stringToMonth(rowSet.getString(data[3].trim())); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { value = Function.yearToDate(rowSet.getString(data[3].trim())); } dede[no] = value; } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { value = rowSet.getLong(data[3].trim()) + ""; } else { value = rowSet.getString(data[3].trim()); } dede[no] = value; } } } dtm.addRow(dede); dataAsli.add(i); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void init(final Function function) { xAxis.clear(); yAxis.clear(); if (function != lastFunction) { // need to reset Slot.CIRCLE.clearList(); Slot.CROSS.clearList(); Slot.SQUARE.clearList(); Slot.TRIANGLE.clearList(); } data = new GridPointData(resolution, resolution, 1); plot = new InterpolatedPlot(data); useSlot.clearList(); final List<List<ValuePointColored>> points = useSlot.getPoints(); for (Slot slot : Slot.values()) { if (slot.isShow()) { for (List<ValuePointColored> valuePoints : slot.getPoints()) { for (ValuePointColored valuePoint : valuePoints) { xAxis.add(valuePoint); yAxis.add(valuePoint); } } } } // clean drawing panel drawablePanel.removeDrawables(InterpolatedPlot.class); drawablePanel.addDrawable(plot); datasetRecreation = new Closure() { public void execute(Object input) { List<ValuePointColored> vps = (List<ValuePointColored>) input; points.add(vps); for (ValuePointColored vp : vps) { xAxis.add(vp); yAxis.add(vp); } if (points.size() > maxPoints) { List<ValuePointColored> removed = points.remove(0); for (ValuePointColored valuePoint : removed) { xAxis.remove(valuePoint); yAxis.remove(valuePoint); } } // for ilustration if (xAxis.size() > 0 && yAxis.size() > 0) { double lowerXBound = Math.min( data.getLeft(), Math.floor(xAxis.first().getPoint().toArray()[0] - buffer)); double upperXBound = Math.max( data.getRight(), Math.ceil(xAxis.last().getPoint().toArray()[0] + buffer)); double lowerYBound = Math.min( data.getBottom(), Math.floor(yAxis.first().getPoint().toArray()[1] - buffer)); double upperYBound = Math.max(data.getTop(), Math.ceil(yAxis.last().getPoint().toArray()[1] + buffer)); data.setScale(lowerXBound, upperXBound, lowerYBound, upperYBound); double[][][] xyz = data.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) { Point p =[i][j]); // check the cached value of the point xyz[i][j][2] = /*cache.containsKey(p) ? cache.get(p) :*/ function.valueAt(p); } } } plot.setGridData(data); drawablePanel.repaint(); } }; lastFunction = function; // initialize to center point double lowerXBound = Math.floor(centerX - buffer); double upperXBound = Math.ceil(centerX + buffer); double lowerYBound = Math.floor(centerY - buffer); double upperYBound = Math.ceil(centerY + buffer); data.setScale(lowerXBound, upperXBound, lowerYBound, upperYBound); double[][][] xyz = data.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) { Point p =[i][j]); // check the cached value of the point xyz[i][j][2] = /*cache.containsKey(p) ? cache.get(p) :*/ function.valueAt(p); } } plot.setGridData(data); drawablePanel.repaint(); }
public double evaluate_1(double value) { return F.evaluate_1(value); }