Пример #1
 private static int getProgressBarBaseline(JProgressBar pb, int height) {
   if (pb.isStringPainted() && pb.getOrientation() == JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL) {
     FontMetrics metrics = pb.getFontMetrics(pb.getFont());
     Insets insets = pb.getInsets();
     int y = insets.top;
     if (isWindows() && isXP()) {
       if (pb.isIndeterminate()) {
         y = -1;
       } else {
         y = 0;
         height -= 3;
     } else if (isGTK()) {
       return (height - metrics.getAscent() - metrics.getDescent()) / 2 + metrics.getAscent();
     } else if (isAqua()) {
       if (pb.isIndeterminate()) {
         // Aqua doesn't appear to support text on indeterminate
         // progress bars.
         return -1;
       y -= 1;
       height -= (insets.top + insets.bottom);
     } else {
       height -= insets.top + insets.bottom;
     return y + (height + metrics.getAscent() - metrics.getLeading() - metrics.getDescent()) / 2;
   return -1;
  protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();

    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();

    // rendering hints
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    // formatter
    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("##.#%");
    // text to display
    String percentage =
        (value == null || Double.parseDouble(value.toString()) == -1)
            ? ""
            : format.format(Double.parseDouble(value.toString()));

    // paint text
    FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics();
    int textWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(percentage);
    int xPos = (width - textWidth) / 2;
    int yPos = height / 2 + fontMetrics.getDescent() + 2;
    g2.drawString(percentage, xPos, yPos);

Пример #3
   * The function prints out key to jumpshot data.
  int print (Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    Font f = g.getFont ();
    FontMetrics fm = getToolkit ().getFontMetrics (f);
    int charW = fm.stringWidth (" "), charH = fm.getHeight ();
    int hgap1 = charW, hgap2 = 2 * charW, vgap = fm.getAscent ();
    int rectW = 30, rectH = charH; //Dimensions of state rectangles
    int xcord = x, ycord = y;
    Enumeration enum = parent.stateDefs.elements ();
    while (enum.hasMoreElements ()) {
      RecDef s = (RecDef)enum.nextElement ();
      if (s.stateVector.size () > 0) {
	int strW = fm.stringWidth (s.description);
	if ((xcord + rectW + hgap1 + strW) > (width + x)) {
          xcord = x; ycord += (charH + vgap);
        g.setColor (s.color);
        g.fillRect (xcord, ycord, rectW, rectH);
        g.setColor (Color.black);
        g.drawRect (xcord, ycord, rectW - 1, rectH - 1);
        g.drawString( s.description,
                      xcord + rectW + hgap1,
                      ycord + rectH - fm.getDescent () - 1);
        xcord += (rectW + hgap1 + strW + hgap2);
    return (ycord - y + (2 * charH));
 protected void paintText(Graphics g, JComponent com, Rectangle rect, String s) {
   JButtonLinkA bn = (JButtonLinkA) com;
   ButtonModel bnModel = bn.getModel();
   Color color = bn.getForeground();
   Object obj = null;
   if (bnModel.isEnabled()) {
     if (bnModel.isPressed()) bn.setForeground(bn.getActiveLinkColor());
     else if (bn.isLinkVisited()) bn.setForeground(bn.getVisitedLinkColor());
     else bn.setForeground(bn.getLinkColor());
   } else {
     if (bn.getDisabledLinkColor() != null) bn.setForeground(bn.getDisabledLinkColor());
   super.paintText(g, com, rect, s);
   int behaviour = bn.getLinkBehavior();
   boolean drawLine = false;
   if (behaviour == JButtonLinkA.HOVER_UNDERLINE) {
     if (bnModel.isRollover()) drawLine = true;
   } else if (behaviour == JButtonLinkA.ALWAYS_UNDERLINE
       || behaviour == JButtonLinkA.SYSTEM_DEFAULT) drawLine = true;
   if (!drawLine) return;
   FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
   int x = rect.x + getTextShiftOffset();
   int y = (rect.y + fm.getAscent() + fm.getDescent() + getTextShiftOffset()) - 1;
   if (bnModel.isEnabled()) {
     g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y);
   } else {
     g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y);
Пример #5
  private void calcGraphInsets() {
    int top = titleFm.getHeight() + titleFm.getDescent() + 10;
    int left = (int) (2.5 * fm.getHeight());
    int bottom = 2 * fm.getHeight();
    int right = (int) (2.5 * fm.getHeight());

    graphInsets = new Insets(top, left, bottom, right);
  public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
    Dimension size;
    Insets border = progressBar.getInsets();
    FontMetrics fontSizer = progressBar.getFontMetrics(progressBar.getFont());

    if (progressBar.getOrientation() == JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL) {
      size = new Dimension(getPreferredInnerHorizontal());
      // Ensure that the progress string will fit
      if (progressBar.isStringPainted()) {
        // I'm doing this for completeness.
        String progString = progressBar.getString();
        int stringWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(progressBar, fontSizer, progString);
        if (stringWidth > size.width) {
          size.width = stringWidth;
        // This uses both Height and Descent to be sure that
        // there is more than enough room in the progress bar
        // for everything.
        // This does have a strange dependency on
        // getStringPlacememnt() in a funny way.
        int stringHeight = fontSizer.getHeight() + fontSizer.getDescent();
        if (stringHeight > size.height) {
          size.height = stringHeight;
    } else {
      size = new Dimension(getPreferredInnerVertical());
      // Ensure that the progress string will fit.
      if (progressBar.isStringPainted()) {
        String progString = progressBar.getString();
        int stringHeight = fontSizer.getHeight() + fontSizer.getDescent();
        if (stringHeight > size.width) {
          size.width = stringHeight;
        // This is also for completeness.
        int stringWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(progressBar, fontSizer, progString);
        if (stringWidth > size.height) {
          size.height = stringWidth;

    size.width += border.left + border.right;
    size.height += border.top + border.bottom;
    return size;
Пример #7
  * Write the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (x, y).
  * @param x the x-coordinate of the text
  * @param y the y-coordinate of the text
  * @param s the text
 public static void textLeft(double x, double y, String s) {
   FontMetrics metrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics();
   double xs = scaleX(x);
   double ys = scaleY(y);
   int hs = metrics.getDescent();
   offscreen.drawString(s, (float) (xs), (float) (ys + hs));
Пример #8
   *  Determine the Y offset for the current row
  private int getOffsetY(int rowStartOffset, FontMetrics fontMetrics) throws BadLocationException {
    //  Get the bounding rectangle of the row

    Rectangle r = component.modelToView(rowStartOffset);
    int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
    int y = r.y + r.height;
    int descent = 0;

    //  The text needs to be positioned above the bottom of the bounding
    //  rectangle based on the descent of the font(s) contained on the row.
    if (r.height == lineHeight) {
      // default font is being used
      descent = fontMetrics.getDescent();
    } else {
      // We need to check all the attributes for font changes
      if (fonts == null) {
        fonts = new HashMap<String, FontMetrics>();

      Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
      int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset);
      Element line = root.getElement(index);

      for (int i = 0; i < line.getElementCount(); i++) {
        Element child = line.getElement(i);
        AttributeSet as = child.getAttributes();
        String fontFamily = (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily);
        Integer fontSize = (Integer) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize);
        String key = fontFamily + fontSize;

        FontMetrics fm = fonts.get(key);

        if (fm == null) {
          Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
          fm = component.getFontMetrics(font);
          fonts.put(key, fm);

        descent = Math.max(descent, fm.getDescent());

    return y - descent;
   * Designate the place where the progress string will be painted. This implementation places it at
   * the center of the progress bar (in both x and y). Override this if you want to right, left,
   * top, or bottom align the progress string or if you need to nudge it around for any reason.
  protected Point getStringPlacement(
      Graphics g, String progressString, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    FontMetrics fontSizer = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(progressBar, g, progressBar.getFont());
    int stringWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(progressBar, fontSizer, progressString);

    if (progressBar.getOrientation() == JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL) {
      return new Point(
          x + Math.round(width / 2 - stringWidth / 2),
              + ((height + fontSizer.getAscent() - fontSizer.getLeading() - fontSizer.getDescent())
                  / 2));
    } else { // VERTICAL
      return new Point(
              + ((width - fontSizer.getAscent() + fontSizer.getLeading() + fontSizer.getDescent())
                  / 2),
          y + Math.round(height / 2 - stringWidth / 2));
Пример #10
 private void adjustCanvasStuff() {
   Font f = parent.frameFont;
   fm = getToolkit().getFontMetrics(f);
   lineSize = fm.getHeight();
   rulerHt = 3 * lineSize;
   zLockStrW = fm.stringWidth("Zoom Lock");
   elTimeStrW = fm.stringWidth("Elapsed Time");
   fDescent = fm.getDescent();
   dpi = getToolkit().getScreenResolution();
  * Returns the baseline.
  * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
  * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getBaseline(int, int)
  * @since 1.6
 public int getBaseline(JComponent c, int width, int height) {
   super.getBaseline(c, width, height);
   if (progressBar.isStringPainted() && progressBar.getOrientation() == JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL) {
     FontMetrics metrics = progressBar.getFontMetrics(progressBar.getFont());
     Insets insets = progressBar.getInsets();
     int y = insets.top;
     height = height - insets.top - insets.bottom;
     return y + (height + metrics.getAscent() - metrics.getLeading() - metrics.getDescent()) / 2;
   return -1;
Пример #12
 private static int getPanelBaseline(JPanel panel, int height) {
   Border border = panel.getBorder();
   if (border instanceof TitledBorder) {
     TitledBorder titledBorder = (TitledBorder) border;
     if (titledBorder.getTitle() != null && !"".equals(titledBorder.getTitle())) {
       Font font = titledBorder.getTitleFont();
       if (font == null) {
         font = panel.getFont();
         if (font == null) {
           font = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
       Border border2 = titledBorder.getBorder();
       Insets borderInsets;
       if (border2 != null) {
         borderInsets = border2.getBorderInsets(panel);
       } else {
         borderInsets = EMPTY_INSETS;
       FontMetrics fm = panel.getFontMetrics(font);
       int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
       int descent = fm.getDescent();
       int ascent = fm.getAscent();
       int y = EDGE_SPACING;
       int h = height - EDGE_SPACING * 2;
       int diff;
       switch (((TitledBorder) border).getTitlePosition()) {
         case TitledBorder.ABOVE_TOP:
           diff = ascent + descent + (Math.max(EDGE_SPACING, TEXT_SPACING * 2) - EDGE_SPACING);
           return y + diff - (descent + TEXT_SPACING);
         case TitledBorder.TOP:
         case TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION:
           diff = Math.max(0, ((ascent / 2) + TEXT_SPACING) - EDGE_SPACING);
           return (y + diff - descent) + (borderInsets.top + ascent + descent) / 2;
         case TitledBorder.BELOW_TOP:
           return y + borderInsets.top + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
         case TitledBorder.ABOVE_BOTTOM:
           return (y + h) - (borderInsets.bottom + descent + TEXT_SPACING);
         case TitledBorder.BOTTOM:
           h -= fontHeight / 2;
           return ((y + h) - descent) + ((ascent + descent) - borderInsets.bottom) / 2;
         case TitledBorder.BELOW_BOTTOM:
           h -= fontHeight;
           return y + h + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
   return -1;
Пример #13
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    ((Graphics2D) g)
        .setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    Dimension theSize = getSize();

    if (mColorListMode == VisualizationColor.cColorListModeCategories) {
      int categories = mCategoryColorList.length;
      if (categories <= cMaxEditableColors) {
        int fieldWidth = (theSize.width - 2 * cBorder + cSpacing) / categories - cSpacing;
        mRect = new Rectangle[categories];
        for (int i = 0; i < categories; i++) {
          mRect[i] =
              new Rectangle(
                  cBorder + i * (fieldWidth + cSpacing),
                  theSize.height - 2 * cBorder);
          drawColorButton(g, i);
      } else {
        final String message = "<too many colors to edit>";
        g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 13));
        FontMetrics m = g.getFontMetrics();
            (theSize.width - m.stringWidth(message)) / 2,
            (theSize.height + m.getHeight()) / 2 - m.getDescent());
    } else {
      int size = theSize.height - 2 * cBorder;
      int x1 = 2 * cBorder + size;
      int x2 = theSize.width - 2 * cBorder - size;
      mRect = new Rectangle[3];
      mRect[0] = new Rectangle(cBorder, cBorder, size, size);
      mRect[1] =
          new Rectangle(
              theSize.width - size - cBorder, theSize.height - size - cBorder, size, size);
      mRect[cColorWedgeButton] = new Rectangle(x1, cBorder, x2 - x1, size);
      drawColorButton(g, 0);
      drawColorButton(g, 1);
      drawColorButton(g, cColorWedgeButton);
Пример #14
  private void establishFontMetrics() {
    final BufferedImage img = createBufferedImage(1, 1);
    final Graphics2D graphics = img.createGraphics();

    final float lineSpace = mySettingsProvider.getLineSpace();
    final FontMetrics fo = graphics.getFontMetrics();

    myDescent = fo.getDescent();
    myCharSize.width = fo.charWidth('W');
    myCharSize.height = fo.getHeight() + (int) (lineSpace * 2);
    myDescent += lineSpace;

    myMonospaced = isMonospaced(fo);
    if (!myMonospaced) {
      LOG.info("WARNING: Font " + myNormalFont.getName() + " is non-monospaced");

Пример #15
    public void run() {

      Thread me = Thread.currentThread();

      while (thread == me && !isShowing() || getSize().width == 0) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      while (thread == me && isShowing()) {
        Dimension d = getSize();
        if (d.width != w || d.height != h) {
          w = d.width;
          h = d.height;
          bimg = (BufferedImage) createImage(w, h);
          big = bimg.createGraphics();
          FontMetrics fm = big.getFontMetrics(font);
          ascent = (int) fm.getAscent();
          descent = (int) fm.getDescent();
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        if (MemoryMonitor.dateStampCB.isSelected()) {
          System.out.println(new Date().toString() + " " + usedStr);
      thread = null;
Пример #16
  private static int getSliderBaseline(JSlider slider, int height) {
    // We don't handle GTK as too much is hidden to be able to calculate it
    if (slider.getPaintLabels() && !isGTK()) {
      boolean isAqua = isAqua();
      FontMetrics metrics = slider.getFontMetrics(slider.getFont());
      Insets insets = slider.getInsets();
      Insets focusInsets = (Insets) UIManager.get("Slider.focusInsets");
      if (slider.getOrientation() == JSlider.HORIZONTAL) {
        int tickLength = 8;
        int contentHeight =
            height - insets.top - insets.bottom - focusInsets.top - focusInsets.bottom;
        int thumbHeight = 20;
        if (isMetal()) {
          tickLength = ((Integer) UIManager.get("Slider.majorTickLength")).intValue() + 5;
          thumbHeight = UIManager.getIcon("Slider.horizontalThumbIcon").getIconHeight();
        } else if (isWindows() && isXP()) {
          // NOTE: this is not correct, this should come from
          // the skin (in >= 1.5), but short of reflection
          // hacks we don't have access to the real value.
        int centerSpacing = thumbHeight;
        if (isAqua || slider.getPaintTicks()) {
          // centerSpacing += getTickLength();
          centerSpacing += tickLength;
        // Assume uniform labels.
        centerSpacing += metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getDescent();
        int trackY = insets.top + focusInsets.top + (contentHeight - centerSpacing - 1) / 2;
        if (isAqua) {
          if (slider.getPaintTicks()) {
            int prefHeight = slider.getUI().getPreferredSize(slider).height;
            int prefDelta = height - prefHeight;
            if (prefDelta > 0) {
              trackY -= Math.min(1, prefDelta);
          } else {

        int trackHeight = thumbHeight;
        int tickY = trackY + trackHeight;
        int tickHeight = tickLength;
        if (!isAqua && !slider.getPaintTicks()) {
          tickHeight = 0;
        int labelY = tickY + tickHeight;
        return labelY + metrics.getAscent();
      } else { // vertical
        boolean inverted = slider.getInverted();
        Integer value = inverted ? getMinSliderValue(slider) : getMaxSliderValue(slider);
        if (value != null) {
          int thumbHeight = 11;
          if (isMetal()) {
            thumbHeight = UIManager.getIcon("Slider.verticalThumbIcon").getIconHeight();
          int trackBuffer = Math.max(metrics.getHeight() / 2, thumbHeight / 2);
          int contentY = focusInsets.top + insets.top;
          int trackY = contentY + trackBuffer;
          int trackHeight =
                  - focusInsets.top
                  - focusInsets.bottom
                  - insets.top
                  - insets.bottom
                  - trackBuffer
                  - trackBuffer;
          int maxValue = getMaxSliderValue(slider).intValue();
          int min = slider.getMinimum();
          int max = slider.getMaximum();
          double valueRange = (double) max - (double) min;
          double pixelsPerValue = (double) trackHeight / (double) valueRange;
          int trackBottom = trackY + (trackHeight - 1);
          if (isAqua) {
            trackY -= 3;
            trackBottom += 6;
          int yPosition = trackY;
          double offset;

          if (!inverted) {
            offset = pixelsPerValue * ((double) max - value.intValue());
          } else {
            offset = pixelsPerValue * ((double) value.intValue() - min);
          if (isAqua) {
            yPosition += Math.floor(offset);
          } else {
            yPosition += Math.round(offset);
          yPosition = Math.max(trackY, yPosition);
          yPosition = Math.min(trackBottom, yPosition);
          if (isAqua) {
            return yPosition + metrics.getAscent();
          return yPosition - metrics.getHeight() / 2 + metrics.getAscent();
    return -1;
  protected int doPaintText(Graphics2D g, int offset, boolean focusAroundIcon) {
    // If there is no icon, then we have to add left internal padding
    if (offset == 0) {
      offset = myIpad.left;

    int textStart = offset;
    if (myBorder != null) {
      offset += myBorder.getBorderInsets(this).left;

    final List<Object[]> searchMatches = new ArrayList<>();

    final Font baseFont = getBaseFont();
    offset += computeTextAlignShift(baseFont);
    int baseSize = baseFont.getSize();
    FontMetrics baseMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
    Rectangle area = computePaintArea();
    final int textBaseline = area.y + getTextBaseLine(baseMetrics, area.height);
    boolean wasSmaller = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < myFragments.size(); i++) {
      final SimpleTextAttributes attributes = myAttributes.get(i);

      Font font = g.getFont();
      boolean isSmaller = attributes.isSmaller();
      if (font.getStyle() != attributes.getFontStyle()
          || isSmaller != wasSmaller) { // derive font only if it is necessary
        font =
                isSmaller ? UIUtil.getFontSize(UIUtil.FontSize.SMALL) : baseSize);
      wasSmaller = isSmaller;

      final FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(font);

      final int fragmentWidth = computeStringWidth(i, font);

      final int fragmentPadding = myFragmentPadding.get(i);

      final Color bgColor = attributes.isSearchMatch() ? null : attributes.getBgColor();
      if ((attributes.isOpaque() || isOpaque()) && bgColor != null) {
        g.fillRect(offset, 0, fragmentWidth, getHeight());

      Color color = attributes.getFgColor();
      if (color
          == null) { // in case if color is not defined we have to get foreground color from Swing
                     // hierarchy
        color = getForeground();
      if (!isEnabled()) {
        color = UIUtil.getInactiveTextColor();

      final int fragmentAlignment = myFragmentAlignment.get(i);

      final int endOffset;
      if (fragmentPadding > 0 && fragmentPadding > fragmentWidth) {
        endOffset = fragmentPadding;
        if (fragmentAlignment == SwingConstants.RIGHT
            || fragmentAlignment == SwingConstants.TRAILING) {
          offset = fragmentPadding - fragmentWidth;
      } else {
        endOffset = offset + fragmentWidth;

      if (!attributes.isSearchMatch()) {
        if (shouldDrawMacShadow()) {
          doDrawString(g, i, offset, textBaseline + 1);

        if (shouldDrawDimmed()) {
          color = ColorUtil.dimmer(color);

        doDrawString(g, i, offset, textBaseline);

      // for some reason strokeState here may be incorrect, resetting the stroke helps

      // 1. Strikeout effect
      if (attributes.isStrikeout() && !attributes.isSearchMatch()) {
            g, offset, textBaseline, fragmentWidth, getCharHeight(g), font);
      // 2. Waved effect
      if (attributes.isWaved()) {
        if (attributes.getWaveColor() != null) {
            g, offset, textBaseline + 1, fragmentWidth, Math.max(2, metrics.getDescent()), font);
      // 3. Underline
      if (attributes.isUnderline()) {
            g, offset, textBaseline, fragmentWidth, metrics.getDescent(), font);
      // 4. Bold Dotted Line
      if (attributes.isBoldDottedLine()) {
        final int dottedAt = SystemInfo.isMac ? textBaseline : textBaseline + 1;
        final Color lineColor = attributes.getWaveColor();
            g, offset, offset + fragmentWidth, dottedAt, bgColor, lineColor, isOpaque());

      if (attributes.isSearchMatch()) {
            new Object[] {
              offset + fragmentWidth,

      offset = endOffset;

    // Paint focus border around the text and icon (if necessary)
    if (myPaintFocusBorder && myBorder != null) {
      if (focusAroundIcon) {
        myBorder.paintBorder(this, g, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
      } else {
        myBorder.paintBorder(this, g, textStart, 0, getWidth() - textStart, getHeight());

    // draw search matches after all
    for (final Object[] info : searchMatches) {
      Integer x1 = (Integer) info[0];
      Integer x2 = (Integer) info[1];
      UIUtil.drawSearchMatch(g, x1, x2, getHeight());
      g.setFont((Font) info[4]);

      Integer baseline = (Integer) info[2];
      String text = (String) info[3];
      if (shouldDrawMacShadow()) {
        g.drawString(text, x1, baseline + 1);

      g.setColor(new JBColor(Gray._50, Gray._0));
      g.drawString(text, x1, baseline);

      if (((SimpleTextAttributes) info[5]).isStrikeout()) {
        EffectPainter.STRIKE_THROUGH.paint(g, x1, baseline, x2 - x1, getCharHeight(g), g.getFont());
    return offset;
Пример #18
 private int getTextBaseLine() {
   FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
   return getHeight() / 2 + (fm.getHeight() / 2 - fm.getDescent());