// reads the configuration (breakpoints, window sizes and positions...) for the current index private void restoreConfig() { Breakpoints.reset(); Properties.reset(); try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(idxName + ".config")); Breakpoints.restore(in); Properties.restore(in); in.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { // something went wrong - there probably was no .config file // ignore it } }
// saves the current configuration (breakpoints, window sizes and positions...) private void saveConfig() { try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(idxName + ".config")); Breakpoints.save(out); Properties.save(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { consoleFrame.echoInfo("Could not save settings: " + exc); } }
static { try { properties = new Properties(); properties.load(Notepad.class.getResourceAsStream("resources/NotepadSystem.properties")); resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.Notepad", Locale.getDefault()); } catch (MissingResourceException | IOException e) { System.err.println( "resources/Notepad.properties " + "or resources/NotepadSystem.properties not found"); System.exit(1); } }
private void speichern(Path saveName) { Properties prop = new Properties(); if (!quellListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < quellListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("quellMenu%d", i), quellListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); if (!zielListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < zielListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("zielMenu%d", i), zielListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(saveName.toString()); prop.store(out, null); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void laden(Path saveName) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(saveName.toString()); prop.load(in); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("quellMenu%d", i)); i++) quellListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))))); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("zielMenu%d", i)); i++) zielListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))))); in.close(); }
protected String getProperty(String key) { return properties.getProperty(key); }
// resets the configuration (breakpoints, window sizes and positions...) private void resetConfig() { Breakpoints.reset(); Properties.reset(); }