public void testConstructorLBlob() throws Exception { boolean isAbnormal = false; MockSerialBlob mockBlob = new MockSerialBlob(isAbnormal); SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(mockBlob); // SerialBlob constructor initiliases with the data of given blob, // therefore, blob.getBytes is invoked. assertTrue(mockBlob.isGetBytesInvoked); assertEquals(1, serialBlob.length()); isAbnormal = true; mockBlob = new MockSerialBlob(isAbnormal); try { new SerialBlob(mockBlob); fail("should throw SQLException"); } catch (SQLException e) { // expected } try { new SerialBlob((Blob) null); fail("should throw SQLException"); } catch (SQLException e) { // expected } }
public void testSetBinaryStreamJ() throws Exception { MockSerialBlob mockBlob = new MockSerialBlob(); mockBlob.binaryStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(mockBlob); OutputStream os = serialBlob.setBinaryStream(1); assertTrue(mockBlob.isSetBinaryStreamInvoked); assertEquals(1L, mockBlob.pos); assertSame(mockBlob.binaryStream, os); mockBlob.binaryStream = null; try { serialBlob.setBinaryStream(1); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } byte[] buf = new byte[1]; serialBlob = new SerialBlob(buf); try { // Non bug difference from RI, Harmony-2971 serialBlob.setBinaryStream(1); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } }
public void testConstructor$B() throws Exception { byte[] buf = new byte[8]; SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(buf); assertEquals(8, serialBlob.length()); try { new SerialBlob((byte[]) null); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } }
public void testGetBytesJI() throws Exception { byte[] buf = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(buf); byte[] data = serialBlob.getBytes(1, 1); assertEquals(1, data.length); assertEquals(1, data[0]); data = serialBlob.getBytes(2, 3); assertEquals(3, data.length); assertEquals(2, data[0]); assertEquals(3, data[1]); assertEquals(4, data[2]); // Harmony-2725 RI's bug : RI throws SerialException here. data = serialBlob.getBytes(2, 1); assertEquals(1, data.length); assertEquals(2, data[0]); data = serialBlob.getBytes(1, 10); assertEquals(8, data.length); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(buf, data)); try { data = serialBlob.getBytes(2, -1); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } try { data = serialBlob.getBytes(0, 2); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } try { data = serialBlob.getBytes(-1, 2); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } try { data = serialBlob.getBytes(10, 11); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } }
public void testTruncateJ() throws Exception { byte[] buf = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; SerialBlob serialBlob1 = new SerialBlob(buf); MockSerialBlob mockBlob = new MockSerialBlob(); mockBlob.buf = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; SerialBlob serialBlob2 = new SerialBlob(mockBlob); SerialBlob[] serialBlobs = {serialBlob1, serialBlob2}; for (SerialBlob serialBlob : serialBlobs) { serialBlob.truncate(3); assertEquals(3L, serialBlob.length()); byte[] truncatedBytes = serialBlob.getBytes(1, 3); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}, truncatedBytes)); try { serialBlob.truncate(-1); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } // Non bug difference from RI, Harmony-2937 assertEquals(3L, serialBlob.length()); try { serialBlob.truncate(10); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } } }
public void testSetBytesJ$B() throws Exception { byte[] buf = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; byte[] theBytes = {9, 10, 11}; SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(buf); int count = serialBlob.setBytes(1, theBytes); byte[] res = serialBlob.getBytes(1, buf.length); byte[] expected = {9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expected, res)); assertEquals(3, count); count = serialBlob.setBytes(2, theBytes); res = serialBlob.getBytes(1, buf.length); expected = new byte[] {9, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8}; assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expected, res)); assertEquals(3, count); count = serialBlob.setBytes(6, theBytes); res = serialBlob.getBytes(1, buf.length); expected = new byte[] {9, 9, 10, 11, 5, 9, 10, 11}; assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expected, res)); assertEquals(3, count); try { serialBlob.setBytes(-1, theBytes); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } try { serialBlob.setBytes(10, theBytes); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } // Non bug difference from RI, Harmony-2836 try { serialBlob.setBytes(7, theBytes); fail("should throw SerialException"); } catch (SerialException e) { // expected } }
public void testGetBinaryStream() throws Exception { byte[] buf = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; SerialBlob serialBlob = new SerialBlob(buf); InputStream is = serialBlob.getBinaryStream(); int i = 0; while (true) { int b =; if (b == -1) { if (i < buf.length) { fail("returned input stream contains too few data"); } break; } if (i > buf.length) { fail("returned input stream contains too much data"); } assertEquals(buf[i++], b); } }