Пример #1
   * Add a new client transaction to the set of existing transactions. Add it to the top of the list
   * so an incoming response has less work to do in order to find the transaction.
   * @param clientTransaction -- client transaction to add to the set.
  public void addTransaction(SIPClientTransaction clientTransaction) {
    if (LogWriter.needsLogging) logWriter.logMessage("added transaction " + clientTransaction);
    synchronized (clientTransactions) {
      clientTransactions.add(0, clientTransaction);

Пример #2
  * Create a client transaction from a raw channel.
  * @param transaction is the transport channel to encapsulate.
 public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(SIPTransaction transaction) {
   synchronized (clientTransactions) {
     // New client transaction to return
     SIPTransaction returnChannel = createClientTransaction(transaction.getMessageChannel());
     clientTransactions.add(0, (SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel);
     ((SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel).setViaPort(transaction.getViaPort());
     ((SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel).setViaHost(transaction.getViaHost());
     // Add the transaction timer for the state machine.
     return returnChannel;
Пример #3
   * Creates a client transaction to handle a new request. Gets the real message channel from the
   * superclass, and then creates a new client transaction wrapped around this channel.
   * @param nextHop Hop to create a channel to contact.
  public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(int sourcePort, Hop nextHop)
      throws UnknownHostException {
    synchronized (clientTransactions) {
      // New client transaction to return
      SIPTransaction returnChannel;

      // Create a new client transaction around the
      // superclass' message channel
      MessageChannel mc = super.createMessageChannel(sourcePort, nextHop);

      // Superclass will return null if no message processor
      // available for the transport.
      if (mc == null) return null;

      returnChannel = createClientTransaction(mc);
      clientTransactions.add(0, (SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel);
      ((SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel).setViaPort(nextHop.getPort());
      ((SIPClientTransaction) returnChannel).setViaHost(nextHop.getHost());
      // Add the transaction timer for the state machine.
      return returnChannel;
Пример #4
   * Find the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt> (one of our "candidate recipient" listeners)
   * which this <tt>request</tt> should be dispatched to. The strategy is to look first at the
   * request URI, and then at the To field to find a matching candidate for dispatching. Note that
   * this method takes a <tt>Request</tt> as param, and not a <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>, because
   * sometimes <tt>RequestEvent</tt>s have no associated <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>.
   * @param request the <tt>Request</tt> to find a recipient for.
   * @return a suitable <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt>.
  private ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl findTargetFor(Request request) {
    if (request == null) {
      logger.error("request shouldn't be null.");
      return null;

    List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> currentListenersCopy =
        new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>(this.getSipListeners());

    // Let's first narrow down candidate choice by comparing
    // addresses and ports (no point in delivering to a provider with a
    // non matching IP address  since they will reject it anyway).
    filterByAddress(currentListenersCopy, request);

    if (currentListenersCopy.size() == 0) {
      logger.error("no listeners");
      return null;

    URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

    if (requestURI.isSipURI()) {
      String requestUser = ((SipURI) requestURI).getUser();

      List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> candidates =
          new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>();

      // check if the Request-URI username is
      // one of ours usernames
      for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl listener : currentListenersCopy) {
        String ourUserID = listener.getAccountID().getUserID();
        // logger.trace(ourUserID + " *** " + requestUser);
        if (ourUserID.equals(requestUser)) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("suitable candidate found: " + listener.getAccountID());

      // the perfect match
      // every other case is approximation
      if (candidates.size() == 1) {
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl perfectMatch = candidates.get(0);

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Will dispatch to \"" + perfectMatch.getAccountID() + "\"");
        return perfectMatch;

      // more than one account match
      if (candidates.size() > 1) {
        // check if a custom param exists in the contact
        // address (set for registrar accounts)
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          String hostValue =
              ((SipURI) requestURI).getParameter(SipStackSharing.CONTACT_ADDRESS_CUSTOM_PARAM_NAME);
          if (hostValue == null) continue;
          if (hostValue.equals(candidate.getContactAddressCustomParamValue())) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "\" the custom param was set");
            return candidate;

        // Past this point, our guess is not reliable. We try to find
        // the "least worst" match based on parameters like the To field

        // check if the To header field host part
        // matches any of our SIP hosts
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          URI fromURI = ((FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (fromURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          SipURI ourURI = (SipURI) candidate.getOurSipAddress((SipURI) fromURI).getURI();
          String ourHost = ourURI.getHost();

          URI toURI = ((ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (toURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          String toHost = ((SipURI) toURI).getHost();

          // logger.trace(toHost + "***" + ourHost);
          if (toHost.equals(ourHost)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "host in the To: is the same as in our AOR");
            return candidate;

        // fallback on the first candidate
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = candidates.iterator().next();
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because there is ambiguity on the username from"
                + " the Request-URI");
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
        return target;

      // fallback on any account
      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = currentListenersCopy.iterator().next();
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because the username in the Request-URI "
                + "is unknown or empty");
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
      return target;
    } else {
      logger.error("Request-URI is not a SIP URI, dropping");
    return null;
   * parses received phones list and creates/resolves groups and contacts
   * @param objReceived the obj with data.
  private void phonesRecieved(JSONObject objReceived) {
    try {
      if (!objReceived.get("function").equals("sendlist") || !objReceived.containsKey("payload"))

      JSONObject payload = (JSONObject) objReceived.get("payload");
       * FIXME The following contains two very inefficient Map-iterating
       * loops.
      Iterator iter = payload.keySet().iterator();
      List<JSONObject> phoneList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) payload.get(iter.next());
        Iterator phonesIter = obj.keySet().iterator();
        while (phonesIter.hasNext()) phoneList.add((JSONObject) obj.get(phonesIter.next()));

      for (JSONObject phone : phoneList) {
        try {
          // don't handle non sip phones
          if (!((String) phone.get("tech")).equalsIgnoreCase("sip")) continue;

          String groupName = (String) phone.get("context");

          ContactGroupSipImpl parentGroup = findGroupByName(groupName);

          if (parentGroup == null) {
            parentGroup = new ContactGroupSipImpl(groupName, sipProvider);

            fireGroupEvent(parentGroup, ServerStoredGroupEvent.GROUP_CREATED_EVENT);

          String number = (String) phone.get("number");

          Address address = sipProvider.parseAddressString(number);

          // if the contact is already in the contact list
          ContactSipImpl contact = parentOperationSet.resolveContactID(address.toString());

          if (contact == null) {
            contact = new ContactSipImpl(address, sipProvider);
            contact.setDisplayName(phone.get("firstname") + " " + phone.get("lastname"));

            fireContactAdded(parentGroup, contact);
          } else {
            contact.setDisplayName(phone.get("firstname") + " " + phone.get("lastname"));

            fireContactResolved(parentGroup, contact);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          logger.error("Error parsing " + phone);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logger.error("Error init list from server", t);
Пример #6
 public void putPending(PendingRecord pendingRecord) {
   synchronized (pendingRecords) {
Пример #7
   * Handles a new SIP request. It finds a server transaction to handle this message. If none
   * exists, it creates a new transaction.
   * @param requestReceived Request to handle.
   * @param requestMessageChannel Channel that received message.
   * @return A server transaction.
  protected ServerRequestInterface newSIPServerRequest(
      SIPRequest requestReceived, MessageChannel requestMessageChannel) {

    // Iterator through all server transactions
    Iterator<SIPServerTransaction> transactionIterator;
    // Next transaction in the set
    SIPServerTransaction nextTransaction;
    // Transaction to handle this request
    SIPServerTransaction currentTransaction;

    String key = requestReceived.getTransactionId();

    currentTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) serverTransactionTable.get(key);
    if (currentTransaction == null
        || !currentTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {

      // Loop through all server transactions
      synchronized (serverTransactions) {
        transactionIterator = serverTransactions.iterator();
        currentTransaction = null;
        while (transactionIterator.hasNext() && currentTransaction == null) {

          nextTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) transactionIterator.next();

          // If this transaction should handle this request,
          if (nextTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {
            // Mark this transaction as the one
            // to handle this message
            currentTransaction = nextTransaction;

        // If no transaction exists to handle this message
        if (currentTransaction == null) {
          currentTransaction = findPendingTransaction(requestReceived);
          if (currentTransaction != null) return currentTransaction;
          currentTransaction = createServerTransaction(requestMessageChannel);
          if (!isDialogCreated(requestReceived.getMethod())) {
            // Dialog is not created - can we find the state?
            // If so, then create a transaction and add it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // Sequence numbers are supposed to increment.
            // avoid processing old sequence numbers and
            // delivering the same request up to the
            // application if the request has already been seen.
            // Special handling applies to ACK processing.
            if (dialog != null
                && (requestReceived.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)
                    || requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                        > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber())) {
              // Found a dialog.
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.isMapped = true;
          } else {
            // Create the transaction but dont map it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // This is a dialog creating request that is part of an
            // existing dialog (eg. re-Invite). Re-invites get a non
            // null server transaction Id (unlike the original
            // invite).
            if (dialog != null
                && requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                    > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber()) {
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.toListener = true;

    // Set ths transaction's encapsulated request
    // interface from the superclass
        super.newSIPServerRequest(requestReceived, currentTransaction));
    return currentTransaction;