Пример #1
  public Object bind(
      RootParamNode rootParamNode,
      String name,
      Class clazz,
      java.lang.reflect.Type type,
      Annotation[] annotations) {
    // TODO need to be more generic in order to work with JPASupport
    if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) {

      ParamNode paramNode = rootParamNode.getChild(name, true);

      String[] keyNames = new JPAModelLoader(clazz).keyNames();
      ParamNode[] ids = new ParamNode[keyNames.length];
      // Collect the matching ids
      int i = 0;
      for (String keyName : keyNames) {
        ids[i++] = paramNode.getChild(keyName, true);
      if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) {
        try {
          EntityManager em = JPABase.getJPAConfig(clazz).getJPAContext().em();
          StringBuilder q =
              new StringBuilder().append("from ").append(clazz.getName()).append(" o where");
          int keyIdx = 1;
          for (String keyName : keyNames) {
            q.append(" o.").append(keyName).append(" = ?").append(keyIdx++).append(" and ");
          if (q.length() > 4) {
            q = q.delete(q.length() - 4, q.length());
          Query query = em.createQuery(q.toString());
          // The primary key can be a composite.
          Class[] pk = new JPAModelLoader(clazz).keyTypes();
          int j = 0;
          for (ParamNode id : ids) {
            if (id.getValues() == null
                || id.getValues().length == 0
                || id.getFirstValue(null) == null
                || id.getFirstValue(null).trim().length() <= 0) {
              // We have no ids, it is a new entity
              return GenericModel.create(rootParamNode, name, clazz, annotations);
                j + 1,
                    id.getOriginalKey(), annotations, id.getValues()[0], pk[j++], null));
          Object o = query.getSingleResult();
          return GenericModel.edit(rootParamNode, name, o, annotations);
        } catch (NoResultException e) {
          // ok
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new UnexpectedException(e);
      return GenericModel.create(rootParamNode, name, clazz, annotations);
    return null;
Пример #2
   * Gets all the annotation info for a particular class and puts it in our annotation info cache.
   * @param c
   * @return
  public AnnotationInfo putAnnotationInfo(Class c) {
      Entity entity = (Entity) c.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
      if (entity == null) {
        throw new PersistenceException("Class not marked as an @Entity: " + c.getName());
    AnnotationInfo ai = new AnnotationInfo();
    Class superClass = c;
    Class rootClass = null;
    while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null) {
      MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass =
          (MappedSuperclass) superClass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class);
      Entity entity = (Entity) superClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
      Inheritance inheritance = (Inheritance) superClass.getAnnotation(Inheritance.class);
      if (mappedSuperclass != null || entity != null) {
        putProperties(ai, superClass);
        putMethods(ai, superClass);
        if (entity != null) {
          rootClass = superClass;
        putEntityListeners(ai, superClass);
    if (rootClass != null) {
      DiscriminatorValue dv = (DiscriminatorValue) c.getAnnotation(DiscriminatorValue.class);
      String discriminatorValue;
      if (dv != null) {
        discriminatorValue = dv.value();
        if (discriminatorValue == null) {
          throw new PersistenceException(
              "You must specify a value= for @DiscriminatorValue on " + c.getName());
      } else {
        discriminatorValue = c.getSimpleName();
      discriminatorMap.put(discriminatorValue, ai);
    } else {
    putTableDeclaration(ai, c);
    putProperties(ai, c);
    putMethods(ai, c);
    if (ai.getIdMethod() == null) {
      throw new PersistenceException("No ID method specified for: " + c.getName());
    putEntityListeners(ai, c);

    getAnnotationMap().put(c.getName(), ai);
    return ai;
Пример #3
  * This strips the cglib class name out of the enhanced classes.
  * @param c
  * @return
 public static Class stripEnhancerClass(Class c) {
   String className = c.getName();
   className = stripEnhancerClass(className);
   if (className.equals(c.getName())) {
     // no change, did this to fix groovy issue
     return c;
   } else {
     c = getClass(className);
   return c;
Пример #4
  public void complete() {
    AmberPersistenceUnit persistenceUnit = _sourceType.getPersistenceUnit();

    Class targetClass = getTargetClass();

    if (targetClass == null || void.class.equals(targetClass))
      throw error(
              "Can't determine targetEntity for {0}.  @OneToMany properties must target @Entity beans.",

    AmberType targetType = persistenceUnit.createType(targetClass);

    if (targetType == null) {
      throw error(
              "targetClass '{0}' is not a known element collection class for {1}.  The targetClass of a @ElementCollection must be a basic class.",
              targetClass.getName(), _fieldName));

    if (_orderBy != null)

Пример #5
 public AnnotationInfo getAnnotationInfo(Class c) {
   c = stripEnhancerClass(c);
   AnnotationInfo ai = getAnnotationInfo(c.getName());
   if (ai == null) {
     ai = putAnnotationInfo(c);
   return ai;
Пример #6
  private void putTableDeclaration(AnnotationInfo ai, Class<?> c) {
    Table table = c.getAnnotation(Table.class);
    if (table != null) {
      if (table.name() == null)
        throw new PersistenceException("You must specify a name= for @Table on " + c.getName());

Пример #7
 public synchronized int removeAll(Class entityClass) {
   int affectedResult = 0;
   final EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
   try {
     affectedResult = em.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + entityClass.getName()).executeUpdate();
   } finally {
     if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) em.getTransaction().rollback();
   return affectedResult;
Пример #8
    private Object makeCompositeKey(Model model) throws Exception {
      Class<?> idClass = getCompositeKeyClass();
      Object id = idClass.newInstance();
      PropertyDescriptor[] idProperties = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(idClass);
      if (idProperties == null || idProperties.length == 0)
        throw new UnexpectedException("Composite id has no properties: " + idClass.getName());
      for (PropertyDescriptor idProperty : idProperties) {
        // do we have a field for this?
        String idPropertyName = idProperty.getName();
        // skip the "class" property...
        if (idPropertyName.equals("class")) continue;
        Model.Property modelProperty = this.properties.get(idPropertyName);
        if (modelProperty == null)
          throw new UnexpectedException(
              "Composite id property missing: "
                  + clazz.getName()
                  + "."
                  + idPropertyName
                  + " (defined in IdClass "
                  + idClass.getName()
                  + ")");
        // sanity check
        Object value = modelProperty.field.get(model);

        if (modelProperty.isMultiple)
          throw new UnexpectedException(
              "Composite id property cannot be multiple: "
                  + clazz.getName()
                  + "."
                  + idPropertyName);
        // now is this property a relation? if yes then we must use its ID in the key (as per specs)
        if (modelProperty.isRelation) {
          // get its id
          if (!Model.class.isAssignableFrom(modelProperty.type))
            throw new UnexpectedException(
                "Composite id property entity has to be a subclass of Model: "
                    + clazz.getName()
                    + "."
                    + idPropertyName);
          // we already checked that cast above
          Model.Factory factory =
              Model.Manager.factoryFor((Class<? extends Model>) modelProperty.type);
          if (factory == null)
            throw new UnexpectedException(
                "Failed to find factory for Composite id property entity: "
                    + clazz.getName()
                    + "."
                    + idPropertyName);
          // we already checked that cast above
          if (value != null) value = factory.keyValue((Model) value);
        // now affect the composite id with this id
        PropertyUtils.setSimpleProperty(id, idPropertyName, value);
      return id;
Пример #9
 public synchronized <T> List<T> loadAll(Class<T> entityClass, String orderBy) {
   final EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
   try {
     final TypedQuery<T> query =
             "SELECT c FROM "
                 + entityClass.getName()
                 + "  c "
                 + ((orderBy == null) ? "" : " ORDER BY " + orderBy),
     return query.getResultList();
   } finally {
Пример #10
 public Long count(List<String> searchFields, String keywords, String where) {
   String q = "select count(*) from " + clazz.getName() + " e";
   if (keywords != null && !keywords.equals("")) {
     String searchQuery = getSearchQuery(searchFields);
     if (!searchQuery.equals("")) {
       q += " where (" + searchQuery + ")";
     q += (where != null ? " and " + where : "");
   } else {
     q += (where != null ? " where " + where : "");
   Query query = getJPAContext().em().createQuery(q);
   if (keywords != null && !keywords.equals("") && q.indexOf("?1") != -1) {
     query.setParameter(1, "%" + keywords.toLowerCase() + "%");
   return Long.decode(query.getSingleResult().toString());
Пример #11
 public List<Model> fetch(
     int offset,
     int size,
     String orderBy,
     String order,
     List<String> searchFields,
     String keywords,
     String where) {
   String q = "from " + clazz.getName();
   if (keywords != null && !keywords.equals("")) {
     String searchQuery = getSearchQuery(searchFields);
     if (!searchQuery.equals("")) {
       q += " where (" + searchQuery + ")";
     q += (where != null ? " and " + where : "");
   } else {
     q += (where != null ? " where " + where : "");
   if (orderBy == null && order == null) {
     orderBy = "id";
     order = "ASC";
   if (orderBy == null && order != null) {
     orderBy = "id";
   if (order == null || (!order.equals("ASC") && !order.equals("DESC"))) {
     order = "ASC";
   q += " order by " + orderBy + " " + order;
   Query query = getJPAContext().em().createQuery(q);
   if (keywords != null && !keywords.equals("") && q.indexOf("?1") != -1) {
     query.setParameter(1, "%" + keywords.toLowerCase() + "%");
   return query.getResultList();
Пример #12
 public void deleteAll() {
   getJPAContext().em().createQuery("delete from " + clazz.getName()).executeUpdate();
Пример #13
  public void onApplicationStart() {

    // must check and configure JPA for each DBConfig
    for (DBConfig dbConfig : DB.getDBConfigs()) {
      // check and enable JPA on this config

      // is JPA already configured?
      String configName = dbConfig.getDBConfigName();

      if (JPA.getJPAConfig(configName, true) == null) {
        // must configure it

        // resolve prefix for hibernate config..
        // should be nothing for default, and db_<name> for others
        String propPrefix = "";
        if (!DBConfig.defaultDbConfigName.equalsIgnoreCase(configName)) {
          propPrefix = "db_" + configName + ".";
        List<Class> classes = findEntityClassesForThisConfig(configName, propPrefix);
        if (classes == null) continue;

        // we're ready to configure this instance of JPA
        final String hibernateDataSource =
            Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "hibernate.connection.datasource");

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hibernateDataSource) && dbConfig == null) {
          throw new JPAException(
              "Cannot start a JPA manager without a properly configured database"
                  + getConfigInfoString(configName),
              new NullPointerException("No datasource configured"));

        Ejb3Configuration cfg = new Ejb3Configuration();

        if (dbConfig.getDatasource() != null) {

        if (!Play.configuration
            .getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.ddl", Play.mode.isDev() ? "update" : "none")
            .equals("none")) {
              Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.ddl", "update"));

        String driver = null;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) {
          driver = Play.configuration.getProperty("db.driver");
        } else {
          driver = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "driver");
        cfg.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", getDefaultDialect(propPrefix, driver));
        cfg.setProperty("javax.persistence.transaction", "RESOURCE_LOCAL");

        cfg.setInterceptor(new PlayInterceptor());

        // This setting is global for all JPAs - only configure if configuring default JPA
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) {
          if (Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.debugSQL", "false").equals("true")) {
          } else {
        // inject additional  hibernate.* settings declared in Play! configuration
        Properties additionalProperties =
                Utils.Maps.filterMap(Play.configuration, "^" + propPrefix + "hibernate\\..*");
        // We must remove prefix from names
        Properties transformedAdditionalProperties = new Properties();
        for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : additionalProperties.entrySet()) {
          Object key = entry.getKey();
          if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) {
            key = ((String) key).substring(propPrefix.length()); // chop off the prefix
          transformedAdditionalProperties.put(key, entry.getValue());

        try {
          // nice hacking :) I like it..
          Field field = cfg.getClass().getDeclaredField("overridenClassLoader");
          field.set(cfg, Play.classloader);
        } catch (Exception e) {
              e, "Error trying to override the hibernate classLoader (new hibernate version ???)");

        for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {
          if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            Logger.trace("JPA Model : %s", clazz);
        String[] moreEntities =
            Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.entities", "").split(", ");
        for (String entity : moreEntities) {
          if (entity.trim().equals("")) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.warn("JPA -> Entity not found: %s", entity);

        for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) {
          if (applicationClass.isClass() || applicationClass.javaPackage == null) {
          Package p = applicationClass.javaPackage;
          Logger.info("JPA -> Adding package: %s", p.getName());

        String mappingFile = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.mapping-file", "");
        if (mappingFile != null && mappingFile.length() > 0) {

        if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          Logger.trace("Initializing JPA" + getConfigInfoString(configName) + " ...");

        try {
          JPA.addConfiguration(configName, cfg);
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
          throw new JPAException(
              e.getMessage() + getConfigInfoString(configName),
              e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e);

    // must look for Entity-objects referring to none-existing JPAConfig
    List<Class> allEntityClasses = Play.classloader.getAnnotatedClasses(Entity.class);
    for (Class clazz : allEntityClasses) {
      String configName = Entity2JPAConfigResolver.getJPAConfigNameForEntityClass(clazz);
      if (JPA.getJPAConfig(configName, true) == null) {
        throw new JPAException(
            "Found Entity-class ("
                + clazz.getName()
                + ") referring to none-existing JPAConfig"
                + getConfigInfoString(configName)
                + ". "
                + "Is JPA properly configured?");