public void lookupJMSConnectionFactory() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Object obj = ejbContext.lookup("jms"); Assert.assertNotNull("The JMS ConnectionFactory is null", obj); Assert.assertTrue("Not an instance of ConnectionFactory", obj instanceof ConnectionFactory); ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) obj; testJmsConnection(connectionFactory.createConnection()); obj = ejbContext.lookup("TopicCF"); Assert.assertNotNull("The JMS TopicConnectionFactory is null", obj); Assert.assertTrue( "Not an instance of TopicConnectionFactory", obj instanceof TopicConnectionFactory); TopicConnectionFactory topicConnectionFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory) obj; testJmsConnection(topicConnectionFactory.createConnection()); obj = ejbContext.lookup("QueueCF"); Assert.assertNotNull("The JMS QueueConnectionFactory is null", obj); Assert.assertTrue( "Not an instance of QueueConnectionFactory", obj instanceof QueueConnectionFactory); QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) obj; testJmsConnection(queueConnectionFactory.createConnection()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupPersistenceUnit() throws TestFailureException { try { try { EntityManagerFactory emf = (EntityManagerFactory) ejbContext.lookup("persistence/TestUnit"); Assert.assertNotNull("The EntityManagerFactory is null", emf); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupResource() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Object obj = ejbContext.lookup("datasource"); Assert.assertNotNull("The DataSource is null", obj); Assert.assertTrue("Not an instance of DataSource", obj instanceof DataSource); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupStatelessBusinessLocalBean() throws TestFailureException { try { try { BasicStatelessPojoBean object = (BasicStatelessPojoBean) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/beanReferences/stateless-business-localbean"); Assert.assertNotNull("The EJB BusinessLocalBean is null", object); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
// ============================= // Remote interface methods // public void lookupEntityBean() throws TestFailureException { try { try { BasicBmpHome home = (BasicBmpHome) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/beanReferences/bmp_entity"); Assert.assertNotNull("The EJBHome looked up is null", home); BasicBmpObject object = home.createObject("Enc Bean"); Assert.assertNotNull("The EJBObject is null", object); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupPersistenceContext() throws TestFailureException { try { try { EntityManager em = (EntityManager) ejbContext.lookup("persistence/TestContext"); Assert.assertNotNull("The EntityManager is null", em); // call a do nothing method to assure entity manager actually exists em.getFlushMode(); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupCharacterEntry() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Character expected = new Character('D'); Character actual = (Character) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/references/Character"); Assert.assertNotNull("The Character looked up is null", actual); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupByteEntry() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Byte expected = new Byte((byte) 1); Byte actual = (Byte) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/references/Byte"); Assert.assertNotNull("The Byte looked up is null", actual); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupShortEntry() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Short expected = new Short((short) 1); Short actual = (Short) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/references/Short"); Assert.assertNotNull("The Short looked up is null", actual); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
public void lookupLongEntry() throws TestFailureException { try { try { Long expected = new Long(1L); Long actual = (Long) ejbContext.lookup("stateless/references/Long"); Assert.assertNotNull("The Long looked up is null", actual); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) {"Received Exception " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { throw new TestFailureException(afe); } }
@PostConstruct private void init() { System.out.println("HelloSingleton::init()"); System.out.println("myString = '" + myString + "'"); if ((myString == null) || !(myString.equals("myString"))) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value " + myString + " for myString"); } appName = (String) sessionCtx.lookup("java:app/AppName"); moduleName = (String) sessionCtx.lookup("java:module/ModuleName"); ORB orb1 = (ORB) sessionCtx.lookup("java:module/MORB1"); ORB orb2 = (ORB) sessionCtx.lookup("java:module/env/MORB2"); System.out.println("AppName = " + appName); System.out.println("ModuleName = " + moduleName); foo4 = (FooManagedBean) sessionCtx.lookup("java:module/somemanagedbean"); foo5 = (FooManagedBean) sessionCtx.lookup("java:app/" + moduleName + "/somemanagedbean"); foo6 = (Foo) sessionCtx.lookup("java:app/" + moduleName + "/somemanagedbean"); foo7 = (FooManagedBean) sessionCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/foo2ref"); foo8 = (Foo) sessionCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/foo3ref"); }