private void showContextMenu(double x, double y) { if (contextMenu != null && contextMenu.isShowing()) contextMenu.hide(); contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); // contextMenu.getStyleClass().add("background"); Color bg = cfg.colorProperty().getValue(); Color fg = bg.getBrightness() < 0.5f ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK; contextMenu.setStyle(background(bg, true)); contextMenu.setOnHidden( value -> { if (cfg.autoHideProperty().get() && !arePopupsOpen()) maybeHideDock(); }); if (!cfg.autoHideProperty().get()) { MenuItem hide = new MenuItem(resources.getString("menu.hide")); hide.setOnAction(value -> getStage().setIconified(true)); hide.setStyle(textFill(fg)); contextMenu.getItems().add(hide); } MenuItem close = new MenuItem(resources.getString("menu.exit")); close.setOnAction( value -> { context.confirmExit(); maybeHideDock(); }); close.setStyle(textFill(fg)); contextMenu.getItems().add(close); Point2D loc = new Point2D(x + getStage().getX(), y + getStage().getY());, loc.getX(), loc.getY()); }
/* */ protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String paramString) /* */ { /* 72 */ super.handleControlPropertyChanged(paramString); /* 73 */ if (paramString == "DEFAULT_BUTTON") { /* 74 */ setDefaultButton(((Button) getSkinnable()).isDefaultButton()); /* */ } /* 76 */ else if (paramString == "CANCEL_BUTTON") { /* 77 */ setCancelButton(((Button) getSkinnable()).isCancelButton()); /* */ } /* 79 */ else if (paramString == "FOCUSED") { /* 80 */ if (!((Button) getSkinnable()).isFocused()) { /* 81 */ ContextMenu localContextMenu = ((Button) getSkinnable()).getContextMenu(); /* 82 */ if ((localContextMenu != null) && /* 83 */ (localContextMenu.isShowing())) { /* 84 */ localContextMenu.hide(); /* 85 */ Utils.removeMnemonics(localContextMenu, ((Button) getSkinnable()).getScene()); /* */ } /* */ } /* */ } /* 89 */ else if ((paramString == "PARENT") && /* 90 */ (((Button) getSkinnable()).getParent() == null) && (getScene() != null)) { /* 91 */ if (((Button) getSkinnable()).isDefaultButton()) { /* 92 */ getScene().getAccelerators().remove(this.defaultAcceleratorKeyCodeCombination); /* */ } /* 94 */ if (((Button) getSkinnable()).isCancelButton()) /* 95 */ getScene().getAccelerators().remove(this.cancelAcceleratorKeyCodeCombination); /* */ } /* */ }
@FXML private void evtMouseClick(MouseEvent evt) throws Exception { if (evt.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) { showContextMenu(evt.getX(), evt.getY()); evt.consume(); } else if (contextMenu != null) { contextMenu.hide(); } }
public void removeFields() { menu.hide(); current_field = null; synchronized (fields) { for (ControlWrapper cw : fields) { cw.unbind(); fields.remove(cw); } } }
/** Remove the auto-completed field from the menu's list of monitored controls */ public void removeField(final TextInputControl control) { if (current_field != null && current_field.equals(control)) { menu.hide(); current_field = null; } synchronized (fields) { for (ControlWrapper cw : fields) { if (cw.field.equals(control)) { cw.unbind(); fields.remove(cw); break; } } } }
private void disposeOpenMenu() { openMenu.hide(); openMenu = null; }
/** * @param name Chart name * @param parent Skeleton parent * @param axes Configuration of axes * @param abcissaName Abcissa name */ public SwingChart(String name, final Skeleton parent, List<AxisChart> axes, String abcissaName) { this.skeleton = parent; this.axes = axes; = name; this.abcissaFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); this.ordinateFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); plot = new XYPlot(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strChartBackgroundColor))); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strGridlineColor))); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strGridlineColor))); plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); abcissaAxis = new NumberAxis(abcissaName); ((NumberAxis) abcissaAxis).setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); abcissaAxis.setTickLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); abcissaAxis.setLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); abcissaAxis.setLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); abcissaAxis.setTickLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); abcissaAxis.setAutoRange(true); abcissaAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); abcissaAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); abcissaAxis.setTickLabelsVisible(true); abcissaAxis.setLabelFont(abcissaAxis.getLabelFont().deriveFont(fontSize)); abcissaAxis.setTickLabelFont(abcissaAxis.getLabelFont().deriveFont(fontSize)); plot.setDomainAxis(abcissaAxis); for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) { AxisChart categoria = axes.get(i); addAxis(categoria.getName()); for (int j = 0; j < categoria.configSerieList.size(); j++) { SimpleSeriesConfiguration cs = categoria.configSerieList.get(j); addSeries(categoria.getName(), cs); } } chart = new JFreeChart("", new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16), plot, false); chart.setBackgroundPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))); chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); chartPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4), BorderFactory.createLineBorder( scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))))); chartPanel.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ESCAPE"), "escape"); chartPanel .getActionMap() .put( "escape", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { for (int i = 0; i < plot.getDatasetCount(); i++) { XYDataset test = plot.getDataset(i); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(i); r.removeAnnotations(); } } }); chartPanel.addChartMouseListener( cml = new ChartMouseListener() { @Override public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent event) {} @Override public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent event) { try { XYItemEntity xyitem = (XYItemEntity) event.getEntity(); // get clicked entity XYDataset dataset = (XYDataset) xyitem.getDataset(); // get data set double x = dataset.getXValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), xyitem.getItem()); double y = dataset.getYValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), xyitem.getItem()); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); for (int i = 0; i < plot.getDatasetCount(); i++) { XYDataset test = plot.getDataset(i); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(i); r.removeAnnotations(); if (test == dataset) { NumberAxis ejeOrdenada = AxesList.get(i); double y_max = ejeOrdenada.getUpperBound(); double y_min = ejeOrdenada.getLowerBound(); double x_max = abcissaAxis.getUpperBound(); double x_min = abcissaAxis.getLowerBound(); double angulo; if (y > (y_max + y_min) / 2 && x > (x_max + x_min) / 2) { angulo = 3.0 * Math.PI / 4.0; } else if (y > (y_max + y_min) / 2 && x < (x_max + x_min) / 2) { angulo = 1.0 * Math.PI / 4.0; } else if (y < (y_max + y_min) / 2 && x < (x_max + x_min) / 2) { angulo = 7.0 * Math.PI / 4.0; } else { angulo = 5.0 * Math.PI / 4.0; } CircleDrawer cd = new CircleDrawer( (Color) r.getSeriesPaint(xyitem.getSeriesIndex()), new BasicStroke(2.0f), null); // XYAnnotation bestBid = new // XYDrawableAnnotation(dataset.getXValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), // xyitem.getItem()), dataset.getYValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), // xyitem.getItem()), 11, 11, cd); String txt = "X:" + abcissaFormat.format(x) + ", Y:" + ordinateFormat.format(y); XYPointerAnnotation anotacion = new XYPointerAnnotation( txt, dataset.getXValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), xyitem.getItem()), dataset.getYValue(xyitem.getSeriesIndex(), xyitem.getItem()), angulo); anotacion.setTipRadius(10.0); anotacion.setBaseRadius(35.0); anotacion.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10)); if (Long.parseLong((strChartBackgroundColor.replace("#", "")), 16) > 0xffffff / 2) { anotacion.setPaint(; anotacion.setArrowPaint(; } else { anotacion.setPaint(Color.white); anotacion.setArrowPaint(Color.white); } // bestBid.setPaint((Color) r.getSeriesPaint(xyitem.getSeriesIndex())); r.addAnnotation(anotacion); } } // LabelValorVariable.setSize(LabelValorVariable.getPreferredSize()); } catch (NullPointerException | ClassCastException ex) { } } }); chartPanel.setPopupMenu(null); chartPanel.setBackground(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))); SwingNode sn = new SwingNode(); sn.setContent(chartPanel); chartFrame = new VBox(); chartFrame.getChildren().addAll(sn, legendFrame); VBox.setVgrow(sn, Priority.ALWAYS); VBox.setVgrow(legendFrame, Priority.NEVER); chartFrame .getStylesheets() .addAll(SwingChart.class.getResource("overlay-chart.css").toExternalForm()); legendFrame.setStyle("marco: " + strBackgroundColor + ";-fx-background-color: marco;"); MenuItem mi; mi = new MenuItem("Print"); mi.setOnAction( (ActionEvent t) -> { print(chartFrame); }); contextMenuList.add(mi); sn.setOnMouseClicked( (MouseEvent t) -> { if (menu != null) { menu.hide(); } if (t.getClickCount() == 2) { backgroundEdition(); } }); mi = new MenuItem("Copy to clipboard"); mi.setOnAction( (ActionEvent t) -> { copyClipboard(chartFrame); }); contextMenuList.add(mi); mi = new MenuItem("Export values"); mi.setOnAction( (ActionEvent t) -> { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Export to file"); fileChooser .getExtensionFilters() .addAll(new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Comma Separated Values", "*.csv")); Window w = null; try { w = parent.getScene().getWindow(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } File file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(w); if (file != null) { export(file); } }); contextMenuList.add(mi); chartFrame.setOnContextMenuRequested( (ContextMenuEvent t) -> { if (menu != null) { menu.hide(); } menu = new ContextMenu(); menu.getItems().addAll(contextMenuList);, t.getScreenX(), t.getScreenY()); }); }