@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void downLoad( List downList, String fileName, HttpServletResponse httpResponse, String downLoadId) { // 获取列对象集合 httpResponse.reset(); List columnList = new ArrayList(); try { // 初始化参数 DownloadBean downloadBean = DownloadContentHelper.getDownloadBean(downLoadId); columnList = downloadBean.getAttributes(); } catch (Exception e) { } OutputStream output = null; try { output = httpResponse.getOutputStream(); httpResponse.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=GBK"); httpResponse.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName + ".xls"); WritableWorkbook w = Workbook.createWorkbook(output); output.flush(); // 分sheet页操作start List<Object> newTotals = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator itTotals = downList.iterator(); while (itTotals.hasNext()) { newTotals.add(itTotals.next()); } int sheetNum = 0; while (newTotals.size() > MisConstants.MAXNUM_FOR_PER_SHEET) { WritableSheet ws = w.createSheet("Page" + (sheetNum + 1), sheetNum); addLabelExcel(ws, newTotals.subList(0, MisConstants.MAXNUM_FOR_PER_SHEET), columnList); newTotals.subList(0, MisConstants.MAXNUM_FOR_PER_SHEET).clear(); sheetNum = sheetNum + 1; } WritableSheet ws = w.createSheet("Page" + (sheetNum + 1), sheetNum); addLabelExcel(ws, newTotals, columnList); // 分sheet页操作end w.write(); // 关闭Excel工作薄对象 w.close(); if (output != null) output.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (output != null) try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } e.printStackTrace(); } }
public SingleNameReport(WritableWorkbook workbook, Statement new_statement, String[] arguments) { String main_tsn = ""; String main_rank = ""; String main_kingdom = ""; row = 0; try { statement = new_statement; func = new AdditionalFunctions(statement); copy = workbook; kingdom = arguments[0]; hrank = arguments[1]; lrank = arguments[2]; scientificName = arguments[3]; date_from = arguments[4]; date_to = arguments[5]; user = arguments[6]; String temp = ""; temp = "SELECT tsn,rank_id,kingdom_id from Tree where scientificName='" + scientificName + "'"; System.out.println(temp); result = statement.executeQuery(temp); metadata = result.getMetaData(); int numberOfRows = 0; int hrankVal = Integer.parseInt(hrank); int main_rankVal = 0; if (result.last()) numberOfRows = result.getRow(); result.first(); if (numberOfRows > 0 && metadata.getColumnCount() > 0) { main_tsn = result.getString(1); main_rank = result.getString(2); main_rankVal = Integer.parseInt(main_rank); main_kingdom = result.getString(3); } if (HasChildren(main_tsn) == true) FindChildInformation(main_tsn, arguments, func); FileInFrontPage frontPage = new FileInFrontPage(copy, statement, arguments); copy.write(); copy.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } // end of constructor
// public method to extract and write the Publication information public static void WritePublication(String publicationId, int rowNum) { WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet(1); try { String query = "SELECT address,author,publicationTitle,chapter,edition,editor,month,day,note,number,publisher," + "series,title,volume,year,isbn,issn,pages FROM Publication WHERE id=" + publicationId; System.out.println(query); ResultSet result_query = statement.executeQuery(query); ResultSetMetaData metadata_query = result_query.getMetaData(); int numberOfRows = 0; if (result_query.last()) numberOfRows = result_query.getRow(); result_query.first(); if (numberOfRows > 0 && metadata_query.getColumnCount() > 0) { String aut_edi = result_query.getString(2); System.out.println("autor is " + aut_edi); if (result_query.getString(6).compareTo("") != 0) aut_edi = aut_edi + " / " + result_query.getString(6) + ",eds."; Label label = new Label(7, rowNum, aut_edi); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(8, rowNum, result_query.getString(13)); sheet2.addCell(label); String publication_name = result_query.getString(3); if (result_query.getString(12).compareTo("") != 0) publication_name = publication_name + ", ser. " + result_query.getString(12); if (result_query.getString(14).compareTo("0") != 0) publication_name = publication_name + ", vol. " + result_query.getString(14); if (result_query.getString(10).compareTo("0") != 0) publication_name = publication_name + ",no. " + result_query.getString(10); label = new Label(9, rowNum, publication_name); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(12, rowNum, result_query.getString(11)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(13, rowNum, result_query.getString(1)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(15, rowNum, result_query.getString(9)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(16, rowNum, result_query.getString(16)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(17, rowNum, result_query.getString(17)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(14, rowNum, result_query.getString(18)); sheet2.addCell(label); String date = result_query.getString(15); String month = "Jan"; System.out.println("month is " + result_query.getString(7)); if (result_query.getString(7).compareTo("") != 0) month = result_query.getString(7); month = func.ConvertMonth(month); date = month + "/" + date; String day = "01"; if (result_query.getString(8).compareTo("0") != 0) day = result_query.getString(8); if (day.length() == 1) day = "0" + day; date = day + "/" + date; label = new Label(10, rowNum, date); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(11, rowNum, date); sheet2.addCell(label); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } // end of WritePublication
// public method to find child information public void FindChildInformation(String tsn, String[] arguments, AdditionalFunctions func) { WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet(1); Label label = null; String children[] = null; String temp = "", current_tsn = "", dateCreated = ""; int dateCheck = 1; temp = "SELECT distinct tsn from Tree where parent_tsn='" + tsn + "'"; try { result = statement.executeQuery(temp); metadata = result.getMetaData(); int numberOfRows = 0; if (result.last()) numberOfRows = result.getRow(); if (numberOfRows > 0 && metadata.getColumnCount() > 0) { result.first(); children = new String[numberOfRows]; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfRows; j++) { children[j] = result.getString(1); result.next(); } } for (int j = 0; j < numberOfRows; j++) { int current_tsnId = Integer.parseInt(children[j]); if (current_tsnId >= 999000000) { temp = "SELECT distinct Tree.tsn,unit_name1,unit_name2,unit_name3,unit_name4,scientificName,`usage`," + "taxon_author,parent_tsn,rank_name, pages, publicationId, userId, dateCreated, nameType FROM Tree," + " BaseObject, TaxonConcepts, TaxonAuthors,TaxonUnitTypes" + " WHERE Tree.tsn=TaxonConcepts.tsn AND Tree.tsn='" + current_tsnId + "' AND " + "BaseObject.id=TaxonConcepts.id AND TaxonAuthors.taxon_author_id=Tree.taxon_author_id AND " + "Tree.rank_id=TaxonUnitTypes.rank_id"; System.out.println(temp); result = statement.executeQuery(temp); metadata = result.getMetaData(); int RowNumber = 0; if (result.last()) RowNumber = result.getRow(); if (RowNumber > 0 && metadata.getColumnCount() > 0) { current_tsn = result.getString(1); dateCreated = result.getString(14); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date d1 = df.parse(dateCreated); Date d2 = null; if (date_from.compareTo("all") != 0) { d2 = df.parse(date_from); if (d2.before(d1) || d2.equals(d1)) dateCheck = 1; else dateCheck = 0; } if (date_to.compareTo("today") != 0) { d2 = df.parse(date_to); if (d1.before(d2) || d1.equals(d2)) dateCheck = 1; else dateCheck = 0; } if (result.getString(7).compareTo("public") == 0 && result.getString(15).compareTo("Regular scientific name") == 0 && result.getString(12).compareTo("") != 0 && dateCheck == 1) { String scientificName = result.getString(6); String taxon_author = result.getString(8); String publicationId = result.getString(12); for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (result.getString(k + 2).compareTo("null") != 0) { label = new Label(k, row + 1, result.getString(k + 2)); sheet2.addCell(label); } } label = new Label(4, row + 1, taxon_author); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(5, row + 1, result.getString(10)); sheet2.addCell(label); String parent_tsn = result.getString(9); String userId = result.getString(13); WritePublication(publicationId, row + 1); label = new Label(18, row + 1, func.GetSubmitter(userId)); sheet2.addCell(label); label = new Label(6, row + 1, func.GetParent(parent_tsn)); sheet2.addCell(label); row = row + 1; } } } continue; } for (int j = 0; j < numberOfRows; j++) { if (HasChildren(children[j]) == true) FindChildInformation(children[j], arguments, func); else continue; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } // end of FindChildInformation