public Message send(Message query) { int q, r; Message best = null; byte rcode; for (q = 0; q < 20; q++) { boolean ok = false; for (r = 0; r < resolvers.length; r++) ok |= sendTo(query, r, q); if (!ok) break; Message m = null; synchronized (queue) { try { queue.wait((quantum + 1) * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("interrupted"); } if (queue.size() == 0) continue; m = (Message) queue.firstElement(); queue.removeElementAt(0); Integer I = (Integer) queue.firstElement(); queue.removeElementAt(0); r = I.intValue(); } if (m == null) invalid[r] = true; else { rcode = m.getHeader().getRcode(); if (rcode == Rcode.NOERROR) return m; else { if (best == null) best = m; invalid[r] = true; } } } return best; }
protected void checkAndAppendSyllables( BufferedWriter w, String line, Vector<ClusterProperties> syllables) throws IOException { while (syllables.size() > 0) { int candidateLength = Math.min(syllables.size(), mMaxSyllables); for (; candidateLength > 0; --candidateLength) { ClusterProperties endSyllable = syllables.elementAt(candidateLength - 1); String candidate = line.substring(syllables.firstElement().getStart(), endSyllable.getEnd()); if (mWordList.contains(candidate)) { w.append(candidate); appendSpacer(w, line, endSyllable); List<ClusterProperties> wordCP = new ArrayList<ClusterProperties>(syllables.subList(0, candidateLength)); syllables.removeAll(wordCP); break; } } if (candidateLength == 0) { // no match found, so append first syllable as is w.append( line.substring(syllables.firstElement().getStart(), syllables.firstElement().getEnd())); appendSpacer(w, line, syllables.firstElement()); syllables.remove(0); } } }
protected void close() { if (points.isEmpty()) { return; } if (points.size() > 1 && ((Point2d) points.lastElement()).equals((Point2d) points.firstElement())) { points.setSize(points.size() - 1); normals.setSize(normals.size() - 2); } if (points.size() >= 3) { double dx = ((Point2d) points.firstElement()).x - ((Point2d) points.lastElement()).x; double dy = ((Point2d) points.firstElement()).y - ((Point2d) points.lastElement()).y; double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); Vector3d a = new Vector3d(dx / len, 0, dy / len); Vector3d b = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); Vector3d c = MathUtilities.crossProduct(a, b); normals.setElementAt(new Vector3f(-(float) c.x, -(float) c.z, 0), 1); normals.setElementAt(new Vector3f(-(float) c.x, -(float) c.z, 0), (points.size() - 1) * 2); } else { points.clear(); normals.clear(); } }
@Override public void run() { while (true) { int a = 0; int b = 0; if (!Myvecx.isEmpty() && !Myvecy.isEmpty() && !Myvecmode.isEmpty()) { int x = Myvecx.firstElement().intValue(); int y = Myvecy.firstElement().intValue(); char m = Myvecmode.firstElement().charValue(); Myvecx.removeElementAt(0); Myvecy.removeElementAt(0); Myvecmode.removeElementAt(0); out.println(x + " " + y + " " + m); System.err.println("Output: (" + x + "," + y + ") Mode: " + m); a = x; b = y; // if(x<0 || y<0) break; } // if(a<0 || b<0) break; } /*try{ out.close(); } catch(Exception io){ io.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(io.getMessage()); }*/ }
public DMRepository getSelectedDMRepository() { SelectionManager sm = getDMController().getSelectionManager(); Vector<FlexoModelObject> selection = sm.getSelection(); if (selection.size() == 1 && selection.firstElement() instanceof DMRepository) { return (DMRepository) selection.firstElement(); } return null; }
public void init(Vector<String> args) { if (args.size() == 1) { n = Integer.parseInt(args.firstElement()); } else { id = args.get(args.size() - 1); n = Integer.parseInt(args.firstElement()); } }
public ViewComponentInfo projectAbsoluteCoordinateRecursively(Integer ix, Integer iy) { // Miss if (!checkHit(ix, iy)) return null; if (this.viewType.endsWith("Spinner")) { this.isSpinner = true; return this; } // I'm hit and has child. if (this.children != null) { // Assumption : children never intersect ViewComponentInfo projected_child; if (this.isContainer || this.viewType.equals("android.widget.TabWidget")) { Vector<ViewComponentInfo> views = new Vector<ViewComponentInfo>(); for (ViewComponentInfo child : children) { if (child.checkHit(ix, iy)) { child.isCollectionMember = true; views.add(child); } } if (views.size() == 1) { return views.firstElement(); } } if (this.viewType.endsWith(("FrameLayout"))) { LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo> chlist = new LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo>(children); ViewComponentInfo child = getFrameContent(children); projected_child = child.projectAbsoluteCoordinateRecursively(ix, iy); if (projected_child != null) return projected_child; } else { Vector<ViewComponentInfo> views = new Vector<ViewComponentInfo>(); for (ViewComponentInfo child : children) { projected_child = child.projectAbsoluteCoordinateRecursively(ix, iy); if (projected_child != null) views.add(projected_child); } if (views.size() == 1) { return views.firstElement(); } } } // The point hit no child. // Thus return my self. if (this.viewType.endsWith("Layout") || this.viewType.endsWith("TextView") || this.viewType.endsWith("ScrollView") || this.viewType.endsWith("ViewStub") || this.viewType.endsWith("DialogTitle") || this.viewType.endsWith("ImageView")) { if (this.hasOnClickListener()) return this; else return null; } return this; }
/** * 鍒嗘淳宸ヤ綔 * * @param state */ private static void dispatchWorkItem() { WorkThread wt = null; while (true) { WorkTaskData data = null; if (quequeWorkTaskDatas.size() > 0) { data = (WorkTaskData) quequeWorkTaskDatas.firstElement(); quequeWorkTaskDatas.removeElement(quequeWorkTaskDatas.firstElement()); while (true) { int index = -1; int size = pooledWorkThreads.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (((WorkThread) pooledWorkThreads.elementAt(i)).IsIdle()) { index = i; break; } } if (index > -1) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // 宸茬粡鍚姩鐨勭嚎绋嬭缃瓑绾т负鏈�浣庣骇 if (!((WorkThread) pooledWorkThreads.elementAt(i)).IsIdle()) { ((WorkThread) pooledWorkThreads.elementAt(i)).setPriority(WorkThread.MIN_PRIORITY); } } wt = (WorkThread) pooledWorkThreads.elementAt(index); wt.setPriority(WorkThread.MAX_PRIORITY); // 鏈�鍚庝竴涓惎鍔ㄧ殑璁剧疆涓洪珮绾� wt.setWorkTaskData(data); if (index <= DEFAULT_MAX_WORKTHREADS && index + 1 < pooledWorkThreads.size()) // 鍒ゆ柇鏄惁鍙堝彲浠ュ洖鏀剁殑鏉′欢 { recycleThread(); } break; } else { addThreadToPooled(); // 绾跨▼涓嶅鐢ㄦ坊鍔犳柊绾跨▼ } } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (lock) { try { if (quequeWorkTaskDatas.size() == 0) { isWating = true; lock.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }
private void doCurrentMethodStep() { switch (type) { case 0: // bisectiei if (Math.abs(function.evaluate((Cn.lastElement()).x)) < err) { complete = true; theTimer.stop(); } else if (function.evaluate((An.lastElement()).x) * function.evaluate((Cn.lastElement()).x) < 0) { Bn.add(Cn.lastElement()); Cn.add(new PointDP(((An.lastElement()).x + (Bn.lastElement()).x) / 2, 0.0)); } else { An.add(Cn.lastElement()); Cn.add(new PointDP(((An.lastElement()).x + (Bn.lastElement()).x) / 2, 0.0)); } break; case 1: // coardei { double evn = function.evaluate((An.lastElement()).x); if (Math.abs(evn) < err) { complete = true; theTimer.stop(); } else { double ev0 = function.evaluate((An.firstElement()).x); double newVal = (An.firstElement().x * evn - An.lastElement().x * ev0) / (evn - ev0); An.add(new PointDP(newVal, 0.0)); } } break; case 2: // secantei { double exn = function.evaluate((An.lastElement()).x); if (Math.abs(exn) < err) { complete = true; theTimer.stop(); } else { double exn1 = function.evaluate((An.elementAt(An.size() - 2)).x); double newVal = (An.elementAt(An.size() - 2).x * exn - (An.lastElement()).x * exn1) / (exn - exn1); An.add(new PointDP(newVal, 0.0)); } } break; case 3: // newton double xn = An.lastElement().x; if (Math.abs(function.evaluate(xn)) < err) { complete = true; theTimer.stop(); } An.add(new PointDP(xn - function.evaluate(xn) / function.evaluate_1(xn), 0.0)); break; } }
private boolean isConsecutive() { Vector<Rank> checkRank = cards.get(0); // case Ace,one,two,three,four if (checkRank.firstElement().equals(Rank.ACE) && checkRank.get(1).equals(Rank.FIVE)) { int second = checkRank.get(1).ordinal(); int last = checkRank.lastElement().ordinal(); if (second - last == 3) return true; return false; } int first = checkRank.firstElement().ordinal(); int last = checkRank.lastElement().ordinal(); if (first - last == 4) return true; return false; }
protected Shape getShape() { if (points.isEmpty()) { return null; } java.awt.geom.GeneralPath gp = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath(); gp.moveTo( (float) ((Point2d) points.firstElement()).x, (float) ((Point2d) points.firstElement()).y); java.util.ListIterator li = points.listIterator(1); while (li.hasNext()) { Point2d cur = (Point2d); gp.lineTo((float) cur.x, (float) cur.y); } gp.closePath(); return gp; }
/** 关闭一个连接 */ public synchronized void releaseOne() { if (freeConnections.firstElement() != null) { Connection con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement(); try { con.close(); System.out.println("关闭连接池" + id + "中的一个连接"); System.out.println("关闭连接池" + id + "中的一个连接"); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("无法关闭连接池" + id + "中的一个连接"); } } else { System.out.println("releaseOne() err.........................."); } }
public synchronized Connection returnConnection() { Connection con = null; // 如果闲置小于最大连接,返回一个新连接 if (freeConnections.size() < maxConn) { con = newConnection(); } // 如果闲置大于最大连接,返回一个可用的旧连接 else if (freeConnections.size() >= maxConn) { con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement(); System.out.println(" [a 连接池可用连接数 ] : " + "[ " + freeConnections.size() + " ]"); freeConnections.removeElementAt(0); System.out.println(" [b 连接池可用连接数 ] : " + "[ " + freeConnections.size() + " ]"); try { if (con.isClosed()) { System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接"); System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接"); returnConnection(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接时错误"); System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接出错"); returnConnection(); } } return con; }
/** * remove member from the game. Also updates game's client version range, with remaining connected * members. Please call {@link #takeMonitorForGame(String)} before calling this. * * @param gaName the name of the game * @param conn the member's connection */ public synchronized void removeMember(StringConnection conn, String gaName) { System.err.println("L139: game " + gaName + " remove " + conn); // JM TEMP Vector members = getMembers(gaName); if ((members != null)) { members.removeElement(conn); // Check version of remaining members if (!members.isEmpty()) { StringConnection c = (StringConnection) members.firstElement(); int lowVers = c.getVersion(); int highVers = lowVers; for (int i = members.size() - 1; i > 1; --i) { c = (StringConnection) members.elementAt(i); int v = c.getVersion(); if (v < lowVers) lowVers = v; if (v > highVers) highVers = v; } SOCGame ga = getGameData(gaName); ga.clientVersionLowest = lowVers; ga.clientVersionHighest = highVers; ga.hasOldClients = (lowVers < Version.versionNumber()); } } }
/** 从连接池获得一个可用连接.如没有空闲的连接且当前连接数小于最大连接 数限制,则创建新连接.如原来登记为可用的连接不再有效,则从向量删除之, 然后递归调用自己以尝试新的可用连接. */ public synchronized Connection getConnection() { Connection con = null; if (freeConnections.size() > 0) { // 获取向量中第一个可用连接 con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement(); freeConnections.removeElementAt(0); try { if (con.isClosed()) { System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接"); System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接"); // 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接 con = getConnection(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接时错误"); System.out.println("从连接池" + id + "删除一个无效连接出错"); // 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接 con = getConnection(); } if (freeConnections.size() > maxConn) { System.out.println(" 删除一个溢出连接 "); releaseOne(); } } else if ((maxConn == 0) || (freeConnections.size() < maxConn)) { con = newConnection(); } return con; }
@Override public boolean contains(JComponent a, int b, int c) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfUIs; i++) { ((ComponentUI) uis.get(i)).contains(a, b, c); } return ((ComponentUI) uis.firstElement()).contains(a, b, c); }
/** * Uses a Vector of TransformerHandlers to pipe XML input document through a series of 1 or more * transformations. Called by {@link #pipeDocument}. * * @param vTHandler Vector of Transformation Handlers (1 per stylesheet). * @param source absolute URI to XML input * @param target absolute path to transformation output. */ public void usePipe(Vector vTHandler, String source, String target) throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, SAXException, SAXNotRecognizedException { XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); TransformerHandler tHFirst = (TransformerHandler) vTHandler.firstElement(); reader.setContentHandler(tHFirst); reader.setProperty("", tHFirst); for (int i = 1; i < vTHandler.size(); i++) { TransformerHandler tHFrom = (TransformerHandler) vTHandler.elementAt(i - 1); TransformerHandler tHTo = (TransformerHandler) vTHandler.elementAt(i); tHFrom.setResult(new SAXResult(tHTo)); } TransformerHandler tHLast = (TransformerHandler) vTHandler.lastElement(); Transformer trans = tHLast.getTransformer(); Properties outputProps = trans.getOutputProperties(); Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(outputProps); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target); try { serializer.setOutputStream(out); tHLast.setResult(new SAXResult(serializer.asContentHandler())); reader.parse(source); } finally { // Always clean up the FileOutputStream, // even if an exception was thrown in the try block if (out != null) out.close(); } }
public void redrawTree(boolean doRepaint) { displayText = false; if (argument == null) return; if (argument.isMultiRoots()) { argument.deleteDummyRoot(); argument.setMultiRoots(false); } TreeVertex root = null; Vector roots = argument.getTree().getRoots(); if (roots.size() > 1) { if (argument.getDummyRoot() == null) { argument.addDummyRoot(roots); } root = argument.getDummyRoot(); } else if (roots.size() == 1) { root = (TreeVertex) roots.firstElement(); } // if root == null, the entire tree has been erased, // so call emptyTree() to clean things up and // clear the display if (root == null) { argument.emptyTree(false); } else { calcTreeShape(root); } if (doRepaint) { repaint(); } /* if (displayFrame.getMainDiagramPanel() == this) { searchFrame.updateDisplays(false); } */ }
/** * Action method invoked when an event triggers this action. * * <p>The {@link #_compartment} instance variable defines the action to take, and the {@link * #_display} instance variable whether it should set visibility or note. * * <p><em>Note</em>. The {@link #_display} instance variable is really redundant. Its value is * implied by the operation. * * @param ae The event that triggered us. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { // Only do anything if we have a single item selected (surely this // should work for multiple selections as well?). Vector sels = Globals.curEditor().getSelectionManager().selections(); if (sels.size() == 1) { Selection sel = (Selection) sels.firstElement(); Fig f = sel.getContent(); // Perform the action if (_compartment.equals("Show Attribute Compartment")) { ((FigClass) f).setAttributeVisible(_display); } else if (_compartment.equals("Hide Attribute Compartment")) { ((FigClass) f).setAttributeVisible(_display); } else if (_compartment.equals("Show Operation Compartment") || _compartment.equals("Hide Operation Compartment")) { if (f instanceof FigClass) ((FigClass) f).setOperationVisible(_display); if (f instanceof FigInterface) ((FigInterface) f).setOperationVisible(_display); } else if (_compartment.equals("Show Extension Point Compartment")) { ((FigUseCase) f).setExtensionPointVisible(_display); } else if (_compartment.equals("Hide Extension Point Compartment")) { ((FigUseCase) f).setExtensionPointVisible(_display); } else if (_compartment.equals("Show All Compartments")) { ((FigClass) f).setAttributeVisible(_display); ((FigClass) f).setOperationVisible(_display); } else { ((FigClass) f).setAttributeVisible(_display); ((FigClass) f).setOperationVisible(_display); } } }
public static String list(Context c, Vector<BaseObject> objs) { String ret = new String(); if (objs.size() == 0) return ret; if (objs.size() == 1) { ret = objs.firstElement().getName(); return ret; } if (objs.size() == 2) { ret = objs.get(0).getName() + " " + c.getString(R.string.stringhandler_and1) + " " + objs.get(1).getName(); return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < objs.size() - 1; i++) { ret += objs.get(i).getName(); if (i < objs.size() - 2) { ret += c.getString(R.string.stringhandler_comma); ret += " "; } else { ret += c.getString(R.string.stringhandler_and2); ret += " "; } } ret += objs.lastElement().getName(); return ret; }
public void viewChange(View new_view) { Vector mbrship; if (new_view != null && (mbrship = new_view.getMembers()) != null) { tree._put(SEP, "members", mbrship); tree._put(SEP, "coordinator", mbrship.firstElement()); } }
@Override public int getAccessibleChildrenCount(JComponent a) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfUIs; i++) { ((ComponentUI) uis.get(i)).getAccessibleChildrenCount(a); } return ((ComponentUI) uis.firstElement()).getAccessibleChildrenCount(a); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { // log.debug("running"); setRunning(true); while (true) { ResourceRequest request = null; boolean reserved = false; if (queue.isEmpty()) { setRunning(false); // log.debug("finished"); return; } request = (ResourceRequest) queue.firstElement(); reserved = manager.requestResources(request); if (reserved) { queue.remove(request); notifyResourceWaiter(request);"grantResources: " + request.getRrId()); } else { waitForResources(); } } }
/** * Compiles a set of stylesheets pointed to by a Vector of URLs * * @param stylesheets A Vector containing URLs pointing to the stylesheets * @return 'true' if the compilation was successful */ public boolean compile(Vector stylesheets) { // Get the number of stylesheets (ie. URLs) in the vector final int count = stylesheets.size(); // Return straight away if the vector is empty if (count == 0) return true; // Special handling needed if the URL count is one, becuase the // _className global must not be reset if it was set explicitly if (count == 1) { final Object url = stylesheets.firstElement(); if (url instanceof URL) return compile((URL) url); else return false; } else { // Traverse all elements in the vector and compile final Enumeration urls = stylesheets.elements(); while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { _className = null; // reset, so that new name will be computed final Object url = urls.nextElement(); if (url instanceof URL) { if (!compile((URL) url)) return false; } } } return true; }
/** * 从连接池获得一个空闲的连接. 如没有空闲的连接且当前连接数小于最大连接数限制, 则创建新连接. * 如原来登记为空闲的连接不再有效,则从向量Vector中删除, 然后递归调用以尝试新的空闲连接. */ public synchronized Connection getConnection() { Connection con = null; if (freeConnections.size() > 0) { // 获取向量中第一个可用连接 con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement(); freeConnections.removeElementAt(0); try { if (con.isClosed()) { log("从连接池" + name + "删除一个无效连接"); // 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接 con = getConnection(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log("从连接池" + name + "删除一个无效连接"); // 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接 con = getConnection(); } } else if (maxConn == 0 || checkedOut < maxConn) { con = newConnection(); } if (con != null) { checkedOut++; } return con; }
@Override public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent a) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfUIs; i++) { ((ComponentUI) uis.get(i)).getPreferredSize(a); } return ((ComponentUI) uis.firstElement()).getPreferredSize(a); }
@Override public Accessible getAccessibleChild(JComponent a, int b) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfUIs; i++) { ((ComponentUI) uis.get(i)).getAccessibleChild(a, b); } return ((ComponentUI) uis.firstElement()).getAccessibleChild(a, b); }
public DepthSetting getInterpolatedDepthSetting(double z) throws TwoPhotonException { // find matching entry in the list if (settings_.size() < 1) throw new TwoPhotonException("Depth List Empty!"); DepthSetting ds = new DepthSetting(); ds.z = z; int idx = Collections.binarySearch(settings_, ds); // System.out.println("Index: " + idx + "Z: " + z); if (idx >= 0) return settings_.get(idx); else if (idx == -1) { return settings_.firstElement(); } else if (-idx == (settings_.size() + 1)) { return settings_.lastElement(); } else { DepthSetting dsLow = settings_.get(-idx - 1); DepthSetting dsHigh = settings_.get(-idx - 2); ds.resizePMT(dsLow.pmts.length); double zFactor = (z - dsLow.z) / (dsHigh.z - dsLow.z); ds.eomVolts1_ = linearInterpolation(dsLow.eomVolts1_, dsHigh.eomVolts1_, zFactor); // System.out.println("VL=" + dsLow.eomVolts1_ + ", VH=" + dsHigh.eomVolts1_ + ", Z=" // + z + ", ZL=" + dsLow.z + ", ZH=" + dsHigh.z); // System.out.println("V=" + ds.eomVolts1_); ds.eomVolts2_ = linearInterpolation(dsLow.eomVolts2_, dsHigh.eomVolts2_, zFactor); for (int i = 0; i < ds.pmts.length; i++) { ds.pmts[i].name = new String(dsLow.pmts[i].name); ds.pmts[i].volts = linearInterpolation(dsLow.pmts[i].volts, dsHigh.pmts[i].volts, zFactor); } return ds; } }
protected String toGetResponse(String cmd, Vector<String> buf) { if (buf.size() == 0) return "No response is received."; String response = buf.firstElement(); if (CommonUtils.isNullOrSpace(response)) return "Cannot get response for cmd " + cmd; String[] cmds = cmd.split("\n"); String[] resps = response.split(CommonUtils.getReturnChars(response)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("OK:"); int j = 0; boolean first = true; for (String command : cmds) { if (CommonUtils.isNullOrSpace(command)) continue; for (int i = j; i < resps.length; i++) { if (resps[i].trim().endsWith(command.trim())) { if (command.equals(CXT7090Constants.CXT7090MCMD_CMD_ATOMMODE) || command.equals(CXT7090Constants.CXT7090MCMD_CMD_EXIT)) { j = i + 1; break; } if (i + 2 < resps.length) { if (!resps[i + 1].startsWith(CXT7090Constants.CXT7090M_NODE_COMMAND_SUCCESS) && !resps[i + 2].startsWith(CXT7090Constants.CXT7090M_NODE_COMMAND_SUCCESS)) { return "unexcepted response end for command --> " + command; } else { String[] tokens = command.split(" "); String param = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; if (mVars.contains(param)) { if (first) sb.append(param + CommonConstants.EQUAL + resps[i + 1].trim()); else sb.append( CommonConstants.CAMA + param + CommonConstants.EQUAL + resps[i + 1].trim()); first = false; } else if (mTmpParams.size() > 0) { if (this.mTmpParams.firstEntry().getValue().equals(param)) { if (first) sb.append( CommonConstants.CATS_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + CommonConstants.EQUAL + resps[i + 1].trim()); else sb.append( CommonConstants.CAMA + CommonConstants.CATS_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + CommonConstants.EQUAL + resps[i + 1].trim()); first = false; } } j = i + 1; break; } } } } } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Function that prints all the class variables to the console, except the path traveled by the * pointer during the trial. */ public void printInfoWithoutPath() { double distancePoints; if (path.size() == 0) { distancePoints = 0.0; } else { distancePoints = calculateDistanceBetweenPoints(path.firstElement(), path.lastElement()); } System.out.println( "The device number used was: " + device + ".\n" + "The User ID was: " + userId + ".\n" + "The current sequence number is: " + sequenceNumber + "\n" + "and belongs to block number: " + blockNumber + ".\n\n" + "In this trial " + numberOfClicks + " click(s) were performed.\n" + "There were " + numberOfCircles + " circles,\n" + "and were " + distanceBetweenCirclesAndFrameCenter + " pixels away from the center of the frame.\n" + "The starting circle's center was in pixel: <" + getStartingCircleCenter().getXCoordinate() + "," + getStartingCircleCenter().getYCoordinate() + ">\n" + "and the ending one was in pixel: <" + getEndingCircleCenter().getXCoordinate() + "," + getEndingCircleCenter().getYCoordinate() + ">\n" + "(whose ID is: " + circleId + " ).\n" + "As such, they were: " + distanceBetweenCircles + " pixels away from each other.\n" + "Both had a diameter of " + targetWidth + " pixels, which means " + ((double) targetWidth) / 2.0 + " pixels as radius.\n" + "This trial took " + elapsedTime + " milisegundos to perform.\n" + "The first and last point recovered were " + distancePoints + " pixels away from each other.\n"); }