static void initWords(int size, Object[] key, Object[] abs) { String fileName = "testwords.txt"; int ki = 0; int ai = 0; try { FileInputStream fr = new FileInputStream(fileName); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fr); while (ki < size || ai < size) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (; ; ) { int c =; if (c < 0) { if (ki < size) randomWords(key, ki, size); if (ai < size) randomWords(abs, ai, size); in.close(); return; } if (c == '\n') { String s = sb.toString(); if (ki < size) key[ki++] = s; else abs[ai++] = s; break; } sb.append((char) c); } } in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Can't read words file:" + ex); throw new Error(ex); } }
protected String getDropSQL(DatabaseObjectType type, String name) { SQLObject foundDropQuery = null; String sqlStatement = "DROP " + type.toString() + " " + name; for (SQLObject dropQuery : catalogStore.getDropStatements()) { if (type == dropQuery.getType()) { foundDropQuery = dropQuery; break; } } if (foundDropQuery != null && foundDropQuery.getSql() != null && !foundDropQuery.getSql().isEmpty()) { String dropStatement = foundDropQuery.getSql(); StringBuffer sqlBuffer = new StringBuffer(dropStatement.length() + name.length()); int identifier = dropStatement.indexOf('?'); sqlBuffer .append(dropStatement.substring(0, identifier)) .append(name) .append(dropStatement.substring(identifier + 1)); sqlStatement = sqlBuffer.toString(); } return sqlStatement; }
private Set<String> getListenerClassNames(final String xml, final String path) throws IOException, SAXException { final Digester digester = getDigester(); digester.addObjectCreate(XmlConfiguration.listeners, ArrayList.class); digester.addObjectCreate(path, StringBuffer.class); // TODO rather than StringBuffer can digester.addCallMethod(path, "append", 0); // TODO this be a String? digester.addSetRoot(path, "add"); final Set<String> classNames = new HashSet<String>(); final StringReader includeReader = new StringReader(xml); Object o = digester.parse(includeReader); if (o == null) { // return empty Set return classNames; } Collection<StringBuffer> classNamesAsStringBuffers = (Collection<StringBuffer>) o; /** When the configuration contains no listener settings, return the empty Set */ if (classNamesAsStringBuffers == null) { return classNames; } for (StringBuffer classNamesAsStringBuffer : classNamesAsStringBuffers) { classNames.add(classNamesAsStringBuffer.toString()); } return classNames; }
/** * ** Reads a line from the specified socket's input stream ** @param socket The socket to read a * line from ** @param maxLen The maximum length of of the line to read ** @param sb The string * buffer to use ** @throws IOException if an error occurs or the server has stopped */ protected static String socketReadLine(Socket socket, int maxLen, StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { if (socket != null) { int dataLen = 0; StringBuffer data = (sb != null) ? sb : new StringBuffer(); InputStream input = socket.getInputStream(); while ((maxLen < 0) || (maxLen > dataLen)) { int ch =; // Print.logInfo("ReadLine char: " + ch); if (ch < 0) { // this means that the server has stopped throw new IOException("End of input"); } else if (ch == LineTerminatorChar) { // include line terminator in String data.append((char) ch); dataLen++; break; } else { // append character data.append((char) ch); dataLen++; } } return data.toString(); } else { return null; } }
/** * Returns a String representation of the <code><saml:Attribute></code> element. * * @param includeNS Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier is prepended to the Element * when converted * @param declareNS Determines whether or not the namespace is declared within the Element. * @return A string containing the valid XML for this element */ public String toString(boolean includeNS, boolean declareNS) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1000); String prefix = ""; String uri = ""; if (includeNS) { prefix = SAMLConstants.ASSERTION_PREFIX; } if (declareNS) { uri = SAMLConstants.assertionDeclareStr; } result .append("<") .append(prefix) .append("Attribute") .append(uri) .append(" AttributeName=\"") .append(_attributeName) .append("\" AttributeNamespace=\"") .append(_attributeNameSpace) .append("\">\n"); Iterator iter = _attributeValue.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { result.append(XMLUtils.printAttributeValue((Element), prefix)).append("\n"); } result.append("</").append(prefix).append("Attribute>\n"); return result.toString(); }
public boolean shutdown(int port, boolean ssl) { try { String protocol = "http" + (ssl ? "s" : ""); URL url = new URL(protocol, "", port, "shutdown"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("servicemanager", "shutdown"); conn.connect(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); int n; char[] cbuf = new char[1024]; while ((n =, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) sb.append(cbuf, 0, n); br.close(); String message = sb.toString().replace("<br>", "\n"); if (message.contains("Goodbye")) { cp.appendln("Shutting down the server:"); String[] lines = message.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { cp.append("..."); cp.appendln(line); } return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { } cp.appendln("Unable to shutdown CTP"); return false; }
private void parse(String filename) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename))); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int j; while ((j = != -1) { char next = (char) j; if (next >= 'A' && next <= 'z') { sb.append(next); } if (sb.length() == 4) { String qGram = sb.toString().toUpperCase(); sb = new StringBuffer(); int frequency = 0; if (map.containsKey(qGram)) { frequency = map.get(qGram); } frequency++; map.put(qGram, frequency); } } br.close(); }
public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < m_Size; i++) { buf.append(getBit(i) ? '1' : '0'); } return buf.toString(); }
/** Converts a normal string to a html conform string */ public static String conv2Html(String st) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < st.length(); i++) { buf.append(conv2Html(st.charAt(i))); } return buf.toString(); }
public static String text(NodeList nodeList) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { sb.append(text(nodeList.item(i))); } return sb.toString(); }
public static void LCS(String str, String str2) { int len = str.length(); int len2 = str2.length(); int[][] storage = new int[len + 1][len2 + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= len2; j++) { if (i == 0 || j == 0) { storage[i][j] = 0; } else if (str.charAt(i - 1) == str2.charAt(j - 1)) { storage[i][j] = 1 + storage[i - 1][j - 1]; } else { storage[i][j] = Math.max(storage[i - 1][j], storage[i][j - 1]); } } } int i = len; int j = len2; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (storage[i][j] > 0) { if (str.charAt(i - 1) == str2.charAt(j - 1)) { sb.insert(0, str.charAt(i - 1)); i--; j--; } else if (storage[i - 1][j] > storage[i][j - 1]) { i--; } else { j--; } } System.out.println(sb.toString()); }
private ClassLoaderStrategy getClassLoaderStrategy(String fullyQualifiedClassName) throws Exception { try { // Get just the package name StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(fullyQualifiedClassName); sb.delete(sb.lastIndexOf("."), sb.length()); currentPackage = sb.toString(); // Retrieve the Java classpath from the system properties String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String sepChar = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String[] paths = StringUtils.pieceList(cp, sepChar.charAt(0)); ClassLoaderStrategy cl = ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader(ClassLoaderUtil.FILE_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER, new String[] {}); // Iterate through paths until class with the specified name is found String classpath = StringUtils.replaceChar(currentPackage, '.', File.separatorChar); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { Class[] classes = cl.getClasses(paths[i] + File.separatorChar + classpath, currentPackage); for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) { if (classes[j].getName().equals(fullyQualifiedClassName)) { return ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader( ClassLoaderUtil.FILE_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER, new String[] {paths[i]}); } } } throw new Exception("Class could not be found."); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception creating class loader strategy."); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); throw e; } }
/** * Return the number of characters that will be printed when the specified character is echoed to * the screen. Adapted from cat by Torbjorn Granlund, as repeated in stty by David MacKenzie. */ StringBuffer getPrintableCharacters(char ch) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); if (ch >= 32) { if (ch < 127) { sbuff.append(ch); } else if (ch == 127) { sbuff.append('^'); sbuff.append('?'); } else { sbuff.append('M'); sbuff.append('-'); if (ch >= (128 + 32)) { if (ch < (128 + 127)) { sbuff.append((char) (ch - 128)); } else { sbuff.append('^'); sbuff.append('?'); } } else { sbuff.append('^'); sbuff.append((char) (ch - 128 + 64)); } } } else { sbuff.append('^'); sbuff.append((char) (ch + 64)); } return sbuff; }
/** * Starts a new column, possibly closing the current column if needed * * @param ret the output buffer to put LaTeX into * @param p the properties from the <code><td></code> tag */ public void startCol(StringBuffer ret, Properties p) { endCol(ret); int span = hasNumProp("colspan", p); if (colcnt > 0) { ret.append(" & "); } String align = hasProp("align", p); if (align != null && span < 0) span = 1; if (span > 0) { ret.append("\\multicolumn{" + span + "}{"); if (border && colcnt == 0) ret.append("|"); String cc = "" + (char) ('a' + (colcnt / (26 * 26))) + (char) ((colcnt / 26) + 'a') + (char) ((colcnt % 26) + 'a'); if (align != null) { String h = align.substring(0, 1); if ("rR".indexOf(h) >= 0) ret.append("r"); else if ("lL".indexOf(h) >= 0) ret.append("p{\\tbl" + tc + "c" + cc + "w}"); else if ("cC".indexOf(h) >= 0) ret.append("p{\\tbl" + tc + "c" + cc + "w}"); } else ret.append("p{\\tbl" + tc + "c" + cc + "w}"); if (border) ret.append("|"); ret.append("}"); } String wid = p.getProperty("texwidth"); ret.append("{"); if (wid != null) { ret.append("\\parbox{" + wid + "}{\\vskip 1ex "); parboxed = true; } colcnt++; colopen = true; }
private String mkStr(char kar, int num) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(num); for (int ix = 0; ix < num; ix++) { sb.append(kar); } return sb.toString(); }
public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Queue:\n"); // $NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = this.start; i <= this.end; i++) { buffer.append(this.names[i]).append('\n'); } return buffer.toString(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // for "SrvTypeRqst" // get the list of service types for specified scope & naming authority // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public synchronized String getServiceTypeList(String na, String scope) { Vector typelist = new Vector(5); Iterator values = table.values().iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { Entry e = (Entry); if (!e.getDeleted() && // nor deleted scope.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getScope()) && // match scope (na.equals("*") || // NA wildcard na.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getNA())) && // match NA !typelist.contains(e.getType())) { typelist.addElement(e.getType()); } } StringBuffer tl = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < typelist.size(); i++) { String s = (String) typelist.elementAt(i); if (tl.length() > 0) tl.append(","); tl.append(s); } return tl.toString(); }
/** ** Reads/returns the specified CompileTime template file */ private static String readTemplate(File tf, String pkgName) { /* read template data */ byte templData[] = FileTools.readFile(tf); if (templData == null) { Print.errPrintln("\nUnable to read Input/Template file: " + tf); return null; } else if (templData.length == 0) { Print.errPrintln("\nInput/Template file is empty: " + tf); return null; } /* return template String */ String templateText = StringTools.toStringValue(templData); if (!StringTools.isBlank(pkgName) && !StringTools.isBlank(templateText)) { String lines[] = StringTools.split(templateText, '\n', false); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].trim().startsWith(JAVA_PACKAGE_)) { lines[i] = CompiletimeVars.packageLine(pkgName); return StringTools.join(lines, '\n') + "\n"; } } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(CompiletimeVars.packageLine(pkgName)).append("\n"); sb.append(templateText); return sb.toString(); } else { return templateText; } }
private String addNewInteraction(String fingerprint, BiologicalInteraction interaction) throws SQLException { String sql = String.format( "INSERT IGNORE INTO interaction (fingerprint) VALUES (%s)", SqlUtil.toSqlVarchar(fingerprint)); if (1 != DBUtil.update(sql)) { System.out.println("SQL update failed? " + sql); } String interaction_id = DBUtil.querySingle("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); Iterator<BiologicalEntity> iter = interaction.getEntityIterator(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "INSERT IGNORE INTO interaction_pool (interaction_id, gene_id, entity_src_table, role) VALUES "); while (iter.hasNext()) { BiologicalEntity entity =; sb.append("(") .append(interaction_id) .append(", ") .append(SqlUtil.toSqlVarchar(entity.getId())) .append(", '") .append(srcTableLookup.get(entity.getId_src())) .append("', '") .append(entity.getRole()) .append("')"); if (iter.hasNext()) sb.append(", "); } if (DBUtil.update(sb.toString()) != interaction.getEnvolvedEntityCount()) { System.out.println("SQL update failed? " + sb); } return interaction_id; }
/** * Returns the full URL of the request including the query string. * * <p>Used as a convenience method for logging purposes. * * @param request the request object. * @return the full URL of the request including the query string. */ protected String getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest request) { StringBuffer sb = request.getRequestURL(); if (request.getQueryString() != null) { sb.append("?").append(request.getQueryString()); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * convert email address mapping<br> * <code>user-</code> will be replace by the email address of the user as stored in the user * repository <code>group-</code> will */ public String convertEmailList(String mailTo) { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); String[] list = mailTo.split(";"); if (list == null) { return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // for each item String userName = list[i]; if (i != 0) { ret.append("\n"); } if (userName.startsWith(MailConstants.PREFIX_USER)) { userName = StringUtils.removeStart(userName, MailConstants.PREFIX_USER); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("username =" + userName); } ret.append(getUserMail(userName)); } else if (userName.startsWith(MailConstants.PREFIX_GROUP)) { } else if (userName.startsWith(MailConstants.PREFIX_ROLE)) { } else { // none of the above, just add the mail to the list ret.append(userName); } } return ret.toString(); }
public void addDataSet(Color color, String legend, Data data[]) throws Exception { /* init */ this._initChart(); /* dataset color/legend/markers */ String hexColor = ColorTools.toHexString(color, false); this.addDatasetColor(hexColor); this.addDatasetLegend(legend); this.addShapeMarker("d," + hexColor + "," + this.dataSetCount + ",-1,7,1"); /* data */ StringBuffer xv = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer yv = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { GetScaledExtendedEncodedValue(yv, data[i].getTempC(), this.minTempC, this.maxTempC); GetScaledExtendedEncodedValue(xv, data[i].getTimestamp(), this.minDateTS, this.maxDateTS); } if (StringTools.isBlank(this.chd)) { this.chd = "e:"; } else { this.chd += ","; } this.chd += xv.toString() + "," + yv.toString(); /* count data set */ this.dataSetCount++; }
/** * Adds <code>AttributeValue</code> to the Attribute. * * @param value A String representing <code>AttributeValue</code>. * @exception SAMLException */ public void addAttributeValue(String value) throws SAMLException { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { if (SAMLUtilsCommon.debug.messageEnabled()) { SAMLUtilsCommon.debug.message("addAttributeValue: Input is null"); } throw new SAMLRequesterException(SAMLUtilsCommon.bundle.getString("nullInput")); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(300); sb.append("<") .append(SAMLConstants.ASSERTION_PREFIX) .append("AttributeValue") .append(SAMLConstants.assertionDeclareStr) .append(">") .append(value) .append("</") .append(SAMLConstants.ASSERTION_PREFIX) .append("AttributeValue>"); try { Element ele = XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(sb.toString().trim(), SAMLUtilsCommon.debug).getDocumentElement(); if (_attributeValue == null) { _attributeValue = new ArrayList(); } if (!(_attributeValue.add(ele))) { if (SAMLUtilsCommon.debug.messageEnabled()) { SAMLUtilsCommon.debug.message( "Attribute: failed to " + "add to the attribute value list."); } throw new SAMLRequesterException(SAMLUtilsCommon.bundle.getString("addListError")); } } catch (Exception e) { SAMLUtilsCommon.debug.error("addAttributeValue error", e); throw new SAMLRequesterException("Exception in addAttributeValue" + e.getMessage()); } }
public static String randomHash(int length) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer.append(DIC[(int) (System.nanoTime() % 32)]); } return buffer.toString(); }
/** * @description: Decodes the supplied lzw encoded string * @method decode * @param {string} s * @param {function} callback */ public static String decode(List<Integer> encoded) { // Build the dictionary. int dictSize = 256; Map<Integer, String> dictionary = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { dictionary.put(i, "" + (char) i); } String w = "" + (char) (int) encoded.remove(0); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(w); for (int k : encoded) { String entry; if (dictionary.containsKey(k)) { entry = dictionary.get(k); } else if (k == dictSize) { entry = w + w.charAt(0); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad compressed k: " + k); } result.append(entry); // Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary. dictionary.put(dictSize++, w + entry.charAt(0)); w = entry; } return result.toString(); }
/** * ************************************************************************ Lineas de Remesa * * @param whereClause where clause or null (starting with AND) * @return lines */ public MRemesaLine[] getLines(String whereClause, String orderClause) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM C_RemesaLine WHERE C_Remesa_ID=? "); if (whereClause != null) sql.append(whereClause); if (orderClause != null) sql.append(" ").append(orderClause); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName()); pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Remesa_ID()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( list.add(new MRemesaLine(getCtx(), rs)); rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.saveError("getLines - " + sql, e); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } pstmt = null; } // MRemesaLine[] lines = new MRemesaLine[list.size()]; list.toArray(lines); return lines; } // getLines
public void run() { StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer(); Print.logDebug("Client:InputThread started"); while (true) { data.setLength(0); boolean timeout = false; try { if (this.readTimeout > 0L) { this.socket.setSoTimeout((int) this.readTimeout); } ClientSocketThread.socketReadLine(this.socket, -1, data); } catch (InterruptedIOException ee) { // SocketTimeoutException ee) { // error("Read interrupted (timeout) ..."); if (getRunStatus() != THREAD_RUNNING) { break; } timeout = true; // continue; } catch (Throwable t) { Print.logError("Client:InputThread - " + t); t.printStackTrace(); break; } if (!timeout || (data.length() > 0)) { ClientSocketThread.this.handleMessage(data.toString()); } } synchronized (this.threadLock) { this.isRunning = false; Print.logDebug("Client:InputThread stopped"); this.threadLock.notify(); } }
public void cutPlaylist() throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Cut Playlist."); String st; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(this.NAME + ".dec")))); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(this.NAME))); if ((st = br.readLine()) != null) { String st2[]; st = new File(st).toURL().toString(); st2 = st.split("/"); StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer(st2[st2.length - 1]); StringBuffer stb2 = stb.reverse(); String st3 = new String(stb2); int i = 0; while (st3.charAt(i) != '.') i++; String a = st3.substring(i + 1, st3.length()); pw.print(new StringBuffer(a).reverse()); } while ((st = br.readLine()) != null) { pw.println(); String st2[]; st = new File(st).toURL().toString(); st2 = st.split("/"); StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer(st2[st2.length - 1]); StringBuffer stb2 = stb.reverse(); String st3 = new String(stb2); int i = 0; while (st3.charAt(i) != '.') i++; String a = st3.substring(i + 1, st3.length()); pw.print(new StringBuffer(a).reverse()); } pw.close(); br.close(); }
/** * @param section * @param index * @return * @throws IOException */ final String getStringFromSection(final Section section, final int index) throws IOException { if (index > section.getSize()) { return ""; } final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); // Most string symbols will be less than 50 bytes in size final byte[] tmp = new byte[50]; + index); while (true) { int len =; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (tmp[i] == 0) { len = 0; break; } str.append((char) tmp[i]); } if (len <= 0) { break; } } return str.toString(); }
/** @return nick(id) */ public String getNickAndId() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getNick()); sb.append('('); sb.append(Long.toString(getId())); sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); }