public static boolean generateHandler(Registry configSystemRegistry, String resourceFullPath) throws RegistryException, XMLStreamException { RegistryContext registryContext = configSystemRegistry.getRegistryContext(); if (registryContext == null) { return false; } Resource resource = configSystemRegistry.get(resourceFullPath); if (resource != null) { String content = null; if (resource.getContent() != null) { content = RegistryUtils.decodeBytes((byte[]) resource.getContent()); } if (content != null) { OMElement handler = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content); if (handler != null) { OMElement dummy = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement("dummy", null); dummy.addChild(handler); try { configSystemRegistry.beginTransaction(); boolean status = RegistryConfigurationProcessor.updateHandler( dummy, configSystemRegistry.getRegistryContext(), HandlerLifecycleManager.USER_DEFINED_HANDLER_PHASE); configSystemRegistry.commitTransaction(); return status; } catch (Exception e) { configSystemRegistry.rollbackTransaction(); throw new RegistryException("Unable to add handler", e); } } } } return false; }
public void testDefaultQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c3/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c3/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c3/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); registry.applyTag("/c3/r1", "java"); registry.applyTag("/c3/r2", "jsp"); registry.applyTag("/c3/r3", "ajax"); String sql1 = "SELECT RT.REG_TAG_ID FROM REG_RESOURCE_TAG RT, REG_RESOURCE R " + "WHERE (R.REG_VERSION=RT.REG_VERSION OR " + "(R.REG_PATH_ID=RT.REG_PATH_ID AND R.REG_NAME=RT.REG_RESOURCE_NAME)) " + "AND R.REG_DESCRIPTION LIKE ? ORDER BY RT.REG_TAG_ID"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty(RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.TAGS_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q3", q1); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("1", "%production%"); Collection result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q3", parameters); String[] tagPaths = result.getChildren(); assertEquals("There should be two matching tags.", tagPaths.length, 2); Resource tag2 = registry.get(tagPaths[0]); assertEquals("First matching tag should be 'java'", (String) tag2.getContent(), "java"); Resource tag1 = registry.get(tagPaths[1]); assertEquals("Second matching tag should be 'jsp'", (String) tag1.getContent(), "jsp"); }
public static String getHandlerConfiguration(Registry configSystemRegistry, String name) throws RegistryException, XMLStreamException { String path = getContextRoot() + name; Resource resource; if (handlerExists(configSystemRegistry, name)) { resource = configSystemRegistry.get(path); return RegistryUtils.decodeBytes((byte[]) resource.getContent()); } return null; }
private Scriptable parseJsonResource(Resource resource) throws IOException { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(Context.getCurrentContext(), globalScope); try { Object result = parser.parseValue(resource.getContent()); if (!(result instanceof Scriptable)) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected Object from package.json, got " + result); } return (Scriptable) result; } catch (JsonParser.ParseException px) { throw new RuntimeException(px); } }
public void testWithoutTableParamsQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c1/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c2/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c2/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); String sql1 = "SELECT REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME FROM REG_RESOURCE, " + "REG_TAG WHERE REG_DESCRIPTION LIKE ?"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.RESOURCES_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q1", q1); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("1", "%production%"); Resource result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q1", parameters); assertTrue( "Search with result type Resource should return a directory.", result instanceof org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection); List<String> matchingPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] paths = (String[]) result.getContent(); matchingPaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(paths)); assertTrue("Path /c1/r1 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c1/r1")); assertTrue("Path /c2/r2 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c2/r2")); }
public void testWithoutWhereQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c1/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c2/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c2/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); String sql1 = "SELECT REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME FROM REG_RESOURCE, REG_TAG"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.RESOURCES_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q1", q1); Map parameters = new HashMap(); Resource result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q1", parameters); assertTrue( "Search with result type Resource should return a directory.", result instanceof org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection); String[] paths = (String[]) result.getContent(); assertTrue("Should return all the resources", paths.length >= 3); }
public String addWadlToRegistry( RequestContext requestContext, Resource resource, String resourcePath, boolean skipValidation) throws RegistryException { String wadlName = RegistryUtils.getResourceName(resourcePath); String version = requestContext.getResource().getProperty(RegistryConstants.VERSION_PARAMETER_NAME); if (version == null) { version = CommonConstants.WADL_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE; requestContext.getResource().setProperty(RegistryConstants.VERSION_PARAMETER_NAME, version); } OMElement wadlElement; String wadlContent; Object resourceContent = resource.getContent(); if (resourceContent instanceof String) { wadlContent = (String) resourceContent; } else { wadlContent = new String((byte[]) resourceContent); } try { XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(wadlContent)); StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(reader); wadlElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // This exception is unexpected because the WADL already validated String msg = "Unexpected error occured " + "while reading the WADL at " + resourcePath + "."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } String wadlNamespace = wadlElement.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI(); String namespaceSegment = CommonUtil.derivePathFragmentFromNamespace(wadlNamespace).replace("//", "/"); String actualPath = getChrootedWadlLocation(requestContext.getRegistryContext()) + namespaceSegment + version + "/" + wadlName; OMElement grammarsElement = wadlElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(wadlNamespace, "grammars")); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(requestContext.getSourceURL())) { String uri = requestContext.getSourceURL(); if (!skipValidation) { validateWADL(uri); } if (resource.getUUID() == null) { resource.setUUID(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } String wadlBaseUri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (grammarsElement != null) { // This is to avoid evaluating the grammars import when building AST grammarsElement.detach(); wadlElement.addChild(resolveImports(grammarsElement, wadlBaseUri, version)); } } else { if (!skipValidation) { File tempFile = null; BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile(wadlName, null); bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); bufferedWriter.write(wadlElement.toString()); bufferedWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Error occurred while reading the WADL File"; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } finally { if (bufferedWriter != null) { try { bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Error occurred while closing File writer"; log.warn(msg, e); } } } validateWADL(tempFile.toURI().toString()); try { delete(tempFile); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "An error occurred while deleting the temporary files from local file system."; log.warn(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } } if (grammarsElement != null) { grammarsElement = resolveImports(grammarsElement, null, version); wadlElement.addChild(grammarsElement); } } requestContext.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(actualPath)); if (resource.getProperty(CommonConstants.SOURCE_PROPERTY) == null) { resource.setProperty(CommonConstants.SOURCE_PROPERTY, CommonConstants.SOURCE_AUTO); } registry.put(actualPath, resource); addImportAssociations(actualPath); if (getCreateService()) { OMElement serviceElement = RESTServiceUtils.createRestServiceArtifact( wadlElement, wadlName, version, RegistryUtils.getRelativePath(requestContext.getRegistryContext(), actualPath)); String servicePath = RESTServiceUtils.addServiceToRegistry(requestContext, serviceElement); registry.addAssociation(servicePath, actualPath, CommonConstants.DEPENDS); registry.addAssociation(actualPath, servicePath, CommonConstants.USED_BY); String endpointPath = createEndpointElement(requestContext, wadlElement, version); if (endpointPath != null) { registry.addAssociation(servicePath, endpointPath, CommonConstants.DEPENDS); registry.addAssociation(endpointPath, servicePath, CommonConstants.USED_BY); } } return resource.getPath(); }