  public String handleEmptyLookup(
      @NotNull final CompletionParameters parameters, final Editor editor) {
    if (!(parameters.getOriginalFile() instanceof PsiJavaFile)) return null;

    final String ad = advertise(parameters);
    final String suffix = ad == null ? "" : "; " + StringUtil.decapitalize(ad);
    if (parameters.getCompletionType() == CompletionType.SMART) {
      if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) {

        final Project project = parameters.getPosition().getProject();
        final PsiFile file = parameters.getOriginalFile();

        PsiExpression expression =
            PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(parameters.getPosition(), PsiExpression.class, true);
        if (expression != null && expression.getParent() instanceof PsiExpressionList) {
          int lbraceOffset = expression.getParent().getTextRange().getStartOffset();
          ShowParameterInfoHandler.invoke(project, editor, file, lbraceOffset, null);

        if (expression instanceof PsiLiteralExpression) {
          return LangBundle.message("completion.no.suggestions") + suffix;

        if (expression instanceof PsiInstanceOfExpression) {
          final PsiInstanceOfExpression instanceOfExpression = (PsiInstanceOfExpression) expression;
          if (PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(
              instanceOfExpression.getCheckType(), parameters.getPosition(), false)) {
            return LangBundle.message("completion.no.suggestions") + suffix;

      final Set<PsiType> expectedTypes = JavaCompletionUtil.getExpectedTypes(parameters);
      if (expectedTypes != null) {
        PsiType type = expectedTypes.size() == 1 ? expectedTypes.iterator().next() : null;
        if (type != null) {
          final PsiType deepComponentType = type.getDeepComponentType();
          if (deepComponentType instanceof PsiClassType) {
            if (((PsiClassType) deepComponentType).resolve() != null) {
              return CompletionBundle.message(
                      "completion.no.suggestions.of.type", type.getPresentableText())
                  + suffix;
            return CompletionBundle.message("completion.unknown.type", type.getPresentableText())
                + suffix;
          if (!PsiType.NULL.equals(type)) {
            return CompletionBundle.message(
                    "completion.no.suggestions.of.type", type.getPresentableText())
                + suffix;
    return LangBundle.message("completion.no.suggestions") + suffix;
Пример #2
 private static String getTypeName(PsiType type, boolean withIndices) {
   type = type.getDeepComponentType();
   if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
     final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) type;
     final String className = classType.getClassName();
     if (className != null || !withIndices) return className;
     final PsiClass aClass = classType.resolve();
     return aClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass
         ? ((PsiAnonymousClass) aClass).getBaseClassType().getClassName()
         : null;
   } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
     return type.getPresentableText();
   } else if (type instanceof PsiWildcardType) {
     return getTypeName(((PsiWildcardType) type).getExtendsBound(), withIndices);
   } else if (type instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
     return getTypeName(((PsiIntersectionType) type).getRepresentative(), withIndices);
   } else if (type instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType) {
     return getTypeName(((PsiCapturedWildcardType) type).getWildcard(), withIndices);
   } else if (type instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) {
     return getTypeName(((PsiDisjunctionType) type).getLeastUpperBound(), withIndices);
   } else {
     return null;
Пример #3
 private static String getLongTypeName(PsiType type) {
   if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
     PsiClass aClass = ((PsiClassType) type).resolve();
     if (aClass == null) {
       return null;
     } else if (aClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
       PsiClass baseClass = ((PsiAnonymousClass) aClass).getBaseClassType().resolve();
       return baseClass != null ? baseClass.getQualifiedName() : null;
     } else {
       return aClass.getQualifiedName();
   } else if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
     return getLongTypeName(((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType()) + "[]";
   } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
     return type.getPresentableText();
   } else if (type instanceof PsiWildcardType) {
     final PsiType bound = ((PsiWildcardType) type).getBound();
     return bound != null ? getLongTypeName(bound) : CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT;
   } else if (type instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType) {
     final PsiType bound = ((PsiCapturedWildcardType) type).getWildcard().getBound();
     return bound != null ? getLongTypeName(bound) : CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT;
   } else if (type instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
     return getLongTypeName(((PsiIntersectionType) type).getRepresentative());
   } else if (type instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) {
     return getLongTypeName(((PsiDisjunctionType) type).getLeastUpperBound());
   } else {
     return null;
  private static Map<String, PsiType> getCompatibleTypeNames(
      @NotNull PsiType type, @Nullable PsiType min, PsiManager manager, GlobalSearchScope scope) {
    if (type instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) type = ((PsiDisjunctionType) type).getLeastUpperBound();

    // if initial type is not assignable to min type we don't take into consideration min type.
    if (min != null && !TypesUtil.isAssignable(min, type, manager, scope)) {
      min = null;

    Map<String, PsiType> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, PsiType>();
    final PsiPrimitiveType unboxed = PsiPrimitiveType.getUnboxedType(type);
    if (unboxed != null) type = unboxed;
    final Set<PsiType> set = new LinkedHashSet<PsiType>();
    while (!set.isEmpty()) {
      PsiType cur = set.iterator().next();
      if (!map.containsValue(cur)
          && (min == null || TypesUtil.isAssignable(min, cur, manager, scope))) {
        if (isPartiallySubstituted(cur)) {
          LOG.assertTrue(cur instanceof PsiClassType);
          PsiClassType rawType = ((PsiClassType) cur).rawType();
          map.put(rawType.getPresentableText(), rawType);
        } else {
          map.put(cur.getPresentableText(), cur);
        for (PsiType superType : cur.getSuperTypes()) {
          if (!map.containsValue(superType)) {
    return map;
Пример #5
 public static LookupElementBuilder createPropertyLookupElement(
     @NotNull String name, @Nullable PsiType type) {
   LookupElementBuilder res =
   if (type != null) {
     res = res.withTypeText(type.getPresentableText());
   return res;
 public static boolean isInjectable(@Nullable final PsiType type, final Project project) {
   if (type == null) return false;
   if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) return false;
   if (project.isDefault()) {
     @NonNls final String text = type.getPresentableText();
     if (text == null) return false;
     return text.equals("java.lang.String")
         || text.equals("java.lang.String...")
         || text.equals("java.lang.String[]");
   } else {
     return type.equalsToText("java.lang.String")
         || type.equalsToText("java.lang.String...")
         || type.equalsToText("java.lang.String[]");
 private static String formatTypesList(ParameterInfoImpl[] infos, PsiElement context) {
   if (infos == null) return null;
   StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
   try {
     for (ParameterInfoImpl info : infos) {
       PsiType type = info.createType(context);
       if (type == null) return null;
       if (result.length() != 0) result.append(", ");
     return result.toString();
   } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
     return null;
Пример #8
  public static LookupElementBuilder createPropertyLookupElement(
      @NotNull PsiMethod accessor,
      @Nullable GroovyResolveResult resolveResult,
      @Nullable PrefixMatcher matcher) {
    String propName;
    PsiType propType;
    final boolean getter = GroovyPropertyUtils.isSimplePropertyGetter(accessor, null);
    if (getter) {
      propName = GroovyPropertyUtils.getPropertyNameByGetter(accessor);
    } else if (GroovyPropertyUtils.isSimplePropertySetter(accessor, null)) {
      propName = GroovyPropertyUtils.getPropertyNameBySetter(accessor);
    } else {
      return null;
    assert propName != null;
    if (!PsiUtil.isValidReferenceName(propName)) {
      propName = "'" + propName + "'";

    if (matcher != null && !matcher.prefixMatches(propName)) {
      return null;

    if (getter) {
      propType = PsiUtil.getSmartReturnType(accessor);
    } else {
      propType = accessor.getParameterList().getParameters()[0].getType();

    final PsiType substituted =
        resolveResult != null ? resolveResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(propType) : propType;

    LookupElementBuilder builder =
                generatePropertyResolveResult(propName, accessor, propType, resolveResult),
    if (substituted != null) {
      builder = builder.withTypeText(substituted.getPresentableText());
    return builder;
  private static LookupElementBuilder createGenerateMethodElement(
      PsiMethod prototype,
      PsiSubstitutor substitutor,
      Icon icon,
      String typeText,
      InsertHandler<LookupElement> insertHandler) {
    String methodName = prototype.getName();

    String visibility = VisibilityUtil.getVisibilityModifier(prototype.getModifierList());
    String modifiers = (visibility == PsiModifier.PACKAGE_LOCAL ? "" : visibility + " ");

    PsiType type = substitutor.substitute(prototype.getReturnType());
    String signature =
        modifiers + (type == null ? "" : type.getPresentableText() + " ") + methodName;

    String parameters =
            prototype, substitutor, PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_PARAMETERS, PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_NAME);

    String overrideSignature =
        " @Override "
            + signature; // leading space to make it a middle match, under all annotation
                         // suggestions
    LookupElementBuilder element =
        LookupElementBuilder.create(prototype, signature)
            .appendTailText(parameters, false)
            .appendTailText(" {...}", true)
    element.putUserData(GENERATE_ELEMENT, true);
    return element;
  public String advertise(@NotNull final CompletionParameters parameters) {
    if (!(parameters.getOriginalFile() instanceof PsiJavaFile)) return null;

    if (parameters.getCompletionType() == CompletionType.BASIC
        && parameters.getInvocationCount() > 0) {
      PsiElement position = parameters.getPosition();
      if (psiElement()
          .accepts(position)) {
        if (CompletionUtil.shouldShowFeature(
            parameters, JavaCompletionFeatures.GLOBAL_MEMBER_NAME)) {
          final String shortcut = getActionShortcut(IdeActions.ACTION_CODE_COMPLETION);
          if (shortcut != null) {
            return "Pressing "
                + shortcut
                + " twice without a class qualifier would show all accessible static methods";

    if (parameters.getCompletionType() != CompletionType.SMART
        && shouldSuggestSmartCompletion(parameters.getPosition())) {
      if (CompletionUtil.shouldShowFeature(
          parameters, CodeCompletionFeatures.EDITING_COMPLETION_SMARTTYPE_GENERAL)) {
        final String shortcut = getActionShortcut(IdeActions.ACTION_SMART_TYPE_COMPLETION);
        if (shortcut != null) {
          return CompletionBundle.message("completion.smart.hint", shortcut);

    if (parameters.getCompletionType() == CompletionType.SMART
        && parameters.getInvocationCount() == 1) {
      final PsiType[] psiTypes =
          ExpectedTypesGetter.getExpectedTypes(parameters.getPosition(), true);
      if (psiTypes.length > 0) {
        if (CompletionUtil.shouldShowFeature(
            parameters, JavaCompletionFeatures.SECOND_SMART_COMPLETION_TOAR)) {
          final String shortcut = getActionShortcut(IdeActions.ACTION_SMART_TYPE_COMPLETION);
          if (shortcut != null) {
            for (final PsiType psiType : psiTypes) {
              final PsiType type = PsiUtil.extractIterableTypeParameter(psiType, false);
              if (type != null) {
                return CompletionBundle.message(
                    "completion.smart.aslist.hint", shortcut, type.getPresentableText());
        if (CompletionUtil.shouldShowFeature(
            parameters, JavaCompletionFeatures.SECOND_SMART_COMPLETION_ASLIST)) {
          final String shortcut = getActionShortcut(IdeActions.ACTION_SMART_TYPE_COMPLETION);
          if (shortcut != null) {
            for (final PsiType psiType : psiTypes) {
              if (psiType instanceof PsiArrayType) {
                final PsiType componentType = ((PsiArrayType) psiType).getComponentType();
                if (!(componentType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType)) {
                  return CompletionBundle.message(
                      "completion.smart.toar.hint", shortcut, componentType.getPresentableText());

        if (CompletionUtil.shouldShowFeature(
            parameters, JavaCompletionFeatures.SECOND_SMART_COMPLETION_CHAIN)) {
          final String shortcut = getActionShortcut(IdeActions.ACTION_SMART_TYPE_COMPLETION);
          if (shortcut != null) {
            return CompletionBundle.message("completion.smart.chain.hint", shortcut);
    return null;
 public String toString() {
   return myType == null ? "def" : myType.getPresentableText();
 protected static String escapePresentableType(PsiType exprType) {
   return StringUtil.escapeXml(exprType.getPresentableText());
  private ParameterInfoImpl[] getNewParametersInfo(
      PsiExpression[] expressions,
      PsiMethod targetMethod,
      PsiSubstitutor substitutor,
      final StringBuilder buf,
      final HashSet<ParameterInfoImpl> newParams,
      final HashSet<ParameterInfoImpl> removedParams,
      final HashSet<ParameterInfoImpl> changedParams) {
    PsiParameter[] parameters = targetMethod.getParameterList().getParameters();
    List<ParameterInfoImpl> result = new ArrayList<ParameterInfoImpl>();
    if (expressions.length < parameters.length) {
      // find which parameters to remove
      int ei = 0;
      int pi = 0;

      while (ei < expressions.length && pi < parameters.length) {
        PsiExpression expression = expressions[ei];
        PsiParameter parameter = parameters[pi];
        PsiType paramType = substitutor.substitute(parameter.getType());
        if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(", ");
        final PsiType parameterType = PsiUtil.convertAnonymousToBaseType(paramType);
        final String presentableText = escapePresentableType(parameterType);
        final ParameterInfoImpl parameterInfo =
            new ParameterInfoImpl(pi, parameter.getName(), parameter.getType());
        if (TypeConversionUtil.areTypesAssignmentCompatible(paramType, expression)) {
        } else {
      if (result.size() != expressions.length) return null;
      for (int i = pi; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(", ");
        final ParameterInfoImpl parameterInfo =
            new ParameterInfoImpl(pi, parameters[i].getName(), parameters[i].getType());
    } else if (expressions.length > parameters.length) {
      if (!findNewParamsPlace(
          expressions, targetMethod, substitutor, buf, newParams, parameters, result)) return null;
    } else {
      // parameter type changed
      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(", ");
        PsiParameter parameter = parameters[i];
        PsiExpression expression = expressions[i];
        PsiType paramType = substitutor.substitute(parameter.getType());
        final String presentableText = escapePresentableType(paramType);
        if (TypeConversionUtil.areTypesAssignmentCompatible(paramType, expression)) {
          result.add(new ParameterInfoImpl(i, parameter.getName(), paramType));
        } else {
          if (PsiPolyExpressionUtil.isPolyExpression(expression)) return null;
          PsiType exprType = RefactoringUtil.getTypeByExpression(expression);
          if (exprType == null) return null;
          if (exprType instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) {
            exprType = ((PsiDisjunctionType) exprType).getLeastUpperBound();
          final ParameterInfoImpl changedParameterInfo =
              new ParameterInfoImpl(i, parameter.getName(), exprType);
              .append("</s> <b>")
      // do not perform silly refactorings
      boolean isSilly = true;
      for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
        PsiParameter parameter = parameters[i];
        PsiType paramType = substitutor.substitute(parameter.getType());
        ParameterInfoImpl parameterInfo = result.get(i);
        String typeText = parameterInfo.getTypeText();
        if (!paramType.equalsToText(typeText) && !paramType.getPresentableText().equals(typeText)) {
          isSilly = false;
      if (isSilly) return null;
    return result.toArray(new ParameterInfoImpl[result.size()]);