/** * Gets the roles for a package. * * @param packageId * @return A list of the roles in the package * @throws EslException */ public List<Role> getRoles(PackageId packageId) throws EslException { String path = template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()).build(); String stringResponse; try { stringResponse = client.get(path); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException( "Could not retrieve list of roles for package with id " + packageId.getId(), e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException( "Could not retrieve list of roles for package with id " + packageId.getId(), e); } return Serialization.fromJson(stringResponse, RoleList.class).getResults(); }
/** * Downloads the documents (in a zip archive) from the package and returns a byte[]. * * @param packageId Id of the DocumentPackage we want to download * @return The zipped documents in bytes * @throws EslException */ public byte[] downloadZippedDocuments(PackageId packageId) throws EslException { String path = template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.ZIP_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()).build(); try { return client.getBytes(path).getContents(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not download the documents to a zip file.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not download the documents to a zip file.", e); } }
/** * Uploads the Document and file in byte[] to the package. * * @param packageId * @param fileName Name of the file * @param fileBytes The file to upload in bytes * @param document The document with approvals and fields * @throws EslException */ public com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document uploadDocument( PackageId packageId, String fileName, byte[] fileBytes, com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document document, DocumentPackage documentPackage) throws EslException { Package apiPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(documentPackage).toAPIPackage(); Document apiDocument = new DocumentConverter(document).toAPIDocument(apiPackage); return uploadApiDocument(packageId.getId(), fileName, fileBytes, apiDocument); }
/** * Create a new package based on an existing template. * * @param packageId * @param aPackage * @return PackageId */ public PackageId createPackageFromTemplate(PackageId packageId, Package aPackage) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.TEMPLATE_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); List<Role> roles = aPackage.getRoles(); aPackage.setRoles(Collections.<Role>emptyList()); String packageJson = Serialization.toJson(aPackage); PackageId newPackageId = null; try { String response = client.post(path, packageJson); newPackageId = Serialization.fromJson(response, PackageId.class); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not create a new package", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not create a new package", e); } Package createdPackage = getApiPackage(newPackageId.getId()); for (Role role : roles) { String roleUid = findRoleUidByName(createdPackage.getRoles(), role.getName()); if (roleUid == null) { continue; } role.setId(roleUid); updateRole(newPackageId, role); } return newPackageId; }
/** * Downloads the evidence summary (in PDF) from the package and returns a byte[]. * * @param packageId * @return The evidence summary in bytes * @throws EslException */ public byte[] downloadEvidenceSummary(PackageId packageId) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.EVIDENCE_SUMMARY_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { return client.getBytes(path).getContents(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not download the evidence summary.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not download the evidence summary.", e); } }
/** * Unlock a signer which has been locked out due to too many failed authentication attempts. * * @param signerId If not null, the id of the signer who's status we are to retrieve */ public void unlockSigner(PackageId packageId, String signerId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_UNLOCK_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", signerId) .build(); try { client.post(path, null); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not unlock signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not unlock signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Deletes the document from the package. * * @param packageId * @param documentId * @throws EslException */ public void deleteDocument(PackageId packageId, String documentId) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{documentId}", documentId) .build(); try { client.delete(path); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not delete document from package.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not delete document from package.", e); } }
/** * Deletes a role from the package. * * @param packageId * @param role * @throws EslException */ public void deleteRole(PackageId packageId, Role role) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", role.getId()) .build(); try { client.delete(path); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not delete role", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not delete role", e); } }
public byte[] downloadDocument(PackageId packageId, String documentId) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PDF_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{documentId}", documentId) .build(); try { return client.getBytesAsOctetStream(path).getContents(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not download the pdf document.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not download the pdf document.", e); } }
/** * Change the package's status to DRAFT. * * @param packageId * @throws EslException */ public void changePackageStatusToDraft(PackageId packageId) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { client.put(path, "{\"status\":\"DRAFT\"}"); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not change the package status to DRAFT.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not change the package status to DRAFT.", e); } }
/** * Adds a role to the package. * * @param packageId * @param role * @return The role added * @throws EslException */ public Role addRole(PackageId packageId, Role role) throws EslException { String path = template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()).build(); String roleJson = JacksonUtil.serializeDirty(role); String stringResponse; try { stringResponse = client.post(path, roleJson); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not add role.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not add role.", e); } return Serialization.fromJson(stringResponse, Role.class); }
/** * Sends the package. * * @param packageId * @throws EslException */ public void sendPackage(PackageId packageId) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); String json = "{\"status\":\"SENT\"}"; try { client.post(path, json); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not send the package.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not send the package.", e); } }
private void notifySigner(PackageId packageId, String roleId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.NOTIFY_ROLE_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", roleId) .build(); try { client.post(path, null); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not send email notification.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not send email notification. " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Removes a signer from a package * * @param packageId The id of the package containing the signer to be deleted * @param signerId The role id of the signer to be deleted */ public void removeSigner(PackageId packageId, String signerId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SIGNER_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", signerId) .build(); try { client.delete(path); return; } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not delete signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not delete signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Deletes the specified package. * * @param packageId The id of the package to be deleted */ public void deletePackage(PackageId packageId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { client.delete(path); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Unable to delete package.", e); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new EslException("Unable to delete package. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private void sendSmsToSigner(PackageId packageId, Role role) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SEND_SMS_TO_SIGNER_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", role.getId()) .build(); try { client.post(path, null); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not send SMS to the signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not send SMS to the signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Archive the specified package. * * @param packageId The id of the package to be archived */ public void archive(PackageId packageId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); String json = "{\"status\":\"ARCHIVED\"}"; try { client.post(path, json); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Unable to archive the package.", e); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new EslException("Unable to archive the package. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private String getFastTrackUrl(PackageId packageId, Boolean signing) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.FAST_TRACK_URL_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{signing}", signing.toString()) .build(); try { String json = client.get(path); SigningUrl signingUrl = Serialization.fromJson(json, SigningUrl.class); return signingUrl.getUrl(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not get a fastTrack url.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not get a fastTrack url." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Get thank you dialog content. * * @param packageId The id of the package to get thank you dialog content. * @return thank you dialog content */ public String getThankYouDialogContent(PackageId packageId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.THANK_YOU_DIALOG_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { String json = client.get(path); Properties thankYouDialogContent = Serialization.fromJson(json, Properties.class); return thankYouDialogContent.getProperty("body"); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not get thank you dialog content.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException( "Could not get thank you dialog content." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private String getSigningUrl(PackageId packageId, Role role) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SIGNER_URL_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", role.getId()) .build(); try { String response = client.get(path); SigningUrl signingUrl = Serialization.fromJson(response, SigningUrl.class); return signingUrl.getUrl(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not get a signing url.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not get a signing url." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Get package support configuration. * * @param packageId The id of the package to get package support configuration. * @return package support configuration */ public SupportConfiguration getConfig(PackageId packageId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_INFORMATION_CONFIG_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { String json = client.get(path); com.silanis.esl.api.model.SupportConfiguration apiSupportConfiguration = Serialization.fromJson(json, com.silanis.esl.api.model.SupportConfiguration.class); return new SupportConfigurationConverter(apiSupportConfiguration).toSDKSupportConfiguration(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not get support configuration.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException( "Could not get support configuration." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Get a signer from the specified package * * @param packageId The id of the package in which to get the signer * @param signerId The id of signer to get * @return The signer */ public com.silanis.esl.sdk.Signer getSigner(PackageId packageId, String signerId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SIGNER_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", signerId) .build(); try { String response = client.get(path); Role apiRole = Serialization.fromJson(response, Role.class); return new SignerConverter(apiRole).toSDKSigner(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not get signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not get signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Updates a signer's information from a package * * @param packageId The id of the package containing the signer to be updated * @param signer The signer with the updated information */ public void updateSigner(PackageId packageId, com.silanis.esl.sdk.Signer signer) { Role apiPayload = new SignerConverter(signer).toAPIRole(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")); String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SIGNER_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{roleId}", signer.getId()) .build(); try { String json = Serialization.toJson(apiPayload); client.put(path, json); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not update signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not update signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Notifies the specified signer by email, including a custom message. * * @param packageId The id of the package containing the signer to be notified * @param signerEmail The email of the signer to be notified * @param message The custom message to be included in the email sent as notification to the * signer */ public void notifySigner(PackageId packageId, String signerEmail, String message) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.CUSTOM_NOTIFICATIONS_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); jsonMap.put("email", signerEmail); jsonMap.put("message", message); try { String payload = JacksonUtil.serialize(jsonMap); client.post(path, payload); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslException("Could not send email notification to signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException( "Could not send email notification to signer. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Adds a signer to the specified package * * @param packageId The id of the package in which the signer will be added * @param signer The signer to be added * @return The role id of the signer */ public String addSigner(PackageId packageId, com.silanis.esl.sdk.Signer signer) { Role apiPayload = new SignerConverter(signer).toAPIRole(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")); String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.ADD_SIGNER_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); try { String json = Serialization.toJson(apiPayload); String response = client.post(path, json); Role apiRole = Serialization.fromJson(response, Role.class); return apiRole.getId(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not add signer.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not add signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Retrieves the current signing status of the DocumentPackage, Document or Signer specified. * * @param packageId Id of the DocumentPackage who's status we are to retrieve * @param signerId If not null, the id of the signer who's status we are to retrieve * @param documentId If not null, the id of the document who's status we are to retrieve * @return One of the following values: INACTIVE - process is not active COMPLETE - process has * been completed ARCHIVED - process has been archived SIGNING-PENDING - process is active, * but not all signatures have been added SIGNING-COMPLETE - process is active, all signaures * have been added */ public SigningStatus getSigningStatus( PackageId packageId, SignerId signerId, DocumentId documentId) { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.SIGNING_STATUS_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .replace("{signerId}", signerId != null ? signerId.getId() : "") .replace("{documentId}", documentId != null ? documentId.getId() : "") .build(); try { String stringResponse = client.get(path); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode topNode = objectMapper.readTree(stringResponse); String statusString = topNode.get("status").textValue(); return SigningStatus.statusForToken(statusString); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not retrieve signing status.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not retrieve signing status.", e); } }
/** * Updates the package's fields and roles. * * @param packageId * @param sdkPackage * @throws EslException */ public void updatePackage(PackageId packageId, DocumentPackage sdkPackage) throws EslException { String path = template .urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH) .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()) .build(); Package aPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(sdkPackage).toAPIPackage(); String packageJson = Serialization.toJson(aPackage); try { client.put(path, packageJson); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not update the package.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not update the package.", e); } // Update roles List<Role> roleList = aPackage.getRoles(); for (Role role : roleList) { updateRole(packageId, role); } }
/** * Get a signing url * * @param packageId The id of the package in which to get the signing url * @param signerId The id of signer to get the signing url * @return The signing url */ public String getSigningUrl(PackageId packageId, String signerId) { Package aPackage = getApiPackage(packageId.getId()); return getSigningUrl(packageId, getRole(aPackage, signerId)); }
public DocumentPackage getPackage(PackageId packageId) { Package aPackage = getApiPackage(packageId.getId()); return packageConverter(aPackage).toSDKPackage(); }