/** * For unique local packages. Returns the cached LocalPkgInfo for the requested type. Loads it * from disk if not cached. * * @param filter {@link PkgType#PKG_TOOLS} or {@link PkgType#PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS} or {@link * PkgType#PKG_DOC}. * @return null if the package is not installed. */ @Nullable public LocalPkgInfo getPkgInfo(@NonNull PkgType filter) { if (filter != PkgType.PKG_TOOLS && filter != PkgType.PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS && filter != PkgType.PKG_DOC && filter != PkgType.PKG_NDK) { assert false; return null; } LocalPkgInfo info = null; synchronized (mLocalPackages) { Collection<LocalPkgInfo> existing = mLocalPackages.get(filter); assert existing.size() <= 1; if (!existing.isEmpty()) { return existing.iterator().next(); } File uniqueDir = new File(mSdkRoot, filter.getFolderName()); if (!mVisitedDirs.containsEntry(filter, new LocalDirInfo.MapComparator(uniqueDir))) { switch (filter) { case PKG_TOOLS: info = scanTools(uniqueDir); break; case PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS: info = scanPlatformTools(uniqueDir); break; case PKG_DOC: info = scanDoc(uniqueDir); break; case PKG_NDK: info = scanNdk(uniqueDir); default: break; } } // Whether we have found a valid pkg or not, this directory has been visited. mVisitedDirs.put(filter, new LocalDirInfo(mFileOp, uniqueDir)); if (info != null) { mLocalPackages.put(filter, info); } } return info; }
public void checkRedeclarationsInInnerClassNames(@NotNull TopDownAnalysisContext c) { for (ClassDescriptorWithResolutionScopes classDescriptor : c.getDeclaredClasses().values()) { if (classDescriptor.getKind() == ClassKind.CLASS_OBJECT) { // Class objects should be considered during analysing redeclarations in classes continue; } Collection<DeclarationDescriptor> allDescriptors = classDescriptor.getScopeForMemberLookup().getOwnDeclaredDescriptors(); ClassDescriptorWithResolutionScopes classObj = classDescriptor.getClassObjectDescriptor(); if (classObj != null) { Collection<DeclarationDescriptor> classObjDescriptors = classObj.getScopeForMemberLookup().getOwnDeclaredDescriptors(); if (!classObjDescriptors.isEmpty()) { allDescriptors = Lists.newArrayList(allDescriptors); allDescriptors.addAll(classObjDescriptors); } } Multimap<Name, DeclarationDescriptor> descriptorMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (DeclarationDescriptor desc : allDescriptors) { if (desc instanceof ClassDescriptor || desc instanceof PropertyDescriptor) { descriptorMap.put(desc.getName(), desc); } } reportRedeclarations(descriptorMap); } }
/** * 将原始数据切割后装入ThreadInfo,并以Key=WaitID,Value= ThreadInfo实体放入到Multimap<String, ThreadInfo>集合中 * ps:Multimap 类似于Map<key,collection>, key:value-> 1:n * * @param rawDatas * @return */ public Multimap<String, ThreadInfo> getThreadInfo(List<String[]> rawDatas) { Multimap<String, ThreadInfo> w_IdMap = HashMultimap.create(); List<ThreadInfo> threadsList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String[] rawData : rawDatas) { ThreadInfo threadInfo = new ThreadInfo(); Pattern t_id = Pattern.compile("tid=(0x[\\d\\w]+)"); Pattern t_name = Pattern.compile("\"([\\d\\D]*)\""); Pattern w_Id = Pattern.compile("\\[(0x[\\d\\w]+)\\]"); Matcher tIdMatcher = t_id.matcher(rawData[0]); Matcher nameMatcher = t_name.matcher(rawData[0]); Matcher w_IdMatcher = w_Id.matcher(rawData[0]); if (tIdMatcher.find()) { threadInfo.setThreadId(tIdMatcher.group(1)); } if (nameMatcher.find()) { threadInfo.setThreadName(nameMatcher.group(1)); } if (w_IdMatcher.find()) { threadInfo.setWaitThreadId(w_IdMatcher.group(1)); } threadInfo.setThreadCondition(rawData[1]); w_IdMap.put(threadInfo.getWaitThreadId(), threadInfo); } return w_IdMap; }
private void expandSupertypes(Multimap<String, String> mmap, String key, Class<?> type) { for (Class<?> supertype : ReflectionUtils.getSuperTypes(type)) { if (mmap.put(supertype.getName(), key)) { if (log != null) log.debug("expanded subtype {} -> {}", supertype.getName(), key); expandSupertypes(mmap, supertype.getName(), supertype); } } }
private FunctionEntry add(String name, Function function) { final FunctionEntryImpl entry = new FunctionEntryImpl(this, name, function); functionMap.put(name, entry); if (function.getParameters().isEmpty()) { nullaryFunctionMapInsensitive.put(name, entry); } return entry; }
private int repeatInternal( @NotNull PseudocodeImpl originalPseudocode, @Nullable Label startLabel, @Nullable Label finishLabel, int labelCount) { Integer startIndex = startLabel != null ? ((PseudocodeLabel) startLabel).getTargetInstructionIndex() : Integer.valueOf(0); assert startIndex != null; Integer finishIndex = finishLabel != null ? ((PseudocodeLabel) finishLabel).getTargetInstructionIndex() : Integer.valueOf(originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.size()); assert finishIndex != null; Map<Label, Label> originalToCopy = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Multimap<Instruction, Label> originalLabelsForInstruction = HashMultimap.create(); for (PseudocodeLabel label : originalPseudocode.labels) { Integer index = label.getTargetInstructionIndex(); if (index == null) continue; // label is not bounded yet if (label == startLabel || label == finishLabel) continue; if (startIndex <= index && index <= finishIndex) { originalToCopy.put(label, label.copy(labelCount++)); originalLabelsForInstruction.put(getJumpTarget(label), label); } } for (Label label : originalToCopy.values()) { labels.add((PseudocodeLabel) label); } for (int index = startIndex; index < finishIndex; index++) { Instruction originalInstruction = originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.get(index); repeatLabelsBindingForInstruction( originalInstruction, originalToCopy, originalLabelsForInstruction); Instruction copy = copyInstruction(originalInstruction, originalToCopy); addInstruction(copy); if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.errorInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineExitInstruction) { errorInstruction = (SubroutineExitInstruction) copy; } if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.exitInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineExitInstruction) { exitInstruction = (SubroutineExitInstruction) copy; } if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.sinkInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineSinkInstruction) { sinkInstruction = (SubroutineSinkInstruction) copy; } } if (finishIndex < mutableInstructionList.size()) { repeatLabelsBindingForInstruction( originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.get(finishIndex), originalToCopy, originalLabelsForInstruction); } return labelCount; }
/** @return an endpoint to token multimap representation of tokenToEndpointMap (a copy) */ public Multimap<InetAddress, Token> getEndpointToTokenMapForReading() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Multimap<InetAddress, Token> cloned = HashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<Token, InetAddress> entry : tokenToEndpointMap.entrySet()) cloned.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); return cloned; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } }
/** * Helper used by scanXyz methods below to check whether a directory should be visited. It can be * skipped if it's not a directory or if it's already marked as visited in mVisitedDirs for the * given package type -- in which case the directory is added to the visited map. * * @param pkgType The package type being scanned. * @param directory The file or directory to check. * @return False if directory can/should be skipped. True if directory should be visited, in which * case it's registered in mVisitedDirs. */ private boolean shouldVisitDir(@NonNull PkgType pkgType, @NonNull File directory) { if (!mFileOp.isDirectory(directory)) { return false; } synchronized (mLocalPackages) { if (mVisitedDirs.containsEntry(pkgType, new LocalDirInfo.MapComparator(directory))) { return false; } mVisitedDirs.put(pkgType, new LocalDirInfo(mFileOp, directory)); } return true; }
/** Stores current DC/rack assignment for ep */ protected void addEndpoint(InetAddress ep) { IEndpointSnitch snitch = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch(); String dc = snitch.getDatacenter(ep); String rack = snitch.getRack(ep); Pair<String, String> current = currentLocations.get(ep); if (current != null) { if (current.left.equals(dc) && current.right.equals(rack)) return; dcRacks.get(current.left).remove(current.right, ep); dcEndpoints.remove(current.left, ep); } dcEndpoints.put(dc, ep); if (!dcRacks.containsKey(dc)) dcRacks.put(dc, HashMultimap.<String, InetAddress>create()); dcRacks.get(dc).put(rack, ep); currentLocations.put(ep, Pair.create(dc, rack)); }
/** * Retrieve all the info about the requested package types. This is used for the package types * that have one or more instances, each with different versions. The resulting array is sorted * according to the PkgInfo's sort order. * * <p>To force the LocalSdk parser to load <b>everything</b>, simply call this method with the * {@link PkgType#PKG_ALL} argument to load all the known package types. * * <p>Note: you can use this with {@link PkgType#PKG_TOOLS}, {@link PkgType#PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS} * and {@link PkgType#PKG_DOC} but since there can only be one package of these types, it is more * efficient to use {@link #getPkgInfo(PkgType)} to query them. * * @param filters One or more of {@link PkgType#PKG_ADDON}, {@link PkgType#PKG_PLATFORM}, {@link * PkgType#PKG_BUILD_TOOLS}, {@link PkgType#PKG_EXTRA}, {@link PkgType#PKG_SOURCE}, {@link * PkgType#PKG_SYS_IMAGE} * @return A list (possibly empty) of matching installed packages. Never returns null. */ @NonNull public LocalPkgInfo[] getPkgsInfos(@NonNull EnumSet<PkgType> filters) { List<LocalPkgInfo> list = Lists.newArrayList(); for (PkgType filter : filters) { if (filter == PkgType.PKG_TOOLS || filter == PkgType.PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS || filter == PkgType.PKG_DOC || filter == PkgType.PKG_NDK) { LocalPkgInfo info = getPkgInfo(filter); if (info != null) { list.add(info); } } else { synchronized (mLocalPackages) { Collection<LocalPkgInfo> existing = mLocalPackages.get(filter); assert existing != null; // Multimap returns an empty set if not found if (!existing.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(existing); continue; } File subDir = new File(mSdkRoot, filter.getFolderName()); if (!mVisitedDirs.containsEntry(filter, new LocalDirInfo.MapComparator(subDir))) { switch (filter) { case PKG_BUILD_TOOLS: scanBuildTools(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_PLATFORM: scanPlatforms(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_SYS_IMAGE: scanSysImages(subDir, existing, false); break; case PKG_ADDON_SYS_IMAGE: scanSysImages(subDir, existing, true); break; case PKG_ADDON: scanAddons(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_SAMPLE: scanSamples(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_SOURCE: scanSources(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_EXTRA: scanExtras(subDir, existing); break; case PKG_TOOLS: case PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS: case PKG_DOC: case PKG_NDK: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported pkg type " + filter.toString()); } mVisitedDirs.put(filter, new LocalDirInfo(mFileOp, subDir)); list.addAll(existing); } } } } Collections.sort(list); return list.toArray(new LocalPkgInfo[list.size()]); }
public void updateNormalTokens(Collection<Token> tokens, InetAddress endpoint) { Multimap<InetAddress, Token> endpointTokens = HashMultimap.create(); for (Token token : tokens) endpointTokens.put(endpoint, token); updateNormalTokens(endpointTokens); }