protected void addDependentsOf( IPath path, boolean isStructuralChange, StringSet qualifiedNames, StringSet simpleNames, StringSet rootNames) { path = path.setDevice(null); if (isStructuralChange) { String last = path.lastSegment(); if (last.length() == TypeConstants.PACKAGE_INFO_NAME.length) if (CharOperation.equals(last.toCharArray(), TypeConstants.PACKAGE_INFO_NAME)) { path = path.removeLastSegments( 1); // the package-info file has changed so blame the package itself /*, in the case of default package, there is no need to blame the package itself as there can be no annotations or documentation comment tags in the package-info file that can influence the rest of the package. Just bail out so we don't touch null objects below. */ if (path.isEmpty()) return; } } if (isStructuralChange && !this.hasStructuralChanges) { this.newState.tagAsStructurallyChanged(); this.hasStructuralChanges = true; } // the qualifiedStrings are of the form 'p1/p2' & the simpleStrings are just 'X' rootNames.add(path.segment(0)); String packageName = path.removeLastSegments(1).toString(); boolean wasNew = qualifiedNames.add(packageName); String typeName = path.lastSegment(); int memberIndex = typeName.indexOf('$'); if (memberIndex > 0) typeName = typeName.substring(0, memberIndex); wasNew = simpleNames.add(typeName) | wasNew; if (wasNew && JavaBuilder.DEBUG) System.out.println( " will look for dependents of " //$NON-NLS-1$ + typeName + " in " + packageName); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
protected void removeClassFile(IPath typePath, IContainer outputFolder) throws CoreException { if (typePath.lastSegment().indexOf('$') == -1) { // is not a nested type this.newState.removeQualifiedTypeName(typePath.toString()); // add dependents even when the type thinks it does not exist to be on the safe side if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) System.out.println("Found removed type " + typePath); // $NON-NLS-1$ addDependentsOf( typePath, true); // when member types are removed, their enclosing type is structurally changed } IFile classFile = outputFolder.getFile(typePath.addFileExtension(SuffixConstants.EXTENSION_class)); if (classFile.exists()) { if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) System.out.println("Deleting class file of removed type " + typePath); // $NON-NLS-1$ classFile.delete(IResource.FORCE, null); } }
public static String getRelativePath(IPath filePath, IPath pathToGitRoot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String file = null; if (!filePath.hasTrailingSeparator()) { file = filePath.lastSegment(); filePath = filePath.removeLastSegments(1); } for (int i = 0; i < pathToGitRoot.segments().length; i++) { if (pathToGitRoot.segments()[i].equals("..")) sb.append( filePath.segment(filePath.segments().length - pathToGitRoot.segments().length + i)) .append("/"); // else TODO } if (file != null) sb.append(file); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Removes path information from the given string containing one or more comma separated osgi * bundles. Replaces escaped '\:' with ':'. Removes, reference, platform and file prefixes. * Removes any other path information converting the location or the last segment to a bundle id. * * @param osgiBundles list of bundles to strip path information from (commma separated) * @return list of bundles with path information stripped */ public static String stripPathInformation(String osgiBundles) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(osgiBundles, ","); // $NON-NLS-1$ while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); token = token.replaceAll("\\\\:|/:", ":"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // read up until the first @, if there int atIndex = token.indexOf('@'); String bundle = atIndex > 0 ? token.substring(0, atIndex) : token; bundle = bundle.trim(); // strip [reference:][platform:][file:] prefixes if any if (bundle.startsWith(REFERENCE_PREFIX) && bundle.length() > REFERENCE_PREFIX.length()) bundle = bundle.substring(REFERENCE_PREFIX.length()); if (bundle.startsWith(PLATFORM_PREFIX) && bundle.length() > PLATFORM_PREFIX.length()) bundle = bundle.substring(PLATFORM_PREFIX.length()); if (bundle.startsWith(FILE_URL_PREFIX) && bundle.length() > FILE_URL_PREFIX.length()) bundle = bundle.substring(FILE_URL_PREFIX.length()); // if the path is relative, the last segment is the bundle symbolic name // Otherwise, we need to retrieve the bundle symbolic name ourselves IPath path = new Path(bundle); String id = null; if (path.isAbsolute()) { id = getSymbolicName(bundle); } if (id == null) { id = path.lastSegment(); } if (id != null) { int underscoreIndex = id.indexOf('_'); if (underscoreIndex >= 0) { id = id.substring(0, underscoreIndex); } if (id.endsWith(JAR_EXTENSION)) { id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 4); } } if (result.length() > 0) result.append(","); // $NON-NLS-1$ result.append(id != null ? id : bundle); if (atIndex > -1) result.append(token.substring(atIndex).trim()); } return result.toString(); }
/* Return the list of projects for which it requires a resource delta. This builder's project * is implicitly included and need not be specified. Builders must re-specify the list * of interesting projects every time they are run as this is not carried forward * beyond the next build. Missing projects should be specified but will be ignored until * they are added to the workspace. */ private IProject[] getRequiredProjects(boolean includeBinaryPrerequisites) { if (this.javaProject == null || this.workspaceRoot == null) return new IProject[0]; ArrayList projects = new ArrayList(); ExternalFoldersManager externalFoldersManager = JavaModelManager.getExternalManager(); try { IClasspathEntry[] entries = this.javaProject.getExpandedClasspath(); for (int i = 0, l = entries.length; i < l; i++) { IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i]; IPath path = entry.getPath(); IProject p = null; switch (entry.getEntryKind()) { case IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT: p = this.workspaceRoot.getProject( path.lastSegment()); // missing projects are considered too if (((ClasspathEntry) entry).isOptional() && !JavaProject.hasJavaNature(p)) // except if entry is optional p = null; break; case IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY: if (includeBinaryPrerequisites && path.segmentCount() > 0) { // some binary resources on the class path can come from projects that are not // included in the project references IResource resource = this.workspaceRoot.findMember(path.segment(0)); if (resource instanceof IProject) { p = (IProject) resource; } else { resource = externalFoldersManager.getFolder(path); if (resource != null) p = resource.getProject(); } } } if (p != null && !projects.contains(p)) projects.add(p); } } catch (JavaModelException e) { return new IProject[0]; } IProject[] result = new IProject[projects.size()]; projects.toArray(result); return result; }
/** * @see * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.AbstractImageBuilder#writeClassFileContents(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile, * org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile, java.lang.String, boolean, * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.SourceFile) */ protected void writeClassFileContents( ClassFile classfile, IFile file, String qualifiedFileName, boolean isTopLevelType, SourceFile compilationUnit) throws CoreException { // Before writing out the class file, compare it to the previous file // If structural changes occurred then add dependent source files byte[] bytes = classfile.getBytes(); if (file.exists()) { if (writeClassFileCheck(file, qualifiedFileName, bytes) || compilationUnit.updateClassFile) { // see 46093 if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) System.out.println("Writing changed class file " + file.getName()); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!file.isDerived()) file.setDerived(true, null); file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), true, false, null); } else if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) { System.out.println("Skipped over unchanged class file " + file.getName()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { if (isTopLevelType) addDependentsOf(new Path(qualifiedFileName), true); // new type if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) System.out.println("Writing new class file " + file.getName()); // $NON-NLS-1$ try { file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), IResource.FORCE | IResource.DERIVED, null); } catch (CoreException e) { if (e.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS) { IStatus status = e.getStatus(); if (status instanceof IResourceStatus) { IPath oldFilePath = ((IResourceStatus) status).getPath(); char[] oldTypeName = oldFilePath.removeFileExtension().lastSegment().toCharArray(); char[][] previousTypeNames = this.newState.getDefinedTypeNamesFor(compilationUnit.typeLocator()); boolean fromSameFile = false; if (previousTypeNames == null) { fromSameFile = CharOperation.equals(compilationUnit.getMainTypeName(), oldTypeName); } else { for (int i = 0, l = previousTypeNames.length; i < l; i++) { if (CharOperation.equals(previousTypeNames[i], oldTypeName)) { fromSameFile = true; break; } } } if (fromSameFile) { // file is defined by the same compilationUnit, but won't be deleted until later so do // it now IFile collision = file.getParent().getFile(new Path(oldFilePath.lastSegment())); collision.delete(true, false, null); boolean success = false; try { file.create( new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), IResource.FORCE | IResource.DERIVED, null); success = true; } catch (CoreException ignored) { // ignore the second exception } if (success) return; } } // catch the case that a type has been renamed and collides on disk with an // as-yet-to-be-deleted type throw new AbortCompilation(true, new AbortIncrementalBuildException(qualifiedFileName)); } throw e; // rethrow } } }
private void addContentTypeHeader(HttpServletResponse resp, IPath path) { String mimeType = getServletContext().getMimeType(path.lastSegment()); if (mimeType != null) resp.addHeader("Content-Type", mimeType); }
private boolean handlePost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String pathString) throws IOException, JSONException, ServletException, URISyntaxException, CoreException, NoHeadException, NoMessageException, ConcurrentRefUpdateException, WrongRepositoryStateException { // make sure required fields are set JSONObject toAdd = OrionServlet.readJSONRequest(request); if (toAdd.optBoolean(GitConstants.KEY_PULL, false)) { GitUtils.createGitCredentialsProvider(toAdd); GitCredentialsProvider cp = GitUtils.createGitCredentialsProvider(toAdd); boolean force = toAdd.optBoolean(GitConstants.KEY_FORCE, false); return pull(request, response, cp, pathString, force); } Clone clone = new Clone(); String url = toAdd.optString(GitConstants.KEY_URL, null); // method handles repository clone or just repository init // decision is based on existence of GitUrl argument boolean initOnly; if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) initOnly = true; else { initOnly = false; if (!validateCloneUrl(url, request, response)) return true; clone.setUrl(new URIish(url)); } String cloneName = toAdd.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME, null); if (cloneName == null) cloneName = request.getHeader(ProtocolConstants.HEADER_SLUG); // expected path /workspace/{workspaceId} String workspacePath = toAdd.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION, null); // expected path /file/{workspaceId}/{projectName}[/{path}] String filePathString = toAdd.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_PATH, null); IPath filePath = filePathString == null ? null : new Path(filePathString); if (filePath != null && filePath.segmentCount() < 3) filePath = null; if (filePath == null && workspacePath == null) { String msg = NLS.bind( "Either {0} or {1} should be provided: {2}", new Object[] {ProtocolConstants.KEY_PATH, ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION, toAdd}); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } // only during init operation filePath or cloneName must be provided // during clone operation, name can be obtained from URL if (initOnly && filePath == null && cloneName == null) { String msg = NLS.bind( "Either {0} or {1} should be provided: {2}", new Object[] {ProtocolConstants.KEY_PATH, GitConstants.KEY_NAME, toAdd}); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } if (!validateCloneName(cloneName, request, response)) return true; // prepare the WebClone object, create a new project if necessary WebProject webProject = null; boolean webProjectExists = false; if (filePath != null) { // path format is /file/{workspaceId}/{projectName}/[filePath] clone.setId(filePath.toString()); webProject = GitUtils.projectFromPath(filePath); // workspace path format needs to be used if project does not exist if (webProject == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Specified project does not exist: {0}", filePath.segment(2)); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } webProjectExists = true; clone.setContentLocation( webProject.getProjectStore().getFileStore(filePath.removeFirstSegments(3)).toURI()); if (cloneName == null) cloneName = filePath.segmentCount() > 2 ? filePath.lastSegment() : webProject.getName(); } else if (workspacePath != null) { IPath path = new Path(workspacePath); // TODO: move this to CloneJob // if so, modify init part to create a new project if necessary WebWorkspace workspace = WebWorkspace.fromId(path.segment(1)); String id = WebProject.nextProjectId(); if (cloneName == null) cloneName = new URIish(url).getHumanishName(); cloneName = getUniqueProjectName(workspace, cloneName); webProjectExists = false; webProject = WebProject.fromId(id); webProject.setName(cloneName); try { WorkspaceResourceHandler.computeProjectLocation(request, webProject, null, false); } catch (CoreException e) { // we are unable to write in the platform location! String msg = NLS.bind( "Server content location could not be written: {0}", Activator.getDefault().getRootLocationURI()); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e)); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // should not happen, we do not allow linking at this point } try { // If all went well, add project to workspace WorkspaceResourceHandler.addProject(request.getRemoteUser(), workspace, webProject); } catch (CoreException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error persisting project state", e)); } URI baseLocation = getURI(request); baseLocation = new URI( baseLocation.getScheme(), baseLocation.getUserInfo(), baseLocation.getHost(), baseLocation.getPort(), workspacePath, baseLocation.getQuery(), baseLocation.getFragment()); clone.setId(GitUtils.pathFromProject(workspace, webProject).toString()); clone.setContentLocation(webProject.getProjectStore().toURI()); } clone.setName(cloneName); clone.setBaseLocation(getURI(request)); JSONObject cloneObject = clone.toJSON(); String cloneLocation = cloneObject.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION); if (initOnly) { // git init InitJob job = new InitJob( clone, TaskJobHandler.getUserId(request), request.getRemoteUser(), cloneLocation); return TaskJobHandler.handleTaskJob(request, response, job, statusHandler); } // git clone // prepare creds GitCredentialsProvider cp = GitUtils.createGitCredentialsProvider(toAdd); cp.setUri(new URIish(clone.getUrl())); // if all went well, clone CloneJob job = new CloneJob( clone, TaskJobHandler.getUserId(request), cp, request.getRemoteUser(), cloneLocation, webProjectExists ? null : webProject /* used for cleaning up, so null when not needed */); return TaskJobHandler.handleTaskJob(request, response, job, statusHandler); }