private static void tryResUrls(Picture picture) { String hi_res = ""; String url = picture.media_url.toString(); for (String ending : Main.endings) { try { hi_res = url.replace(url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("_"), url.lastIndexOf(".")), ending); URL hi_url = new URL(hi_res); File hi_name = Helper.extractMediaFileNameFromURL(hi_url); if (hi_name.equals(picture.media_name)) { picture.hi_url = hi_url; picture.hi_name = hi_name; picture.downloaded_hi = true; break; } else { boolean success = Helper.downloadFileFromURLToFileInTemp(hi_url, hi_name); if (success) { picture.hi_url = hi_url; picture.hi_name = hi_name; picture.downloaded_hi = true; Helper.moveTempImageToStore(hi_name, new File(Main.blogdir, picture.md5_id)); break; } } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Main.error(String.format("Attempted hi res url %s is a malformed URL.", hi_res)); } } }
/** * Reset the commit order from the session's descriptors. This uses the constraint dependencies in * the descriptor's mappings, to decide which descriptors are dependent on which other * descriptors. Multiple computations of the commit order should produce the same ordering. This * is done to improve performance on unit of work writes through decreasing the stack size, and * acts as a deadlock avoidance mechanism. */ public void initializeCommitOrder() { Vector descriptors = Helper.buildVectorFromMapElements(getSession().getDescriptors()); // Must ensure uniqueness, some descriptor my be register twice for interfaces. descriptors = Helper.addAllUniqueToVector(new Vector(descriptors.size()), descriptors); Object[] descriptorsArray = new Object[descriptors.size()]; for (int index = 0; index < descriptors.size(); index++) { descriptorsArray[index] = descriptors.elementAt(index); } Arrays.sort(descriptorsArray, new DescriptorCompare()); descriptors = new Vector(descriptors.size()); for (int index = 0; index < descriptorsArray.length; index++) { descriptors.addElement(descriptorsArray[index]); } CommitOrderCalculator calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateMappingDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); descriptors = calculator.getOrderedDescriptors(); calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateSpecifiedDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); setCommitOrder(calculator.getOrderedClasses()); }
@Start public void start() { Log.debug("Start WSChan"); clients = new HashMap<>(); if (path == null) { path = ""; } ContainerRoot model = modelService.getPendingModel(); if (model == null) { model = modelService.getCurrentModel().getModel(); } Channel thisChan = (Channel) model.findByPath(context.getPath()); Set<String> inputPaths = Helper.getProvidedPortsPath(thisChan, context.getNodeName()); Set<String> outputPaths = Helper.getRequiredPortsPath(thisChan, context.getNodeName()); for (String path : inputPaths) { // create input WSMsgBroker clients createInputClient(path + "_" + context.getInstanceName()); } for (String path : outputPaths) { // create output WSMsgBroker clients createOutputClient(path + "_" + context.getInstanceName()); } }
private void updateCacheFromLdap() throws ChaiUnavailableException, ChaiOperationException, PwmOperationalException, PwmUnrecoverableException { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "beginning process to updating user cache records from ldap"); if (status != STATUS.OPEN) { return; } cancelFlag = false; reportStatus = new ReportStatusInfo(settings.getSettingsHash()); reportStatus.setInProgress(true); reportStatus.setStartDate(new Date()); try { final Queue<UserIdentity> allUsers = new LinkedList<>(getListOfUsers()); reportStatus.setTotal(allUsers.size()); while (status == STATUS.OPEN && !allUsers.isEmpty() && !cancelFlag) { final Date startUpdateTime = new Date(); final UserIdentity userIdentity = allUsers.poll(); try { if (updateCachedRecordFromLdap(userIdentity)) { reportStatus.setUpdated(reportStatus.getUpdated() + 1); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "error while updating report cache for " + userIdentity.toString() + ", cause: "; errorMsg += e instanceof PwmException ? ((PwmException) e).getErrorInformation().toDebugStr() : e.getMessage(); final ErrorInformation errorInformation; errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_REPORTING_ERROR, errorMsg); LOGGER.error(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, errorInformation.toDebugStr()); reportStatus.setLastError(errorInformation); reportStatus.setErrors(reportStatus.getErrors() + 1); } reportStatus.setCount(reportStatus.getCount() + 1); reportStatus.getEventRateMeter().markEvents(1); final TimeDuration totalUpdateTime = TimeDuration.fromCurrent(startUpdateTime); if (settings.isAutoCalcRest()) { avgTracker.addSample(totalUpdateTime.getTotalMilliseconds()); Helper.pause(avgTracker.avgAsLong()); } else { Helper.pause(settings.getRestTime().getTotalMilliseconds()); } } if (cancelFlag) { reportStatus.setLastError( new ErrorInformation( PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "report cancelled by operator")); } } finally { reportStatus.setFinishDate(new Date()); reportStatus.setInProgress(false); } LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "update user cache process completed: " + JsonUtil.serialize(reportStatus)); }
protected static void reset() { Helper.removeDirectoryIfItExists(Helper.temp); Helper.removeDirectoryIfItExists(blogdir); Main.post_post_hash.clear(); Main.pic_pic_hash.clear(); Main.pic_post_hash.clear(); Main.dup_post_list.clear(); }
/** * Print out some details about a segment. This is far from all the available information. * * @param segment the segment to be displayed * @param fmt the formatter to use to display the data */ public void printLeg(AirSegment segment, Formatter fmt) { Date dep = Helper.dateFromISO8601(segment.getDepartureTime()); fmt.format( "AIR Departing from %3s to %3s on %Tc\n", segment.getOrigin(), segment.getDestination(), dep); fmt.format( " Flight [%2s]#%4s Flight time: %s minutes\n", segment.getCarrier(), segment.getFlightNumber(), segment.getFlightTime()); fmt.format( " Arrive %Tc\n", Helper.dateFromISO8601(segment.getArrivalTime())); }
@Override public void init(PwmApplication pwmApplication) throws PwmException { status = STATUS.OPENING; this.pwmApplication = pwmApplication; if (pwmApplication.getApplicationMode() == PwmApplication.MODE.READ_ONLY) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "application mode is read-only, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } if (pwmApplication.getLocalDB() == null || LocalDB.Status.OPEN != pwmApplication.getLocalDB().status()) { LOGGER.debug(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "LocalDB is not open, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } if (!pwmApplication.getConfig().readSettingAsBoolean(PwmSetting.REPORTING_ENABLE)) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "reporting module is not enabled, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; clear(); return; } try { userCacheService = new UserCacheService(); userCacheService.init(pwmApplication); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "unable to init cache service"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } settings = ReportSettings.readSettingsFromConfig(pwmApplication.getConfig()); summaryData = ReportSummaryData.newSummaryData(settings.getTrackDays()); executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( Helper.makePwmThreadFactory( Helper.makeThreadName(pwmApplication, this.getClass()) + "-", true)); String startupMsg = "report service started"; LOGGER.debug(startupMsg); executorService.submit(new InitializationTask()); status = STATUS.OPEN; }
@Override public void dispatch(String o, final Callback callback) { ContainerRoot model = modelService.getCurrentModel().getModel(); Channel thisChan = (Channel) model.findByPath(context.getPath()); Set<String> outputPaths = Helper.getRequiredPortsPath(thisChan, context.getNodeName()); // create a list of destination paths Set<String> destPaths = new HashSet<>(); // process remote paths in order to add _<chanName> to the paths // (WsMsgBroker protocol) // add processed remote path to dest destPaths.addAll( channelContext .getRemotePortPaths() .stream() .map(remotePath -> remotePath + "_" + context.getInstanceName()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // add local connected inputs to dest Set<String> providedPaths = Helper.getProvidedPortsPath(thisChan, context.getNodeName()) .stream() .map(s -> s + "_" + context.getInstanceName()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); destPaths.addAll(providedPaths); // create the array that will store the dest String[] dest = new String[destPaths.size()]; // convert list to array destPaths.toArray(dest); for (final String outputPath : outputPaths) { WSMsgBrokerClient client = this.clients.get(outputPath + "_" + context.getInstanceName()); if (client != null) { if (callback != null) { client.send( o, dest, (from, o1) -> { CallbackResult result = new CallbackResult(); result.setPayload(o1.toString()); result.setOriginChannelPath(context.getPath()); result.setOriginPortPath(outputPath); callback.onSuccess(result); }); } else { client.send(o, dest); } } else { createInputClient(outputPath + "_" + context.getInstanceName()); } } }
/** * The transaction performs a transfer of the amount from a submitter to a recipient. This is the * same as performing a contribution of the submitter and then a payout to the recipient. * * @param sender the name of the participant who lost the amount * @param amount the amount of the transfer * @param comment a <code>String</code> to make the transaction recognizable * @param recipient the name of the participant who got the amount * @return the entry id of the transaction or -1 in case the transaction failed or -2 if the * transaction violates the 'no negative total' rule */ public int performTransfer(String sender, double amount, String comment, String recipient) { boolean internal = isInternal(sender); if (internal) { if (breaksDebtLimit(amount)) return -2; } int transactionCode = 2; int flags = composeFlags(transactionCode, false); int entryId = addEntry(sender, amount, currency, comment, flags); if (entryId < 0) return -1; flags = composeFlags(transactionCode, sender.equals(recipient)); long rowId = addRecord(entryId, recipient, -amount, currency, Helper.timestampNow(), comment, flags); if (rowId < 0) { removeEntry(entryId); return -1; } Log.i( TAG, String.format( "entry %d: %s transfer %f %s for '%s' to %s", entryId, sender, amount, currency, comment, recipient)); return entryId; }
/** Return any tables that are defined by this expression (and not its base). */ @Override public List<DatabaseTable> getOwnedTables() { ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(); List<DatabaseTable> tables = null; if (descriptor == null) { List additionalTables = getAdditionalTables(); if (additionalTables == null) { return null; } else { return new ArrayList(additionalTables); } } else if (descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) { return null; } else if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && (getAsOfClause() != null && getAsOfClause().getValue() != null)) { tables = descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().getHistoricalTables(); } else if (isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) { tables = descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getAllTables(); } else { tables = descriptor.getTables(); } List additionalTables = getAdditionalTables(); if (additionalTables != null) { tables = new Vector(tables); Helper.addAllUniqueToList(tables, additionalTables); return tables; } return tables; }
@Override public void run() { try { initTempData(); } catch (LocalDBException | PwmUnrecoverableException e) { LOGGER.error( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "error during initialization: " + e.getMessage()); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } final long secondsUntilNextDredge = settings.getJobOffsetSeconds() + TimeDuration.fromCurrent(Helper.nextZuluZeroTime()).getTotalSeconds(); executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate( new DredgeTask(), secondsUntilNextDredge, TimeDuration.DAY.getTotalSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate( new RolloverTask(), secondsUntilNextDredge + 1, TimeDuration.DAY.getTotalSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); executorService.submit(new RolloverTask()); }
public String getFieldNameByTitleControl(Object _fieldtitlemodel) { String sTitleModelName = (String) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(_fieldtitlemodel, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME); String sindex = JavaTools.getSuffixNumber(sTitleModelName); return (String) CurUnoDialog.getControlProperty(this.SOLABELPREFIX + sindex, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL); }
/** INTERNAL: */ public String toString() { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(getClass())); writer.write("("); for (int index = 0; index < getFields().size(); index++) { writer.write(; writer.write("\t"); writer.write(String.valueOf((getFields().elementAt(index)))); writer.write(" => "); writer.write(String.valueOf((getValues().elementAt(index)))); } writer.write(")"); return writer.toString(); }
/** * The transaction registers multiple submissions. This transaction as a whole is not allowed if * it causes a negative total. * * @param deals a <code>ShareMap</code> containing the deals of participants involved * @param comment a <code>String</code> to make the transactions recognizable * @return the entry id of the transaction or -1 in case the transaction failed or -2 if the * transactions in the sum violate the 'no negative total' rule */ public int performMultiple(ShareMap deals, String comment) { if (breaksDebtLimit(-deals.sum())) return -2; int transactionCode = 4; int flags = composeFlags(transactionCode, false); int entryId = getNewEntryId(); if (entryId > -1) { for (Map.Entry<String, Double> share : deals.rawMap.entrySet()) if (addRecord( entryId, share.getKey(), share.getValue(), currency, Helper.timestampNow(), comment, flags) < 0) { removeEntry(entryId); return -1; } Log.i( TAG, String.format("entry %d: '%s' submissions : %s", entryId, comment, deals.toString())); } return entryId; }
// Add each possible state in the currentNode.sons list. public void createSons() { // Tested SimulatedPlanetWars simpw = this.getSim(); for (Planet myPlanet : simpw.MyPlanets()) { // avoid planets with only one ship if (myPlanet.NumShips() <= 1) continue; // We create a son for each of the possible situations for (Planet notMyPlanet : simpw.NotMyPlanets()) { // Create simulation environment for this son SimulatedPlanetWars simpw2 = new SimulatedPlanetWars(simpw); int value = Helper.Dcalculation(myPlanet, notMyPlanet); simpw2.IssueOrder(myPlanet, notMyPlanet); simpw2.simulateGrowth(); simpw2.simulateFirstBotAttack(); simpw2.simulateGrowth(); MyNode son; if (this.isRoot()) { son = new MyNode(this, simpw2, value, myPlanet, notMyPlanet); } else { son = new MyNode( this, simpw2, value, this.getSource(), this.getDest()); // We only need to know from where to where we want to send our // ships to get the best turn } this.addSon(son); } } }
/** * The transaction registers the negated sum of the shares as an expense by a group of * contributors. Additionally all the shares in the map are registered with the same entry id. * Those names in the deals map that are empty <code>String</code> trigger transfers of internal * amounts. Such an internal transfer is not allowed if the transaction causes a negative total. * * @param deals the names of the contributors and their contributions who expended an amount * matching the negated sum of the deals * @param comment a <code>String</code> to make the transaction recognizable * @param shares a <code>ShareMap</code> containing the shares of participants involved * @return the entry id of the transaction or a negative value in case the transaction failed */ public int performComplexExpense(ShareMap deals, String comment, ShareMap shares) { int entryId = -1; int transactionCode = 3; int flags = composeFlags(transactionCode, true); double amount = deals.sum(); if (Math.abs(amount + shares.sum()) < { if (deals.option != null) switch (deals.option) { default: setDebtLimit(1000. * deals.option); break; } if (deals.rawMap.containsKey(kitty)) entryId = performTransfer(kitty, -deals.rawMap.get(kitty), comment, kitty); else entryId = getNewEntryId(); Collection<String> dealers = ShareUtil.filter(deals.rawMap.keySet(), true, ShareUtil.isKitty); for (String name : dealers) { long rowId = addRecord( entryId, name, deals.rawMap.get(name), currency, Helper.timestampNow(), comment, flags); if (rowId < 0) { entryId = -1; break; } } } else Log.w( TAG, String.format( "the sum of the deals (%f) for '%s' doesn't match the sum of the shares (%f)", amount, comment, shares.sum())); if (entryId > -1) { if (allocate(flags, entryId, shares.rawMap)) { Log.i( TAG, String.format( "entry %d: %s expended %f %s for '%s' shared by %s", entryId, deals.toString(), Math.abs(amount), currency, comment, shares.toString())); } else { removeEntry(entryId); entryId = -1; } } if (entryId < 0) removeEntry(entryId); return entryId; }
private static void initSqrLookup() { if (sqrLookup == null) { sqrLookup = new int[sizeSqrLookup]; for (int i = 0; i < sizeSqrLookup; i++) { sqrLookup[i] = Helper.sqr(i); } } }
/** INTERNAL: Return the type for a specified implementor */ protected Object getTypeForImplementor(Class implementor) { Object type = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(implementor); if (type == Helper.getNullWrapper()) { type = null; } return type; }
/** Return the string for logging purposes. */ public String getLogString(Accessor accessor) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("Executing "); writer.write(toString()); writer.write(; writer.write("\tspec => "); writer.write(String.valueOf(getInteractionSpec())); writer.write(; writer.write("\tproperties => "); writer.write(String.valueOf(getProperties())); writer.write(; writer.write("\txml => "); Element dom = createInputDOM((EISAccessor) accessor); EISDOMRecord record = new EISDOMRecord(dom); record.transformToWriter(writer); return writer.toString(); }
/** PUBLIC: Add a type indicator conversion to this mapping. */ public void addClassIndicator(Class implementer, Object typeIndicator) { if (typeIndicator == null) { typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper(); } getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(implementer, typeIndicator); getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(typeIndicator, implementer); }
public static void save() { Main.status("Saving databases."); File file = new File(blogdir, "picpic.db"); List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); objects.add(Main.post_post_hash); Helper.saveObjectToFile(file, objects); Main.status("Done saving databases."); }
/** * INTERNAL: Extract the direct values from the specified field value. Return them in a vector. * The field value better be an Array. */ public Vector buildDirectValuesFromFieldValue(Object fieldValue) throws DatabaseException { if (fieldValue == null) { return null; } return Helper.vectorFromArray((Object[]) fieldValue); }
/** * INTERNAL: Appends an Oracle specific Timestamp, if usesNativeSQL is true otherwise use the ODBC * format. Native Format: to_timestamp ('1997-11-06 10:35:45.656' , 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ff') */ protected void appendTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp, Writer writer) throws IOException { if (usesNativeSQL()) { writer.write("to_timestamp('"); writer.write(Helper.printTimestamp(timestamp)); writer.write("','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS.FF')"); } else { super.appendTimestamp(timestamp, writer); } }
private static void handlePost(Post post) { Main.post_post_hash.put(post, post); for (Picture picture : { Helper.downloadFileFromURLToFileInTemp(picture.thumb_url, picture.thumb_name); picture.md5_id = Helper.createMD5FromFileInTemp(picture.thumb_name); Helper.moveTempImageToStore(picture.thumb_name, new File(Main.blogdir, picture.md5_id)); if (!Main.pic_pic_hash.containsKey(picture)) { Main.pic_pic_hash.put(picture, picture); Main.pic_post_hash.put(picture, post); Helper.downloadFileFromURLToFileInTemp(picture.media_url, picture.media_name); Helper.moveTempImageToStore(picture.media_name, new File(Main.blogdir, picture.md5_id)); } else { if (!post.equals(Main.pic_post_hash.get(picture))) { dup_post_list.put(post, Main.pic_post_hash.get(picture)); } } } }
/** @hide */ public int addEntry(String name, double amount, String currency, String comment, int flags) { int entryId = getNewEntryId(); long rowId = addRecord(entryId, name, amount, currency, Helper.timestampNow(), comment, flags); if (rowId < 0) { removeEntry(entryId); entryId = -1; } return entryId; }
private Color interpolateColor( final Stop LOWER_BOUND, final Stop UPPER_BOUND, final double POSITION) { final double POS = (POSITION - LOWER_BOUND.getOffset()) / (UPPER_BOUND.getOffset() - LOWER_BOUND.getOffset()); final double DELTA_RED = (UPPER_BOUND.getColor().getRed() - LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getRed()) * POS; final double DELTA_GREEN = (UPPER_BOUND.getColor().getGreen() - LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getGreen()) * POS; final double DELTA_BLUE = (UPPER_BOUND.getColor().getBlue() - LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getBlue()) * POS; final double DELTA_OPACITY = (UPPER_BOUND.getColor().getOpacity() - LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getOpacity()) * POS; double red = Helper.clamp(0d, 1d, (LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getRed() + DELTA_RED)); double green = Helper.clamp(0d, 1d, (LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getGreen() + DELTA_GREEN)); double blue = Helper.clamp(0d, 1d, (LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getBlue() + DELTA_BLUE)); double opacity = Helper.clamp(0d, 1d, (LOWER_BOUND.getColor().getOpacity() + DELTA_OPACITY)); return Color.color(red, green, blue, opacity); }
public void forgotPassword(final String email) throws UserNotFoundException, MailException { final Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select u from UserImpl u where"); query.setParameter("cryptedMail", CipherHelper.cipher(email)); final List<UserImpl> list = query.getResultList(); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new UserNotFoundException(); for (final UserImpl user : list) { final String password = Helper.randomstring(); user.setPassword(password); MailSender.forgotPasswordMail(user.getName(), password, email); entityManager.merge(user); } }
/** INTERNAL: Return the implementor for a specified type */ protected Object getImplementorForType(Object type, AbstractSession session) { if (type == null) { return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(Helper.getNullWrapper()); } // Must ensure the type is the same, i.e. Integer != BigDecimal. try { type = session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(type, getTypeField().getType()); } catch (ConversionException e) { throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e); } return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(type); }
/** * INTERNAL: Build the appropriate field value for the specified set of direct values. The * database better be expecting an ARRAY. */ public Object buildFieldValueFromDirectValues( Vector directValues, String elementDataTypeName, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException { Object[] fields = Helper.arrayFromVector(directValues); try { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).incrementCallCount(session); java.sql.Connection connection = ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).getConnection(); return session.getPlatform().createArray(elementDataTypeName, fields, session, connection); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { throw DatabaseException.sqlException(ex, session, false); } finally { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).decrementCallCount(); } }
public void printJourney(RailJourney journey, Formatter fmt) { Date dep = Helper.dateFromISO8601(journey.getDepartureTime()); fmt.format( "RAIL (%s) From %s to %s on %Tc\n", journey.getJourneyDirection(), journey.getOriginStationName(), journey.getDestinationStationName(), dep); List<RailSegmentRef> onThisJourney = journey.getRailSegmentRef(); for (Iterator<RailSegmentRef> rsIter = onThisJourney.iterator(); rsIter.hasNext(); ) { RailSegment railSegment = railSegments.get(; if (railSegment.getOperatingCompany() == null) { fmt.format(" METRO"); } else { fmt.format( " %s[%2s] Train #%4s ", railSegment.getOperatingCompany().getName(), railSegment.getOperatingCompany().getCode(), railSegment.getTrainNumber()); } fmt.format( " --- From " + railSegment.getOriginStationName() + " to " + railSegment.getDestinationStationName()); if (railSegment.getTravelTime() != null) { fmt.format("Travel time: %s minutes\n", railSegment.getTravelTime()); } else { fmt.format("\n"); } } fmt.format( " Arrive %Tc\n", Helper.dateFromISO8601(journey.getArrivalTime())); }