Пример #1
   * @param child
   * @param govVector
   * @param objLevel
   * @param govLevel
   * @param classindices
   * @param typeindices
   * @param classname
   * @return NULL if error occurs relating to gorInfo creation, or NULL if object is NOT to be
   *     processed. Otherwise, return a valid ClassTypeInfo object with all appropriate settings.
  protected ClassTypeInfo incrementClassTypeIndices(
      Object child,
      GuiObjectVector govVector,
      int govLevel,
      int objLevel,
      Hashtable classindices,
      Hashtable typeindices,
      String classname) {
    Log.info("GCI: getting child GOR info. GOV level:" + govLevel);
    ClassTypeInfo cti = new ClassTypeInfo();
    final String TOOLTIP_SUFFIX = "TOOLTIP";
    cti.classname = classname;
    try {
      cti.gorInfo = govVector.getChildGuiObjectRecognition(govLevel);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
          "GCI: sought govLevel:"
              + govLevel
              + ", exceeds 0-based recognition path information:"
              + govVector.getPathVector());
      return null;
    GuiClassData classdata = govVector.getGuiClassData();
    cti.typeclass = classdata.getMappedClassType(classname, child);

    // bypass panels that harbor tooltip(s)
    Object tooltip = null;
    String tooltipclass = null;
    String tooltipmapped = null;
    String gortypeclass = cti.gorInfo.getClassValue();
    // only perform check if we are NOT looking for a tooltip
    if ((gortypeclass == null)
        || (gortypeclass != null && !gortypeclass.toUpperCase().endsWith(TOOLTIP_SUFFIX))) {
      try {
        Log.info("GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices evaluating possible TOOLTIP container...");
        if (classdata.isToolTipContainerType(cti.typeclass)) {
          Object[] childsChildren = govVector.getChildObjects(child);
          if (childsChildren != null && childsChildren.length > 0) {
            tooltip = childsChildren[0];
            tooltipclass = cti.gorInfo.getObjectClassName(tooltip);
            try {
              if (tooltipclass.toUpperCase().endsWith(TOOLTIP_SUFFIX)) {
                Log.info("GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices bypassing active TOOLTIP class!");
                return null; // skip panel with tooltip
              tooltipmapped = classdata.getMappedClassType(tooltipclass, tooltip);
              if (tooltipmapped.toUpperCase().endsWith(TOOLTIP_SUFFIX)) {
                Log.info("GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices bypassing active TOOLTIP type!");
                return null; // skip panel with tooltip
            } catch (Exception x) {
                  "GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices ToolTip test IGNORING "
                      + x.getClass().getSimpleName());
        Log.info("GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices container NOT a TOOLTIP container.");
      } catch (Exception x) {
            "GCI.incrementClassTypeIndices ToolTip Container test IGNORING "
                + x.getClass().getSimpleName());
    // increment class index counters for the retrieved class?
    Log.info("GCI: incrementing class indices for:" + classname);
    Integer classindex = (Integer) classindices.get(classname);
    classindex = (classindex == null) ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(classindex.intValue() + 1);
    classindices.put(classname, classindex);
    cti.classindex = classindex.intValue();
    Log.info("GCI: classindices.put(" + classname + ", " + classindex + ")");

    Integer absclassindex = (Integer) absindices.get(classname);
    absclassindex =
        (absclassindex == null) ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(absclassindex.intValue() + 1);
    absindices.put(classname, absclassindex);
    cti.absoluteclassindex = absclassindex.intValue();
    Log.info("GCI: absindices.put(" + classname + ", " + absclassindex + ")");

    // also increment the Type index counter if it is equivalent to a known type
    String gorClassType = cti.gorInfo.getClassValue();
    Log.info("GCI: " + classname + " mappedClassType: " + cti.typeclass);
    Integer typeindex = new Integer(0);
    Integer abstypeindex = new Integer(0);

    if (cti.typeclass instanceof String) {
      StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(cti.typeclass, classdata.DEFAULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR);
      String atoken = null;
      Integer tmptypeindex = null;
      Integer tmpabstypeindex = null;

      while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
        atoken = toker.nextToken().toUpperCase().trim();
        tmptypeindex = (Integer) typeindices.get(atoken);
        Log.info("GCI: getting: " + atoken + ", " + tmptypeindex);
        tmptypeindex =
            (tmptypeindex == null) ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(tmptypeindex.intValue() + 1);
            "GCI: ... "
                + StringUtils.getSpaces(new Integer(objLevel))
                + atoken
                + ":"
                + tmptypeindex);
        typeindices.put(atoken, tmptypeindex);
        tmpabstypeindex = (Integer) absindices.get(atoken);
        tmpabstypeindex =
            (tmpabstypeindex == null)
                ? new Integer(1)
                : new Integer(tmpabstypeindex.intValue() + 1);
        absindices.put(atoken, tmpabstypeindex);
        Log.info("TYPE:absindices.put(" + atoken + ", " + tmpabstypeindex + ")");

        // use the correct typeindex for the classtype that matches recognition string
        if (atoken.equalsIgnoreCase(gorClassType)) {
          typeindex = tmptypeindex;
          cti.typeindex = typeindex.intValue();
          abstypeindex = tmpabstypeindex;
          cti.absolutetypeindex = abstypeindex.intValue();
    return cti;
Пример #2
   * Called only once by some external routine kicking off a TestObject search. The govLevel and
   * objLevel in the ObjectVector will be assumed to be 0. The routine will install an initial class
   * and type indices for the provided parent.
   * <p>If we can deduce that the parent actually exists in the path vector then that govLevel of
   * the vector will be matched and skipped. If we find that the parent info is NOT in the provided
   * vector then we will not skip the govLevel.
   * <p>We can assume the parent info is in the path if the path begins with "\;". The next item in
   * the path is assumed to be the topmost parent.
   * <p>We can ignore the first path info if it instead begins with ".\;". The next item would be
   * considered to be the first child of the parent.
   * <p>
   * @param aparent the topmost parent to search.
   *     <p>
   * @param agovVector the govVector (recognition string) to satisfy with the search.
   *     <p>
   * @param gather, List containing names matched, if null, then match first name
  public GuiChildIterator(Object aparent, GuiObjectVector agovVector, java.util.List gather) {
    if (agovVector.isFullPathSearchMode()) {
    } else {
    Hashtable classindices = new Hashtable(8);
    Hashtable typeindices = new Hashtable(8);
    matches = new Vector(10, 3);
    notFound = true;
    hasFinalMatch = false;

    // class (ex: JFrame) and Type (ex: Window) counters are complimentary
    // for each class that is a known type BOTH counters get incremented.

    // always initialize class index counters for the retrieved class

    // it is possible this "parent" info is actually info for the first child govLevel 0
    GuiObjectRecognition gorParent = agovVector.getParentGuiObjectRecognition();
    GuiClassData classdata = agovVector.getGuiClassData();

    String classname = gorParent.getObjectClassName(aparent);
    Log.info("GCI: processing children of parent:" + classname);
    classindices.put(classname, new Integer(1));

    // always initialize the Type index counter if it is equivalent to a known type
    String typeclass = classdata.getMappedClassType(classname, aparent);
    Log.info("GCI: processing parent of type:" + typeclass);
    if (typeclass instanceof String) {
      StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(typeclass, classdata.DEFAULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR);
      String atoken = null;
      while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
        atoken = toker.nextToken().trim();
        typeindices.put(atoken, new Integer(1));

    // add our entry govVector and parent object as the first match
    // CANAGL - modifying to only store finalMatches
    // MatchData adata = new MatchData(agovVector, 0, 0, aparent);
    // matches.addElement(adata);

    int agovDepth = agovVector.getRecognitionDepth();
        "GCI: processing GOV with depth of:" + agovDepth + ", path=" + agovVector.getPathVector());

    // begin the reentrant search for the matching child
    int startlevel = (agovDepth > 1) ? 1 : 0;
    if ((gorParent.getGovLevel() == 0)
        && (!(gorParent.pathInfo.equals(GuiObjectVector.ACTIVE_WINDOW_REFERENCE)))) {

      // Robot Java recognition strings often contain a JavaWindow reference
      // to the parent window that needs to be skipped.	Same with Flex recognition strings(JunwuMa).
      if (!gorParent.getClassRecognition().equalsIgnoreCase("Type=JavaWindow")
          && !gorParent.getClassRecognition().equalsIgnoreCase("Type=FlexWindow")) {
        startlevel = 0;
      } else {
            "GCI: bypassing govLevel=0 for child 'Type=JavaWindow'. Assuming duplicate parent info.");
    // Try to match the parent for some popupmenu
    Hashtable save_classindices = (Hashtable) classindices.clone();
    Hashtable save_typeindices = (Hashtable) typeindices.clone();

    processParent(aparent, agovVector, startlevel, 1, classindices, typeindices, typeclass);
    Object matchedObject = this.getMatchedGuiObject();

    if (matchedObject == null) {
        Log.info("GCI: CLASSIC_SEARCH_MODE calling processChildren...");
        processChildren(aparent, agovVector, startlevel, 1, classindices, typeindices, typeclass);
      } else {
        Log.info("GCI: FULLPATH_SEARCH_MODE calling processChildren...");
            aparent, agovVector, startlevel, 1, save_classindices, save_typeindices, typeclass);