Пример #1
   * Returns the coverage distribution of a single read within the desired region.
   * <p>Note: This function counts DELETIONS as coverage (since the main purpose is to downsample
   * reads for variant regions, and deletions count as variants)
   * @param read the read to get the coverage distribution of
   * @param startLocation the first reference coordinate of the region (inclusive)
   * @param stopLocation the last reference coordinate of the region (inclusive)
   * @return an array with the coverage of each position from startLocation to stopLocation
  public static int[] getCoverageDistributionOfRead(
      GATKSAMRecord read, int startLocation, int stopLocation) {
    int[] coverage = new int[stopLocation - startLocation + 1];
    int refLocation = read.getSoftStart();
    for (CigarElement cigarElement : read.getCigar().getCigarElements()) {
      switch (cigarElement.getOperator()) {
        case S:
        case M:
        case EQ:
        case N:
        case X:
        case D:
          for (int i = 0; i < cigarElement.getLength(); i++) {
            if (refLocation >= startLocation && refLocation <= stopLocation) {
              int baseCount =
                      ? read.getReducedCount(refLocation - read.getSoftStart())
                      : 1;
              coverage[refLocation - startLocation] +=
                  baseCount; // this may be a reduced read, so add the proper number of bases

        case P:
        case I:
        case H:

      if (refLocation > stopLocation) break;
    return coverage;
Пример #2
  * Returns the read coordinate corresponding to the requested reference coordinate.
  * <p>WARNING: if the requested reference coordinate happens to fall inside a deletion in the
  * read, this function will return the last read base before the deletion. This function returns a
  * Pair(int readCoord, boolean fallsInsideDeletion) so you can choose which readCoordinate to use
  * when faced with a deletion.
  * <p>SUGGESTION: Use getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(GATKSAMRecord, int, ClippingTail)
  * instead to get a pre-processed result according to normal clipping needs. Or you can use this
  * function and tailor the behavior to your needs.
  * @param read
  * @param refCoord
  * @return the read coordinate corresponding to the requested reference coordinate. (see warning!)
 @Requires({"refCoord >= read.getSoftStart()", "refCoord <= read.getSoftEnd()"})
 @Ensures({"result.getFirst() >= 0", "result.getFirst() < read.getReadLength()"})
 public static Pair<Integer, Boolean> getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
     GATKSAMRecord read, int refCoord) {
   return getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
       read.getSoftStart(), read.getCigar(), refCoord, false);
Пример #3
  * Pre-processes the results of getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(GATKSAMRecord, int) to
  * take care of two corner cases:
  * <p>1. If clipping the right tail (end of the read) getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate and
  * fall inside a deletion return the base after the deletion. If clipping the left tail (beginning
  * of the read) it doesn't matter because it already returns the previous base by default.
  * <p>2. If clipping the left tail (beginning of the read) getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate
  * and the read starts with an insertion, and you're requesting the first read based coordinate,
  * it will skip the leading insertion (because it has the same reference coordinate as the
  * following base).
  * @param read
  * @param refCoord
  * @param tail
  * @return the read coordinate corresponding to the requested reference coordinate for clipping.
   "refCoord >= read.getUnclippedStart()",
   "refCoord <= read.getUnclippedEnd() || (read.getUnclippedEnd() < read.getUnclippedStart())"
 @Ensures({"result >= 0", "result < read.getReadLength()"})
 public static int getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
     GATKSAMRecord read, int refCoord, ClippingTail tail) {
   return getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
       read.getSoftStart(), read.getCigar(), refCoord, tail, false);
Пример #4
   * Determines what is the position of the read in relation to the interval. Note: This function
   * uses the UNCLIPPED ENDS of the reads for the comparison.
   * @param read the read
   * @param interval the interval
   * @return the overlap type as described by ReadAndIntervalOverlap enum (see above)
  public static ReadAndIntervalOverlap getReadAndIntervalOverlapType(
      GATKSAMRecord read, GenomeLoc interval) {

    int sStart = read.getSoftStart();
    int sStop = read.getSoftEnd();
    int uStart = read.getUnclippedStart();
    int uStop = read.getUnclippedEnd();

    if (!read.getReferenceName().equals(interval.getContig()))
      return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.NO_OVERLAP_CONTIG;
    else if (uStop < interval.getStart()) return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.NO_OVERLAP_LEFT;
    else if (uStart > interval.getStop()) return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.NO_OVERLAP_RIGHT;
    else if (sStop < interval.getStart()) return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.NO_OVERLAP_HARDCLIPPED_LEFT;
    else if (sStart > interval.getStop())
      return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.NO_OVERLAP_HARDCLIPPED_RIGHT;
    else if ((sStart >= interval.getStart()) && (sStop <= interval.getStop()))
      return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.OVERLAP_CONTAINED;
    else if ((sStart < interval.getStart()) && (sStop > interval.getStop()))
      return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.OVERLAP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT;
    else if ((sStart < interval.getStart())) return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.OVERLAP_LEFT;
    else return ReadAndIntervalOverlap.OVERLAP_RIGHT;