private void setupAttributes() { Color frameColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute("FrameColor"); Color fillColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute("FillColor"); Color textColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute("TextColor"); Integer arrowMode = (Integer) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute("ArrowMode"); String fontName = (String) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute("FontName"); FigureEnumeration k = view().selectionElements(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure f = k.nextFigure(); frameColor = (Color) f.getAttribute("FrameColor"); fillColor = (Color) f.getAttribute("FillColor"); textColor = (Color) f.getAttribute("TextColor"); arrowMode = (Integer) f.getAttribute("ArrowMode"); fontName = (String) f.getAttribute("FontName"); } fFrameColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(frameColor)); fFillColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(fillColor)); //; if (arrowMode != null) { fArrowChoice.setSelectedIndex(arrowMode.intValue()); } if (fontName != null) { fFontChoice.setSelectedItem(fontName); } }
protected void updateHoverHandles(@Nullable DrawingView view, @Nullable Figure f) { if (f != hoverFigure) { Rectangle r = null; if (hoverFigure != null && hoverFigure.isSelectable()) { for (Handle h : hoverHandles) { if (r == null) { r = h.getDrawingArea(); } else { r.add(h.getDrawingArea()); } h.setView(null); h.dispose(); } hoverHandles.clear(); } hoverFigure = f; if (hoverFigure != null) { hoverHandles.addAll(hoverFigure.createHandles(-1)); for (Handle h : hoverHandles) { h.setView(view); if (r == null) { r = h.getDrawingArea(); } else { r.add(h.getDrawingArea()); } } } if (r != null) { r.grow(1, 1); fireAreaInvalidated(r); } } }
@Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { Point point = evt.getPoint(); updateCursor(editor.findView((Container) evt.getSource()), point); DrawingView view = editor.findView((Container) evt.getSource()); updateCursor(view, point); if (view == null || editor.getActiveView() != view) { clearHoverHandles(); } else { // Search first, if one of the selected figures contains // the current mouse location. Only then search for other // figures. This search sequence is consistent with the // search sequence of the SelectionTool. Figure figure = null; Point2D.Double p = view.viewToDrawing(point); for (Figure f : view.getSelectedFigures()) { if (f.contains(p)) { figure = f; } } if (figure == null) { figure = view.findFigure(point); Drawing drawing = view.getDrawing(); while (figure != null && !figure.isSelectable()) { figure = drawing.findFigureBehind(p, figure); } } updateHoverHandles(view, figure); } }
private void setupAttributes() { Color frameColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); Color fillColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); Integer arrowMode = (Integer) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); String fontName = (String) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); FigureEnumeration fe = view().selection(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure f = fe.nextFigure(); frameColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); fillColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); arrowMode = (Integer) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); fontName = (String) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); } fFrameColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(frameColor)); fFillColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(fillColor)); if (arrowMode != null) { fArrowChoice.setSelectedIndex(arrowMode.intValue()); } if (fontName != null) { fFontChoice.setSelectedItem(fontName); } }
@Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt) { Figure f = getOwner(); if (f.isTransformable()) { AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(); switch (evt.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: tx.translate(0, -1); evt.consume(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: tx.translate(0, +1); evt.consume(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: tx.translate(-1, 0); evt.consume(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: tx.translate(+1, 0); evt.consume(); break; } f.willChange(); f.transform(tx); f.changed(); fireUndoableEditHappened(new TransformEdit(f, tx)); } }
public Rectangle2D.Double calculateLayout( CompositeFigure compositeFigure, Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { Rectangle2D.Double bounds = null; for (Figure child : compositeFigure.getChildren()) { Locator locator = getLocator(child); Rectangle2D.Double r; if (locator == null) { r = child.getBounds(); } else { Point2D.Double p = locator.locate(compositeFigure); Dimension2DDouble d = child.getPreferredSize(); r = new Rectangle2D.Double(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); } if (!r.isEmpty()) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = r; } else { bounds.add(r); } } } return (bounds == null) ? new Rectangle2D.Double() : bounds; }
/** * Finds a top level Figure. Use this call for hit detection that should not descend into the * figure's children. */ public Figure findFigure(int x, int y) { FigureEnumeration k = figuresReverse(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); if (figure.containsPoint(x, y)) return figure; } return null; }
/** Releases the figure and all its children. */ public void release() { super.release(); FigureEnumeration k = figures(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); figure.release(); } }
/** * Removes all children. * * @see #remove */ public void removeAll() { FigureEnumeration k = figures(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); figure.removeFromContainer(this); } fFigures.removeAllElements(); }
/** Replaces a figure in the drawing without removing it from the drawing. */ public synchronized void replace(Figure figure, Figure replacement) { int index = fFigures.indexOf(figure); if (index != -1) { replacement.addToContainer(this); // will invalidate figure figure.changed(); fFigures.setElementAt(replacement, index); } }
private Figure findConnectableFigure(Point2D.Double p, Drawing drawing) { for (Figure f : drawing.getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (!f.includes(getOwner()) && f.canConnect() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } return null; }
public Figure basicRemoveChild(int index) { Figure figure = children.get(index); children.remove(index); quadTree.remove(figure); figure.removeFigureListener(figureHandler); needsSorting = true; return figure; }
/** * Finds a top level Figure, but supresses the passed in figure. Use this method to ignore a * figure that is temporarily inserted into the drawing. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate * @param without the figure to be ignored during the find. */ public Figure findFigureWithout(int x, int y, Figure without) { if (without == null) return findFigure(x, y); FigureEnumeration k = figuresReverse(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); if (figure.containsPoint(x, y) && !figure.includes(without)) return figure; } return null; }
/** Finds a top level Figure that intersects the given rectangle. */ public Figure findFigure(Rectangle r) { FigureEnumeration k = figuresReverse(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); Rectangle fr = figure.displayBox(); if (r.intersects(fr)) return figure; } return null; }
/** Inserts a vector of figures and translates them by the given offset. */ protected void insertFigures(Vector figures, int dx, int dy) { FigureEnumeration e = new FigureEnumerator(figures); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = e.nextFigure(); figure.moveBy(dx, dy); figure = fView.add(figure); fView.addToSelection(figure); } }
/** * Moves all the given figures by x and y. Doesn't announce any changes. Subclassers override * basicMoveBy. Clients usually call moveBy. * * @see moveBy */ protected void basicMoveBy(int x, int y) { FigureEnumeration k = figures(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure fig = k.nextFigure(); Figure obsrvd = (Figure) fig.getAttribute("observed.figure"); if (obsrvd == null || !includes(obsrvd)) { fig.moveBy(x, y); } } }
/** Checks if the composite figure has the argument as one of its children. */ public boolean includes(Figure figure) { if (super.includes(figure)) return true; FigureEnumeration k = figures(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure f = k.nextFigure(); if (f.includes(figure)) return true; } return false; }
@Override public Figure findFigureInside(Point2D.Double p) { Collection<Figure> c = quadTree.findContains(p); for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (c.contains(f) && f.contains(p)) { return f.findFigureInside(p); } } return null; }
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); FigureEnumeration k = figures(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); figure.addToContainer(this); } }
/** * Finds a top level Figure that intersects the given rectangle. It supresses the passed in * figure. Use this method to ignore a figure that is temporarily inserted into the drawing. */ public Figure findFigure(Rectangle r, Figure without) { if (without == null) return findFigure(r); FigureEnumeration k = figuresReverse(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); Rectangle fr = figure.displayBox(); if (r.intersects(fr) && !figure.includes(without)) return figure; } return null; }
/** * Finds a figure but descends into a figure's children. It supresses the passed in figure. Use * this method to ignore a figure that is temporarily inserted into the drawing. */ public Figure findFigureInsideWithout(int x, int y, Figure without) { FigureEnumeration k = figuresReverse(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) { Figure figure = k.nextFigure(); if (figure != without) { Figure found = figure.findFigureInside(x, y); if (found != null) return found; } } return null; }
/** Check existance of figure in the drawing */ public boolean figureExists(Figure inf, FigureEnumeration fe) { while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure figure = fe.nextFigure(); if (figure.includes(inf)) { return true; } } return false; }
public java.util.List<Figure> findFiguresWithin(Rectangle2D.Double bounds) { LinkedList<Figure> contained = new LinkedList<Figure>(); for (Figure f : children) { Rectangle2D r = f.getBounds(); if (AttributeKeys.TRANSFORM.get(f) != null) { r = AttributeKeys.TRANSFORM.get(f).createTransformedShape(r).getBounds2D(); } if (f.isVisible() && bounds.contains(r)) { contained.add(f); } } return contained; }
public Figure findFigureBehind(Point2D.Double p, Figure figure) { boolean isBehind = false; for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (isBehind) { if (f.isVisible() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } else { isBehind = figure == f; } } return null; }
/** Gets an enumeration of the currently active handles. */ protected HandleEnumeration selectionHandles() { if (fSelectionHandles == null) { fSelectionHandles = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); FigureEnumeration fe = selection(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure figure = fe.nextFigure(); HandleEnumeration kk = figure.handles(); while (kk.hasNextHandle()) { fSelectionHandles.add(kk.nextHandle()); } } } return new HandleEnumerator(fSelectionHandles); }
@Override public void trackStep(Point anchor, Point lead, int modifiersEx) { Figure f = getOwner(); if (f.isTransformable()) { Point2D.Double newPoint = view.getConstrainer().constrainPoint(view.viewToDrawing(lead)); AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(); tx.translate(newPoint.x - oldPoint.x, newPoint.y - oldPoint.y); f.willChange(); f.transform(tx); f.changed(); oldPoint = newPoint; } }
public Figure findFigureBehind(Point2D.Double p, Collection<Figure> figures) { int inFrontOf = figures.size(); for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (inFrontOf == 0) { if (f.isVisible() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } else { if (figures.contains(f)) { inFrontOf--; } } } return null; }
/** Returns a FigureEnumeration of connectionfigures attached to this figure */ public FigureEnumeration getConnectionFigures(Figure inFigure) { // If no figure or figure is non connectable, just return null if (inFigure == null || !inFigure.canConnect()) { return null; } // if (inFigure instanceof ConnectionFigure) // return null; List result = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(5); FigureEnumeration figures = drawing().figures(); // Find all connection figures while (figures.hasNextFigure()) { Figure f = figures.nextFigure(); if ((f instanceof ConnectionFigure) && !(isFigureSelected(f))) { ConnectionFigure cf = (ConnectionFigure) f; if (cf.startFigure().includes(inFigure) || cf.endFigure().includes(inFigure)) { result.add(f); } } } return new FigureEnumerator(result); }
/** * Removes a figure from the composite. * * @see #removeAll */ public Figure remove(Figure figure) { if (fFigures.contains(figure)) { figure.removeFromContainer(this); fFigures.removeElement(figure); } return figure; }
/** Adds a figure to the list of figures. Initializes the the figure's container. */ public Figure add(Figure figure) { if (!fFigures.contains(figure)) { fFigures.addElement(figure); figure.addToContainer(this); } return figure; }